Example #1
        public object InvokeEnd(object instance, out object[] outputs, IAsyncResult result)
            if (OperationCache == null)
                return(InnerOperationInvoker.InvokeEnd(instance, out outputs, result));

            OperationCachingInvokerAsyncResult asyncResult = result as OperationCachingInvokerAsyncResult;

            if (asyncResult == null)
                throw new ArgumentException("Invalid AsyncResult", "result");

            if (asyncResult.IsNewResult)
                OperationCacheKey   key   = new OperationCacheKey(asyncResult.Action, asyncResult.Inputs);
                OperationCacheValue value = new OperationCacheValue(asyncResult.Outputs, asyncResult.ReturnValue);
                OperationCache.Insert(key, value);

            outputs = asyncResult.Outputs;
Example #2
        public object Invoke(object instance, object[] inputs, out object[] outputs)
            if (OperationCache == null)
                return(InnerOperationInvoker.Invoke(instance, inputs, out outputs));

            OperationCacheKey   key   = new OperationCacheKey(action, inputs);
            OperationCacheValue value = OperationCache.Lookup(key);

            // if it's not in the cache, invoke and then add to the cache.
            if (value == null)
                Console.WriteLine("Not in the cache. Creating new and caching.");
                object returnValue = InnerOperationInvoker.Invoke(instance, inputs, out outputs);
                value = new OperationCacheValue(outputs, returnValue);
                OperationCache.Insert(key, value);

            // otherwise, just return the data
            Console.WriteLine("In cache; returning cache instance.");
            outputs = value.Outputs;
Example #3
 //- @Invoke -//
 public Object Invoke(Object instance, Object[] inputs, out Object[] outputs)
     //+ authorization
         if (this.PermissionLevel == Minima.Service.PermissionLevel.Blog)
             String blogGuid = MinimaMessageHeaderHelper.GetBlogGuidFromMessageHeader();
             SecurityValidator.ValidateBlogPermission(this.PermissionRequired, blogGuid);
         else if (this.PermissionLevel == Minima.Service.PermissionLevel.System)
     catch (SecurityException exception)
         FaultThrower.Throw <SecurityException>(exception);
     catch (ArgumentException exception)
         FaultThrower.Throw <ArgumentException>(exception);
     return(InnerOperationInvoker.Invoke(instance, inputs, out outputs));
Example #4
        //- @Invoke -//
        public Object Invoke(Object instance, Object[] inputs, out Object[] outputs)
            // Security by passed temporarily. Need to test it properly.

            /*   //+ authorization
             * MessageHeaders messageHeadersElement = OperationContext.Current.IncomingMessageHeaders;
             * Int32 id = messageHeadersElement.FindHeader("UserName", "") + messageHeadersElement.FindHeader("Password", "");
             * if (id > -1)
             * {
             *     String username = messageHeadersElement.GetHeader<String>("UserName", "");
             *     String password = messageHeadersElement.GetHeader<String>("Password", "");
             *     //  SecurityValidator.Authenticate(username, password);
             *     //+
             *     return InnerOperationInvoker.Invoke(instance, inputs, out outputs);
             * }
             * FaultDetail faultDetail = new FaultDetail
             * {
             *     Type = "Unauthorized access of the service",
             *     ErrorCode = 63873928
             * };     //+ throw
             * throw new FaultException<FaultDetail>(faultDetail, "Unauthorized access of the service");      */

            return(InnerOperationInvoker.Invoke(instance, inputs, out outputs));
Example #5
        public IAsyncResult InvokeBegin(object instance, object[] inputs, AsyncCallback callback, object state)
            if (OperationCache == null)
                return(InnerOperationInvoker.InvokeBegin(instance, inputs, callback, state));

            OperationCacheKey   key   = new OperationCacheKey(action, inputs);
            OperationCacheValue value = OperationCache.Lookup(key);

            // if it's not in the cache, let the async invoke and let the end handle caching
            if (value == null)
                return(new OperationCachingInvokerAsyncResult(instance, action, inputs, innerOperationInvoker, callback, state));

            // otherwise, just pass all the data to the async result and let it complete synchronously
            return(new OperationCachingInvokerAsyncResult(instance, action, inputs, value.ReturnValue, value.Outputs, callback, state));
Example #6
 public object[] AllocateInputs()
Example #7
 //- @InvokeEnd -//
 public Object InvokeEnd(Object instance, out Object[] outputs, IAsyncResult result)
     return(InnerOperationInvoker.InvokeEnd(instance, out outputs, result));
Example #8
 //- @InvokeBegin -//
 public IAsyncResult InvokeBegin(Object instance, Object[] inputs, AsyncCallback callback, Object state)
     return(InnerOperationInvoker.InvokeBegin(instance, inputs, callback, state));