/** Rebuilds the tree using the specified nodes. * This is faster and gives better quality results compared to calling Insert with all nodes */ public void RebuildFrom(NavMeshNode[] nodes) { Clear(); if (nodes.Length == 0) { return; } // We will use approximately 2N tree nodes EnsureCapacity(Mathf.CeilToInt(nodes.Length * 2.1f)); // This will store the order of the nodes while the tree is being built // It turns out that it is a lot faster to do this than to actually modify // the nodes and nodeBounds arrays (presumably since that involves shuffling // around 20 bytes of memory (sizeof(pointer) + sizeof(IntRect)) per node // instead of 4 bytes (sizeof(int)). // It also means we don't have to make a copy of the nodes array since // we do not modify it var permutation = new int[nodes.Length]; for (int i = 0; i < nodes.Length; i++) { permutation[i] = i; } // Precalculate the bounds of the nodes in XZ space. // It turns out that calculating the bounds is a bottleneck and precalculating // the bounds makes it around 3 times faster to build a tree var nodeBounds = new IntRect[nodes.Length]; for (int i = 0; i < nodes.Length; i++) { var node = nodes[i]; var v0 = node.GetVertex(0); var v1 = node.GetVertex(1); var v2 = node.GetVertex(2); var r = new IntRect(v0.x, v0.z, v0.x, v0.z); r = r.ExpandToContain(v1.x, v1.z); r = r.ExpandToContain(v2.x, v2.z); nodeBounds[i] = r; } RebuildFromInternal(nodes, permutation, nodeBounds, 0, nodes.Length, false); }
private static List <TileHandler.Cut> PrepareNavmeshCutsForCutting(List <NavmeshCut> navmeshCuts, GraphTransform transform, IntRect cutSpaceBounds, int perturbate, bool anyNavmeshAdds) { System.Random random = null; if (perturbate > 0) { random = new System.Random(); } List <List <Vector3> > list = ListPool <List <Vector3> > .Claim(); List <TileHandler.Cut> list2 = ListPool <TileHandler.Cut> .Claim(); for (int i = 0; i < navmeshCuts.Count; i++) { Int2 @int = new Int2(0, 0); if (perturbate > 0) { @int.x = random.Next() % 6 * perturbate - 3 * perturbate; if (@int.x >= 0) { @int.x++; } @int.y = random.Next() % 6 * perturbate - 3 * perturbate; if (@int.y >= 0) { @int.y++; } } list.Clear(); navmeshCuts[i].GetContour(list); int num = (int)(navmeshCuts[i].GetY(transform) * 1000f); for (int j = 0; j < list.Count; j++) { List <Vector3> list3 = list[j]; if (list3.Count == 0) { Debug.LogError("A NavmeshCut component had a zero length contour. Ignoring that contour."); } else { List <IntPoint> list4 = ListPool <IntPoint> .Claim(list3.Count); for (int k = 0; k < list3.Count; k++) { Int3 int2 = (Int3)transform.InverseTransform(list3[k]); if (perturbate > 0) { int2.x += @int.x; int2.z += @int.y; } list4.Add(new IntPoint((long)int2.x, (long)int2.z)); } IntRect bounds = new IntRect((int)list4[0].X, (int)list4[0].Y, (int)list4[0].X, (int)list4[0].Y); for (int l = 0; l < list4.Count; l++) { IntPoint intPoint = list4[l]; bounds = bounds.ExpandToContain((int)intPoint.X, (int)intPoint.Y); } TileHandler.Cut cut = new TileHandler.Cut(); int num2 = (int)(navmeshCuts[i].height * 0.5f * 1000f); cut.boundsY = new Int2(num - num2, num + num2); cut.bounds = bounds; cut.isDual = navmeshCuts[i].isDual; cut.cutsAddedGeom = navmeshCuts[i].cutsAddedGeom; cut.contour = list4; list2.Add(cut); } } } ListPool <List <Vector3> > .Release(list); return(list2); }
private TileHandler.CuttingResult CutPoly(Int3[] verts, int[] tris, Int3[] extraShape, GraphTransform graphTransform, IntRect tiles, TileHandler.CutMode mode = TileHandler.CutMode.CutAll | TileHandler.CutMode.CutDual, int perturbate = -1) { if (verts.Length == 0 || tris.Length == 0) { return(new TileHandler.CuttingResult { verts = ArrayPool <Int3> .Claim(0), tris = ArrayPool <int> .Claim(0) }); } if (perturbate > 10) { Debug.LogError("Too many perturbations aborting.\nThis may cause a tile in the navmesh to become empty. Try to see see if any of your NavmeshCut or NavmeshAdd components use invalid custom meshes."); return(new TileHandler.CuttingResult { verts = verts, tris = tris }); } List <IntPoint> list = null; if (extraShape == null && (mode & TileHandler.CutMode.CutExtra) != (TileHandler.CutMode) 0) { throw new Exception("extraShape is null and the CutMode specifies that it should be used. Cannot use null shape."); } Bounds tileBoundsInGraphSpace = this.graph.GetTileBoundsInGraphSpace(tiles); Vector3 min = tileBoundsInGraphSpace.min; GraphTransform graphTransform2 = graphTransform * Matrix4x4.TRS(min, Quaternion.identity, Vector3.one); Vector2 v = new Vector2(tileBoundsInGraphSpace.size.x, tileBoundsInGraphSpace.size.z); if ((mode & TileHandler.CutMode.CutExtra) != (TileHandler.CutMode) 0) { list = ListPool <IntPoint> .Claim(extraShape.Length); for (int i = 0; i < extraShape.Length; i++) { Int3 @int = graphTransform2.InverseTransform(extraShape[i]); list.Add(new IntPoint((long)@int.x, (long)@int.z)); } } IntRect cutSpaceBounds = new IntRect(verts[0].x, verts[0].z, verts[0].x, verts[0].z); for (int j = 0; j < verts.Length; j++) { cutSpaceBounds = cutSpaceBounds.ExpandToContain(verts[j].x, verts[j].z); } List <NavmeshCut> list2; if (mode == TileHandler.CutMode.CutExtra) { list2 = ListPool <NavmeshCut> .Claim(); } else { list2 = this.cuts.QueryRect <NavmeshCut>(tiles); } List <NavmeshAdd> list3 = this.cuts.QueryRect <NavmeshAdd>(tiles); List <int> list4 = ListPool <int> .Claim(); List <TileHandler.Cut> list5 = TileHandler.PrepareNavmeshCutsForCutting(list2, graphTransform2, cutSpaceBounds, perturbate, list3.Count > 0); List <Int3> list6 = ListPool <Int3> .Claim(verts.Length * 2); List <int> list7 = ListPool <int> .Claim(tris.Length); if (list2.Count == 0 && list3.Count == 0 && (mode & ~(TileHandler.CutMode.CutAll | TileHandler.CutMode.CutDual)) == (TileHandler.CutMode) 0 && (mode & TileHandler.CutMode.CutAll) != (TileHandler.CutMode) 0) { TileHandler.CopyMesh(verts, tris, list6, list7); } else { List <IntPoint> list8 = ListPool <IntPoint> .Claim(); Dictionary <TriangulationPoint, int> dictionary = new Dictionary <TriangulationPoint, int>(); List <PolygonPoint> list9 = ListPool <PolygonPoint> .Claim(); PolyTree polyTree = new PolyTree(); List <List <IntPoint> > list10 = ListPool <List <IntPoint> > .Claim(); Stack <Polygon> stack = StackPool <Polygon> .Claim(); this.clipper.StrictlySimple = (perturbate > -1); this.clipper.ReverseSolution = true; Int3[] array = null; Int3[] clipOut = null; Int2 size = default(Int2); if (list3.Count > 0) { array = new Int3[7]; clipOut = new Int3[7]; size = new Int2(((Int3)v).x, ((Int3)v).y); } Int3[] array2 = null; for (int k = -1; k < list3.Count; k++) { Int3[] array3; int[] array4; if (k == -1) { array3 = verts; array4 = tris; } else { list3[k].GetMesh(ref array2, out array4, graphTransform2); array3 = array2; } for (int l = 0; l < array4.Length; l += 3) { Int3 int2 = array3[array4[l]]; Int3 int3 = array3[array4[l + 1]]; Int3 int4 = array3[array4[l + 2]]; if (VectorMath.IsColinearXZ(int2, int3, int4)) { Debug.LogWarning("Skipping degenerate triangle."); } else { IntRect a = new IntRect(int2.x, int2.z, int2.x, int2.z); a = a.ExpandToContain(int3.x, int3.z); a = a.ExpandToContain(int4.x, int4.z); int num = Math.Min(int2.y, Math.Min(int3.y, int4.y)); int num2 = Math.Max(int2.y, Math.Max(int3.y, int4.y)); list4.Clear(); bool flag = false; for (int m = 0; m < list5.Count; m++) { int x = list5[m].boundsY.x; int y = list5[m].boundsY.y; if (IntRect.Intersects(a, list5[m].bounds) && y >= num && x <= num2 && (list5[m].cutsAddedGeom || k == -1)) { Int3 int5 = int2; int5.y = x; Int3 int6 = int2; int6.y = y; list4.Add(m); flag |= list5[m].isDual; } } if (list4.Count == 0 && (mode & TileHandler.CutMode.CutExtra) == (TileHandler.CutMode) 0 && (mode & TileHandler.CutMode.CutAll) != (TileHandler.CutMode) 0 && k == -1) { list7.Add(list6.Count); list7.Add(list6.Count + 1); list7.Add(list6.Count + 2); list6.Add(int2); list6.Add(int3); list6.Add(int4); } else { list8.Clear(); if (k == -1) { list8.Add(new IntPoint((long)int2.x, (long)int2.z)); list8.Add(new IntPoint((long)int3.x, (long)int3.z)); list8.Add(new IntPoint((long)int4.x, (long)int4.z)); } else { array[0] = int2; array[1] = int3; array[2] = int4; int num3 = this.ClipAgainstRectangle(array, clipOut, size); if (num3 == 0) { goto IL_9D3; } for (int n = 0; n < num3; n++) { list8.Add(new IntPoint((long)array[n].x, (long)array[n].z)); } } dictionary.Clear(); for (int num4 = 0; num4 < 16; num4++) { if ((mode >> (num4 & 31) & TileHandler.CutMode.CutAll) != (TileHandler.CutMode) 0) { if (1 << num4 == 1) { this.CutAll(list8, list4, list5, polyTree); } else if (1 << num4 == 2) { if (!flag) { goto IL_9C4; } this.CutDual(list8, list4, list5, flag, list10, polyTree); } else if (1 << num4 == 4) { this.CutExtra(list8, list, polyTree); } for (int num5 = 0; num5 < polyTree.ChildCount; num5++) { PolyNode polyNode = polyTree.Childs[num5]; List <IntPoint> contour = polyNode.Contour; List <PolyNode> childs = polyNode.Childs; if (childs.Count == 0 && contour.Count == 3 && k == -1) { for (int num6 = 0; num6 < 3; num6++) { Int3 int7 = new Int3((int)contour[num6].X, 0, (int)contour[num6].Y); int7.y = TileHandler.SampleYCoordinateInTriangle(int2, int3, int4, int7); list7.Add(list6.Count); list6.Add(int7); } } else { Polygon polygon = null; int num7 = -1; for (List <IntPoint> list11 = contour; list11 != null; list11 = ((num7 >= childs.Count) ? null : childs[num7].Contour)) { list9.Clear(); for (int num8 = 0; num8 < list11.Count; num8++) { PolygonPoint polygonPoint = new PolygonPoint((double)list11[num8].X, (double)list11[num8].Y); list9.Add(polygonPoint); Int3 int8 = new Int3((int)list11[num8].X, 0, (int)list11[num8].Y); int8.y = TileHandler.SampleYCoordinateInTriangle(int2, int3, int4, int8); dictionary[polygonPoint] = list6.Count; list6.Add(int8); } Polygon polygon2; if (stack.Count > 0) { polygon2 = stack.Pop(); polygon2.AddPoints(list9); } else { polygon2 = new Polygon(list9); } if (num7 == -1) { polygon = polygon2; } else { polygon.AddHole(polygon2); } num7++; } try { P2T.Triangulate(polygon); } catch (PointOnEdgeException) { Debug.LogWarning("PointOnEdgeException, perturbating vertices slightly.\nThis is usually fine. It happens sometimes because of rounding errors. Cutting will be retried a few more times."); return(this.CutPoly(verts, tris, extraShape, graphTransform, tiles, mode, perturbate + 1)); } try { for (int num9 = 0; num9 < polygon.Triangles.Count; num9++) { DelaunayTriangle delaunayTriangle = polygon.Triangles[num9]; list7.Add(dictionary[delaunayTriangle.Points._0]); list7.Add(dictionary[delaunayTriangle.Points._1]); list7.Add(dictionary[delaunayTriangle.Points._2]); } } catch (KeyNotFoundException) { Debug.LogWarning("KeyNotFoundException, perturbating vertices slightly.\nThis is usually fine. It happens sometimes because of rounding errors. Cutting will be retried a few more times."); return(this.CutPoly(verts, tris, extraShape, graphTransform, tiles, mode, perturbate + 1)); } TileHandler.PoolPolygon(polygon, stack); } } } IL_9C4 :; } } } IL_9D3 :; } } if (array2 != null) { ArrayPool <Int3> .Release(ref array2, false); } StackPool <Polygon> .Release(stack); ListPool <List <IntPoint> > .Release(list10); ListPool <IntPoint> .Release(list8); ListPool <PolygonPoint> .Release(list9); } TileHandler.CuttingResult result = default(TileHandler.CuttingResult); Polygon.CompressMesh(list6, list7, out result.verts, out result.tris); for (int num10 = 0; num10 < list2.Count; num10++) { list2[num10].UsedForCut(); } ListPool <Int3> .Release(list6); ListPool <int> .Release(list7); ListPool <int> .Release(list4); for (int num11 = 0; num11 < list5.Count; num11++) { ListPool <IntPoint> .Release(list5[num11].contour); } ListPool <TileHandler.Cut> .Release(list5); ListPool <NavmeshCut> .Release(list2); return(result); }
