Example #1
        protected override void OnKeyDown(KeyRoutedEventArgs e)
            if (IsPassword)
                // The ctrlDown flag is used to track if the Ctrl key is pressed; if it's actively being used and the most recent
                // key to trigger OnKeyDown, then treat it as handled.
                var ctrlDown = InputKeyboardSource.GetKeyStateForCurrentThread(VirtualKey.Control).HasFlag(CoreVirtualKeyStates.Down);

                // The shift, tab, and directional (Home/End/PgUp/PgDown included) keys can be used to select text and should otherwise
                // be ignored.
                if (
                    e.Key == VirtualKey.Shift ||
                    e.Key == VirtualKey.Tab ||
                    e.Key == VirtualKey.Left ||
                    e.Key == VirtualKey.Right ||
                    e.Key == VirtualKey.Up ||
                    e.Key == VirtualKey.Down ||
                    e.Key == VirtualKey.Home ||
                    e.Key == VirtualKey.End ||
                    e.Key == VirtualKey.PageUp ||
                    e.Key == VirtualKey.PageDown)
                // For anything else, continue on (calling base.OnKeyDown) and then if Ctrl is still being pressed, do nothing about it.
                // The tricky part here is that the SelectionLength value needs to be cached because in an example where the user entered
                // '123' into the field and selects all of it, the moment that any character key is pressed to replace the entire string,
                // the SelectionLength is equal to zero, which is not what's desired. Entering a key will thus remove the selected number
                // of characters from the Text value. OnKeyDown is fortunately called before OnSelectionChanged which enables this.
                    // If the C or X keys (copy/cut) are pressed while Ctrl is active, ignore handing them at all. Undo and Redo (Z/Y) should
                    // be ignored as well as this emulates the regular behavior of a PasswordBox.
                    if ((e.Key == VirtualKey.C || e.Key == VirtualKey.X || e.Key == VirtualKey.Z || e.Key == VirtualKey.Y) && ctrlDown)
                        e.Handled = false;

                    if (_cachedSelectionLength > 0 && !ctrlDown)
                        Text = Text.Remove(SelectionStart, _cachedSelectionLength);
Example #2
        private void Thumbnail_OnTapped(object sender, TappedRoutedEventArgs e)
            if (InputKeyboardSource.GetKeyStateForCurrentThread(VirtualKey.Shift).HasFlag(CoreVirtualKeyStates.Down))
                // User is doing the range selection

            e.Handled = true;
            WeakReferenceMessenger.Default.Send(new MainPageFrameSetConnectedAnimationTargetMessage(sender as UIElement));

            var viewModels = sender.GetDataContext <IllustrationViewModel>()

            ConnectedAnimationService.GetForCurrentView().PrepareToAnimate("ForwardConnectedAnimation", (UIElement)sender);
            App.AppViewModel.RootFrameNavigate(typeof(IllustrationViewerPage), new IllustrationViewerPageViewModel(this, viewModels), new SuppressNavigationTransitionInfo());