public TransactionTable UpdateItems(WebProperties WebProps, DataTable Items, IntegrationLog Log) { CheckArgumentForNull(WebProps, nameof(WebProps)); CheckArgumentForNull(Items, nameof(Items)); CheckArgumentForNull(Log, nameof(Log)); const string queryTemplate = "SELECT * FROM {0} WHERE {1}=@id"; var tableName = WebProps.Properties[PropKeyTable]; var idColumn = WebProps.Properties[PropKeyIdColumn]; var trans = new TransactionTable(); using (var connection = GetConnection(WebProps.Properties)) { connection.Open(); foreach (DataRow drItem in Items.Rows) { var currentId = drItem[ColNameId].ToString(); var spId = drItem[ColNameSpid].ToString(); try { if (currentId == string.Empty) { trans.AddRow(spId, InsertRow(WebProps, drItem, Log, connection), TransactionType.INSERT); } else { var dataSet = new DataSet(); using (var command = new SqlCommand(string.Format(queryTemplate, tableName, idColumn), connection)) { command.Parameters.AddWithValue("@id", currentId); using (var dataAdapter = new SqlDataAdapter(command)) { dataAdapter.Fill(dataSet); } } if (dataSet.Tables.Count > 0 && dataSet.Tables[0].Rows.Count > 0) { trans.AddRow(spId, UpdateRow(WebProps, drItem, Log, connection), TransactionType.UPDATE); } else { trans.AddRow(spId, InsertRow(WebProps, drItem, Log, connection), TransactionType.INSERT); } } } catch (Exception ex) { Trace.TraceError(ex.ToString()); Log.LogMessage(ex.Message, IntegrationLogType.Error); trans.AddRow(spId, currentId, TransactionType.FAILED); } } } return(trans); }
private IEnumerable <IntegrationLog> CreateIntegrationLog(KeyEventWrapper originalKeyEvents, KeyEventResponse response) { try { IList <IntegrationLog> logs = new List <IntegrationLog>(); foreach (var item in originalKeyEvents.KeyEvents) { try { IntegrationLog _log = new IntegrationLog(); _log.DateTimeSent = response.RequestSentDateTime; _log.IsSuccessFlg = response.IsSuccessful; _log.KeyEventId = item.KeyEventId; _log.RequestJsonDatainString = response.RequestJsonString; _log.ResponseDescription = response.ResponseMessage; _log.ResponseReceivedinSecs = response.ResponseTimeinSecs; logs.Add(_log); } catch (Exception ex) { LogWrapper.Log($"Error in generating Integration log for KeyeventId {item.KeyEventId}. Error is {ex.Message}. Skipping to next one", $"Thread id : {System.Threading.Thread.CurrentThread.ManagedThreadId}", 1, System.Diagnostics.TraceEventType.Error); } } return(logs as IEnumerable <IntegrationLog>); } catch (Exception ex) { LogWrapper.Log($"Error in generating Integration log. Error is {ex.Message}", $"Thread id : {System.Threading.Thread.CurrentThread.ManagedThreadId}", 1, System.Diagnostics.TraceEventType.Error); return(null); } }
private bool BuildWSDL(WebProperties WebProps, IntegrationLog Log) { try { Uri uri = new Uri(WebProps.Properties["WSDL"].ToString()); //byte[] byteArray = Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes(WebProps.Properties["WSDL"].ToString()); //MemoryStream stream = new MemoryStream(byteArray); WebRequest webRequest = WebRequest.Create(uri); System.IO.Stream stream = webRequest.GetResponse().GetResponseStream(); ServiceDescription sd = ServiceDescription.Read(stream); string sdName = sd.Services[0].Name; // Initialize a service description servImport ServiceDescriptionImporter servImport = new ServiceDescriptionImporter(); servImport.AddServiceDescription(sd, String.Empty, String.Empty); servImport.ProtocolName = "Soap"; servImport.CodeGenerationOptions = CodeGenerationOptions.GenerateProperties; CodeNamespace nameSpace = new CodeNamespace(); CodeCompileUnit codeCompileUnit = new CodeCompileUnit(); codeCompileUnit.Namespaces.Add(nameSpace); ServiceDescriptionImportWarnings warnings = servImport.Import(nameSpace, codeCompileUnit); if (warnings == 0) { using (var stringWriter = new StringWriter(CultureInfo.CurrentCulture)) { var prov = new CSharpCodeProvider(); prov.GenerateCodeFromNamespace(nameSpace, stringWriter, new CodeGeneratorOptions()); var assemblyReferences = new string[2] { "System.Web.Services.dll", "System.Xml.dll" }; var param = new CompilerParameters(assemblyReferences) { GenerateExecutable = false, GenerateInMemory = true, TreatWarningsAsErrors = false, WarningLevel = 4, }; var results = new CompilerResults(new TempFileCollection()); results = prov.CompileAssemblyFromDom(param, codeCompileUnit); var assembly = results.CompiledAssembly; service = assembly.GetType(sdName); methodInfo = service.GetMethods(); } } return(true); } catch (Exception ex) { Log.LogMessage(ex.Message, IntegrationLogType.Error); } return(false); }