// Token: 0x060005E2 RID: 1506 RVA: 0x000360CC File Offset: 0x000344CC private void CutPoly(Int3[] verts, int[] tris, ref Int3[] outVertsArr, ref int[] outTrisArr, out int outVCount, out int outTCount, Int3[] extraShape, Int3 cuttingOffset, Bounds realBounds, TileHandler.CutMode mode = (TileHandler.CutMode) 3, int perturbate = 0) { if (verts.Length == 0 || tris.Length == 0) { outVCount = 0; outTCount = 0; outTrisArr = new int[0]; outVertsArr = new Int3[0]; return; } List <IntPoint> list = null; if (extraShape == null && (mode & TileHandler.CutMode.CutExtra) != (TileHandler.CutMode) 0) { throw new Exception("extraShape is null and the CutMode specifies that it should be used. Cannot use null shape."); } if ((mode & TileHandler.CutMode.CutExtra) != (TileHandler.CutMode) 0) { list = new List <IntPoint>(extraShape.Length); for (int i = 0; i < extraShape.Length; i++) { list.Add(new IntPoint((long)(extraShape[i].x + cuttingOffset.x), (long)(extraShape[i].z + cuttingOffset.z))); } } List <IntPoint> list2 = new List <IntPoint>(5); Dictionary <TriangulationPoint, int> dictionary = new Dictionary <TriangulationPoint, int>(); List <PolygonPoint> list3 = new List <PolygonPoint>(); IntRect b = new IntRect(verts[0].x, verts[0].z, verts[0].x, verts[0].z); for (int j = 0; j < verts.Length; j++) { b = b.ExpandToContain(verts[j].x, verts[j].z); } List <Int3> list4 = ListPool <Int3> .Claim(verts.Length * 2); List <int> list5 = ListPool <int> .Claim(tris.Length); PolyTree polyTree = new PolyTree(); List <List <IntPoint> > list6 = new List <List <IntPoint> >(); Stack <Polygon> stack = new Stack <Polygon>(); if (this.clipper == null) { this.clipper = new Clipper(0); } this.clipper.ReverseSolution = true; List <NavmeshCut> list7; if (mode == TileHandler.CutMode.CutExtra) { list7 = ListPool <NavmeshCut> .Claim(); } else { list7 = NavmeshCut.GetAllInRange(realBounds); } List <int> list8 = ListPool <int> .Claim(); List <IntRect> list9 = ListPool <IntRect> .Claim(); List <Int2> list10 = ListPool <Int2> .Claim(); List <List <IntPoint> > list11 = new List <List <IntPoint> >(); List <bool> list12 = ListPool <bool> .Claim(); List <bool> list13 = ListPool <bool> .Claim(); if (perturbate > 10) { Debug.LogError("Too many perturbations aborting : " + mode); Debug.Break(); outVCount = verts.Length; outTCount = tris.Length; outTrisArr = tris; outVertsArr = verts; return; } System.Random random = null; if (perturbate > 0) { random = new System.Random(); } for (int k = 0; k < list7.Count; k++) { Bounds bounds = list7[k].GetBounds(); Int3 @int = (Int3)bounds.min + cuttingOffset; Int3 int2 = (Int3)bounds.max + cuttingOffset; IntRect a = new IntRect(@int.x, @int.z, int2.x, int2.z); if (IntRect.Intersects(a, b)) { Int2 int3 = new Int2(0, 0); if (perturbate > 0) { int3.x = random.Next() % 6 * perturbate - 3 * perturbate; if (int3.x >= 0) { int3.x++; } int3.y = random.Next() % 6 * perturbate - 3 * perturbate; if (int3.y >= 0) { int3.y++; } } int count = list11.Count; list7[k].GetContour(list11); for (int l = count; l < list11.Count; l++) { List <IntPoint> list14 = list11[l]; if (list14.Count == 0) { Debug.LogError("Zero Length Contour"); list9.Add(default(IntRect)); list10.Add(new Int2(0, 0)); } else { IntRect item = new IntRect((int)list14[0].X + cuttingOffset.x, (int)list14[0].Y + cuttingOffset.y, (int)list14[0].X + cuttingOffset.x, (int)list14[0].Y + cuttingOffset.y); for (int m = 0; m < list14.Count; m++) { IntPoint value = list14[m]; value.X += (long)cuttingOffset.x; value.Y += (long)cuttingOffset.z; if (perturbate > 0) { value.X += (long)int3.x; value.Y += (long)int3.y; } list14[m] = value; item = item.ExpandToContain((int)value.X, (int)value.Y); } list10.Add(new Int2(@int.y, int2.y)); list9.Add(item); list12.Add(list7[k].isDual); list13.Add(list7[k].cutsAddedGeom); } } } } List <NavmeshAdd> allInRange = NavmeshAdd.GetAllInRange(realBounds); Int3[] array = verts; int[] array2 = tris; int num = -1; int n = -3; Int3[] array3 = null; Int3[] array4 = null; Int3 int4 = Int3.zero; if (allInRange.Count > 0) { array3 = new Int3[7]; array4 = new Int3[7]; int4 = (Int3)realBounds.extents; } for (;;) { n += 3; while (n >= array2.Length) { num++; n = 0; if (num >= allInRange.Count) { array = null; break; } if (array == verts) { array = null; } allInRange[num].GetMesh(cuttingOffset, ref array, out array2); } if (array == null) { break; } Int3 int5 = array[array2[n]]; Int3 int6 = array[array2[n + 1]]; Int3 int7 = array[array2[n + 2]]; IntRect a2 = new IntRect(int5.x, int5.z, int5.x, int5.z); a2 = a2.ExpandToContain(int6.x, int6.z); a2 = a2.ExpandToContain(int7.x, int7.z); int num2 = Math.Min(int5.y, Math.Min(int6.y, int7.y)); int num3 = Math.Max(int5.y, Math.Max(int6.y, int7.y)); list8.Clear(); bool flag = false; for (int num4 = 0; num4 < list11.Count; num4++) { int x = list10[num4].x; int y = list10[num4].y; if (IntRect.Intersects(a2, list9[num4]) && y >= num2 && x <= num3 && (list13[num4] || num == -1)) { Int3 int8 = int5; int8.y = x; Int3 int9 = int5; int9.y = y; list8.Add(num4); flag |= list12[num4]; } } if (list8.Count == 0 && (mode & TileHandler.CutMode.CutExtra) == (TileHandler.CutMode) 0 && (mode & TileHandler.CutMode.CutAll) != (TileHandler.CutMode) 0 && num == -1) { list5.Add(list4.Count); list5.Add(list4.Count + 1); list5.Add(list4.Count + 2); list4.Add(int5); list4.Add(int6); list4.Add(int7); } else { list2.Clear(); if (num == -1) { list2.Add(new IntPoint((long)int5.x, (long)int5.z)); list2.Add(new IntPoint((long)int6.x, (long)int6.z)); list2.Add(new IntPoint((long)int7.x, (long)int7.z)); } else { array3[0] = int5; array3[1] = int6; array3[2] = int7; int num5 = Utility.ClipPolygon(array3, 3, array4, 1, 0, 0); if (num5 == 0) { continue; } num5 = Utility.ClipPolygon(array4, num5, array3, -1, 2 * int4.x, 0); if (num5 == 0) { continue; } num5 = Utility.ClipPolygon(array3, num5, array4, 1, 0, 2); if (num5 == 0) { continue; } num5 = Utility.ClipPolygon(array4, num5, array3, -1, 2 * int4.z, 2); if (num5 == 0) { continue; } for (int num6 = 0; num6 < num5; num6++) { list2.Add(new