Example #1
        private InstrumentNothingEvent DiscoverInstrument()
            // Create the return event.
            InstrumentNothingEvent instrumentNothingEvent = new InstrumentNothingEvent(this);

            InstrumentController instrumentController = SwitchService.CreateInstrumentController();

                // Open the serial port connection needed to communicate with the instrument.

                // MX4 is the default instrument controller created for MX4 docking stations.
                if (instrumentController is MX4)
                    // VPRO instrument controller may need created instead depending on type of docked instrument.
                    if (instrumentController.GetInstrumentType() == DeviceType.VPRO)
                        // Clean up MX4 controller.

                        // Create and initialize VPRO controller.
                        instrumentController = new VPRO();

                // If we make it through InstrumentController.Initialize without throwing, then
                // we assume the instrument is now on, or at least it's IrDA is.
                InstrumentOff = false;

                Stopwatch sw = new Stopwatch();

                // TxRxRetries value is returned by modbuslibrary.dll. It continally increments the value and never resets it back to zero.
                // So, before reading data from the instrument, we get the current value. Farther below, when we're finished reading, we get
                // the value again, and subtract this starting value to determine how many retries occurred during this particular discovery.
                // Getting this starting value also lets us subtract out any of the retries occurring during initializing above.
                int startTxRxRetries = instrumentController.Driver.TxRxRetries;

                // Retrieve the docked instrument.
                instrumentNothingEvent.DockedInstrument = instrumentController.DiscoverDockedInstrument(true);

                // INS-8228 RHP v7.6,  Service accounts need to perform auto-upgrade on instruments even in error/fail state
                Master.Instance.SwitchService.IsInstrumentInSystemAlarm = instrumentController.IsInstrumentInSystemAlarm;

                int    txRxCount          = instrumentController.Driver.TxRxCount;
                double txRxCountPerSecond = (double)txRxCount / (sw.ElapsedMilliseconds / 1000.0);
                int    txRxRetries        = instrumentController.Driver.TxRxRetries - startTxRxRetries;
                Log.Debug(string.Format("Modbus statistics:  stopwatch={0}ms, TxRx={1} ({2}/s), retries={3}",
                                        sw.ElapsedMilliseconds, txRxCount, txRxCountPerSecond.ToString("f0"), txRxRetries));
            catch (InstrumentSystemAlarmException) // SGF  Nov-23-2009  DSW-355  (DS2 v7.6)
                // If the user docked an instrument in system alarm, then just rethrow up to the service
                // that invoked this discovery and let it deal with it.
            catch (HardwareConfigurationException)
                // If user failed to reconfigure the docking station hardware, then just rethrow up to the service
                // that invoked this discovery and let it deal with it.
            catch (Exception e)
                Log.Error(this.GetType().ToString() + ".Execute.DiscoverDockedInstrument", e);

                // ********************************************************************
                // See INS-6671 and INS-6682 as to why the second discover was removed.
                // ********************************************************************

            } // end-catch
