private void loadInterfaces(AbstractComponentFunctor absC)
            if (unit != null)
                int count = 0;
                // for each interface ...
                foreach (UnitType u in unit)
                    string uRef = u.uRef;
                    string iRef = u.iRef;

                    string uRefSuper = u.super == null || u.super.Length == 0 ? "" : u.super[0].uRef;
                    if (u.super != null)
                        for (int j = 1; j < u.super.Length; j++)
                            uRefSuper += "+" + u.super[j].uRef;

                    InterfaceType ui    = lookForInterface(iRef);
                    int           nargs = ui.nArgsSpecified ? ui.nArgs : 0;

                    Console.Error.WriteLine("STEP 5.3");

                    Interface i = new Interface();
                    i.Id_abstract  = absC.Id_abstract;
                    i.Id_interface = uRef;
//					i.Unit_replica = unit_replica;
                    i.Facet = u.facet;
                    i.Id_interface_super = uRefSuper;
                    i.Class_name         = xc.header.packagePath + "." + + "." + iRef;
                    i.Class_nargs        = nargs;                                               // TODO
                    i.Assembly_string    = i.Class_name + ", Culture=neutral, Version="; // In the current implementation, the name of the dll is the name of the class of the unit.
                    i.Order       = ++count;
                    i.Is_parallel = u.multiple;

                    Console.Error.WriteLine("STEP 5.4");

                    if (ui.parameter != null)
                        Console.Error.WriteLine("STEP 5.4 - " + ui.parameter);

                        foreach (InterfaceParameterType ipx in ui.parameter)
                            Console.Error.WriteLine("STEP 5.4 BEGIN 1- " + ipx.parid);
                            InterfaceParameter ip = new InterfaceParameter();
                            Console.Error.WriteLine("STEP 5.4 BEGIN 2- " + ipx.parid);
                            ip.Id_abstract            = i.Id_abstract;
                            ip.Id_interface           = i.Id_interface;
                            ip.ParId                  = ipx.parid;
                            ip.VarId                  = ipx.varid;
                            ip.Id_interface_parameter = ipx.iname;
                            ip.Id_unit_parameter      = ipx.uname;
                            ip.ParOrder               = ipx.order;
                            Console.Error.WriteLine("STEP 5.4 END - " + ipx.parid);

                    Console.Error.WriteLine("BEFORE STEP 5.5 " + (ui == null));
                    Console.Error.WriteLine("STEP 5.5 --- " + (ui.sources[ui.sources.Length - 1].file == null));
                    int order = 0;
                    foreach (SourceFileType sft in ui.sources[ui.sources.Length - 1].file)
                        Console.Error.WriteLine("STEP 5.5.0");
                        SourceCode ss = new SourceCode();
                        ss.Type_owner         = 'i';
                        ss.Id_owner_container = i.Id_abstract;
                        ss.Id_owner           = i.Id_interface;
                        ss.Contents           = sft.contents;
                        ss.File_name          =;
                        ss.File_type          = "dll";
                        ss.Order = order++;

                        Console.Error.WriteLine("STEP 5.5.1");

                        int size = (sft.externalDependency == null ? 0 : sft.externalDependency.Length) +
                                   (ui.externalReferences == null ? 0 : ui.externalReferences.Length);

                        Console.Error.WriteLine("STEP 5.5.2");
                        if (size > 0)
                            string[] allRefs = new string[size];
                            if (ui.externalReferences != null)
                                ui.externalReferences.CopyTo(allRefs, 0);

                            if (sft.externalDependency != null)
                                sft.externalDependency.CopyTo(allRefs, ui.externalReferences == null ? 0 : ui.externalReferences.Length);

                            Console.Error.WriteLine("STEP 5.5.3");
                            foreach (string extRef in allRefs)
                                Console.WriteLine("external reference = " + extRef);
                                SourceCodeReference ssr = new SourceCodeReference();
                                ssr.Type_owner         = ss.Type_owner;
                                ssr.Id_owner_container = ss.Id_owner_container;
                                ssr.Id_owner           = ss.Id_owner;
                                ssr.File_name          = ss.File_name;
                                ssr.Reference          = extRef;
                                if (br.ufc.pargo.hpe.backend.DGAC.BackEnd.scrdao.retrieve(ssr) == null)
                            Console.Error.WriteLine("STEP 5.5.4");