IntPoint((long)array3[num6].x, (long)array3[num6].z)); } } dictionary.Clear(); Int3 int10 = int6 - int5; Int3 int11 = int7 - int5; Int3 int12 = int10; Int3 int13 = int11; int12.y = 0; int13.y = 0; for (int num7 = 0; num7 < 16; num7++) { if ((mode >> (num7 & 31) & TileHandler.CutMode.CutAll) != (TileHandler.CutMode) 0) { if (1 << num7 == 1) { this.clipper.Clear(); this.clipper.AddPolygon(list2, PolyType.ptSubject); for (int num8 = 0; num8 < list8.Count; num8++) { this.clipper.AddPolygon(list11[list8[num8]], PolyType.ptClip); } polyTree.Clear(); this.clipper.Execute(ClipType.ctDifference, polyTree, PolyFillType.pftEvenOdd, PolyFillType.pftNonZero); } else if (1 << num7 == 2) { if (!flag) { goto IL_1161; } this.clipper.Clear(); this.clipper.AddPolygon(list2, PolyType.ptSubject); for (int num9 = 0; num9 < list8.Count; num9++) { if (list12[list8[num9]]) { this.clipper.AddPolygon(list11[list8[num9]], PolyType.ptClip); } } list6.Clear(); this.clipper.Execute(ClipType.ctIntersection, list6, PolyFillType.pftEvenOdd, PolyFillType.pftNonZero); this.clipper.Clear(); for (int num10 = 0; num10 < list6.Count; num10++) { this.clipper.AddPolygon(list6[num10], (!Clipper.Orientation(list6[num10])) ? PolyType.ptSubject : PolyType.ptClip); } for (int num11 = 0; num11 < list8.Count; num11++) { if (!list12[list8[num11]]) { this.clipper.AddPolygon(list11[list8[num11]], PolyType.ptClip); } } polyTree.Clear(); this.clipper.Execute(ClipType.ctDifference, polyTree, PolyFillType.pftEvenOdd, PolyFillType.pftNonZero); } else if (1 << num7 == 4) { this.clipper.Clear(); this.clipper.AddPolygon(list2, PolyType.ptSubject); this.clipper.AddPolygon(list, PolyType.ptClip); polyTree.Clear(); this.clipper.Execute(ClipType.ctIntersection, polyTree, PolyFillType.pftEvenOdd, PolyFillType.pftNonZero); } for (int num12 = 0; num12 < polyTree.ChildCount; num12++) { PolyNode polyNode = polyTree.Childs[num12]; List <IntPoint> contour = polyNode.Contour; List <PolyNode> childs = polyNode.Childs; if (childs.Count == 0 && contour.Count == 3 && num == -1) { for (int num13 = 0; num13 < contour.Count; num13++) { Int3 item2 = new Int3((int)contour[num13].X, 0, (int)contour[num13].Y); double num14 = (double)(int6.z - int7.z) * (double)(int5.x - int7.x) + (double)(int7.x - int6.x) * (double)(int5.z - int7.z); if (num14 == 0.0) { Debug.LogWarning("Degenerate triangle"); } else { double num15 = ((double)(int6.z - int7.z) * (double)(item2.x - int7.x) + (double)(int7.x - int6.x) * (double)(item2.z - int7.z)) / num14; double num16 = ((double)(int7.z - int5.z) * (double)(item2.x - int7.x) + (double)(int5.x - int7.x) * (double)(item2.z - int7.z)) / num14; item2.y = (int)Math.Round(num15 * (double)int5.y + num16 * (double)int6.y + (1.0 - num15 - num16) * (double)int7.y); list5.Add(list4.Count); list4.Add(item2); } } } else { Polygon polygon = null; int num17 = -1; for (List <IntPoint> list15 = contour; list15 != null; list15 = ((num17 >= childs.Count) ? null : childs[num17].Contour)) { list3.Clear(); for (int num18 = 0; num18 < list15.Count; num18++) { PolygonPoint polygonPoint = new PolygonPoint((double)list15[num18].X, (double)list15[num18].Y); list3.Add(polygonPoint); Int3 item3 = new Int3((int)list15[num18].X, 0, (int)list15[num18].Y); double num19 = (double)(int6.z - int7.z) * (double)(int5.x - int7.x) + (double)(int7.x - int6.x) * (double)(int5.z - int7.z); if (num19 == 0.0) { Debug.LogWarning("Degenerate triangle"); } else { double num20 = ((double)(int6.z - int7.z) * (double)(item3.x - int7.x) + (double)(int7.x - int6.x) * (double)(item3.z - int7.z)) / num19; double num21 = ((double)(int7.z - int5.z) * (double)(item3.x - int7.x) + (double)(int5.x - int7.x) * (double)(item3.z - int7.z)) / num19; item3.y = (int)Math.Round(num20 * (double)int5.y + num21 * (double)int6.y + (1.0 - num20 - num21) * (double)int7.y); dictionary[polygonPoint] = list4.Count; list4.Add(item3); } } Polygon polygon2; if (stack.Count > 0) { polygon2 = stack.Pop(); polygon2.AddPoints(list3); } else { polygon2 = new Polygon(list3); } if (polygon == null) { polygon = polygon2; } else { polygon.AddHole(polygon2); } num17++; } try { P2T.Triangulate(polygon); } catch (PointOnEdgeException) { Debug.LogWarning(string.Concat(new object[] { "PointOnEdgeException, perturbating vertices slightly ( at ", num7, " in ", mode, ")" })); this.CutPoly(verts, tris, ref outVertsArr, ref outTrisArr, out outVCount, out outTCount, extraShape, cuttingOffset, realBounds, mode, perturbate + 1); return; } for (int num22 = 0; num22 < polygon.Triangles.Count; num22++) { DelaunayTriangle delaunayTriangle = polygon.Triangles[num22]; list5.Add(dictionary[delaunayTriangle.Points._0]); list5.Add(dictionary[delaunayTriangle.Points._1]); list5.Add(dictionary[delaunayTriangle.Points._2]); } if (polygon.Holes != null) { for (int num23 = 0; num23 < polygon.Holes.Count; num23++) { polygon.Holes[num23].Points.Clear(); polygon.Holes[num23].ClearTriangles(); if (polygon.Holes[num23].Holes != null) { polygon.Holes[num23].Holes.Clear(); } stack.Push(polygon.Holes[num23]); } } polygon.ClearTriangles(); if (polygon.Holes != null) { polygon.Holes.Clear(); } polygon.Points.Clear(); stack.Push(polygon); } } } IL_1161 :; } } } Dictionary <Int3, int> dictionary2 = this.cached_Int3_int_dict; dictionary2.Clear(); if (this.cached_int_array.Length < list4.Count) { this.cached_int_array = new int[Math.Max(this.cached_int_array.Length * 2, list4.Count)]; } int[] array5 = this.cached_int_array; int num24 = 0; for (int num25 = 0; num25 < list4.Count; num25++) { int num26; if (!dictionary2.TryGetValue(list4[num25], out num26)) { dictionary2.Add(list4[num25], num24); array5[num25] = num24; list4[num24] = list4[num25]; num24++; } else { array5[num25] = num26; } } outTCount = list5.Count; if (outTrisArr == null || outTrisArr.Length < outTCount) { outTrisArr = new int[outTCount]; } for (int num27 = 0; num27 < outTCount; num27++) { outTrisArr[num27] = array5[list5[num27]]; } outVCount = num24; if (outVertsArr == null || outVertsArr.Length < outVCount) { outVertsArr = new Int3[outVCount]; } for (int num28 = 0; num28 < outVCount; num28++) { outVertsArr[num28] = list4[num28]; } for (int num29 = 0; num29 < list7.Count; num29++) { list7[num29].UsedForCut(); } ListPool <Int3> .Release(list4); ListPool <int> .Release(list5); ListPool <int> .Release(list8); ListPool <Int2> .Release(list10); ListPool <bool> .Release(list12); ListPool <bool> .Release(list13); ListPool <IntRect> .Release(list9); ListPool <NavmeshCut> .Release(list7); }