public DataTable PullData(WebProperties WebProps, IntegrationLog Log, DataTable Items, DateTime LastSynch) { DataTable dt = new DataTable(); return(dt); }
public List <ColumnProperty> GetColumns(WebProperties WebProps, IntegrationLog Log, string ListName) { CheckArgumentForNull(WebProps, nameof(WebProps)); CheckArgumentForNull(ListName, nameof(ListName)); const string queryTemplate = "select name from sys.columns where object_id = object_id('{0}')"; var tableName = WebProps.Properties[PropKeyTable].ToString().Replace(Apostrophe, DoubleApostrophe); var columnsList = new List <ColumnProperty>(); using (var connection = GetConnection(WebProps.Properties)) { connection.Open(); using (var command = new SqlCommand(string.Format(queryTemplate, tableName), connection)) using (var dataReader = command.ExecuteReader()) { while (dataReader.Read()) { var colProperty = new ColumnProperty(); colProperty.ColumnName = dataReader.GetString(0); colProperty.DiplayName = dataReader.GetString(0); colProperty.DefaultListColumn = GetDefaultColumn(ListName, dataReader.GetString(0)); columnsList.Add(colProperty); } } } return(columnsList); }
public List <ColumnProperty> GetColumns(WebProperties webProps, IntegrationLog log, string listName) { var columnProperties = new List <ColumnProperty>(); try { O365Service o365Service = GetO365Service(webProps); var ignoredFields = new[] { "AppAuthor", "AppEditor", "Attachments", "DocIcon", "ItemChildCount", "FolderChildCount", "_UIVersionString" }; columnProperties.AddRange( from field in o365Service.GetListFields(webProps.Properties["List"].ToString()) let internalName = field.InternalName where !ignoredFields.Contains(internalName) && !internalName.StartsWith("LinkTitle") && !internalName.EndsWith("NoMenu") orderby field.Title select new ColumnProperty { ColumnName = internalName, DiplayName = field.Title, type = TranslateFieldType(field.FieldTypeKind), DefaultListColumn = GetMatchingListColumn(internalName) }); } catch (Exception e) { log.LogMessage(e.Message, IntegrationLogType.Error); } return(columnProperties); }
public Dictionary <string, string> GetDropDownValues(WebProperties webProps, IntegrationLog log, string property, string parentPropertyValue) { var dictionary = new Dictionary <string, string>(); try { SfService sfService = GetSfService(webProps); if (property.Equals("Object")) { dictionary = sfService.GetIntegratableObjects(); } else if (property.Equals("UserMapType")) { return new Dictionary <string, string> { { "Email", "Email" } } } ; throw new Exception("Invalid property: " + property); } catch (Exception e) { log.LogMessage(e.Message, IntegrationLogType.Error); } return(dictionary); }
public bool TestConnection(WebProperties webProps, IntegrationLog log, out string message) { message = string.Empty; try { O365Service o365Service = GetO365Service(webProps); if (!o365Service.EnsureEPMLiveAppInstalled()) { log.LogMessage( "Please make sure that you have installed the EPM Live app in your Office 365 environment.", IntegrationLogType.Error); return(false); } return(true); } catch (Exception e) { message = e.Message; log.LogMessage(message, IntegrationLogType.Error); return(false); } }
public bool InstallIntegration(WebProperties webProps, IntegrationLog log, out string message, string integrationKey, string apiUrl) { message = string.Empty; try { O365Service o365Service = GetO365Service(webProps); o365Service.InstallIntegration(webProps.IntegrationId, integrationKey, apiUrl, webProps.Title, webProps.FullURL, webProps.EnabledFeatures, (string)webProps.Properties["List"], bool.Parse((string)webProps.Properties["AllowAddInt"]), bool.Parse((string)webProps.Properties["AllowAddList"]), bool.Parse((string)webProps.Properties["AllowDeleteInt"])); return(true); } catch (Exception e) { message = e.Message; } return(false); }
