Example #1
        //static public T Choose<T>(Symbol action, Set<T> choices) where T : IComparable
        //    Set<CompoundTerm> actionChoices = choices.Convert<CompoundTerm>(delegate(T choice)
        //    {
        //        return new CompoundTerm(action, AbstractValue.GetTerm(choice));
        //    });
        //    CompoundTerm chosenTerm = ChooseAction(actionChoices);
        //    T result = (T)AbstractValue.InterpretTerm(chosenTerm);
        //    return result;

        //static public CompoundTerm ChooseAction(Set<CompoundTerm> choices)
        //    return InterpretationContext.GetCurrentContext().Choose(choices);

        //static public CompoundTerm ChooseAction(params CompoundTerm[] choices)
        //    return InterpretationContext.GetCurrentContext().Choose(new Set<CompoundTerm>(choices));

        //static public IComparable DoAction(string actionName, params IComparable[] args)
        //    throw new Exception("Not implemented");

        //static public CompoundTerm GetAction(string actionName, params IComparable[] args)
        //    Sequence<Term> termArgs = new Sequence<IComparable>(args).Convert<Term>(AbstractValue.GetTerm);
        //    return new CompoundTerm(new Symbol(actionName), termArgs);

        //static public void StartChoice()
        //    throw new Exception("Not implemented");

        //static public void EnableAction(string actionName, params IComparable[] args)

        //    throw new Exception("Not implemented");

        //static public IComparable ChooseAction()
        //    throw new Exception("Not implemented");

        /// <summary>
        /// Signals execution framework that a user-defined coverage point has been passed. Coverage points
        /// may be used to guide execution so that relevant aspects of the model are represented in
        /// analysis and testing. For example, coverage points may include user-level requirements, projections
        /// of the current state or execution paths of the model program source.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="coveragePoint">A term representing a user-defined coverage point.</param>
        /// <exception cref="ArgumentNullException">Thrown if <paramref name="coveragePoint"/> is null</exception>
        static public void AddCoveragePoint(Term coveragePoint)
            if (null == coveragePoint)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("coveragePoint");
Example #2
 /// <summary>
 /// Signals execution framework that a user-defined coverage point has been passed. Coverage points
 /// may be used to guide execution so that relevant aspects of the model are represented in
 /// analysis and testing. For example, coverage points may include user-level requirements, projections
 /// of the current state or execution paths of the model program source.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="coveragePointValue">A value whose corresponding term is a user-defined coverage point.</param>
 /// <exception cref="ArgumentException">Thrown if <paramref name="coveragePointValue"/> does not satisfy the
 /// <see cref="AbstractValue.IsAbstractValue"/> condition</exception>
 /// <seealso cref="AbstractValue.GetTerm"/>
 static public void AddCoveragePoint(IComparable coveragePointValue)
     if (!AbstractValue.IsAbstractValue(coveragePointValue))
         throw new ArgumentException(MessageStrings.CoveragePointTypeError);
Example #3
        public static T ImportElement(int i)
            Symbol   sort = GetSort();
            ObjectId id   = new ObjectId(sort, i);
            LabeledInstance /*?*/ val;

            if (InterpretationContext.GetCurrentContext().InstancePoolTryGetValue(id, out val))
                // cleverness alert: We import an element from the reserve without changing state
                // (represented by the idPool of the current context). To do this we allow a state
                // change and then immediately undo it.
                Map <Symbol, int> oldIdPool = InterpretationContext.GetCurrentContext().IdPool;
                InterpretationContext.GetCurrentContext().ResetId(sort, i - 1);
                T val2 = new T();
                InterpretationContext.GetCurrentContext().IdPool = oldIdPool;