private static List <TileHandler.Cut> PrepareNavmeshCutsForCutting(List <NavmeshCut> navmeshCuts, Int3 cuttingOffset, IntRect bounds, int perturbate, bool anyNavmeshAdds) { System.Random random = null; if (perturbate > 0) { random = new System.Random(); } List <List <IntPoint> > list = ListPool <List <IntPoint> > .Claim(); List <TileHandler.Cut> list2 = ListPool <TileHandler.Cut> .Claim(); for (int i = 0; i < navmeshCuts.Count; i++) { Bounds bounds2 = navmeshCuts[i].GetBounds(); Int3 @int = (Int3)bounds2.min + cuttingOffset; Int3 int2 = (Int3)bounds2.max + cuttingOffset; IntRect a = new IntRect(@int.x, @int.z, int2.x, int2.z); if (IntRect.Intersects(a, bounds) || anyNavmeshAdds) { Int2 int3 = new Int2(0, 0); if (perturbate > 0) { int3.x = random.Next() % 6 * perturbate - 3 * perturbate; if (int3.x >= 0) { int3.x++; } int3.y = random.Next() % 6 * perturbate - 3 * perturbate; if (int3.y >= 0) { int3.y++; } } list.Clear(); navmeshCuts[i].GetContour(list); for (int j = 0; j < list.Count; j++) { List <IntPoint> list3 = list[j]; if (list3.Count == 0) { Debug.LogError("Zero Length Contour"); } else { IntRect bounds3 = new IntRect((int)list3[0].X + cuttingOffset.x, (int)list3[0].Y + cuttingOffset.z, (int)list3[0].X + cuttingOffset.x, (int)list3[0].Y + cuttingOffset.z); for (int k = 0; k < list3.Count; k++) { IntPoint intPoint = list3[k]; intPoint.X += (long)cuttingOffset.x; intPoint.Y += (long)cuttingOffset.z; if (perturbate > 0) { intPoint.X += (long)int3.x; intPoint.Y += (long)int3.y; } bounds3 = bounds3.ExpandToContain((int)intPoint.X, (int)intPoint.Y); list3[k] = new IntPoint(intPoint.X, intPoint.Y); } list2.Add(new TileHandler.Cut { boundsY = new Int2(@int.y, int2.y), bounds = bounds3, isDual = navmeshCuts[i].isDual, cutsAddedGeom = navmeshCuts[i].cutsAddedGeom, contour = list3 }); } } } } ListPool <List <IntPoint> > .Release(list); return(list2); }
private void CutPoly(Int3[] verts, int[] tris, ref Int3[] outVertsArr, ref int[] outTrisArr, out int outVCount, out int outTCount, Int3[] extraShape, Int3 cuttingOffset, Bounds realBounds, TileHandler.CutMode mode = TileHandler.CutMode.CutAll | TileHandler.CutMode.CutDual, int perturbate = -1) { if (verts.Length == 0 || tris.Length == 0) { outVCount = 0; outTCount = 0; outTrisArr = new int[0]; outVertsArr = new Int3[0]; return; } if (perturbate > 10) { Debug.LogError("Too many perturbations aborting.\nThis may cause a tile in the navmesh to become empty. Try to see see if any of your NavmeshCut or NavmeshAdd components use invalid custom meshes."); outVCount = verts.Length; outTCount = tris.Length; outTrisArr = tris; outVertsArr = verts; return; } List <IntPoint> list = null; if (extraShape == null && (mode & TileHandler.CutMode.CutExtra) != (TileHandler.CutMode) 0) { throw new Exception("extraShape is null and the CutMode specifies that it should be used. Cannot use null shape."); } if ((mode & TileHandler.CutMode.CutExtra) != (TileHandler.CutMode) 0) { list = ListPool <IntPoint> .Claim(extraShape.Length); for (int i = 0; i < extraShape.Length; i++) { list.Add(new IntPoint((long)(extraShape[i].x + cuttingOffset.x), (long)(extraShape[i].z + cuttingOffset.z))); } } IntRect bounds = new IntRect(verts[0].x, verts[0].z, verts[0].x, verts[0].z); for (int j = 0; j < verts.Length; j++) { bounds = bounds.ExpandToContain(verts[j].x, verts[j].z); } List <NavmeshCut> list2; if (mode == TileHandler.CutMode.CutExtra) { list2 = ListPool <NavmeshCut> .Claim(); } else { list2 = NavmeshCut.GetAllInRange(realBounds); } List <NavmeshAdd> allInRange = NavmeshAdd.GetAllInRange(realBounds); List <int> list3 = ListPool <int> .Claim(); List <TileHandler.Cut> list4 = TileHandler.PrepareNavmeshCutsForCutting(list2, cuttingOffset, bounds, perturbate, allInRange.Count > 0); List <Int3> list5 = ListPool <Int3> .Claim(verts.Length * 2); List <int> list6 = ListPool <int> .Claim(tris.Length); Int3[] array = verts; int[] array2 = tris; if (list2.Count == 0 && allInRange.Count == 0 && (mode & ~(TileHandler.CutMode.CutAll | TileHandler.CutMode.CutDual)) == (TileHandler.CutMode) 0 && (mode & TileHandler.CutMode.CutAll) != (TileHandler.CutMode) 0) { this.CopyMesh(array, array2, list5, list6); } else { List <IntPoint> list7 = ListPool <IntPoint> .Claim(); Dictionary <TriangulationPoint, int> dictionary = new Dictionary <TriangulationPoint, int>(); List <PolygonPoint> list8 = ListPool <PolygonPoint> .Claim(); PolyTree polyTree = new PolyTree(); List <List <IntPoint> > intermediateResult = new List <List <IntPoint> >(); Stack <Polygon> stack = new Stack <Polygon>(); this.clipper.StrictlySimple = (perturbate > -1); this.clipper.ReverseSolution = true; Int3[] array3 = null; Int3[] clipOut = null; Int2 @int = default(Int2); if (allInRange.Count > 0) { array3 = new Int3[7]; clipOut = new Int3[7]; @int = new Int2(((Int3)realBounds.extents).x, ((Int3)realBounds.extents).z); } int num = -1; int k = -3; for (;;) { k += 3; while (k >= array2.Length) { num++; k = 0; if (num >= allInRange.Count) { array = null; break; } if (array == verts) { array = null; } allInRange[num].GetMesh(cuttingOffset, ref array, out array2); } if (array == null) { break; } Int3 int2 = array[array2[k]]; Int3 int3 = array[array2[k + 1]]; Int3 int4 = array[array2[k + 2]]; if (VectorMath.IsColinearXZ(int2, int3, int4)) { Debug.LogWarning("Skipping degenerate triangle."); } else { IntRect a = new