public void PassTurn() { if (gsi.passedLastTurn != StoneColor.none) { gsi.gameOver = true; //UpdateTerritoryCounts();//We shouldnt have to do this here since it was done after the last stone was played, and its passed? gsi.Tally(); if (GameEndedEvent != null) { GameEndedEvent.Raise(); } } gsi.passedLastTurn = gsi.currentTurn; //AGA rules have you give your opponent a prisoner when you pass. //we store it as a separate int so we can implemenet different scoring system rulesets and compare. if (gsi.currentTurn == { gsi.timesBlackPassed++; } else if (gsi.currentTurn == StoneColor.white) { gsi.timesWhitePassed++; } gsi.currentTurn = OtherColor(gsi.currentTurn); if (TurnResponseEvent != null) { TurnResponseEvent.Raise(true); } if (TurnResponseCodeEvent != null) { TurnResponseCodeEvent.Raise(1); } }
private void addAlienTypeToSpawner(alienType type) { int typeInt = 0; switch (type) { case alienType.Circle: typeInt = 0; break; case alienType.CrushedSquare: typeInt = 1; break; case alienType.CirclePair: typeInt = 2; break; case alienType.CircleTrio: typeInt = 3; break; case alienType.LongSquare: typeInt = 4; break; } addAlienTypeEvent.Raise(typeInt); }
private void OnLoadSceneEvent(object[] data) { int sceneIndex = (int)data[0]; loadSceneEvent.Raise(sceneIndex); Debug.Log("PUN Event: scene change to: " + sceneIndex); }
private void changeBreathDifficulty(difficulty diff) { // 0 = Slowest/Deepest, 1 = Slow/Deep, 2 = Medium, 3 = Fast/Shallow int diffInt; switch (diff) { case difficulty.Deepest: diffInt = 0; break; case difficulty.Deep: diffInt = 1; break; case difficulty.Normal: diffInt = 2; break; case difficulty.Quick: diffInt = 3; break; default: diffInt = 2; break; } changeDifficultyEvent.Raise(diffInt); }
private void Update() { if (Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.Alpha1)) { on1Pressed.Raise(); onIntSupplied.Raise(42); } }
private void CustomerSatisfied() { PlayRandomSound(customerProfile.customerSatisfiedSounds); //audio customerSatisfiedEvent.Raise(customerOrder.Ingredients.Length); //tally and adjust score orderPromptController.OnSuccessfulOrder(); //update visuals orderHasBeenDelivered = true; //flag to reject all future Orders //Debug.Log("Thanks for the Pizza!!!!"); }
void OnTriggerEnter(Collider other) { if (other.CompareTag("Player")) { CashEvent.Raise(CashAmount); Destroy(gameObject); } }
private void HandleVariable(EventData <int> data) { if (internalUpdate) { return; } internalUpdate = true; hostDropdown.value = data.value; if (onValueChangedEvent != null) { onValueChangedEvent.Raise(valueVariable, data.value); } internalUpdate = false; }
void HandleClick() { if (skill == null) { //ShowAvailableSkillsPanel(); } if (skill != null) { OnSkillPressed.Raise(index); } }
private void onButtonPress(SelectableActionType actionType) { onActionSelectedEvent.Raise((int)actionType); if (actionType == SelectableActionType.Build) { this.loadBuildOptions(); } if (actionType == SelectableActionType.ChangeGrid) { ((Planet)this.parentSelectable).TryPerformAction(actionType, null, ""); } }
public override void OnInspectorGUI() { //base.OnInspectorGUI(); EditorGUILayout.HelpBox("This Game-Event passes along a single integer value", MessageType.Info, true); IntGameEvent e = (IntGameEvent)target; GUI.enabled = Application.isPlaying; e.debugValue = EditorGUILayout.IntField("Debug Value", e.debugValue); if (GUILayout.Button("Raise Event")) { e.Raise(e.debugValue); e.DebugMessage(); } }
IEnumerator showOrder() { showSequenceEvent.Raise(false); yield return(new WaitForSeconds(1f)); foreach (int n in buttonOrder) { glowButton.Raise(n); yield return(new WaitForSeconds(1f)); } expectedButtonIndex = 0; showSequenceEvent.Raise(true); }