public TransactionTable UpdateItems(WebProperties WebProps, DataTable Items, IntegrationLog Log) { TransactionTable trans = new TransactionTable(); if (BuildWSDL(WebProps, Log)) { MethodInfo Method = null; foreach (MethodInfo t in methodInfo) { if (t.Name == WebProps.Properties["WSDLFunction"].ToString()) { Method = t; param = t.GetParameters(); break; } } if (Method != null) { foreach (DataRow drItem in Items.Rows) { try { Hashtable hshProps = GetItemHash(WebProps, drItem); object[] param1 = new object[param.Length]; int i = 0; foreach (var p in param) { param1[i++] = Convert.ChangeType(hshProps[p.Name], p.ParameterType); } Object obj = Activator.CreateInstance(service); Object response = Method.Invoke(obj, param1); try { if (WebProps.Properties["LogInfo"].ToString() == "True") { Log.LogMessage("WSDL Response: " + response.ToString(), IntegrationLogType.Information); } } catch { } } catch (Exception ex) { Log.LogMessage("Error sending item (" + drItem["SPID"].ToString() + "): " + ex.Message, IntegrationLogType.Error); } } } else { Log.LogMessage("Could not find method", IntegrationLogType.Error); } } return(trans); }
public void TestInitialize() { _shimsContext = ShimsContext.Create(); _testEntity = new SQL(); _testEntityPrivate = new PrivateObject(_testEntity); _adoShims = AdoShims.ShimAdoNetCalls(); _logger = new IntegrationLog(null, Guid.Empty, Guid.Empty, string.Empty); }
// Public Methods (9) public TransactionTable DeleteItems(WebProperties webProps, DataTable items, IntegrationLog log) { var transactionTable = new TransactionTable(); try { if (!bool.Parse((string)webProps.Properties["AllowDeleteInt"])) { throw new Exception("Office 365 delete is not allowed."); } O365Service o365Service = GetO365Service(webProps); List <string> ids; Dictionary <string, string> idMap = BuildIdMap(items, out ids); int index = 0; foreach ( O365Result result in o365Service.DeleteListItemsById(ids.ToArray(), (string)webProps.Properties["List"])) { string o365Id = result.ItemId.ToString(); string spid; try { spid = idMap[o365Id]; } catch { spid = items.Rows[index]["SPID"].ToString(); } if (result.Success) { transactionTable.AddRow(spid, o365Id, TransactionType.DELETE); } else { transactionTable.AddRow(spid, o365Id, TransactionType.FAILED); log.LogMessage(string.Format( "Could not delete record with Office 365 ID: {0}, SharePoint ID: {1}. Message: {2}", o365Id, spid, result.Error), IntegrationLogType.Warning); } index++; } } catch (Exception e) { log.LogMessage(e.Message, IntegrationLogType.Error); } return(transactionTable); }
public String getRoundNumber() { String response = ""; var credentials = new NetworkCredential(inforConfig.username, inforConfig.password); var handler = new HttpClientHandler { Credentials = credentials }; handler.ServerCertificateCustomValidationCallback = (message, cert, chain, errors) => { return(true); }; using (var client = new HttpClient(handler)) { // Make your request... client.DefaultRequestHeaders.Accept.Add(new MediaTypeWithQualityHeaderValue("application/json")); try { HttpResponseMessage message = client.GetAsync(Config.General.urlInfor + "/OPS270MI/AddRoundNumber").Result; if (message.IsSuccessStatusCode) { var serializer = new DataContractJsonSerializer(typeof(InforRoundNumber)); var result = message.Content.ReadAsStringAsync().Result; byte[] byteArray = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(result); //byte[] byteArray = Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes(contents); MemoryStream stream = new MemoryStream(byteArray); InforRoundNumber resultData = serializer.ReadObject(stream) as InforRoundNumber; try { response = resultData.results[0].records[0].ITRN; } catch (Exception ex) { IntegrationLog log = new IntegrationLog(); log.Description = "getRoundNumber"; log.ErrorMessage = ex.ToString(); log.NrOfFailedTransactions = 0; log.NrOfSuccessfullTransactions = 0; log.NumOfLineSubmited = 0; log.RefNumber = "No Ref"; log.TransactionType = "Round Number Petty Cash"; _context.IntegrationLog.Add(log); _context.SaveChanges(); } } else { response = "Fail"; } } catch (Exception ex) { response = ex.ToString(); } return(response); } }
