Example #1
        public void HandleParcel(Parcel parcel)
            IParcelHandler handler = new InsuranceHandler();

            handler.SetNext(new PackagingHandler());
Example #2
        static void Main(string[] args)
            //Izveidot Clientu objektu
            //Izvēlēties Produkta ID

            //izdomāt test piemēru , kā izsaukt getprice metodi

            InsuranceHandler insuranceHandler = new InsuranceHandler();
            ClientRepository clientRepository = new ClientRepository();
            Client           clientsClient    = clientRepository.GetClientBySsn("121290-11233");
            //insuranceHandler.GetPrice(client: clientsClient, productId: 1);

            //salīdzināt iegūto rezultātu
            decimal premiumResult = insuranceHandler.GetPrice(client: clientsClient, productId: 1);

            Console.WriteLine(premiumResult == 50);
            premiumResult = insuranceHandler.GetPrice(client: clientsClient, productId: 2);
            Console.WriteLine(premiumResult == 40);
            // atrod polisi, kas tika izveidota GetPrice metodes lika
            //parbauda, vai stuss ir draft
            // izsauc metodi buyinsurance,
            //atrod polisi, parbauda vai statuss ir active
            // 1. getprice metode jaatgriez policy tips
            // 2. test piemera cenu jaizgust no polises
Example #3
        public IHandler <Parcel, ProcessorResult> Create()
            var handler = new InsuranceHandler();

            handler.SetNext(new MailHandler())
            .SetNext(new RegularHandler())
            .SetNext(new HeavyHandler());

Example #4
        static void Main(string[] args)
            //Izveidot Clientu objektu
            //Izvēlēties Produkta ID

            //izdomāt test piemēru , kā izsaukt getprice metodi

            InsuranceHandler  insuranceHandler  = new InsuranceHandler();
            ClientRepository  clientRepository  = new ClientRepository();
            ProductRepository productRepository = new ProductRepository();

            // Read client Name
            // string name;
            Console.WriteLine("Please enter one of clients names -> Anna or Juris or Zinta");
            string name = Console.ReadLine();
            // Console.WriteLine(name);
            // Console.WriteLine("Please enter product id -> 1 or 2 or 3");

            Client clientsClient = clientRepository.GetClientByName(name);

            //  Product product = productRepository.GetProductById(id: 1);
            //if (clientsClient != null)
            //    return clientsClient;
            //    Console.WriteLine(" Your seleted clients name is {0} and surname is {1}", clientsClient.Name, clientsClient.Surname);
            //    // throw new ApplicationException("Policy with "+ policyNumber +" not found");
            //    throw new ApplicationException($"Client with  {name} not found");

            Console.WriteLine(" Your seleted client's name - '{0}' and surname - '{1}' and SSN - '{2}' and Address -'{3}'", clientsClient.Name, clientsClient.Surname, clientsClient.SocialSecurityNumber, clientsClient.Address);
            Console.WriteLine("************************************************************************************************ ");

            Console.WriteLine("Please add Product id -> 1 or 2 or 3");
            string  id      = Console.ReadLine();
            Product product = productRepository.GetProductById(id: id);

            // Client clientsClient = clientRepository.GetClientBySsn("121290-11233");
            //insuranceHandler.GetPrice(client: clientsClient, productId: 1 );

            //salīdzināt iegūto rezultātu

            decimal premiumResult = insuranceHandler.GetPrice(client: clientsClient, productId: product);

            if (product.ProductId == "1")
                //   decimal premiumResult = insuranceHandler.GetPrice(client: clientsClient, productId: product);

                //product = productRepository.GetProductById(id: "1");

                Console.WriteLine("                  ************** Unit Test Nr 1 ********************                   ");
                Console.WriteLine("Verify that Client with SSN = {0} price for product {2} is 20 -> {1}", clientsClient.SocialSecurityNumber, premiumResult == 20, product.ProductName);
            if (product.ProductId == "2")
                //Product product2 = productRepository.GetProductById(id: "2");
                Console.WriteLine("                  ************** Unit Test Nr 2 ********************                    ");
                Console.WriteLine("Verify that Client with SSN = {0} price for product {2} is 100 -> {1}", clientsClient.SocialSecurityNumber, premiumResult == 100, product.ProductName);
            if (product.ProductId == "3")
                Console.WriteLine("                  ************** Unit Test Nr 3 ********************                    ");
                Console.WriteLine("Verify that Client with SSN = {0} price for product {2} is 300 -> {1}", clientsClient.SocialSecurityNumber, premiumResult == 300, product.ProductName);

            premiumResult = insuranceHandler.GetPrice(client: clientsClient, productId: product);

            //product = productRepository.GetProductById(id: "1");
            // Console.WriteLine("                  ************** Unit Test Nr 1 ********************                   ");
            // Console.WriteLine("Verify that Client with SSN = {0} price for product {2} is 20 -> {1}",clientsClient.SocialSecurityNumber, premiumResult == 20, product.ProductName);

