/// <summary>
        /// Adds plant to inventory
        /// </summary>
        public void AddPlantToInventory()
            Console.WriteLine("Select a location from the following by id to add a plant to inventory:");
            foreach (var location in locationService.GetAllLocations())
                Console.WriteLine($"\tlocation id: {location.LocationId} location name: {location.Name}");
            int      idLocation = Int32.Parse(Console.ReadLine());
            Location _location  = locationService.GetLocationById(idLocation);

            Console.WriteLine("Select product by id from list to add to store inventory: ");
            foreach (var product in productService.GetAllProducts())
                Console.WriteLine($"\tProduct id: {product.ProductId} product name: {product.Name}");
            int     idProduct = Int32.Parse(Console.ReadLine());
            Product _product  = productService.GetProduct(idProduct);

            Console.WriteLine("Enter Quantity to be added: ");
            int quantity = Int32.Parse(Console.ReadLine());

            inventoryService.AddItemToInventory(_location, _product, quantity);