public string ToString(bool includeInputs, bool includeOutputs, int numDecimalPlaces)
            bool   decimals       = numDecimalPlaces > 0;
            string decimalsString = decimals ? "#." + new string('0', numDecimalPlaces) : "";

            return((includeInputs ? " ~~ Input-Input Correlations:\r\n" + InputsCorrelationsMatrix.ToString(numDecimalPlaces) + "\r\n\r\n" : "") +
                   (includeOutputs ? " ~~ Output-Output Correlations:\r\n" + OutputsCorrelationsMatrix.ToString(numDecimalPlaces) + "\r\n\r\n" : "") +
                   " ~~ Input-Output Correlations:\r\n" + InputsOutputsCorrelationsMatrix.ToString(numDecimalPlaces) + "\r\n\r\n" +
                   " ~~ Multiple Correlations:\r\n[" + String.Join(
                       new string('\t', Math.Max(1, numDecimalPlaces / 2)),
                           c => decimals ? c.ToString(decimalsString) : Convert.ToInt32(c).ToString()
                       ) + "]");
        public MultiCorrelationHelper(Matrix inputsMatrix, Matrix outputsMatrix)
            // In comments...
            NumInputs  = inputsMatrix.NumCols;      // Represented by X
            NumOutputs = outputsMatrix.NumCols;     // Represented by Y
            NumRows    = outputsMatrix.NumRows;     // Represented by N

            // Correlation between a dataset and itself will always be 1
            // This conveniently translates to the identity of the matrix making a perfect base
            InputsCorrelationsMatrix  = Matrix.Identity(NumInputs);
            OutputsCorrelationsMatrix = Matrix.Identity(NumOutputs);

            InputsOutputsCorrelationsMatrix = new Matrix(NumOutputs, NumInputs);

            int jaggedNumInputs  = NumInputs - 1;
            int jaggedNumOutputs = NumOutputs - 1;

            // The Helper is to give the user some of the values potentially used in other calculations
            // InputSums and InputSquaredSums technically aren't necessary after calculating meand and StdDev
            var Helper = new TempHelper();

            Helper.InputSums        = new double[NumInputs];
            Helper.InputSquaredSums = new double[NumInputs];
            Helper.InputMeans       = new double[NumInputs];
            Helper.InputStdDevs     = new double[NumInputs];

            Helper.OutputSums        = new double[NumOutputs];
            Helper.OutputSquaredSums = new double[NumOutputs];
            Helper.OutputMeans       = new double[NumOutputs];
            Helper.OutputStdDevs     = new double[NumOutputs];

            // Prep and fill the jagged arrays for sums between values
            // This is later used in the correlation calculations
            double[][] InputInputSums   = new double[jaggedNumInputs][];
            double[][] OutputOutputSums = new double[jaggedNumOutputs][];
            double[][] InputOutputSums  = new double[NumInputs][];

            for (int x = 0; x < jaggedNumInputs; ++x)
                InputInputSums[x]  = new double[jaggedNumInputs - x];
                InputOutputSums[x] = new double[NumOutputs];
            InputOutputSums[jaggedNumInputs] = new double[NumOutputs];

            for (int y = 0; y < jaggedNumOutputs; ++y)
                OutputOutputSums[y] = new double[jaggedNumOutputs - y];

            // The rows of the dataset are iterated through only once
            // Given how many rows are typically in a dataset of this size, this is much more efficient
            for (int i = 0; i < NumRows; ++i)
                // Setup to reduce number of read operations
                double[] inputs  = inputsMatrix[i];
                double[] outputs = outputsMatrix[i];

                // Handle input sums, as well as the input * output sums
                for (int j = 0; j < jaggedNumInputs; ++j)
                    double input = inputs[j];

                    Helper.InputSums[j]        += input;
                    Helper.InputSquaredSums[j] += input * input;
                    for (int k = 0; k < NumOutputs; ++k)
                        InputOutputSums[j][k] += input * outputs[k];

                    // Efficiently fill in triangular matrix
                    int index = 0;
                    for (int k = jaggedNumInputs; k > j; --k)
                        InputInputSums[j][index] += input * inputs[k];

