Example #1
 // Adds an InvItem, given an InvName, quantity, and whether it is to persist at zero
 public virtual void AddInvItem(InvNames name, int quantity, bool persist = false)
     // If the item isn't already there, create a new item and add it to the inventory
     if (!names.Contains(name))
         contents.Add(InvData.MakeNewInvItem(name, persist));
         contents[contents.Count - 1].Quantity = quantity;
         // If the Inventory already contains this items, just increase the quantity
         // If a quantity of -1 is passed, the quantity "increases" to "Unlimited"
         if (quantity < 0)
             contents[names.IndexOf(name)].Quantity = -1; // -1 for "Unlimited"
             // If quantity is already -1, leave it at -1, but add quantity if >= 0
             if (contents[names.IndexOf(name)].Quantity >= 0)
                 contents[names.IndexOf(name)].Quantity += quantity;
    // For BuyButton On_Click(). Makes the proposed purchase, adjusting gold and Inventorys
    public void Click_BuyButton()
        AudioManager.PlaySound(AudioClipName.ShopPurchase); // ka-ching

        // Calculate gold
        if (remainingAmount >= 0)
            partyGold = remainingAmount;
            BattleLoader.Party.Gold = partyGold;
            remainingAmount         = partyGold;

            // Clear the proposed purchase display
            totalPurchaseAmount = 0;

        // Make a dictionary to store the quantity of each item in the purchase
        Dictionary <InvNames, int> purchaseLog = new Dictionary <InvNames, int>();

        // Tells all the shopPanels to put their quantity and itemName info into the log

        // For everything in the log with a quantity > 0
        foreach (KeyValuePair <InvNames, int> pair in purchaseLog)
            // Retrieve the InvItem from the Shop.Stock
            InvItem shopItem = Shop.Stock.GetItem(pair.Key);

            // Deduct quantity from Shop.Stock, but
            // don't deduct from shopInventory if quantity is -1, aka unlimited
            if (shopItem.Quantity > 0)
                Shop.Stock.RemoveInvItem(shopItem.Name, pair.Value);

            // Make a new copy of the item and add some of it to the party inventory
            InvItem partyItem = InvData.MakeNewInvItem(pair.Key);
            BattleLoader.Party.Inventory.AddInvItem(partyItem.Name, pair.Value);