private bool onClose(InventoryDataRecord updatedRecord)
            finalRecord = updatedRecord;
            Logger.LogG("Item Info closed...");

Example #2
        public ItemDataWindow(Window callingWindow, IDataRecord record, Func <InventoryDataRecord, bool> closeCallback)

            Owner = callingWindow;

            onClose = closeCallback;

            //Check to make sure proper record is passed into the constructor
            if (!(record is InventoryDataRecord))
                throw new IllegalStateException(
                          "Cannot pass this record type into this window, expected InventoryDataRecord!");

            finalRecord = (InventoryDataRecord)record;

            //Load all the fields
            ItemID.Text      = record.Get("ItemId");
            CatID.Text       = record.Get("CatID");
            Description.Text = record.Get("Description");

            //Set save button
            ItemSaveButton.Click += (s, e) =>
                //Gather all the fields, and update them in our final record;
                finalRecord.SetField("ItemId", ItemID.Text);
                finalRecord.SetField("CatID", CatID.Text);
                finalRecord.SetField("Description", Description.Text);

        public InventoryDataWindow(IDataRecord record)

            //Check to make sure the correct version of the DataRecord is passed
            if (!(record is InventoryDataRecord))
                throw new IllegalStateException("Cannot pass this type of Data Record to this window, expected InventoryDataRecord.");

            finalRecord = (InventoryDataRecord)record;
            //Load all the fields

            InvID.Text        = finalRecord.Get("InvID");
            ItemQuantity.Text = finalRecord.Get("Quantity");
            ItemName.Text     = finalRecord.Get("Name");
            LastRestock.Text  = finalRecord.Get("LastRestocked");
            ItemPrice.Text    = finalRecord.Get("Price");

            //Set buttons
            ItemDetailsButton.Click += (s, a) => { new ItemDataWindow(this, finalRecord, onClose).Show(); };

            UpdateButton.Click += (s, a) =>
                finalRecord.SetField("InvID", InvID.Text);
                finalRecord.SetField("Quantity", ItemQuantity.Text);
                finalRecord.SetField("Name", ItemName.Text);
                finalRecord.SetField("LastRestocked", LastRestock.Text);
                finalRecord.SetField("Price", ItemPrice.Text);

                //Call update routine on final record to finalize in database

                Close(); //Close window!