public async Task InspectContentAsync_RequestObject()
            // Snippet: InspectContentAsync(InspectContentRequest,CallSettings)
            // Create client
            DlpServiceClient dlpServiceClient = await DlpServiceClient.CreateAsync();

            // Initialize request argument(s)
            InspectContentRequest request = new InspectContentRequest
                InspectConfig = new InspectConfig
                    InfoTypes =
                        new InfoType
                            Name = "EMAIL_ADDRESS",
                Items =
                    new ContentItem
                        Type  = "text/plain",
                        Value = "My email is [email protected].",
            // Make the request
            InspectContentResponse response = await dlpServiceClient.InspectContentAsync(request);

            // End snippet
        public static int Main(string[] args)
            // Create client
            DlpServiceClient client = DlpServiceClient.Create();

            // Initialize request argument(s)
            InspectConfig inspectConfig = new InspectConfig
                MinLikelihood = Likelihood.Possible,
            IEnumerable <ContentItem> items = new[]
                new ContentItem
                    Type  = "text/plain",
                    Value = "my phone number is 215-512-1212",

            // Call API method
            InspectContentResponse response = client.InspectContent(inspectConfig, items);

            // Show the result

            // Success
            Console.WriteLine("Smoke test passed OK");
 public void InspectContent()
     // Snippet: InspectContent(InspectConfig,IEnumerable<ContentItem>,CallSettings)
     // Create client
     DlpServiceClient dlpServiceClient = DlpServiceClient.Create();
     // Initialize request argument(s)
     InspectConfig inspectConfig = new InspectConfig
         InfoTypes =
             new InfoType
                 Name = "EMAIL_ADDRESS",
     IEnumerable <ContentItem> items = new[]
         new ContentItem
             Type  = "text/plain",
             Value = "My email is [email protected].",
     // Make the request
     InspectContentResponse response = dlpServiceClient.InspectContent(inspectConfig, items);
     // End snippet
Example #4
        // [START dlp_inspect_string]
        public static object InspectString(
            string projectId,
            string dataValue,
            string minLikelihood,
            int maxFindings,
            bool includeQuote,
            IEnumerable <InfoType> infoTypes,
            IEnumerable <CustomInfoType> customInfoTypes)
            var inspectConfig = new InspectConfig
                MinLikelihood = (Likelihood)System.Enum.Parse(typeof(Likelihood), minLikelihood),
                Limits        = new InspectConfig.Types.FindingLimits
                    MaxFindingsPerRequest = maxFindings
                IncludeQuote    = includeQuote,
                InfoTypes       = { infoTypes },
                CustomInfoTypes = { customInfoTypes }
            var request = new InspectContentRequest
                ParentAsProjectName = new ProjectName(projectId),
                Item = new ContentItem
                    Value = dataValue
                InspectConfig = inspectConfig

            DlpServiceClient       dlp      = DlpServiceClient.Create();
            InspectContentResponse response = dlp.InspectContent(request);

            var findings = response.Result.Findings;

            if (findings.Count > 0)
                foreach (var finding in findings)
                    if (includeQuote)
                        Console.WriteLine($"  Quote: {finding.Quote}");
                    Console.WriteLine($"  InfoType: {finding.InfoType}");
                    Console.WriteLine($"  Likelihood: {finding.Likelihood}");
                Console.WriteLine("No findings.");