                    Console.Error.WriteLine("STEP 5.6");
                    if (u.slices != null)
                        IList <string> mS = new List <string>();
                        IList <String> mP = new List <string>();
                        IDictionary <string, UnitSliceType> m = new Dictionary <string, UnitSliceType>();

                        foreach (UnitSliceType uS in u.slices)
                            string sliceName = uS.sliceName;
                            if (uS.port != null)
                                foreach (string portName in uS.port)

                        // 2nd PASS:
                        foreach (UnitSliceType uS in u.slices)
                            string sliceName = uS.sliceName;
                            if (mP.Contains(sliceName) && !m.ContainsKey(sliceName))
                                Console.Error.WriteLine("ADDING " + sliceName + " TO m");
                                m.Add(sliceName, uS);

                        Console.Error.WriteLine("STEP 5.7");
                        // 3rd PASS:
                        foreach (UnitSliceType uS in u.slices)
                            string sname = uS.sliceName;
                            string cRefS = uS.cRef;
                            string uRefS = uS.uRef;

                            InnerComponentType innerC = lookForInnerComponent(cRefS);
                            Console.Error.WriteLine("STEP 5.8");

                            InnerComponent inner = br.ufc.pargo.hpe.backend.DGAC.BackEnd.icdao.retrieve(absC.Id_abstract, cRefS);
                            Console.Error.WriteLine("STEP 5.9 ---" + absC.Id_abstract + "," + cRefS);

                            Interface iii = br.ufc.pargo.hpe.backend.DGAC.BackEnd.idao.retrieveTop(inner.Id_abstract_inner, uRefS);
                            Console.Error.WriteLine("STEP 5.9.5 ---" + (iii == null));

                            Slice s = new Slice();
                            s.Id_abstract        = absC.Id_abstract;
                            s.Id_inner           = innerC.localRef;
                            s.Id_interface_slice = iii == null ? uRefS : iii.Id_interface;
                            s.Id_interface       = uRef;
                            s.Transitive         = mP.Contains(sname);
                            Console.Error.WriteLine("STEP 5.10");

                            string property_name = uS.sliceName;
                            string fstletter     = property_name.Substring(0, 1);
                            property_name = fstletter.ToUpper() + property_name.Substring(1, property_name.Length - 1);

                            Console.Error.WriteLine("STEP 5.11");

                            s.PortName = property_name;

                            if (!s.Transitive && uS.port != null)
                                Console.Error.WriteLine("STEP 5.12");
                                foreach (string pname in uS.port)
                                    Console.Error.WriteLine("STEP 5.12.1 -- " + pname + ", " + (m.Count));

                                    UnitSliceType usPort = null;
                                    m.TryGetValue(pname, out usPort);
                                    Console.Error.WriteLine("STEP 5.12.2 -- " + pname + ", " + (usPort == null));

                                    Console.Error.WriteLine("STEP 5.12.5 -- " + usPort.cRef);

                                    InnerComponentType innerCPort = lookForInnerComponent(usPort.cRef);

                                    Console.Error.WriteLine("STEP 5.13");

                                    InnerComponent inner2 = br.ufc.pargo.hpe.backend.DGAC.BackEnd.icdao.retrieve(absC.Id_abstract, usPort.cRef);
                                    Interface      iii2   = br.ufc.pargo.hpe.backend.DGAC.BackEnd.idao.retrieveTop(inner2.Id_abstract_inner, usPort.uRef);

                                    SliceExposed se = new SliceExposed();
                                    se.Id_abstract              = s.Id_abstract;
                                    se.Id_inner                 = innerCPort.localRef;
                                    se.Id_inner_owner           = s.Id_inner;
                                    se.Id_interface_slice_owner = s.Id_interface_slice_top; // mudado de s.Id_interface_slice em 28/06/2011
                                    se.Id_interface_slice       = iii2 == null ? usPort.uRef : iii2.Id_interface;