IntRect(int2.x, int2.z, int2.x, int2.z); a = a.ExpandToContain(int3.x, int3.z); a = a.ExpandToContain(int4.x, int4.z); int num2 = Math.Min(int2.y, Math.Min(int3.y, int4.y)); int num3 = Math.Max(int2.y, Math.Max(int3.y, int4.y)); list3.Clear(); bool flag = false; for (int l = 0; l < list4.Count; l++) { int x = list4[l].boundsY.x; int y = list4[l].boundsY.y; if (IntRect.Intersects(a, list4[l].bounds) && y >= num2 && x <= num3 && (list4[l].cutsAddedGeom || num == -1)) { Int3 int5 = int2; int5.y = x; Int3 int6 = int2; int6.y = y; list3.Add(l); flag |= list4[l].isDual; } } if (list3.Count == 0 && (mode & TileHandler.CutMode.CutExtra) == (TileHandler.CutMode) 0 && (mode & TileHandler.CutMode.CutAll) != (TileHandler.CutMode) 0 && num == -1) { list6.Add(list5.Count); list6.Add(list5.Count + 1); list6.Add(list5.Count + 2); list5.Add(int2); list5.Add(int3); list5.Add(int4); } else { list7.Clear(); if (num == -1) { list7.Add(new IntPoint((long)int2.x, (long)int2.z)); list7.Add(new IntPoint((long)int3.x, (long)int3.z)); list7.Add(new IntPoint((long)int4.x, (long)int4.z)); } else { array3[0] = int2; array3[1] = int3; array3[2] = int4; int num4 = this.ClipAgainstRectangle(array3, clipOut, new Int2(@int.x * 2, @int.y * 2)); if (num4 == 0) { continue; } for (int m = 0; m < num4; m++) { list7.Add(new IntPoint((long)array3[m].x, (long)array3[m].z)); } } dictionary.Clear(); for (int n = 0; n < 16; n++) { if ((mode >> (n & 31) & TileHandler.CutMode.CutAll) != (TileHandler.CutMode) 0) { if (1 << n == 1) { this.CutAll(list7, list3, list4, polyTree); } else if (1 << n == 2) { if (!flag) { goto IL_9A0; } this.CutDual(list7, list3, list4, flag, intermediateResult, polyTree); } else if (1 << n == 4) { this.CutExtra(list7, list, polyTree); } for (int num5 = 0; num5 < polyTree.ChildCount; num5++) { PolyNode polyNode = polyTree.Childs[num5]; List <IntPoint> contour = polyNode.Contour; List <PolyNode> childs = polyNode.Childs; if (childs.Count == 0 && contour.Count == 3 && num == -1) { for (int num6 = 0; num6 < 3; num6++) { Int3 int7 = new Int3((int)contour[num6].X, 0, (int)contour[num6].Y); int7.y = TileHandler.SampleYCoordinateInTriangle(int2, int3, int4, int7); list6.Add(list5.Count); list5.Add(int7); } } else { Polygon polygon = null; int num7 = -1; for (List <IntPoint> list9 = contour; list9 != null; list9 = ((num7 >= childs.Count) ? null : childs[num7].Contour)) { list8.Clear(); for (int num8 = 0; num8 < list9.Count; num8++) { PolygonPoint polygonPoint = new PolygonPoint((double)list9[num8].X, (double)list9[num8].Y); list8.Add(polygonPoint); Int3 int8 = new Int3((int)list9[num8].X, 0, (int)list9[num8].Y); int8.y = TileHandler.SampleYCoordinateInTriangle(int2, int3, int4, int8); dictionary[polygonPoint] = list5.Count; list5.Add(int8); } Polygon polygon2; if (stack.Count > 0) { polygon2 = stack.Pop(); polygon2.AddPoints(list8); } else { polygon2 = new Polygon(list8); } if (num7 == -1) { polygon = polygon2; } else { polygon.AddHole(polygon2); } num7++; } try { P2T.Triangulate(polygon); } catch (PointOnEdgeException) { Debug.LogWarning("PointOnEdgeException, perturbating vertices slightly.\nThis is usually fine. It happens sometimes because of rounding errors. Cutting will be retried a few more times."); this.CutPoly(verts, tris, ref outVertsArr, ref outTrisArr, out outVCount, out outTCount, extraShape, cuttingOffset, realBounds, mode, perturbate + 1); return; } try { for (int num9 = 0; num9 < polygon.Triangles.Count; num9++) { DelaunayTriangle delaunayTriangle = polygon.Triangles[num9]; list6.Add(dictionary[delaunayTriangle.Points._0]); list6.Add(dictionary[delaunayTriangle.Points._1]); list6.Add(dictionary[delaunayTriangle.Points._2]); } } catch (KeyNotFoundException) { Debug.LogWarning("KeyNotFoundException, perturbating vertices slightly.\nThis is usually fine. It happens sometimes because of rounding errors. Cutting will be retried a few more times."); this.CutPoly(verts, tris, ref outVertsArr, ref outTrisArr, out outVCount, out outTCount, extraShape, cuttingOffset, realBounds, mode, perturbate + 1); return; } TileHandler.PoolPolygon(polygon, stack); } } } IL_9A0 :; } } } } ListPool <IntPoint> .Release(list7); ListPool <PolygonPoint> .Release(list8); } this.CompressMesh(list5, list6, ref outVertsArr, ref outTrisArr, out outVCount, out outTCount); for (int num10 = 0; num10 < list2.Count; num10++) { list2[num10].UsedForCut(); } ListPool <Int3> .Release(list5); ListPool <int> .Release(list6); ListPool <int> .Release(list3); for (int num11 = 0; num11 < list4.Count; num11++) { ListPool <IntPoint> .Release(list4[num11].contour); } ListPool <TileHandler.Cut> .Release(list4); ListPool <NavmeshCut> .Release(list2); }
private void CutPoly(ListView <NavmeshCut> InNavmeshCuts, VInt3[] verts, int[] tris, ref VInt3[] outVertsArr, ref int[] outTrisArr, out int outVCount, out int outTCount, VInt3[] extraShape, VInt3 cuttingOffset, Bounds realBounds, SGameTileHandler.CutMode mode = (SGameTileHandler.CutMode) 3, int perturbate = 0) { if (verts.Length == 0 || tris.Length == 0) { outVCount = 0; outTCount = 0; outTrisArr = new int[0]; outVertsArr = new VInt3[0]; return; } List <IntPoint> list = null; if (extraShape == null && (mode & SGameTileHandler.CutMode.CutExtra) != (SGameTileHandler.CutMode) 0) { throw new Exception("extraShape is null and the CutMode specifies that it should be used. Cannot use null shape."); } if ((mode & SGameTileHandler.CutMode.CutExtra) != (SGameTileHandler.CutMode) 0) { list = new List <IntPoint>(extraShape.Length); for (int i = 0; i < extraShape.Length; i++) { list.Add(new IntPoint((long)(extraShape[i].x + cuttingOffset.x), (long)(extraShape[i].z + cuttingOffset.z))); } } List <IntPoint> list2 = new List <IntPoint>(5); Dictionary <TriangulationPoint, int> dictionary = new Dictionary <TriangulationPoint, int>(); List <PolygonPoint> list3 = new List <PolygonPoint>(); IntRect b = new IntRect(verts[0].x, verts[0].z, verts[0].x, verts[0].z); for (int j = 0; j < verts.Length; j++) { b = b.ExpandToContain(verts[j].x, verts[j].z); } List <VInt3> list4 = ListPool <VInt3> .Claim(verts.Length * 2); List <int> list5 = ListPool <int> .Claim(tris.Length); PolyTree polyTree = new PolyTree(); List <List <IntPoint> > list6 = new List <List <IntPoint> >(); Stack <Polygon> stack = new Stack <Polygon>(); if (this.clipper == null) { this.clipper = new Clipper(0); } this.clipper.set_ReverseSolution(true); this.clipper.set_StrictlySimple(true); ListView <NavmeshCut> listView; if (mode == SGameTileHandler.CutMode.CutExtra) { listView = new ListView <NavmeshCut>(); } else { listView = new ListView <NavmeshCut>(InNavmeshCuts); } List <int> list7 = ListPool <int> .Claim(); List <IntRect> list8 = ListPool <IntRect> .Claim(); List <VInt2> list9 = ListPool <VInt2> .Claim(); List <List <IntPoint> > list10 = new List <List <IntPoint> >(); List <bool> list11 = ListPool <bool> .Claim(); List <bool> list12 = ListPool <bool> .Claim(); if (perturbate > 10) { Debug.LogError("Too many perturbations aborting : " + mode); Debug.Break(); outVCount = verts.Length; outTCount = tris.Length; outTrisArr = tris; outVertsArr = verts; return; } Random random = null; if (perturbate > 0) { random = new Random(); } for (int k = 0; k < listView.Count; k++) { Bounds bounds = listView[k].GetBounds(); VInt3 vInt = (VInt3)bounds.min + cuttingOffset; VInt3 vInt2 = (VInt3)bounds.max + cuttingOffset; IntRect a = new IntRect(vInt.x, vInt.z, vInt2.x, vInt2.z); if (IntRect.Intersects(a, b)) { VInt2 vInt3 = new VInt2(0, 0); if (perturbate > 0) { vInt3.x = random.Next() % 6 * perturbate - 3 * perturbate; if (vInt3.x >= 0) { vInt3.x++; } vInt3.y = random.Next() % 6 * perturbate - 3 * perturbate; if (vInt3.y >= 0) { vInt3.y++; } } int count = list10.get_Count(); listView[k].GetContour(list10); for (int l = count; l < list10.get_Count(); l++) { List <IntPoint> list13 = list10.get_Item(l); if (list13.get_Count() == 0) { Debug.LogError("Zero Length Contour"); list8.Add(default(IntRect)); list9.Add(new VInt2(0, 0)); } else { IntRect intRect = new IntRect((int)list13.get_Item(0).X + cuttingOffset.x, (int)list13.get_Item(0).Y + cuttingOffset.y, (int)list13.get_Item(0).X + cuttingOffset.x, (int)list13.get_Item(0).Y + cuttingOffset.y); for (int m = 0; m < list13.get_Count(); m++) { IntPoint intPoint = list13.get_Item(m); intPoint.X += (long)cuttingOffset.x; intPoint.Y += (long)cuttingOffset.z; if (perturbate > 0) { intPoint.X += (long)vInt3.x; intPoint.Y += (long)vInt3.y; } list13.set_Item(m, intPoint); intRect = intRect.ExpandToContain((int)intPoint.X, (int)intPoint.Y); } list9.Add(new VInt2(vInt.y, vInt2.y)); list8.Add(intRect); list11.Add(listView[k].isDual); list12.Add(listView[k].cutsAddedGeom); } } } } ListView <NavmeshAdd> listView2 = new ListView <NavmeshAdd>(); VInt3[] array = verts; int[] array2 = tris; int num = -1; int n = -3; VInt3[] array3 = null; VInt3[] array4 = null; VInt3 vInt4 = VInt3.zero; if (listView2.Count > 0) { array3 = new VInt3[7]; array4 = new VInt3[7]; vInt4 = (VInt3)realBounds.extents; } while (true) { n += 3; while (n >= array2.Length) { num++; n = 0; if (num >= listView2.Count) { array = null; break; } if (array == verts) { array = null; } listView2[num].GetMesh(cuttingOffset, ref array, out array2); } if (array == null) { break; } VInt3 vInt5 = array[array2[n]]; VInt3 vInt6 = array[array2[n + 1]]; VInt3 vInt7 = array[array2[n + 2]]; IntRect a2 = new IntRect(vInt5.x, vInt5.z, vInt5.x, vInt5.z); a2 = a2.ExpandToContain(vInt6.x, vInt6.z); a2 = a2.ExpandToContain(vInt7.x, vInt7.z); int num2 = Math.Min(vInt5.y, Math.Min(vInt6.y, vInt7.y)); int num3 = Math.Max(vInt5.y, Math.Max(vInt6.y, vInt7.y)); list7.Clear(); bool flag = false; for (int num4 = 0; num4 < list10.get_Count(); num4++) { int x = list9.get_Item(num4).x; int y = list9.get_Item(num4).y; if (IntRect.Intersects(a2, list8.get_Item(num4)) && y >= num2 && x <= num3 && (list12.get_Item(num4) || num == -1)) { VInt3 vInt8 = vInt5; vInt8.y = x; VInt3 vInt9 = vInt5; vInt9.y = y; list7.Add(num4); flag |= list11.get_Item(num4); } } if (list7.get_Count() == 0 && (mode & SGameTileHandler.CutMode.CutExtra) == (SGameTileHandler.CutMode) 0 && (mode & SGameTileHandler.CutMode.CutAll) != (SGameTileHandler.CutMode) 0 && num == -1) { list5.Add(list4.get_Count()); list5.Add(list4.get_Count() + 1); list5.Add(list4.get_Count() + 2); list4.Add(vInt5); list4.Add(vInt6); list4.Add(vInt7); } else { list2.Clear(); if (num == -1) { list2.Add(new IntPoint((long)vInt5.x, (long)vInt5.z)); list2.Add(new IntPoint((long)vInt6.x, (long)vInt6.z)); list2.Add(new IntPoint((long)vInt7.x, (long)vInt7.z)); } else { array3[0] = vInt5; array3[1] = vInt6; array3[2] = vInt7; int num5 = Utility.ClipPolygon(array3, 3, array4, 1, 0, 0); if (num5 == 0) { continue; } num5 = Utility.ClipPolygon(array4, num5, array3, -1, 2 * vInt4.x, 0); if (num5 == 0) { continue; } num5 = Utility.ClipPolygon(array3, num5, array4, 1, 0, 2); if (num5 == 0) { continue; } num5 = Utility.ClipPolygon(array4, num5, array3, -1, 2 * vInt4.z, 2); if (num5 == 0) { continue; } for (int num6 = 0; num6 < num5; num6++) { list2.Add(new IntPoint((long)array3[num6].x, (long)array3[num6].z)); } } dictionary.Clear(); VInt3 vInt10 = vInt6 - vInt5; VInt3 vInt11 = vInt7 - vInt5; VInt3 vInt12 = vInt10; VInt3 vInt13 = vInt11; vInt12.y = 0; vInt13.y = 0; for (int num7 = 0; num7 < 16; num7++) { if ((mode >> (num7 & 31) & SGameTileHandler.CutMode.CutAll) != (SGameTileHandler.CutMode) 0) { if (1 << num7 == 1) { this.clipper.Clear(); this.clipper.AddPolygon(list2, 0); for (int num8 = 0; num8 < list7.get_Count(); num8++) { this.clipper.AddPolygon(list10.get_Item(list7.get_Item(num8)), 1); } polyTree.Clear(); this.clipper.Execute(2, polyTree, 0, 1); } else if (1 << num7 == 2) { if (!flag) { goto IL_1173; } this.clipper.Clear(); this.clipper.AddPolygon(list2, 0); for (int num9 = 0; num9 < list7.get_Count(); num9++) { if (list11.get_Item(list7.get_Item(num9))) { this.clipper.AddPolygon(list10.get_Item(list7.get_Item(num9)), 1); } } list6.Clear(); this.clipper.Execute(0, list6, 0, 1); this.clipper.Clear(); for (int num10 = 0; num10 < list6.get_Count(); num10++) { this.clipper.AddPolygon(list6.get_Item(num10), (!Clipper.Orientation(list6.get_Item(num10))) ? 