public TransactionTable UpdateItems(WebProperties webProps, DataTable items, IntegrationLog log) { var transactionTable = new TransactionTable(); try { O365Service o365Service = GetO365Service(webProps); List <string> ids; Dictionary <string, string> idMap = BuildIdMap(items, out ids); int index = 0; foreach ( O365Result result in o365Service.UpsertItems((string)webProps.Properties["List"], webProps.IntegrationId, items)) { string o365Id = result.ItemId.ToString(); string spId; try { spId = idMap[o365Id]; } catch { spId = items.Rows[index]["SPID"].ToString(); } if (result.Success) { transactionTable.AddRow(spId, o365Id, result.TransactionType); } else { transactionTable.AddRow(spId, o365Id, TransactionType.FAILED); log.LogMessage(string.Format( "Could not insert / update record with Office 365 ID: {0}, SharePoint ID: {1}. Message: {2}", o365Id, spId, result.Error), IntegrationLogType.Warning); } index++; } } catch (Exception e) { log.LogMessage(e.Message, IntegrationLogType.Error); } return(transactionTable); }
public DataTable GetItem(WebProperties WebProps, IntegrationLog Log, string ItemID, DataTable Items) { CheckArgumentForNull(WebProps, nameof(WebProps)); CheckArgumentForNull(ItemID, nameof(ItemID)); CheckArgumentForNull(Items, nameof(Items)); var tableName = WebProps.Properties[PropKeyTable]; var idColumn = WebProps.Properties[PropKeyIdColumn]; const string queryTemplate = "SELECT * FROM {0} WHERE {1} = '{2}'"; using (var connection = GetConnection(WebProps.Properties)) { connection.Open(); var dataSet = new DataSet(); using (var command = new SqlCommand(string.Format(queryTemplate, tableName, idColumn, ItemID), connection)) using (var dataAdapter = new SqlDataAdapter(command)) { dataAdapter.Fill(dataSet); } if (dataSet.Tables.Count > 0 && dataSet.Tables[0].Rows.Count > 0) { var dataRow = dataSet.Tables[0].Rows[0]; var valuesArray = new ArrayList(); valuesArray.Add(ItemID); foreach (DataColumn dataColumn in Items.Columns) { if (dataColumn.ColumnName != ColNameId) { if (dataRow[dataColumn.ColumnName] != null) { valuesArray.Add(dataRow[dataColumn.ColumnName].ToString()); } else { valuesArray.Add(string.Empty); } } } Items.Rows.Add(valuesArray.OfType <string>().ToArray()); } } return(Items); }
public DataTable PullData(WebProperties WebProps, IntegrationLog Log, DataTable Items, DateTime LastSynch) { CheckArgumentForNull(WebProps, nameof(WebProps)); CheckArgumentForNull(Items, nameof(Items)); var dataSet = new DataSet(); using (var connection = GetConnection(WebProps.Properties)) { connection.Open(); var colsBuilder = new StringBuilder(WebProps.Properties[PropKeyIdColumn].ToString()); var where = WebProps.Properties.ContainsKey(PropKeyWhere) ? WebProps.Properties[PropKeyWhere].ToString() : string.Empty; foreach (DataColumn dataColumn in Items.Columns) { if (dataColumn.ColumnName != ColNameId) { colsBuilder.Append($",{dataColumn.ColumnName}"); } } var query = $"SELECT {colsBuilder} FROM {WebProps.Properties[PropKeyTable]}"; if (where != string.Empty) { query = $"{query} Where {where.Replace(Apostrophe, DoubleApostrophe)}"; } using (var command = new SqlCommand(query, connection)) using (var dataAdapter = new SqlDataAdapter(command)) { dataAdapter.Fill(dataSet); } } if (dataSet.Tables.Count == 0) { throw new InvalidOperationException("No tables returned from query"); } var idColumn = WebProps.Properties[PropKeyIdColumn].ToString(); dataSet.Tables[0].Columns[idColumn].ColumnName = ColNameId; return(dataSet.Tables[0]); }
public List <ColumnProperty> GetColumns(WebProperties WebProps, IntegrationLog Log, string ListName) { List <ColumnProperty> lstCols = new List <ColumnProperty>(); string[] cols = WebProps.Properties["Fields"].ToString().Split(','); foreach (string col in cols) { ColumnProperty prop = new ColumnProperty(); prop.ColumnName = col; prop.DiplayName = col; lstCols.Add(prop); } return(lstCols); }
