public static InternalFileInfo ToCurrentFile(this InternalGlobal g) { var that = g.InternalApplication; var x = default(InternalFileInfo); foreach (var item in g.GetFiles()) { if (that.Request.Path == "/" + item.Name) { x = item; break; } } return(x); }
public static void WriteDiagnostics(InternalGlobal g, StringAction Write, InternalWebMethodInfo[] WebMethods) { // should the diagnostics be a separate rich Browser Application? :) var Context = g.InternalApplication.Context; Write("<title></title>"); Write("<center>"); Write("<div style='background-color: black; color: white; padding: 2em;'>"); Write("« Rotate your device to left to <b>launch</b>"); Write("</div>"); Write("</center>"); Write("<br/><center><a href='/'>Launch Application</a></center><br/>"); //Write("<h1>" + Context.Request.Headers["Host"] + "</h1>"); foreach (var HeaderKey in Context.Request.Headers.AllKeys) { var HeaderValue = Context.Request.Headers[HeaderKey]; Write("<code style='color: gray;'>" + HeaderKey + "</code>:"); Write("<code style='color: green;'>" + HeaderValue + "</code><br />"); } Write("<a href=''><img border='0' src='/assets/ScriptCoreLib/jsc.png' /></a>"); #region Special pages Write("<h2>Special pages</h2>"); Write("<br /> " + "special page: " + "<a href='/robots.txt'>/robots.txt</a>"); Write("<br /> " + "special page: " + "<a href='/xml'>/xml</a>"); Write("<br /> " + "special page: " + "<a href='/crossdomain.xml'>/crossdomain.xml</a>"); Write("<br /> " + "special page: " + "<a href='/favicon.ico'>/favicon.ico</a>"); Write("<br /> " + "special page: " + "<a href='/jsc'>/jsc</a>"); #endregion Write("<h2>WebMethods (" + WebMethods.Length + ")</h2>"); foreach (var item in WebMethods) { InternalGlobalExtensions.WriteWebMethodForm(Write, item); } //Write("<br /> Path: '" + Context.Request.Path + "'"); //Write("<br /> HttpMethod: '" + Context.Request.HttpMethod + "'"); Write("<h2>Form</h2>"); foreach (var item in Context.Request.Form.AllKeys) { Write("<br /> " + "<img src=',VS.90).gif' /> <code>"); Write(item); Write(" = "); Write(escapeXML(Context.Request.Form[item])); Write("</code>"); } #region QueryString Write("<h2>QueryString</h2>"); foreach (var item in Context.Request.QueryString.AllKeys) { Write("<br /> " + "<img src=',VS.90).gif' /> <code>"); Write(item); Write(" = "); Write(escapeXML(Context.Request.QueryString[item])); Write("</code>"); } #endregion Write("<h2>Script Applications</h2>"); foreach (var item in g.GetScriptApplications()) { Write("<br /> " + "script application: " + item.TypeName); foreach (var r in item.References) { Write("<br /> "); Write("<img src=',VS.90).gif' /> reference: "); Write(r.AssemblyFile); } } Write("<h2>Files</h2>"); foreach (var item in g.GetFiles()) { Write("<br /> " + " file: <a href='" + item.Name + "'>" + item.Name + "</a>"); } }