Example #1
 //given a function f: float -> float, this method computes fills in all the y values of each Vector3 in the vectors array by doing y=f(x)
 public static Vector3[] fillYValues(Vector3[] vectors, InterpolateFunction func)
     for (int i = 0; i < vectors.Length; i++)
         vectors[i].y = func(vectors[i].x);
Example #2
    public static T SmoothSampleArray <T>(T[] arr, float t, InterpolateFunction <T> interpolator)
        float smoothIdx = t * (arr.Length - 1);
        int   leftIdx   = Mathf.FloorToInt(smoothIdx);
        int   rightIdx  = (int)Mathf.Min(leftIdx + 1, arr.Length - 1);//Mathf.CeilToInt(t * (arr.Length - 1));

        T     leftElement  = arr[leftIdx];
        T     rightElement = arr[rightIdx];
        float mixAmt       = smoothIdx - leftIdx;

        return(interpolator(leftElement, rightElement, mixAmt));
Example #3
    // Start is called before the first frame update
    public void ManagedStart()
        InterpolateFunction baseTerrainGeneration = (x) =>
            if (x < -7.5f)
            else if (-7.5f <= x && x < -5.5)
                return(1.5f * (x + 1.5f) + 7f);
            else if (-5.5f <= x && x < 0f)
                return(-1.5f * (x + 1.5f) - 5);
            else if (0f <= x && x < 5.5f)
                return(1.5f * (x - 1.5f) - 5f);
            else if (5.5f <= x && x < 7.5f)
                return(-1.5f * (x - 1.5f) + 7f);

        Vector3[] baseTerrain = PerlinNoise.fillYValues(PerlinNoise.makeEmpty(-15, 15), baseTerrainGeneration);

        InterpolateFunction fifthOrder = (x) => (float)(6 * Math.Pow(x, 5) - 15 * Math.Pow(x, 4) + 10 * Math.Pow(x, 3));

        Vector3[] iter2 = PerlinNoise.perlinNoise(-15, 0.5f, 0.25f, 60, fifthOrder);
        Vector3[] iter3 = PerlinNoise.perlinNoise(-15, 0.25f, 0.125f, 120, fifthOrder);

        Vector3[] extraPerlinMountain = PerlinNoise.vec3ArrayConcat(PerlinNoise.makeEmpty(-15, -7.5f), PerlinNoise.perlinNoiseSmoothStartEnd(-7.5f, 0.5f, 1, 30, fifthOrder), PerlinNoise.makeEmpty(7.5f, 15f));

        Vector3[] terrainLine = PerlinNoise.vec3ArrayYSum(baseTerrain, iter2, iter3, extraPerlinMountain);
        translateDown(terrainLine, 1f);
Example #4
    //same as the perlin noise function, but with initial point and final point (0,0).
    public static Vector3[] perlinNoiseSmoothStartEnd(float start, float freq, float max, int numOfSegs, InterpolateFunction func)
        List <Vector3> pointsOfLine = new List <Vector3>();
        Vector3        segStart     = new Vector3(start, 0f, 0f);
        Vector3        segEnd;

        Vector3[] segmentPoints;
        for (int i = 0; i < numOfSegs - 1; i++)
            segEnd        = new Vector3(start + (i + 1) * freq, (float)random.NextDouble() * max, 0);
            segmentPoints = interpolate(segStart, segEnd, func);
            segStart = segEnd;
        segEnd        = new Vector3(start + numOfSegs * freq, 0, 0);
        segmentPoints = interpolate(segStart, segEnd, func);
Example #5
    //Given a start point, an end point, and a function for interpolation, returns a curve that starts from the start point and ends at the end point
    public static Vector3[] interpolate(Vector3 start, Vector3 end, InterpolateFunction func)
        InterpolateFunction adjusted = (x) => (end.y - start.y) * func((x - start.x) / (end.x - start.x)) + start.y;

        return(fillYValues(makeEmpty(start.x, end.x), adjusted));