// Implement IUnityAdsListener interface methods: public void OnUnityAdsDidFinish(string placementId, ShowResult showResult) { // Define conditional logic for each ad completion status: if (showResult == ShowResult.Finished) { // Reward the user for watching the ad to completion. Debug.Log("Finished Rewarded Add"); AddCashEvent.Raise(RewardAmount); } else if (showResult == ShowResult.Skipped) { // Do not reward the user for skipping the ad. Debug.Log("Skipped Rewarded Add"); } else if (showResult == ShowResult.Failed) { Debug.LogWarning("The ad did not finish due to an error."); } }
// Draw the property inside the given rect public override void OnGUI(Rect position, SerializedProperty property, GUIContent label) { // Using BeginProperty / EndProperty on the parent property means that // prefab override logic works on the entire property. EditorGUI.BeginProperty(position, label, property); var indent = EditorGUI.indentLevel; EditorGUI.indentLevel = 0; Rect buttonPosition = new Rect(position.x, position.y + 5, position.width, 30); Rect idInputPosition = new Rect(position.x, buttonPosition.y + 35, position.width, 25); this.instanceId = EditorGUI.IntField(idInputPosition, this.instanceId); bool clicked = GUI.Button(buttonPosition, "Raise Event"); if (clicked) { IntGameEvent gameEvent = property.objectReferenceValue as IntGameEvent; gameEvent?.Raise(this.instanceId); if (gameEvent != null) { Debug.Log("Successfully raised event"); } } var newPos = new Rect(idInputPosition.x, idInputPosition.y + 35, position.width, 25); EditorGUI.PropertyField(newPos, property, GUIContent.none); // Set indent back to what it was EditorGUI.indentLevel = indent; EditorGUI.EndProperty(); }
//The event to open and close // to be used if there is a toggle. //[Serializable] IntGameEvent CloseWindowEvent; //Callback function. public void OpenWindow() { //Raise the open window event at the value of hte handle window. OpenWindowEvent.Raise(WindowHandle.Value); }
public void OnInventoryItemHovered() { onHoverEvent.Raise(ID); }
public void OnInventoryItemClicked() { onClickEvent.Raise(ID); }
private void RaiseUpdateJumpcountEvent() { UpdateJumpCountEvent.Raise(jumpCount.Data); }
private void SelectFile() { selectFileEvent.Raise(indexReference); Debug.Log("FILE SELECTED! AT: " + IndexReference); }
private void SetSceneInfo() { startingPositionVariable.Value = startingPosition; loadSceneEvent.Raise(sceneIndex); }
// HERE JAMES private IEnumerator NarrativeSteps() { playInterComSound = true; displayStepText(); switch (currentIndex) { case 0: textDisplayDuration = 7; timeBetweenSteps = 0; noHideRaise = true; noDisplayRaise = true; break; //Hello Cadet! Welcome aboard the SS Junk! I’m Captain Von Droop!” case 1: textDisplayDuration = 13; timeBetweenSteps = 0; noHideRaise = true; noDisplayRaise = true; break; //We travel deep into space to process aliens like Blumps and Grunks. They’re valuale and pretty cute! The deeper we go, the more we’ll find! case 2: textDisplayDuration = 9; timeBetweenSteps = 0; noHideRaise = true; noDisplayRaise = true; break; //Your job is to receive Blumps and Grumps from the chute, process them and sort them into these bins. case 3: textDisplayDuration = 6; timeBetweenSteps = 0; noHideRaise = true; noDisplayRaise = true; break; //Air circulation is very important on this ship. You remember how to breathe right? case 4: textDisplayDuration = 9; timeBetweenSteps = 0; noHideRaise = true; noDisplayRaise = true; break; //Watch the breath gauge! Use LEFT CTRL and RIGHT CTRL to inhale and exhale while in the Yellow zones //Breathe NORMAL case 5: textDisplayDuration = 6; timeBetweenSteps = 0; noHideRaise = true; noDisplayRaise = true; startInhaleEvent.Raise(); break; //Remember if you fail to breathe properly you will pass out - be careful! case 6: textDisplayDuration = 10; timeBetweenSteps = 20; CameraShakeEvent.Raise(0); EmergencySirenEvent.Raise(true); playSFX(sfx.Siren); spawnAlien(alienType.Circle, 2); spawnAlien(alienType.CrushedSquare, 2); setAlienLimitEvent.Raise(10); setSpawnMultiplierEvent.Raise(1f); noHideRaise = false; noDisplayRaise = false; break; //Fresh Aliens incoming! Put the Purple Blumbles in the Purple Bin and the Orange Grunks in