public bool TestConnection(WebProperties WebProps, IntegrationLog Log, out string Message) { try { Message = ""; SqlConnection cn = GetConnection(WebProps.Properties); cn.Open(); cn.Close(); return(true); } catch (Exception ex) { Message = "Error: " + ex.Message; return(false); } }
public DataTable GetItem(WebProperties webProps, IntegrationLog log, string itemId, DataTable items) { try { SfService sfService = GetSfService(webProps); sfService.GetObjectItemsById((string)webProps.Properties["Object"], itemId, items); } catch (Exception e) { log.LogMessage(e.Message, e.Message.StartsWith("No records found") ? IntegrationLogType.Warning : IntegrationLogType.Error); } return(items); }
public DataTable PullData(WebProperties webProps, IntegrationLog log, DataTable items, DateTime lastSynch) { try { SfService sfService = GetSfService(webProps); sfService.GetObjectItems((string)webProps.Properties["Object"], items, lastSynch); } catch (Exception e) { log.LogMessage("Scheduled Pull. " + e.Message, e.Message.StartsWith("No records found") ? IntegrationLogType.Warning : IntegrationLogType.Error); } return(items); }
private string InsertRow(WebProperties WebProps, DataRow Item, IntegrationLog Log, SqlConnection cn) { string paramnames = ""; string paramvalues = ""; ArrayList arrparams = new ArrayList(); foreach (DataColumn dc in Item.Table.Columns) { if (dc.ColumnName != "ID" && dc.ColumnName != "SPID") { paramnames += dc.ColumnName + ","; paramvalues += "@" + dc.ColumnName + ","; if (Item[dc.ColumnName].ToString() == "") { arrparams.Add(new SqlParameter("@" + dc.ColumnName, DBNull.Value)); } else { arrparams.Add(new SqlParameter("@" + dc.ColumnName, Item[dc.ColumnName].ToString())); } } } try { if (WebProps.Properties["SPColumn"].ToString() != "") { paramnames += WebProps.Properties["SPColumn"] + ","; paramvalues += "@" + WebProps.Properties["SPColumn"] + ","; arrparams.Add(new SqlParameter("@" + WebProps.Properties["SPColumn"], Item["SPID"].ToString())); } } catch { } string sql = "INSERT INTO " + WebProps.Properties["Table"] + "(" + paramnames.Trim(',') + ") OUTPUT Inserted." + WebProps.Properties["IDColumn"] + " VALUES (" + paramvalues.Trim(',') + ")"; object result; using (var command = new SqlCommand(sql, cn)) { command.Parameters.AddRange(arrparams.ToArray(typeof(SqlParameter))); result = command.ExecuteScalar(); } return(result?.ToString()); }
public bool RemoveIntegration(WebProperties webProps, IntegrationLog log, out string message, string integrationKey) { message = string.Empty; try { SfService sfService = GetSfService(webProps); sfService.UninstallIntegration(integrationKey, webProps.Properties["Object"].ToString()); } catch (Exception e) { message = e.Message; } return(true); }
public Dictionary <String, String> GetDropDownValues(WebProperties WebProps, IntegrationLog log, string Property, string ParentPropertyValue) { Dictionary <string, string> props = new Dictionary <string, string>(); switch (Property) { case "UserMapType": props.Add("Email", "Email Address"); props.Add("Username", "Username"); props.Add("SPID", "SharePoint User ID"); break; case "AvailableSynchOptions": props.Add("LI", "LI"); try { if (WebProps.Properties["WSDL"].ToString().Length > 0) { props.Add("LO", "LO"); props.Add("TI", "TI"); } } catch { } break; case "WSDLFunction": if (BuildWSDL(WebProps, log)) { foreach (MethodInfo t in methodInfo) { if (t.Name == "Discover") { break; } props.Add(t.Name, t.Name); } } else { } break; } return(props); }
public bool TestConnection(WebProperties webProps, IntegrationLog log, out string message) { message = string.Empty; try { SfService sfService = GetSfService(webProps); sfService.EnsureEPMLiveAppInstalled(); return(true); } catch (Exception e) { message = e.Message; } return(false); }
