Example #1
            public void Cleanup() // not called Dispose because the request may still be in use after it's cleaned up
                // Don't dispose of the ResponseMessage.ResponseStream as it may still be in use
                // by code reading data stored in the stream. Also don't dispose of the request content
                // stream; that'll be handled by the disposal of the request content by the HttpClient,
                // and doing it here prevents reuse by an intermediate handler sitting between the client
                // and this handler.

                // However, if we got an original position for the request stream, we seek back to that position,
                // for the corner case where the stream does get reused before it's disposed by the HttpClient
                // (if the same request object is used multiple times from an intermediate handler, we'll be using
                // ReadAsStreamAsync, which on the same request object will return the same stream object, which
                // we've already advanced).
                if (_requestContentStream != null && _requestContentStream.CanSeek)
                    Debug.Assert(_requestContentStreamStartingPosition.HasValue, "The stream is seekable, but we don't have a starting position?");
                    _requestContentStream.Position = _requestContentStreamStartingPosition.GetValueOrDefault();

                // Dispose of the underlying easy handle.  We're no longer processing it.

                // Dispose of the request headers if we had any.  We had to keep this handle
                // alive as long as the easy handle was using it.  We didn't need to do any
                // ref counting on the safe handle, though, as the only processing happens
                // in Process, which ensures the handle will be rooted while libcurl is
                // doing any processing that assumes it's valid.

                // Dispose native callback resources

                // Release any send transfer state, which will return its buffer to the pool
Example #2
            public void Cleanup()                                 // not called Dispose because the request may still be in use after it's cleaned up
                _responseMessage.ResponseStream.SignalComplete(); // No more callbacks so no more data
                // Don't dispose of the ResponseMessage.ResponseStream as it may still be in use
                // by code reading data stored in the stream.

                // Dispose of the input content stream if there was one.  Nothing should be using it any more.
                if (_requestContentStream != null)

                // Dispose of the underlying easy handle.  We're no longer processing it.
                if (_easyHandle != null)

                // Dispose of the request headers if we had any.  We had to keep this handle
                // alive as long as the easy handle was using it.  We didn't need to do any
                // ref counting on the safe handle, though, as the only processing happens
                // in Process, which ensures the handle will be rooted while libcurl is
                // doing any processing that assumes it's valid.
                if (_requestHeaders != null)

                if (_callbackHandle != null)