private World() { // Get the extents of the world. var blocks = Component.FindObjectsOfType <Block>(); Int3 minPos = new Int3(500, 500, 500); Int3 maxPos = new Int3(-500, -500, -500); foreach (Block block in blocks) { Debug.Log("Block at: " + block.transform.position); minPos = Int3.Min(minPos, new Int3(block.transform.position)); maxPos = Int3.Max(maxPos, new Int3(block.transform.position)); } Origin = minPos; Size = maxPos - minPos + Int3.One; Debug.Log("Origin: " + minPos); Debug.Log("Size: " + Size); Debug.Log("Max Pos: " + maxPos); // Fill the array. Blocks = new Block[Size.x, Size.y, Size.z]; //Debug.Log("Blocks dimension: " + Blocks.GetLength(0) + ", ") foreach (Block block in blocks) { Int3 pos = new Int3(block.transform.position) - Origin; Blocks[pos.x, pos.y, pos.z] = block; } }
public void Include(BitCube other, Int3 offset) { if ((offset >= size).Any) { return; } Int3 sourceStart = Int3.Max(-offset, 0); Int3 sourceCount = other.Size - sourceStart; Int3 destStart = Int3.Max(offset, 0); sourceCount = Int3.Min(destStart + sourceCount, size) - destStart; Int3 at = new Int3(); for (at.X = 0; at.X < sourceCount.X; at.X++) { for (at.Y = 0; at.Y < sourceCount.Y; at.Y++) { for (at.Z = 0; at.Z < sourceCount.Z; at.Z++) { this[at + destStart] |= other[at + sourceStart]; } } } }
public IEnumerable <Util.Tuple <Cell, CellValue> > GetFilledCells(Cell cellA, Cell cellB) { Int3 cellIntA = cellA.ToInt3(); Int3 cellIntB = cellB.ToInt3(); Int3 min = Int3.Min(cellIntA, cellIntB); Int3 max = Int3.Max(cellIntA, cellIntB) +; // Int3 mins3 = mins.ToInt3(); // Int3 maxs = inclusiveMaxs.ToInt3() +; foreach (Int3 u in Int3.Enumerate(min, max)) { CellValue val = GetCellValue(new Cell(u)); if (val.blockType != BlockShape.Empty) { yield return(new Util.Tuple <Cell, CellValue>(new Cell(u), val)); } } }
public void SetOne(Int3 offset, Int3 count) { Int3 sourceStart = Int3.Max(-offset, 0); Int3 sourceCount = count - sourceStart; Int3 destStart = Int3.Max(offset, 0); sourceCount = Int3.Min(destStart + sourceCount, size) - destStart; Int3 at = new Int3(); for (at.X = 0; at.X < sourceCount.X; at.X++) { for (at.Y = 0; at.Y < sourceCount.Y; at.Y++) { for (at.Z = 0; at.Z < sourceCount.Z; at.Z++) { this[at + destStart] = true; } } } }
public int OneCountIn(Int3 offset, Int3 count) { Int3 count3 = count - Int3.Max(-offset, 0); offset = Int3.Max(offset, 0); count3 = Int3.Min(offset + count3, size) - offset; Int3 at = new Int3(); int rs = 0; for (at.X = 0; at.X < count3.X; at.X++) { for (at.Y = 0; at.Y < count3.Y; at.Y++) { for (at.Z = 0; at.Z < count3.Z; at.Z++) { rs += this[at + offset] ? 1 : 0; } } } return(rs); }
public void PostProcess(RenderDrawContext drawContext, ShaderSource[] mipmapShaders) { if (mipmapShaders.Length != LayoutSize) { return; } if (VoxelMipmapSimple == null) { VoxelMipmapSimple = new Stride.Rendering.ComputeEffect.ComputeEffectShader(drawContext.RenderContext) { ShaderSourceName = "Voxel2x2x2MipmapEffect" }; } if (VoxelMipmapSimpleGroups == null || VoxelMipmapSimpleGroups.Length != LayoutSize || VoxelMipmapSimpleGroups[0].Length != TempMipMaps.Length) { if (VoxelMipmapSimpleGroups != null) { for (int axis = 0; axis < LayoutSize; axis++) { if (VoxelMipmapSimpleGroups[axis] != null) { foreach (var shader in VoxelMipmapSimpleGroups[axis]) { shader.Dispose(); } } } } VoxelMipmapSimpleGroups = new Stride.Rendering.ComputeEffect.ComputeEffectShader[LayoutSize][]; for (int axis = 0; axis < LayoutSize; axis++) { VoxelMipmapSimpleGroups[axis] = new Stride.Rendering.ComputeEffect.ComputeEffectShader[TempMipMaps.Length]; for (int i = 0; i < VoxelMipmapSimpleGroups[axis].Length; i++) { VoxelMipmapSimpleGroups[axis][i] = new Stride.Rendering.ComputeEffect.ComputeEffectShader(drawContext.RenderContext) { ShaderSourceName = "Voxel2x2x2MipmapEffect" }; } } } int offsetIndex = 0; //Mipmap detailed clipmaps into less detailed ones Vector3 totalResolution = ClipMapResolution * new Vector3(1, LayoutSize, 1); Int3 threadGroupCounts = new Int3(32, 32, 32); if (DownsampleFinerClipMaps) { for (int i = 0; i < ClipMapCount - 1; i++) { Vector3 Offset = MippingOffset[offsetIndex]; VoxelMipmapSimple.ThreadNumbers = new Int3(8); VoxelMipmapSimple.ThreadGroupCounts = (Int3)((ClipMapResolution / 2f) / (Vector3)VoxelMipmapSimple.ThreadNumbers); for (int axis = 0; axis < LayoutSize; axis++) { VoxelMipmapSimple.Parameters.Set(Voxel2x2x2MipmapKeys.ReadTex, ClipMaps); VoxelMipmapSimple.Parameters.Set(Voxel2x2x2MipmapKeys.WriteTex, TempMipMaps[0]); VoxelMipmapSimple.Parameters.Set(Voxel2x2x2MipmapKeys.ReadOffset, -(Vector3.Mod(Offset, new Vector3(2))) + new Vector3(0, (int)totalResolution.Y * i + (int)ClipMapResolution.Y * axis, 0)); VoxelMipmapSimple.Parameters.Set(Voxel2x2x2MipmapKeys.WriteOffset, new Vector3(0, ClipMapResolution.Y / 2 * axis, 0)); VoxelMipmapSimple.Parameters.Set(Voxel2x2x2MipmapKeys.mipmapper, mipmapShaders[axis]); ((RendererBase)VoxelMipmapSimple).Draw(drawContext); } Offset -= Vector3.Mod(Offset, new Vector3(2)); //Copy each axis, ignoring the top and bottom plane for (int axis = 0; axis < LayoutSize; axis++) { int axisOffset = axis * (int)ClipMapResolution.Y; Int3 CopySize = new Int3((int)ClipMapResolution.X / 2 - 2, (int)ClipMapResolution.Y / 2 - 2, (int)ClipMapResolution.Z / 2 - 2); Int3 DstMinBound = new Int3((int)ClipMapResolution.X / 4 + (int)Offset.X / 2 + 1, (int)totalResolution.Y * (i + 1) + axisOffset + (int)ClipMapResolution.Y / 4 + 1 + (int)Offset.Y / 2, (int)ClipMapResolution.Z / 4 + (int)Offset.Z / 2 + 1); Int3 DstMaxBound = DstMinBound + CopySize; DstMaxBound = Int3.Min(DstMaxBound, new Int3((int)totalResolution.X, (int)totalResolution.Y * (i + 2), (int)totalResolution.Z)); DstMinBound = Int3.Min(DstMinBound, new Int3((int)totalResolution.X, (int)totalResolution.Y * (i + 2), (int)totalResolution.Z)); DstMaxBound = Int3.Max(DstMaxBound, new Int3(0, (int)totalResolution.Y * (i + 1), 0)); DstMinBound = Int3.Max(DstMinBound, new Int3(0, (int)totalResolution.Y * (i + 1), 0)); Int3 SizeBound = DstMaxBound - DstMinBound; Int3 SrcMinBound = new Int3(1, axisOffset / 2 + 1, 1); Int3 SrcMaxBound = SrcMinBound + SizeBound; if (SizeBound.X > 0 && SizeBound.Y > 0 && SizeBound.Z > 0) { drawContext.CommandList.CopyRegion(TempMipMaps[0], 0, new ResourceRegion( SrcMinBound.X, SrcMinBound.Y, SrcMinBound.Z, SrcMaxBound.X, SrcMaxBound.Y, SrcMaxBound.Z ), ClipMaps, 0, DstMinBound.X, DstMinBound.Y, DstMinBound.Z); } } offsetIndex++; } } Vector3 resolution = ClipMapResolution; offsetIndex = ClipMapCount - 1; //Mipmaps for the largest clipmap for (int i = 0; i < TempMipMaps.Length - 1; i++) { Vector3 Offset = MippingOffset[offsetIndex]; resolution /= 2; Vector3 threadNums = Vector3.Min(resolution, new Vector3(8)); for (int axis = 0; axis < LayoutSize; axis++) { var mipmapShader = VoxelMipmapSimpleGroups[axis][i]; mipmapShader.ThreadNumbers = (Int3)(threadNums); mipmapShader.ThreadGroupCounts = (Int3)(resolution / threadNums); if (i == 0) { mipmapShader.Parameters.Set(Voxel2x2x2MipmapKeys.ReadTex, ClipMaps); mipmapShader.Parameters.Set(Voxel2x2x2MipmapKeys.ReadOffset, -Offset + new Vector3(0, (int)ClipMapResolution.Y * LayoutSize * (ClipMapCount - 1) + (int)ClipMapResolution.Y * axis, 0)); mipmapShader.Parameters.Set(Voxel2x2x2MipmapKeys.WriteOffset, new Vector3(0, resolution.Y * axis, 0)); } else { mipmapShader.Parameters.Set(Voxel2x2x2MipmapKeys.ReadTex, TempMipMaps[i - 1]); mipmapShader.Parameters.Set(Voxel2x2x2MipmapKeys.ReadOffset, -Offset + new Vector3(0, resolution.Y * axis * 2, 0)); mipmapShader.Parameters.Set(Voxel2x2x2MipmapKeys.WriteOffset, new Vector3(0, resolution.Y * axis, 0)); } mipmapShader.Parameters.Set(Voxel2x2x2MipmapKeys.WriteTex, TempMipMaps[i]); mipmapShader.Parameters.Set(Voxel2x2x2MipmapKeys.mipmapper, mipmapShaders[axis]); ((RendererBase)mipmapShader).Draw(drawContext); } //Don't seem to be able to read and write to the same texture, even if the views //point to different mipmaps. drawContext.CommandList.CopyRegion(TempMipMaps[i], 0, null, MipMaps, i); offsetIndex++; } Array.Copy(PerMapOffsetScale, PerMapOffsetScaleCurrent, PerMapOffsetScale.Length); }