                                    // achar innerRenaming para cNewName = usPort.cRef e cRef = cRefS (uS.cRef) -- Id_inner_original = cOldName
                                    string id_inner_original = lookForRenamingOld(cRefS, usPort.cRef, usPort.inner_replica);
                                    se.Id_inner_original           = id_inner_original != null ? id_inner_original : usPort.cRef;
                                    se.Id_interface_slice_original = usPort.uRef; // DEVE SER O TOP !!!
                                    if (br.ufc.pargo.hpe.backend.DGAC.BackEnd.sedao.retrieve2(se.Id_inner,
                                                                                              se.Id_inner_owner) == null)
                            if (br.ufc.pargo.hpe.backend.DGAC.BackEnd.sdao.retrieve(s.Id_abstract, s.Id_inner, s.Id_interface_slice, s.Id_interface) == null)
                                Console.WriteLine("SLICE REGISTERED " + s.Id_abstract + "/" + s.Id_inner + "/" + s.Id_interface_slice + " --- " + s.Id_interface);
                                Console.WriteLine("SLICE NOT REGISTERED " + s.Id_abstract + "/" + s.Id_inner + "/" + s.Id_interface_slice + " --- " + s.Id_interface);

                    //if (ui.protocol != null)
                    readProtocol(i, ui);
        private InterfaceSignature calculateParameters(Interface i, IDictionary <string, int> closed_pars, IDictionary <string, string> open_pars)
            // id_abstract, id_interface, partition_index, id_interface_super, partition_index_super, uri_source, class_nargs, id_interface_super_top, partition_index_super_top, order
            // '43', 'compute_rhs', '0', '', '0', 'adi.ComputeRHS.IComputeRHS', '', '2', 'compute_rhs', '0', '1'

            InterfaceSignature isig;

            AbstractComponentFunctor acf = (AbstractComponentFunctor)BackEnd.acfdao.retrieve(i.Id_abstract);

            isig.package_path  = acf.Library_path;
            isig.the_interface = i;
            isig.parameters    = new Dictionary <string, InterfaceSignature>();
            isig.varId         = new Dictionary <string, string>();
            isig.slice_types   = new Dictionary <string, InterfaceSignature>();

            IList <Slice> slice_list = BackEnd.sdao.listByInterface(i.Id_abstract, i.Id_interface);

            // id_abstract, id_inner, id_interface_slice, partition_index, id_interface, property_name, transitive
            // '43', 'cells_info', 'cells', '0', 'compute_rhs', 'Cells', '0'
            // '43', 'problem_data', 'problem', '0', 'compute_rhs', 'Problem', '0'

            foreach (Slice s in slice_list)
                InnerComponent ic = BackEnd.icdao.retrieve(s.Id_abstract, s.Id_inner);
                // id_abstract_owner, id_functor_app, id_inner, id_abstract_inner, parameter_top, transitive, public
                // 1st loop:
                // '43', '131', 'cells_info', '31', '', '0', '-1'
                // 2nd loop:
                // '43', '132', 'problem_data', '40', '', '0', '-1'

                int id_functor_app_actual = ic.Id_functor_app;
                // 1st loop: id_functor_app_actual = 131
                // 2nd loop: id_functor_app_actual = 132

                Interface i_ = BackEnd.idao.retrieve(ic.Id_abstract_inner, s.Id_interface_slice);
                // id_abstract, id_interface, partition_index, id_interface_super, partition_index_super, uri_source, class_nargs, id_interface_super_top, partition_index_super_top, order
                // 1st loop:
                // '31', 'cells', '0', '', '0', 'common.datapartition.MultiPartitionCells.ICells', '', '0', 'cells', '0', '1', NULL, NULL, NULL
                // 2nd loop:
                // '40', 'problem', '0', '', '0', '', '', '2', 'problem', '0', '1', NULL, NULL, NULL

                if (!ic.Parameter_top.Equals(""))                 // 1st loop: FALSE  2nd loop: FALSE
                    if (closed_pars.ContainsKey(ic.Parameter_top))
                        id_functor_app_actual = closed_pars[ic.Parameter_top];
                    InterfaceParameter ip = BackEnd.ipdao.retrieve(i.Id_abstract, i.Id_interface, ic.Parameter_top);
                    AbstractComponentFunctorApplication acfa = BackEnd.acfadao.retrieve(id_functor_app_actual);
                    i_ = BackEnd.idao.retrieveTop(acfa.Id_abstract, ip.Id_unit_parameter);