                // The last input has no work in the triangular matrix
                // To avoid excessive boolean operators, that input does their processing here
                double jaggedInput = inputs[jaggedNumInputs];
                Helper.InputSums[jaggedNumInputs]        += jaggedInput;
                Helper.InputSquaredSums[jaggedNumInputs] += jaggedInput * jaggedInput;
                for (int k = 0; k < NumOutputs; ++k)
                    InputOutputSums[jaggedNumInputs][k] += jaggedInput * outputs[k];

                // Handle output sums
                for (int j = 0; j < jaggedNumOutputs; ++j)
                    double output = outputs[j];

                    Helper.OutputSums[j]        += output;
                    Helper.OutputSquaredSums[j] += output * output;

                    int index = 0;
                    for (int k = jaggedNumOutputs; k > j; --k)
                        OutputOutputSums[j][index] += output * outputs[k];

                // Same as above, with jaggedInput
                double jaggedOutput = outputs[jaggedNumOutputs];
                Helper.OutputSums[jaggedNumOutputs]        += jaggedOutput;
                Helper.OutputSquaredSums[jaggedNumOutputs] += jaggedOutput * jaggedOutput;

                inputs  = null;
                outputs = null;

            int sampleNumRows = NumRows - 1;

            // Get correlations between inputs and other inputs, as well as inputs and outputs
            for (int j = 0; j < NumInputs; ++j)
                // Pre-fetch array values to avoid excessive read operations
                var sums       = InputOutputSums[j];
                var sum        = Helper.InputSums[j];
                var squaredSum = Helper.InputSquaredSums[j];

                // Calculate and store standard deviation
                // Not entirely necessary, but could be useful to the user
                // Normalization and graph-checking the correlation both come to mind
                double mean = sum / NumRows;
                Helper.InputMeans[j]   = mean;
                Helper.InputStdDevs[j] = StdDev(sampleNumRows, mean, squaredSum);

                // Calculate correlation between each input and each output
                for (int k = 0; k < NumOutputs; ++k)
                    InputsOutputsCorrelationsMatrix[k, j] = StatisticsExtensions.PearsonCorrelationFormula(

                // Here we use a boolean simply because of all the excess code above
                // Also, the number of boolean operations is X, while above the number would be N * X
                if (j != jaggedNumInputs)
                    // Calculate the correlation between inputs, for Multiple Correlation
                    // Using the triangular matrix code, so that it is an extra write operation instead of an extra calculation
                    var inputSums = InputInputSums[j];
                    int index     = 0;
                    for (int k = jaggedNumInputs; k > j; --k)
                        double correlation = StatisticsExtensions.PearsonCorrelationFormula(
                        InputsCorrelationsMatrix[j, k] = correlation;
                        InputsCorrelationsMatrix[k, j] = correlation;

            // Prep for calculating Multiple Correlation
            MultipleCorrelations = new double[NumOutputs];
            var invertedInputs = InputsCorrelationsMatrix.Invert();

            // Get correlations between outputs and other outputs
            // Technically not a use for these correlations
            // Simply might be interesting to see, while we have the values
            for (int j = 0; j < NumOutputs; ++j)
                var sum        = Helper.OutputSums[j];
                var squaredSum = Helper.OutputSquaredSums[j];

                double mean = sum / NumRows;
                Helper.OutputMeans[j]   = mean;
                Helper.OutputStdDevs[j] = StdDev(NumRows, mean, squaredSum);

                if (j != jaggedNumOutputs)
                    var outputSums = OutputOutputSums[j];
                    int index      = 0;
                    for (int k = jaggedNumOutputs; k > j; --k)
                        double correlation = StatisticsExtensions.PearsonCorrelationFormula(
                        OutputsCorrelationsMatrix[j, k] = correlation;
                        OutputsCorrelationsMatrix[k, j] = correlation;

                    outputSums = null;

                var inputCorrelations = InputsOutputsCorrelationsMatrix[j];
                MultipleCorrelations[j] = Math.Sqrt(invertedInputs.Dot(inputCorrelations).Dot(inputCorrelations));
                inputCorrelations       = null;
            invertedInputs = null;