public void Pick(InteractivePickable interactivePickable)

        _canDrop = false;
        Invoke("ResetCanDrop", 1);
        _interactivePickable = interactivePickable;

        // Calculate the angle between the forward vector and that to the item to know which animation to play: Down or front pickup
        float  angle           = Vector3.Angle(_player.transform.forward, (interactivePickable.transform.position - _player.transform.position).normalized);
        string animatorTrigger = "PickItemFront";

        if (angle < _downPickThreshold)
            animatorTrigger = "PickItemDown";
        else if (angle >= _downPickThreshold && angle < _highPickThreshold)
            animatorTrigger = "PickItemFront";
        else if (angle >= _highPickThreshold)
            animatorTrigger = "PickItemHigh";

Example #2
    public void DropItem()
        if (_selectedItem == null)

        // We instantiate the interactive pickable right in front of the player:
        InteractivePickable interactivePickable = Instantiate(_selectedItem.InteractivePickable, GameManager.Instance.Player.transform.position + Vector3.up + GameManager.Instance.Player.transform.forward, Quaternion.identity);

        GameManager.Instance.AudioManager.PlayOneShotSound(_dropItemSound, 1, 0, 2, GameManager.Instance.Player.transform.position);


        // The takeoff item function will be called via the refreshitems function

        _selectedItem = null;
    private IEnumerator PickCoroutine()
        if (_interactivePickable == null)
            yield break;

        _interactivePickable.transform.parent = _pickedItemPositionTransform;

        float time  = 0f;
        float delay = .5f;

        Vector3    initialLocalPosition = _interactivePickable.transform.localPosition;
        Quaternion initialLocalRotation = _interactivePickable.transform.rotation;

        while (time <= delay)
            time += Time.deltaTime;
            float normalizedTime = time / delay;

            _interactivePickable.transform.localPosition = Vector3.Lerp(initialLocalPosition,, normalizedTime);
            _interactivePickable.transform.localRotation = Quaternion.Lerp(initialLocalRotation, Quaternion.identity, normalizedTime);

            yield return(null);

        _interactivePickable.transform.localPosition =;
        _interactivePickable.transform.localRotation = Quaternion.identity;

        bool didPick = false;

        // If we are picking a weapon, then we add it to our playerweapons
        if (_interactivePickable.InteractiveItemType == InteractiveItemType.Weapon)
            // We play the pick sound
            if (_interactivePickable.PickupSound != null)
                GameManager.Instance.AudioManager.PlayOneShotSound(_interactivePickable.PickupSound, 1, 0, 1, transform.position);

            didPick = true;
        else if (_interactivePickable.InteractiveItemType == InteractiveItemType.Item)
            // If we are picking an item, we add it to our backpack
            // We play the pick sound
            if (_interactivePickable.PickupSound != null)
                GameManager.Instance.AudioManager.PlayOneShotSound(_interactivePickable.PickupSound, 1, 0, 1, transform.position);

            if (UIManager.Instance.BackpackUI.AddItem(_interactivePickable.Item))
                didPick = true;

        if (didPick)
            _interactivePickable = null;
 private void Drop()
     _interactivePickable.transform.parent = null;
     _interactivePickable = null;