Example #5
 public void InspectContent()
     // Snippet: InspectContent(InspectConfig,IEnumerable<ContentItem>,CallSettings)
     // Create client
     DlpServiceClient dlpServiceClient = DlpServiceClient.Create();
     // Initialize request argument(s)
     InspectConfig             inspectConfig = new InspectConfig();
     IEnumerable <ContentItem> items         = new List <ContentItem>();
     // Make the request
     InspectContentResponse response = dlpServiceClient.InspectContent(inspectConfig, items);
     // End snippet
Example #6
 /// <summary>Snippet for InspectContent</summary>
 public void InspectContent_RequestObject()
     // Snippet: InspectContent(InspectContentRequest,CallSettings)
     // Create client
     DlpServiceClient dlpServiceClient = DlpServiceClient.Create();
     // Initialize request argument(s)
     InspectContentRequest request = new InspectContentRequest
         ParentAsProjectName = new ProjectName("[PROJECT]"),
     // Make the request
     InspectContentResponse response = dlpServiceClient.InspectContent(request);
     // End snippet
Example #7
 public void InspectContent_RequestObject()
     // Snippet: InspectContent(InspectContentRequest,CallSettings)
     // Create client
     DlpServiceClient dlpServiceClient = DlpServiceClient.Create();
     // Initialize request argument(s)
     InspectContentRequest request = new InspectContentRequest
         InspectConfig = new InspectConfig(),
         Items         = { },
     // Make the request
     InspectContentResponse response = dlpServiceClient.InspectContent(request);
     // End snippet
Example #8
        public async Task InspectContentAsync()
            // Snippet: InspectContentAsync(InspectConfig,IEnumerable<ContentItem>,CallSettings)
            // Additional: InspectContentAsync(InspectConfig,IEnumerable<ContentItem>,CancellationToken)
            // Create client
            DlpServiceClient dlpServiceClient = await DlpServiceClient.CreateAsync();

            // Initialize request argument(s)
            InspectConfig             inspectConfig = new InspectConfig();
            IEnumerable <ContentItem> items         = new List <ContentItem>();
            // Make the request
            InspectContentResponse response = await dlpServiceClient.InspectContentAsync(inspectConfig, items);

            // End snippet
Example #9
        public async Task InspectContentAsync_RequestObject()
            // Snippet: InspectContentAsync(InspectContentRequest,CallSettings)
            // Create client
            DlpServiceClient dlpServiceClient = await DlpServiceClient.CreateAsync();

            // Initialize request argument(s)
            InspectContentRequest request = new InspectContentRequest
                InspectConfig = new InspectConfig(),
                Items         = { },
            // Make the request
            InspectContentResponse response = await dlpServiceClient.InspectContentAsync(request);

            // End snippet
Example #10
        /// <summary>Snippet for InspectContentAsync</summary>
        public async Task InspectContentAsync_RequestObject()
            // Snippet: InspectContentAsync(InspectContentRequest,CallSettings)
            // Additional: InspectContentAsync(InspectContentRequest,CancellationToken)
            // Create client
            DlpServiceClient dlpServiceClient = await DlpServiceClient.CreateAsync();

            // Initialize request argument(s)
            InspectContentRequest request = new InspectContentRequest
                ParentAsProjectName = new ProjectName("[PROJECT]"),
            // Make the request
            InspectContentResponse response = await dlpServiceClient.InspectContentAsync(request);

            // End snippet
        public async Task InspectContentAsync()
            Mock <DlpService.DlpServiceClient> mockGrpcClient = new Mock <DlpService.DlpServiceClient>(MockBehavior.Strict);
            InspectContentRequest request = new InspectContentRequest
                ParentAsProjectName = new ProjectName("[PROJECT]"),
            InspectContentResponse expectedResponse = new InspectContentResponse();

            mockGrpcClient.Setup(x => x.InspectContentAsync(request, It.IsAny <CallOptions>()))
            .Returns(new Grpc.Core.AsyncUnaryCall <InspectContentResponse>(Task.FromResult(expectedResponse), null, null, null, null));
            DlpServiceClient       client   = new DlpServiceClientImpl(mockGrpcClient.Object, null);
            InspectContentResponse response = await client.InspectContentAsync(request);

            Assert.Same(expectedResponse, response);
        public void InspectContent()
            Mock <DlpService.DlpServiceClient> mockGrpcClient = new Mock <DlpService.DlpServiceClient>(MockBehavior.Strict);
            InspectContentRequest request = new InspectContentRequest
                ParentAsProjectName = new ProjectName("[PROJECT]"),
            InspectContentResponse expectedResponse = new InspectContentResponse();

            mockGrpcClient.Setup(x => x.InspectContent(request, It.IsAny <CallOptions>()))
            DlpServiceClient       client   = new DlpServiceClientImpl(mockGrpcClient.Object, null);
            InspectContentResponse response = client.InspectContent(request);