the orange bin. //Spawn 3 Blumbles & 3 Grunks //Variable spawn rate of BlumbleB's and GrunksB's case 7: textDisplayDuration = 6; timeBetweenSteps = 15; EmergencySirenEvent.Raise(false); CameraShakeEvent.Raise(3); stopSFX(sfx.Siren); addAlienTypeToSpawner(alienType.CirclePair); addAlienTypeToSpawner(alienType.CircleTrio); spawnAlien(alienType.CirclePair, 1); spawnAlien(alienType.CircleTrio, 1); noHideRaise = false; noDisplayRaise = false; break; //Whoa those Blumbles need to be cut! Use the laser! //Summon BlumbleA's case 8: playSFX(sfx.Oxygen); textDisplayDuration = 6; timeBetweenSteps = 15; EmergencySirenEvent.Raise(true); CameraShakeEvent.Raise(1); changeBreathDifficulty(difficulty.Deep); noHideRaise = false; noDisplayRaise = false; break; //Uhh sorry cadet! Our new intern broke our oxygen valve, breathe deeper while I fix this! //Breathe DEEP case 9: stopSFX(sfx.Oxygen); textDisplayDuration = 6; timeBetweenSteps = 0; EmergencySirenEvent.Raise(false); changeBreathDifficulty(difficulty.Normal); noHideRaise = true; noDisplayRaise = true; break; //FIXED! You can breathe normally now - Ugh Interns are the worst sometimes. //Breath NORMAL case 10: textDisplayDuration = 6; timeBetweenSteps = 10; EmergencySirenEvent.Raise(true); playSFX(sfx.Siren); CameraShakeEvent.Raise(4); playSFX(sfx.HyperSpace); setAlienLimitEvent.Raise(20); setSpawnMultiplierEvent.Raise(1.5f); stopSFX(sfx.Siren); noHideRaise = false; noDisplayRaise = false; break; //Alright let’s go DEEPER INTO SPACE! Watch out for more aliens! //Increase spawn rate after transition case 11: textDisplayDuration = 6; timeBetweenSteps = 15; EmergencySirenEvent.Raise(false); addAlienTypeToSpawner(alienType.LongSquare); spawnAlien(alienType.LongSquare, 3); noHideRaise = false; noDisplayRaise = false; break; //Ah! Those grunks are too big! Use the crusher! //Spawn GrunkA's case 12: textDisplayDuration = 10; timeBetweenSteps = 20; changeBreathDifficulty(difficulty.Quick); playSFX(sfx.Siren); playSFX(sfx.PirateBattle); CameraShakeEvent.Raise(1); FlickerOff.Raise(); EmergencySirenEvent.Raise(true); noHideRaise = false; noDisplayRaise = false; break; //Oh no Pirates are attacking - everyone panic and breathe quickly! Intern help me EEK! //Breath QUICKLY case 13: textDisplayDuration = 9; timeBetweenSteps = 10; changeBreathDifficulty(difficulty.Normal); stopSFX(sfx.Siren); FlickerOn.Raise(); EmergencySirenEvent.Raise(false); CameraShakeEvent.Raise(4); playSFX(sfx.HyperSpace); setAlienLimitEvent.Raise(30); setSpawnMultiplierEvent.Raise(2f); stopSFX(sfx.PirateBattle); noHideRaise = false; noDisplayRaise = false; break; //Let's get out of here! Onwards to Deepest Space! Breath normally but Expect a lot of aliens... //Breath NORMAL case 14: textDisplayDuration = 7; timeBetweenSteps = 20; changeBreathDifficulty(difficulty.Deep); noHideRaise = false; noDisplayRaise = false; break; //Is that…a lavender scented candle? Nice! Everyone - Breath that in deeply! //Breath DEEPLY case 15: textDisplayDuration = 7; timeBetweenSteps = 20; changeBreathDifficulty(difficulty.Deepest); CameraShakeEvent.Raise(3); noHideRaise = false; noDisplayRaise = false; break; //Whoa slow down - that’s not lavender - that’s eucalyptus - my favorite!! Breath as deep as you can! //Breath DEEPEST case 16: textDisplayDuration = 7; timeBetweenSteps = 15; changeBreathDifficulty(difficulty.Normal); noHideRaise = false; noDisplayRaise = false; break; //Ahh that was nice... Alright - Breath normally //Breath NORMAL case 17: textDisplayDuration = 7; timeBetweenSteps = 2; narrativeComplete = true; setSpawnMultiplierEvent.Raise(0f); noHideRaise = false; noDisplayRaise = false; break; //Great work cadet! We ventured to deepest space and cleansed the galaxy! Great job! } if (playInterComSound) { playSFX(sfx.Intercom); } yield return(null); }
public void b_IncrementScore() { score++; scoreEvent.Raise(score); }
public override void Execute(Entity e) { _gainPointsEvent.Raise(_pointsToGain); }