                IList <string>               parameters   = new List <string>();
                IDictionary <string, int>    closed_pars_ = new Dictionary <string, int>();
                IDictionary <string, string> open_pars_   = new Dictionary <string, string>();
                IList <SupplyParameter>      sp_list      = BackEnd.spdao.list(id_functor_app_actual);
                // id_parameter, id_functor_app, id_abstract
                // 1st loop: empty
                // 2nd loop:
                // 'class', '132', '40'
                // 'instance_type', '132', '40'
                foreach (SupplyParameter sp in sp_list)
                    if (sp is SupplyParameterComponent)                     // always false
                        SupplyParameterComponent spc = (SupplyParameterComponent)sp;
                        if (!closed_pars_.ContainsKey(spc.Id_parameter))
                            closed_pars_.Add(spc.Id_parameter, spc.Id_functor_app_actual);
                    else if (sp is SupplyParameterParameter)
                        SupplyParameterParameter spp = (SupplyParameterParameter)sp;
                        // id_parameter, id_functor_app, id_parameter_actual, freeVariable
                        // 2nd outer loop / 1st inner loop:
                        // 'class', '132', 'class', '0'
                        // 2nd outer loop / 2nd inner loop
                        // 'instance_type', '132', 'instance_type', '0'
                        int id_functor_app_actual_parameter;
                        if (closed_pars.ContainsKey(spp.Id_argument))                         // ALWAYS FALSE
                            id_functor_app_actual_parameter = closed_pars[spp.Id_argument];
                            if (!closed_pars_.ContainsKey(spp.Id_parameter))
                                closed_pars_.Add(spp.Id_parameter, id_functor_app_actual_parameter);
                        else if (open_pars.ContainsKey(spp.Id_argument))
                            if (!open_pars_.ContainsKey(spp.Id_parameter))
                                open_pars_.Add(spp.Id_parameter, open_pars[spp.Id_argument]);
                            // 2nd outer loop / 1st inner loop: add 'class' -> 'C'
                            // 2nd outer loop / 2nd inner loop: add 'instance_type' -> 'I'
                            // NEVER REACH THIS ARM ...

                        // 2nd outer loop / 1st inner loop: add 'class'
                        // 2nd outer loop / 2nd inner loop: add 'instance_type'

                InterfaceSignature par_ic = calculateParameters(i_, closed_pars_, open_pars_);
                if (!isig.slice_types.ContainsKey(s.PortName))
                    isig.slice_types.Add(s.PortName, par_ic);
                    Console.WriteLine("EXISTENTE {0}", s.PortName);
                // 1st loop:
                // InterfaceSignature [
                //    the_interface = ('31', 'cells', '0', '', '0', 'common.datapartition.MultiPartitionCells.ICells', '', '0', 'cells', '0', '1')
                //    parameters = {}
                //    parId = {}
                // ]
                // 2nd loop:
                // InterfaceSignature [
                //    the_interface = ('40', 'problem', '0', '', '0', '', '', '2', 'problem', '0', '1')
                //    parameters = {C -> InterfaceSignature [ IClass ... ] , I -> InterfaceSignature [ IInstance ... ]}
                //    parId = {C -> class, I -> instance_type}
                // ]
                foreach (KeyValuePair <string, InterfaceSignature> is_par in par_ic.parameters)
                    string par_id = is_par.Key;
                    // 2nd outer loop / 1st inner loop: var_id = C, par_id = class
                    // 2nd outer loop / 2nd inner loop: var_id = I, par_id = instance_type
                    if (parameters.Contains(par_id))
                        if (!isig.parameters.ContainsKey(par_id))
                            isig.parameters.Add(par_id, is_par.Value);
                        // 2nd outer loop / 1st inner loop: add (class, InterfaceSignature [ IClass ... ])
                        // 2nd outer loop / 2nd inner loop: add (instance_type, InterfaceSignature [ IInstance[C] ... ])
                        if (open_pars_.ContainsKey(par_id) && !isig.varId.ContainsKey(par_id))
                            isig.varId.Add(par_id, open_pars_[par_id]);
                        // 2nd outer loop / 1st inner loop: add (class, C)
                        // 2nd outer loop / 2nd inner loop: add (instance_type, I)

                if (!ic.Parameter_top.Equals(""))                 // never
                    if (isig.parameters.ContainsKey(ic.Parameter_top))
                    isig.parameters.Add(ic.Parameter_top, par_ic);

                    if (open_pars.ContainsKey(ic.Parameter_top))
                        if (isig.varId.ContainsKey(ic.Parameter_top))
                        isig.varId.Add(ic.Parameter_top, open_pars[ic.Parameter_top]);