0 : 1); } for (int num11 = 0; num11 < list7.get_Count(); num11++) { if (!list11.get_Item(list7.get_Item(num11))) { this.clipper.AddPolygon(list10.get_Item(list7.get_Item(num11)), 1); } } polyTree.Clear(); this.clipper.Execute(2, polyTree, 0, 1); } else if (1 << num7 == 4) { this.clipper.Clear(); this.clipper.AddPolygon(list2, 0); this.clipper.AddPolygon(list, 1); polyTree.Clear(); this.clipper.Execute(0, polyTree, 0, 1); } for (int num12 = 0; num12 < polyTree.get_ChildCount(); num12++) { PolyNode polyNode = polyTree.get_Childs().get_Item(num12); List <IntPoint> contour = polyNode.get_Contour(); List <PolyNode> childs = polyNode.get_Childs(); if (childs.get_Count() == 0 && contour.get_Count() == 3 && num == -1) { for (int num13 = 0; num13 < contour.get_Count(); num13++) { VInt3 vInt14 = new VInt3((int)contour.get_Item(num13).X, 0, (int)contour.get_Item(num13).Y); double num14 = (double)(vInt6.z - vInt7.z) * (double)(vInt5.x - vInt7.x) + (double)(vInt7.x - vInt6.x) * (double)(vInt5.z - vInt7.z); if (num14 == 0.0) { Debug.LogWarning("Degenerate triangle"); } else { double num15 = ((double)(vInt6.z - vInt7.z) * (double)(vInt14.x - vInt7.x) + (double)(vInt7.x - vInt6.x) * (double)(vInt14.z - vInt7.z)) / num14; double num16 = ((double)(vInt7.z - vInt5.z) * (double)(vInt14.x - vInt7.x) + (double)(vInt5.x - vInt7.x) * (double)(vInt14.z - vInt7.z)) / num14; vInt14.y = (int)Math.Round(num15 * (double)vInt5.y + num16 * (double)vInt6.y + (1.0 - num15 - num16) * (double)vInt7.y); list5.Add(list4.get_Count()); list4.Add(vInt14); } } } else { Polygon polygon = null; int num17 = -1; for (List <IntPoint> list14 = contour; list14 != null; list14 = ((num17 >= childs.get_Count()) ? null : childs.get_Item(num17).get_Contour())) { list3.Clear(); for (int num18 = 0; num18 < list14.get_Count(); num18++) { PolygonPoint polygonPoint = new PolygonPoint((double)list14.get_Item(num18).X, (double)list14.get_Item(num18).Y); list3.Add(polygonPoint); VInt3 vInt15 = new VInt3((int)list14.get_Item(num18).X, 0, (int)list14.get_Item(num18).Y); double num19 = (double)(vInt6.z - vInt7.z) * (double)(vInt5.x - vInt7.x) + (double)(vInt7.x - vInt6.x) * (double)(vInt5.z - vInt7.z); if (num19 == 0.0) { Debug.LogWarning("Degenerate triangle"); } else { double num20 = ((double)(vInt6.z - vInt7.z) * (double)(vInt15.x - vInt7.x) + (double)(vInt7.x - vInt6.x) * (double)(vInt15.z - vInt7.z)) / num19; double num21 = ((double)(vInt7.z - vInt5.z) * (double)(vInt15.x - vInt7.x) + (double)(vInt5.x - vInt7.x) * (double)(vInt15.z - vInt7.z)) / num19; vInt15.y = (int)Math.Round(num20 * (double)vInt5.y + num21 * (double)vInt6.y + (1.0 - num20 - num21) * (double)vInt7.y); dictionary.set_Item(polygonPoint, list4.get_Count()); list4.Add(vInt15); } } Polygon polygon2; if (stack.get_Count() > 0) { polygon2 = stack.Pop(); polygon2.AddPoints(list3); } else { polygon2 = new Polygon(list3); } if (polygon == null) { polygon = polygon2; } else { polygon.AddHole(polygon2); } num17++; } try { P2T.Triangulate(polygon); } catch (PointOnEdgeException) { Debug.LogWarning(string.Concat(new object[] { "PointOnEdgeException, perturbating vertices slightly ( at ", num7, " in ", mode, ")" })); this.CutPoly(InNavmeshCuts, verts, tris, ref outVertsArr, ref outTrisArr, out outVCount, out outTCount, extraShape, cuttingOffset, realBounds, mode, perturbate + 1); return; } for (int num22 = 0; num22 < polygon.get_Triangles().get_Count(); num22++) { DelaunayTriangle delaunayTriangle = polygon.get_Triangles().get_Item(num22); list5.Add(dictionary.get_Item(delaunayTriangle.Points._0)); list5.Add(dictionary.get_Item(delaunayTriangle.Points._1)); list5.Add(dictionary.get_Item(delaunayTriangle.Points._2)); } if (polygon.get_Holes() != null) { for (int num23 = 0; num23 < polygon.get_Holes().get_Count(); num23++) { polygon.get_Holes().get_Item(num23).get_Points().Clear(); polygon.get_Holes().get_Item(num23).ClearTriangles(); if (polygon.get_Holes().get_Item(num23).get_Holes() != null) { polygon.get_Holes().get_Item(num23).get_Holes().Clear(); } stack.Push(polygon.get_Holes().get_Item(num23)); } } polygon.ClearTriangles(); if (polygon.get_Holes() != null) { polygon.get_Holes().Clear(); } polygon.get_Points().Clear(); stack.Push(polygon); } } } IL_1173 :; } } } Dictionary <VInt3, int> dictionary2 = this.cached_Int3_int_dict; dictionary2.Clear(); if (this.cached_int_array.Length < list4.get_Count()) { this.cached_int_array = new int[Math.Max(this.cached_int_array.Length * 2, list4.get_Count())]; } int[] array5 = this.cached_int_array; int num24 = 0; for (int num25 = 0; num25 < list4.get_Count(); num25++) { int num26; if (!dictionary2.TryGetValue(list4.get_Item(num25), ref num26)) { dictionary2.Add(list4.get_Item(num25), num24); array5[num25] = num24; list4.set_Item(num24, list4.get_Item(num25)); num24++; } else { array5[num25] = num26; } } outTCount = list5.get_Count(); if (outTrisArr == null || outTrisArr.Length < outTCount) { outTrisArr = new int[outTCount]; } for (int num27 = 0; num27 < outTCount; num27++) { outTrisArr[num27] = array5[list5.get_Item(num27)]; } outVCount = num24; if (outVertsArr == null || outVertsArr.Length < outVCount) { outVertsArr = new VInt3[outVCount]; } for (int num28 = 0; num28 < outVCount; num28++) { outVertsArr[num28] = list4.get_Item(num28); } for (int num29 = 0; num29 < listView.Count; num29++) { listView[num29].UsedForCut(); } ListPool <VInt3> .Release(list4); ListPool <int> .Release(list5); ListPool <int> .Release(list7); ListPool <VInt2> .Release(list9); ListPool <bool> .Release(list11); ListPool <bool> .Release(list12); ListPool <IntRect> .Release(list8); }