private string UpdateRow(WebProperties WebProps, DataRow Item, IntegrationLog Log, SqlConnection cn) { string paramnames = ""; ArrayList arrparams = new ArrayList(); foreach (DataColumn dc in Item.Table.Columns) { if (dc.ColumnName != "ID" && dc.ColumnName != "SPID") { paramnames += dc.ColumnName + " = @" + dc.ColumnName + ","; if (Item[dc.ColumnName].ToString() == "") { arrparams.Add(new SqlParameter("@" + dc.ColumnName, DBNull.Value)); } else { arrparams.Add(new SqlParameter("@" + dc.ColumnName, Item[dc.ColumnName].ToString())); } } } try { if (WebProps.Properties["SPColumn"].ToString() != "") { paramnames += WebProps.Properties["SPColumn"] + " = @" + WebProps.Properties["SPColumn"] + ","; arrparams.Add(new SqlParameter("@" + WebProps.Properties["SPColumn"], Item["SPID"].ToString())); } } catch { } string sql = "UPDATE " + WebProps.Properties["Table"] + " Set " + paramnames.Trim(',') + " WHERE " + WebProps.Properties["IDColumn"] + " =@id"; using (var command = new SqlCommand(sql, cn)) { command.Parameters.AddRange(arrparams.ToArray(typeof(SqlParameter))); command.Parameters.AddWithValue("@id", Item[ColNameId].ToString()); command.ExecuteScalar(); } return(Item[ColNameId].ToString()); }
public Dictionary <String, String> GetDropDownValues(WebProperties WebProps, IntegrationLog log, string Property, string ParentPropertyValue) { CheckArgumentForNull(WebProps, nameof(WebProps)); CheckArgumentForNull(Property, nameof(Property)); var properties = new Dictionary <string, string>(); using (var connection = GetConnection(WebProps.Properties)) { connection.Open(); switch (Property) { case PropKeyTable: using (var command = new SqlCommand("select name from sys.tables", connection)) using (var dataReader = command.ExecuteReader()) { while (dataReader.Read()) { properties.Add(dataReader.GetString(0), dataReader.GetString(0)); } } break; case PropKeyUserMapType: properties.Add("Email", "Email Address"); break; case PropKeyAvailableSyncOpts: properties.Add("LI", "LI"); properties.Add("TI", "TI"); properties.Add("TO", "TO"); break; default: throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException(nameof(Property), "Unexpected value from Property argument"); } } return(properties); }
public bool RemoveIntegration(WebProperties webProps, IntegrationLog log, out string message, string integrationKey) { message = string.Empty; try { O365Service o365Service = GetO365Service(webProps); o365Service.UninstallIntegration(integrationKey, webProps.IntegrationId); return(true); } catch (Exception e) { if (e.Message.Contains("List 'EPMLiveIntegrations' does not exist")) { return(true); } message = e.Message; } return(false); }
public TransactionTable DeleteItems(WebProperties WebProps, DataTable Items, IntegrationLog Log) { CheckArgumentForNull(WebProps, nameof(WebProps)); CheckArgumentForNull(Items, nameof(Items)); const string deleteCommandTemplate = "DELETE FROM {0} WHERE {1}=@id"; var tableName = WebProps.Properties[PropKeyTable]; var idColumn = WebProps.Properties[PropKeyIdColumn]; var table = new TransactionTable(); using (var connection = GetConnection(WebProps.Properties)) { connection.Open(); foreach (DataRow dataRow in Items.Rows) { try { using (var command = new SqlCommand(string.Format(deleteCommandTemplate, tableName, idColumn), connection)) { command.Parameters.AddWithValue("@id", dataRow[ColNameId].ToString()); command.ExecuteNonQuery(); } table.AddRow(dataRow[ColNameSpid].ToString(), dataRow[ColNameId].ToString(), TransactionType.DELETE); } catch (Exception ex) { Trace.TraceError(ex.ToString()); table.AddRow(dataRow[ColNameSpid].ToString(), dataRow[ColNameId].ToString(), TransactionType.FAILED); } } } return(table); }
public List <ColumnProperty> GetColumns(WebProperties webProps, IntegrationLog log, string listName) { var columnProperties = new List <ColumnProperty>(); try { SfService sfService = GetSfService(webProps); var ignoredFields = new[] { "IsDeleted", "CreatedDate", "LastModifiedDate", "LastModifiedById", "SystemModstamp", "LastActivityDate", sfService.AppNamespace + "__Additional_Assigned_To__c", sfService.AppNamespace + "__FK__c" }; columnProperties.AddRange( from field in sfService.GetObjectFields(webProps.Properties["Object"].ToString()) where !ignoredFields.Contains( orderby select new ColumnProperty { ColumnName =, DiplayName = field.label, type = TranslateFieldType(field.type), DefaultListColumn = GetMatchingListColumn(field.label,, sfService.AppNamespace) }); } catch (Exception e) { log.LogMessage(e.Message, IntegrationLogType.Error); } return(columnProperties); }
