public override void LoadContent() { base.LoadContent(); //Game.CurrentGameMode.ClearPlayers(); Game.EngineComponents.Get <AudioManager>().PreloadSongs("Audio\\joinScreen", "Audio\\gamePlay"); var backgroundSize = new Vector2(6f / 3.508f * 1.1f * GameConstants.ScreenHeight, 1.1f * GameConstants.ScreenHeight); AddEntity(new Entity(this, EntityType.Game, new SpriteComponent("background", backgroundSize, new Vector2(0.5f, 0.5f), layerDepth: -1.0f))); AddEntity(new Entity(this, EntityType.Game, new SpriteComponent("trees_border", backgroundSize, new Vector2(0.5f, 0.5f), layerDepth: -0.9f))); // UI HUDTextComponent pressStartText = new HUDTextComponent(MainFont, 0.04f, "PRESS START", offset: new Vector2(0.5f, 0.9f), origin: new Vector2(0.5f, 0.5f), layerDepth: 1f); HUDComponent vignetteComponent = new HUDComponent(Game.Debug.DebugRectangle, Vector2.One, layerDepth: 0) { MaintainAspectRation = false, OnVirtualUIScreen = false, Color = Color.FromNonPremultiplied(22, 59, 59, 163) }; Vector2 logoSize = new Vector2(1, 0.7684f); HUDComponent logoComponent = new HUDComponent("titleScreen", 0.9f * logoSize, offset: new Vector2(0.5f, 0.5f), origin: new Vector2(0.5f, 0.5f), layerDepth: 0.9f); AddEntity(new Entity(this, EntityType.UI, Vector2.Zero, pressStartText, vignetteComponent, logoComponent)); Dispatcher.AddAnimation(Animation.Get(0, 1, 1.5f, true, val => pressStartText.Opacity = val, EasingFunctions.ToLoop(EasingFunctions.QuadIn))); var inputEntity = new Entity(this, EntityType.LayerIndependent, new InputComponent(0, new InputMapping(f => InputFunctions.KeyboardMenuStart(f), StartPressed)) ); for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) { inputEntity.AddComponent(new InputComponent(i, new InputMapping(f => InputFunctions.MenuStart(f), StartPressed))); } AddEntity(inputEntity); AddEntity(new Entity(this, EntityType.LayerIndependent, new CenterCameraComponent(Game.Camera))); this.TransitionIn(); }
public override void LoadContent() { base.LoadContent(); // we create them to preload everything new BoarEntity(this, Vector2.Zero); new ChickenEntity(this, Vector2.Zero, 0); // normal chicken new ChickenEntity(this, Vector2.Zero, 1); // yellow chicken player = playerEntities[0]; startPosition = player.Body.Position; // Trees AddEntity(new Entity(this, EntityType.Game, new Vector2(2.4f, 2f), 0.4f, new SpriteComponent("tree1", new Vector2(5.25f, 6.02f), new Vector2(0.5f, 0.5f), layerDepth: 0.9f), new PhysicsComponent(new PolygonShape(new Vertices(GameConstants.BoundingTree1), 1)) )); AddEntity(new Entity(this, EntityType.Game, new Vector2(-2.8f, -3.5f), 1.4f, new SpriteComponent("tree1", new Vector2(5.25f * 1.1f, 6.02f * 1.1f), new Vector2(0.5f, 0.5f), layerDepth: 0.9f), new PhysicsComponent(new PolygonShape(new Vertices(GameConstants.BoundingTree1.Select(v => v * 1.1f)), 1)) )); // UI AddEntity(new Entity(this, EntityType.UI, new Vector2(0.5f, 0.95f), welcome = new HUDTextComponent(MainFont, 0.08f, "Welcome to VACAMOLE.", origin: new Vector2(0.5f, 0.5f)) { Opacity = 0 }, playerAndBarn = new HUDTextComponent(MainFont, 0.08f, "This is your player and your barn.", origin: new Vector2(0.5f, 0.5f)) { Opacity = 0 }, moveWithStick = new HUDTextComponent(MainFont, 0.08f, "Try to move with the left stick of your controller.", origin: new Vector2(0.5f, 0.5f)) { Opacity = 0 }, dash1 = new HUDTextComponent(MainFont, 0.08f, "Good. Now press the right bumper to dash.", origin: new Vector2(0.5f, 0.5f)) { Opacity = 0 }, dash2 = new HUDTextComponent(MainFont, 0.08f, "Try to dash multiple times.", origin: new Vector2(0.5f, 0.5f)) { Opacity = 0 }, lure = new HUDTextComponent(MainFont, 0.08f, "Press A to lure animals towards you!", origin: new Vector2(0.5f, 0.5f)) { Opacity = 0 }, shout = new HUDTextComponent(MainFont, 0.08f, "Press B to shout. The animals will run!", origin: new Vector2(0.5f, 0.5f)) { Opacity = 0 } )); AddEntity(new Entity(this, EntityType.UI, new Vector2(0.5f, 0.9f), dizzy = new HUDTextComponent(MainFont, 0.08f, "If you dash too often or into a something, you get dizzy.\nHowever, if you hit another player you can make them dizzy.", origin: new Vector2(0.5f, 0.5f)) { Opacity = 0 }, fetchAnimal = new HUDTextComponent(MainFont, 0.08f, "Now use luring (B) and shouting (A) to bring animals into your barn.\nBoars give 3 points, chicken 1 point.", origin: new Vector2(0.5f, 0.5f)) { Opacity = 0 }, pressStartToLeave = new HUDTextComponent(MainFont, 0.08f, "Well done! Press START to continue!\nGrab your friends - VACAMOLE is enjoyed best with 4 players!", origin: new Vector2(0.5f, 0.5f)) { Opacity = 0 })); bool isKeyboard = Game.CurrentGameMode.PlayerInfos.First().IsKeyboardPlayer; int gamepadIndex = Game.CurrentGameMode.PlayerInfos.First().GamepadIndex; AddEntity(new Entity(this, EntityType.LayerIndependent, new InputComponent(gamepadIndex, new InputMapping(f => (isKeyboard) ? InputFunctions.KeyboardMenuStart(f) : InputFunctions.MenuStart(f), f => { if (currentState == TutorialState.PressStartToLeaveTutorial && !IsTransitioning) { Settings <GameSettings> .Value.ShowTutorial = false; Settings <GameSettings> .Save(); Pause(); this.TransitionOutAndSwitchScene(navigateBackToMainMenu ? (Scene) new MainMenuScene(Game) : new GameModeScene(Game)); } })))); }
private InputComponent MakeInput(bool isKeyboard, int gamepadIndex) { return(new InputComponent(gamepadIndex, new InputMapping(f => (isKeyboard) ? InputFunctions.KeyboardMenuStart(f) : InputFunctions.MenuStart(f), f => StartIfReady()), new InputMapping(f => (isKeyboard) ? InputFunctions.KeyboardMenuSelect(f) : InputFunctions.MenuSelect(f), f => { var player = players.FindPlayer(gamepadIndex, isKeyboard); if (player != null) { PlayerIsReady(player); } else { JoinPlayer(isKeyboard, gamepadIndex); } }), new InputMapping(f => (isKeyboard) ? InputFunctions.KeyboardMenuBack(f) : InputFunctions.MenuBack(f), f => { var player = players.FindPlayer(gamepadIndex, isKeyboard); if (player != null) { if (player.CurrentState == JoinState.State.Joined) { NonPositionalAudio.PlaySound("Audio/MenuActionSound"); Game.CurrentGameMode.RemovePlayer(gamepadIndex, isKeyboard); RemoveEntity(player.HUD); RemoveEntity(player.Player); players.Remove(player); numJoinedPlayer--; if (numJoinedPlayer < 4) { Dispatcher.AddAnimation(Animation.Get(joinComponent.Opacity, 1, 0.2f, false, (val) => { joinComponent.Opacity = val; joinTextComponent.Opacity = val; }, EasingFunctions.QuadIn)); } } else if (player.CurrentState == JoinState.State.Ready) { NonPositionalAudio.PlaySound("Audio/MenuActionSound"); player.Back(); // Animate text var textChooser = player.HUD.GetComponentByName <HUDTextComponent>("nameTextchooser"); Dispatcher.AddAnimation(Animation.Get(textChooser.Opacity, 1f, 1f, false, (o) => textChooser.Opacity = o, EasingFunctions.QuadIn)); var boardChooser = player.HUD.GetComponentByName <HUDComponent>("namechooser"); Dispatcher.AddAnimation(Animation.Get(boardChooser.Opacity, 1f, 1f, false, (o) => boardChooser.Opacity = o, EasingFunctions.QuadIn)); var text = player.HUD.GetComponentByName <HUDTextComponent>("nameText"); Dispatcher.AddAnimation(Animation.Get(text.Opacity, 0f, 1f, false, (o) => text.Opacity = o, EasingFunctions.ToEaseOut(EasingFunctions.QuadIn))); var board = player.HUD.GetComponentByName <HUDComponent>("name"); Dispatcher.AddAnimation(Animation.Get(board.Opacity, 0f, 1f, false, (o) => board.Opacity = o, EasingFunctions.ToEaseOut(EasingFunctions.QuadIn))); player.Player.Freeze(); if (players.Count(j => j.CurrentState == JoinState.State.Ready) >= (Game.CurrentGameMode.PlayerMode == PlayerMode.TwoVsTwo ? 4 : 1)) { pressStartToStartAnimation.IsRunning = false; Dispatcher.AddAnimation(Animation.Get(pressStartToStart.Opacity, 0f, 0.3f, false, (o) => pressStartToStart.Opacity = o, EasingFunctions.ToEaseOut(EasingFunctions.QuadIn))); } } } else if (!players.Any()) { this.TransitionOutAndSwitchScene(new GameModeScene(Game)); } }), new InputMapping( f => (isKeyboard) ? InputFunctions.KeyboardMenuRandom(f) : InputFunctions.MenuRandom(f), f => { var player = players.FindPlayer(gamepadIndex, isKeyboard); if (player != null && player.CurrentState == JoinState.State.Joined) { NonPositionalAudio.PlaySound("Audio/MenuActionSound"); SetRandomName(player); } }), new InputMapping( f => (isKeyboard) ? InputFunctions.KeyboardMenuLeft(f) || InputFunctions.KeyboardMenuUp(f) : InputFunctions.MenuLeft(f) || InputFunctions.MenuUp(f), f => { var player = players.FindPlayer(gamepadIndex, isKeyboard); if (player != null && player.CurrentState == JoinState.State.Joined) { NonPositionalAudio.PlaySound("Audio/MenuActionSound"); SetNextOrPreviousName(player, 1); } }), new InputMapping( f => (isKeyboard) ? InputFunctions.KeyboardMenuRight(f) || InputFunctions.KeyboardMenuDown(f) : InputFunctions.MenuRight(f) || InputFunctions.MenuDown(f), f => { var player = players.FindPlayer(gamepadIndex, isKeyboard); if (player != null && player.CurrentState == JoinState.State.Joined) { NonPositionalAudio.PlaySound("Audio/MenuActionSound"); SetNextOrPreviousName(player, -1); } }) )); }
public override void LoadContent() { base.LoadContent(); var backgroundSize = new Vector2(6f / 3.508f * 1.1f * GameConstants.ScreenHeight, 1.1f * GameConstants.ScreenHeight); AddEntity(new Entity(this, EntityType.Game, new SpriteComponent("background", backgroundSize, new Vector2(0.5f, 0.5f), layerDepth: -1.0f))); AddEntity(new Entity(this, EntityType.Game, new SpriteComponent("trees_border", backgroundSize, new Vector2(0.5f, 0.5f), layerDepth: 0.9f))); // UI var buttonBackground = new HUDComponent("overlayInstructionBox", new Vector2(1.2f, 0.2f), offset: new Vector2(0.5f, 0.05f), origin: new Vector2(0.5f, 0.05f)); AddEntity(new Entity(this, EntityType.UI, buttonBackground, new HUDTextComponent(MainFont, 0.1f, "Game mode", offset: buttonBackground.LocalPointToWorldPoint(new Vector2(0.5f, 0.5f)), origin: new Vector2(0.5f, 0.5f), layerDepth: 0.1f) )); // Player mode selection playerMode2vs2 = new HUDComponent("gameMode_2VS2_notselected", new