Example #1
    // Use this for initialization
    void Start()
        // Score from example 1 ( see example for more comments )
        score.Subscribe(_ => AnimateObj(scoreText.gameObject));

        // Highscore ---------------------------

        // Scans through all values and gets the highest ( Math.Max( last, new ) ) and use it to compare with future values
        var highscore = score.Scan(int.MinValue, Mathf.Max).ToReactiveProperty();

        // Change text when highscore changes ( we format the string to BEST x before setting it to text )
        highscore.SubscribeToText(highscoreText, x => string.Format("BEST {0}", x));

        // Add animation when highscore changes
        highscore.Subscribe(_ => AnimateObj(highscoreText.gameObject));

        // Button actions ------------------------
        addButton.onClick.AddListener(() => score.Value++);
        resetButton.onClick.AddListener(() => score.Value = 0);