public async Task <String> postPettyCash([FromBody] PettyCash transaction, int id, String roundNumberParam) { var credentials = new NetworkCredential(inforConfig.username, inforConfig.password); var handler = new HttpClientHandler { Credentials = credentials }; handler.ServerCertificateCustomValidationCallback = (message, cert, chain, errors) => { return(true); }; String status = ""; String roundNumber = roundNumberParam; using (var client = new HttpClient(handler)) { // Make your request... client.DefaultRequestHeaders.Accept.Add(new MediaTypeWithQualityHeaderValue("application/json")); try { InforPettyCash inforObjTrans = new InforPettyCash(); inforObjTrans.program = "OPS270MI"; List <TransactionPettyCash> listTransaction = new List <TransactionPettyCash>(); for (int i = 0; i < transaction.pettyCashLine.Count; i++) { TransactionPettyCash t = new TransactionPettyCash(); t.transaction = "AddSlsTicketLin"; RecordPettyCash record = new RecordPettyCash(); record.CONO = "770"; record.DIVI = "AAA"; record.XRCD = "7000"; record.ITRN = roundNumber; record.WHLO = transaction.storeCode; record.ORNO = "PC" + id + ""; record.DLIX = "1"; record.PONR = (i + 1) + ""; record.POSX = "00"; record.CUCD = "IDR"; record.CUNO = transaction.customerIdStore; record.ITNO = transaction.expenseCategoryId; record.TRDT = DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyyMMdd"); record.TRTM = DateTime.Now.ToString("HHmmss");//"113000"; record.CUAM = transaction.pettyCashLine[i].total + ""; record.CSHC = "CSH"; record.VTCD = "0"; record.PYCD = "CSH"; record.ALUN = "PCS"; record.IVQA = transaction.pettyCashLine[i].quantity + ""; record.REFE = transaction.pettyCashLine[i].expenseName; record.INYR = DateTime.Now.Year + ""; record.VTP1 = 0 + ""; record.ARAT = 1 + ""; record.CRTP = 1 + ""; t.record = record; listTransaction.Add(t); } //sales ticket line inforObjTrans.transactions = listTransaction; HttpResponseMessage message = await client.PostAsJsonAsync(General.urlInfor, inforObjTrans); if (message.IsSuccessStatusCode) { status = message.ToString(); var serializer = new DataContractJsonSerializer(typeof(InforObjPostReturn)); var result = message.Content.ReadAsStringAsync().Result; byte[] byteArray = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(result); MemoryStream stream = new MemoryStream(byteArray); InforObjPostReturn resultData = serializer.ReadObject(stream) as InforObjPostReturn; // status = "Return : " + resultData.results[0].errorMessage + "Sukses "+ resultData.nrOfSuccessfullTransactions; IntegrationLog log = new IntegrationLog(); log.Description = transaction.pettyCashId; log.ErrorMessage = resultData.results[0].errorMessage; log.NrOfFailedTransactions = resultData.nrOfFailedTransactions; log.NrOfSuccessfullTransactions = resultData.nrOfSuccessfullTransactions; log.NumOfLineSubmited = listTransaction.Count; log.RefNumber = transaction.pettyCashId + ""; log.Json = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(inforObjTrans); log.TransactionType = "OPS270MI-PettyCashTcktLine"; _context.IntegrationLog.Add(log); _context.SaveChanges(); } else { status = "Failed : " + message.ToString(); } //send ticket pay List <TransactionPettyCash> listTransactionPay = new List <TransactionPettyCash>(); InforPettyCash inforObjPay = new InforPettyCash(); inforObjPay.program = "OPS270MI"; TransactionPettyCash tRansactionAddSlsTicketPay = new TransactionPettyCash(); tRansactionAddSlsTicketPay.transaction = "AddSlsTicketPay"; RecordPettyCash recordAddSlsTicketPayEDC2 = new RecordPettyCash(); recordAddSlsTicketPayEDC2.CONO = "770"; recordAddSlsTicketPayEDC2.DLIX = "1"; recordAddSlsTicketPayEDC2.DIVI = "AAA"; recordAddSlsTicketPayEDC2.XRCD = "7090"; recordAddSlsTicketPayEDC2.ITRN = roundNumber; recordAddSlsTicketPayEDC2.WHLO = transaction.storeCode; recordAddSlsTicketPayEDC2.ORNO = "PC" + id + ""; recordAddSlsTicketPayEDC2.PONR = (transaction.pettyCashLine.Count + 1) + ""; recordAddSlsTicketPayEDC2.POSX = "00"; recordAddSlsTicketPayEDC2.CUCD = "IDR"; recordAddSlsTicketPayEDC2.TRDT = DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyyMMdd"); recordAddSlsTicketPayEDC2.TRTM = DateTime.Now.ToString("HHmmss");//"113000"; recordAddSlsTicketPayEDC2.CUAM = transaction.totalExpense + ""; recordAddSlsTicketPayEDC2.PYCD = "CSH"; recordAddSlsTicketPayEDC2.REFE = transaction.expenseCategory; recordAddSlsTicketPayEDC2.ARAT = "1"; recordAddSlsTicketPayEDC2.CRTP = "1"; recordAddSlsTicketPayEDC2.ALUN = "PCS"; recordAddSlsTicketPayEDC2.CSHC = "CSH"; tRansactionAddSlsTicketPay.record = recordAddSlsTicketPayEDC2; listTransactionPay.Add(tRansactionAddSlsTicketPay); inforObjPay.transactions = listTransactionPay; HttpResponseMessage messagebatch = await client.PostAsJsonAsync(Config.General.urlInfor, inforObjPay); if (messagebatch.IsSuccessStatusCode) { status = messagebatch.ToString(); var serializer = new DataContractJsonSerializer(typeof(InforObjPostReturn)); var result = messagebatch.Content.ReadAsStringAsync().Result; byte[] byteArray = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(result); MemoryStream stream = new MemoryStream(byteArray); InforObjPostReturn resultData = serializer.ReadObject(stream) as InforObjPostReturn; // status = "Return : " + resultData.results[0].errorMessage + "Sukses "+ resultData.nrOfSuccessfullTransactions; IntegrationLog log = new IntegrationLog(); log.Description = transaction.pettyCashId; log.ErrorMessage = resultData.results[0].errorMessage; log.NrOfFailedTransactions = resultData.nrOfFailedTransactions; log.NrOfSuccessfullTransactions = resultData.nrOfSuccessfullTransactions; log.NumOfLineSubmited = listTransaction.Count; log.RefNumber = transaction.pettyCashId + ""; log.Json = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(inforObjPay); log.TransactionType = "OPS270MI-PettyCashTkcPay"; _context.IntegrationLog.Add(log); _context.SaveChanges(); } //end for pay //send batch //for auto batch List <TransactionPettyCash> listTransactionbatch = new List <TransactionPettyCash>(); InforPettyCash inforObjBatch = new InforPettyCash(); inforObjBatch.program = "OPS270MI"; TransactionPettyCash tRansactionAddBatch = new TransactionPettyCash(); tRansactionAddBatch.transaction = "BchPrcRound"; RecordPettyCash recordRoundNumber = new RecordPettyCash(); recordRoundNumber.CONO = "770"; recordRoundNumber.ITRN = roundNumber; recordRoundNumber.DIVI = "AAA"; recordRoundNumber.TRDT = DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyyMMdd"); recordRoundNumber.WHLO = transaction.storeCode; recordRoundNumber.ACDT = DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyyMMdd"); tRansactionAddBatch.record = recordRoundNumber; listTransactionbatch.Add(tRansactionAddBatch); inforObjBatch.transactions = listTransactionbatch; HttpResponseMessage messageTicketPay = await client.PostAsJsonAsync(Config.General.urlInfor, inforObjBatch); if (messageTicketPay.IsSuccessStatusCode) { status = messageTicketPay.ToString(); var serializer = new DataContractJsonSerializer(typeof(InforObjPostReturn)); var result = messageTicketPay.Content.ReadAsStringAsync().Result; byte[] byteArray = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(result); MemoryStream stream = new MemoryStream(byteArray); InforObjPostReturn resultData = serializer.ReadObject(stream) as InforObjPostReturn; // status = "Return : " + resultData.results[0].errorMessage + "Sukses "+ resultData.nrOfSuccessfullTransactions; IntegrationLog log = new IntegrationLog(); log.Description = transaction.pettyCashId; log.ErrorMessage = resultData.results[0].errorMessage; log.NrOfFailedTransactions = resultData.nrOfFailedTransactions; log.NrOfSuccessfullTransactions = resultData.nrOfSuccessfullTransactions; log.NumOfLineSubmited = listTransaction.Count; log.RefNumber = transaction.pettyCashId + ""; log.Json = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(inforObjBatch); log.TransactionType = "OPS270MI-PettyCashBatch"; _context.IntegrationLog.Add(log); _context.SaveChanges(); } } catch (Exception ex) { status = ex.ToString(); } } return(status); }