            //premiumResult = insuranceHandler.GetPrice(client: clientsClient, productId: "2");
            //Product product2 = productRepository.GetProductById(id: "2");
            //Console.WriteLine("                  ************** Unit Test Nr 2 ********************                    ");
            //Console.WriteLine("Verify that Client with SSN = {0} price for product {2} is 100 -> {1}", clientsClient.SocialSecurityNumber, premiumResult == 100, product2.ProductName);

            //premiumResult = insuranceHandler.GetPrice(client: clientsClient, productId: "3");
            //Product product1 = productRepository.GetProductById(id: "3");
            //Console.WriteLine("                  ************** Unit Test Nr 3 ********************                    ");
            //Console.WriteLine("Verify that Client with SSN = {0} price for product {2} is 300 -> {1}", clientsClient.SocialSecurityNumber, premiumResult == 300, product1.ProductName);

            // atrod polisi, kas tika izveidota GetPrice metodes lika

            //   string policyNumber = insuranceHandler.GetPolicy(client: clientsClient, productId: product);
            //   Console.WriteLine(" Policy Number is {0} " , policyNumber);


            //parbauda, vai statuss ir draft

            // izsauc metodi buyinsurance,
            //atrod polisi, parbauda vai statuss ir active
            // 1. getprice metode jaatgriez policy tips
            // 2. test piemera cenu jaizgust no polises
Example #5
 public InsuranceController(InsuranceHandler insuranceHandler, IInsuranceRepository iInsuranceRepository)
     _insuranceHandler     = insuranceHandler;
     _iInsuranceRepository = iInsuranceRepository;
 public void BeforeEachTest()
     _sut = new InsuranceHandler();
Example #7
        static void Main(string[] args)
            InsuranceHandler  insuranceHandler  = new InsuranceHandler();
            ClientRepository  clientRepository  = new ClientRepository();
            ProductRepository productRepository = new ProductRepository();

            Console.WriteLine("Please enter one of client's names -> Anna or Juris or Zinta");
            Console.WriteLine(" ");
            string name          = Console.ReadLine();
            Client clientsClient = clientRepository.GetClientByName(name);

            Console.WriteLine($"You selected Client is -> {clientsClient.Name}, {clientsClient.Surname}, {clientsClient.SocialSecurityNumber}, {clientsClient.Sex}, {clientsClient.Address}");
            Console.WriteLine(" ");
            Console.WriteLine("Please enter product id  -> 1 or 2 or 3");
            Console.WriteLine(" ");
            string  id      = Console.ReadLine();
            Product product = productRepository.GetProductById(id: id);

            Console.WriteLine($"Your selected Product is {product.ProductName}, cost -> {product.Premium}");
            Console.WriteLine(" ");

            decimal premiumResult = insuranceHandler.GetPrice(client: clientsClient, productId: product);
            //Console.WriteLine("Your selected Product Premium is  -> {0}", premiumResult);

            string policyNumber = insuranceHandler.GetPolicy(client: clientsClient, productId: product);

            //Console.WriteLine("Your Policy number is  -> {0}", policyNumber);
            Console.WriteLine("~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ");
            Console.WriteLine("OFFER: ->  {0}'s {1} Policy Premium will be {2} ", name, product.ProductName, premiumResult);
            Console.WriteLine("~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ");
            Console.WriteLine(" ");

            Policy policy = insuranceHandler.GetPolicyData(client: clientsClient, productId: product);

            //Console.WriteLine($"Policy start date = {policy.StartDate}, end date = {policy.EndDate}, state = {policy.State}, client = {policy.Client}");

            Console.WriteLine("If you would like to buy this Policy , then write  -> Y ");
            Console.WriteLine(" ");
            string answer = Console.ReadLine();

            if (answer == "Y")
                //BuyInsurance will change state to Active and call SavePolicy method
                Policy policy1 = insuranceHandler.BuyInsurance(client: clientsClient, productId: product);

                //Policy presentation
                Console.WriteLine("~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ");
                Console.WriteLine($"Your client '{clientsClient.Name.ToUpper()} {clientsClient.Surname.ToUpper()}' bought '{product.ProductName}' Policy and Policy details are:");
                Console.WriteLine("~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ");
                Console.WriteLine($"Policy Number = {policy1.PolicyNumber}, ");
                Console.WriteLine($"Start date = {policy1.StartDate}");
                Console.WriteLine($"End date = {policy1.EndDate}");
                Console.WriteLine($"client name = {policy1.Client}");
                Console.WriteLine($"State = {policy1.State.ToUpper()}");
                // Console.WriteLine($"client = {policy1.Client}, State = {policy1.State}, Start date = {policy1.StartDate}, End date = {policy1.EndDate}");
                Console.WriteLine("See you next time!");


            //parbauda, vai stuss ir draft
            // izsauc metodi buyinsurance,
            //atrod polisi, parbauda vai statuss ir active
            // 1. getprice metode jaatgriez policy tips
            // 2. test piemera cenu jaizgust no polises