Vector2(0.5f, 0.32f), origin: new Vector2(0.5f, 0.5f), offset: new Vector2(-0.16f, 0)) { Opacity = 0f }; playerMode2vs2Selected = new HUDComponent("gameMode_2VS2_selected", new Vector2(0.5f, 0.32f), origin: new Vector2(0.5f, 0.5f), offset: new Vector2(-0.16f, 0)); playerModeFree4All = new HUDComponent("gameMode_freeForAll_notselected", new Vector2(0.5f, 0.32f), origin: new Vector2(0.5f, 0.5f), offset: new Vector2(0.16f, 0)); playerModeFree4AllSelected = new HUDComponent("gameMode_freeForAll_selected", new Vector2(0.5f, 0.32f), origin: new Vector2(0.5f, 0.5f), offset: new Vector2(0.16f, 0)) { Opacity = 0f }; AddEntity(new Entity(this, EntityType.UI, new Vector2(0.5f, 0.3f), playerMode2vs2, playerModeFree4All, playerMode2vs2Selected, playerModeFree4AllSelected)); // Game mode selection gameModeWaves = new HUDTextComponent(MainFont, 0.05f, "WAVES", origin: new Vector2(0.5f, 0.5f), offset: new Vector2(-0.11f, 0), color: Color.Yellow) { Opacity = InActiveOpacity }; gameModeBigHerd = new HUDTextComponent(MainFont, 0.05f, "BIG HERD", origin: new Vector2(0.5f, 0.5f), offset: new Vector2(0.11f, 0)) { Opacity = InActiveOpacity }; AddEntity(new Entity(this, EntityType.UI, new Vector2(0.5f, 0.55f), gameModeWaves, gameModeBigHerd)); // Runtime mode selection runtimeModeOptions = Enumerable.Range(0, 4).Select(i => new HUDTextComponent(MainFont, 0.05f, "", origin: new Vector2(0.5f, 0.5f), offset: new Vector2(-0.225f, 0) + new Vector2(0.15f, 0) * i) { Opacity = InActiveOpacity, Color = i == 0 ? Color.Yellow : Color.Wheat }).ToArray(); UpdateRuntimeTexts(); AddEntity(new Entity(this, EntityType.UI, new Vector2(0.5f, 0.65f), runtimeModeOptions)); // CONTINUE TEXT continueText = new HUDTextComponent(MainFont, 0.05f, "press A to continue", origin: new Vector2(0.5f, 0.5f)) { Opacity = 0 }; AddEntity(new Entity(this, EntityType.UI, new Vector2(0.5f, 0.8f), continueText)); continueTextAnimation = Dispatcher.AddAnimation(Animation.Get(0, 1, 1.5f, true, val => continueText.Opacity = val, EasingFunctions.ToLoop(EasingFunctions.QuadIn)) .Set(a => a.IsRunning = false)); // add controls var layerIndependent = new Entity(this, EntityType.LayerIndependent, new CenterCameraComponent(Game.Camera)); for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) { layerIndependent.AddComponent(new InputComponent(i, new InputMapping(f => InputFunctions.MenuSelect(f) || InputFunctions.MenuDown(f), OnNextPressed), new InputMapping(f => InputFunctions.MenuBack(f) || InputFunctions.MenuUp(f), OnBackPressed), new InputMapping(f => InputFunctions.MenuStart(f), OnStartPressed), new InputMapping(f => InputFunctions.MenuLeft(f), OnLeftPressed), new InputMapping(f => InputFunctions.MenuRight(f), OnRightPressed))); } layerIndependent.AddComponent(new InputComponent( new InputMapping(f => InputFunctions.KeyboardMenuSelect(f) || InputFunctions.KeyboardMenuDown(f), OnNextPressed), new InputMapping(f => InputFunctions.KeyboardMenuBack(f) || InputFunctions.KeyboardMenuUp(f), OnBackPressed), new InputMapping(f => InputFunctions.KeyboardMenuStart(f), OnStartPressed), new InputMapping(f => InputFunctions.KeyboardMenuLeft(f), OnLeftPressed), new InputMapping(f => InputFunctions.KeyboardMenuRight(f), OnRightPressed))); AddEntity(layerIndependent); GoToMenuState(MenuState.ChoosePlayerMode); this.TransitionIn(); }