            Assert.Same(expectedResponse, response);
Example #13
    private static void PrintResponse(bool includeQuote, InspectContentResponse response)
        var findings = response.Result.Findings;

        if (findings.Any())
            foreach (var finding in findings)
                if (includeQuote)
                    Console.WriteLine($"  Quote: {finding.Quote}");
                Console.WriteLine($"  InfoType: {finding.InfoType}");
                Console.WriteLine($"  Likelihood: {finding.Likelihood}");
            Console.WriteLine("No findings.");
Example #14
        public static object InspectFile(
            string projectId,
            string file,
            string minLikelihood,
            int maxFindings,
            bool includeQuote,
            IEnumerable <InfoType> infoTypes)
            var fileStream = new FileStream(file, FileMode.Open);

                var inspectConfig = new InspectConfig
                    MinLikelihood = (Likelihood)System.Enum.Parse(typeof(Likelihood), minLikelihood),
                    Limits        = new FindingLimits
                        MaxFindingsPerRequest = maxFindings
                    IncludeQuote = includeQuote,
                    InfoTypes    = { infoTypes }
                DlpServiceClient       dlp      = DlpServiceClient.Create();
                InspectContentResponse response = dlp.InspectContent(new InspectContentRequest
                    ParentAsProjectName = new Google.Cloud.Dlp.V2.ProjectName(projectId),
                    Item = new ContentItem
                        ByteItem = new ByteContentItem
                            Data = ByteString.FromStream(fileStream),
                            Type = s_fileTypes.GetValueOrDefault(
                                new FileInfo(file).Extension.ToLower(),
                    InspectConfig = inspectConfig

                var findings = response.Result.Findings;
                if (findings.Count > 0)
                    foreach (var finding in findings)
                        if (includeQuote)
                            Console.WriteLine($"  Quote: {finding.Quote}");
                        Console.WriteLine($"  InfoType: {finding.InfoType}");
                        Console.WriteLine($"  Likelihood: {finding.Likelihood}");
                    Console.WriteLine("No findings.");

    /// <summary>
    /// Inspects the provided file for sensitive data.
    /// <param name="projectId">Your Google Cloud Project ID.</param>
    /// <param name="filePath">The path to the specified file to inspect.</param>
    /// <param name="fileType">The type of the specifed file.</param>
    public IEnumerable <Finding> InspectFile(
        string projectId   = "YOUR-PROJECT-ID",
        string filePath    = "path/to/image.png",
        BytesType fileType = BytesType.ImagePng)
        // Instantiate a client.
        DlpServiceClient dlp = DlpServiceClient.Create();

        // Get the bytes from the file.
        ByteString fileBytes;

        using (Stream f = new FileStream(filePath, FileMode.Open))
            fileBytes = ByteString.FromStream(f);

        // Construct a request.
        var request = new InspectContentRequest
            ParentAsProjectName = new ProjectName(projectId),
            Item = new ContentItem
                ByteItem = new ByteContentItem()
                    Data = fileBytes,
                    Type = fileType
            InspectConfig = new InspectConfig
                // The info types of information to match
                InfoTypes =
                    new InfoType {
                        Name = "PHONE_NUMBER"
                    new InfoType {
                        Name = "EMAIL_ADDRESS"
                    new InfoType {
                        Name = "CREDIT_CARD_NUMBER"
                // The minimum likelihood before returning a match
                MinLikelihood = Likelihood.Unspecified,
                // Whether to include the matching string
                IncludeQuote = true,
                Limits       = new InspectConfig.Types.FindingLimits
                    // The maximum number of findings to report per request
                    // (0 = server maximum)
                    MaxFindingsPerRequest = 0

        // Execute request
        InspectContentResponse response = dlp.InspectContent(request);

        // Inspect response
        var findings = response.Result.Findings;

        if (findings.Count > 0)
            foreach (var finding in findings)
                Console.WriteLine($"Quote: {finding.Quote}");
                Console.WriteLine($"InfoType: {finding.InfoType}");
                Console.WriteLine($"Likelihood: {finding.Likelihood}");
            Console.WriteLine("No findings.");