public void I2CReadTest() { Console.WriteLine("Starting I2C read test..."); byte[] InitialRead, SecondRead; I2CPreamble pre = new I2CPreamble(); pre.DeviceAddress = 0xA0; pre.PreambleData.Add(0); pre.PreambleData.Add(0); pre.PreambleData.Add(0xA1); pre.StartMask = 4; for (uint readLen = 2; readLen < 256; readLen += 2) { Console.WriteLine("Testing " + readLen.ToString() + " byte read"); InitialRead = FX3.I2CReadBytes(pre, readLen, 1000); SecondRead = FX3.I2CReadBytes(pre, readLen, 1000); for (int i = 0; i < InitialRead.Count(); i++) { Assert.AreEqual(InitialRead[i], SecondRead[i], "ERROR: Expected flash read data to match"); } } }
private void TestI2CFunctionality() { byte[] InitialRead, SecondRead; I2CPreamble pre = new I2CPreamble(); pre.DeviceAddress = 0xA0; pre.PreambleData.Add(0); pre.PreambleData.Add(0); pre.PreambleData.Add(0xA1); pre.StartMask = 4; InitialRead = FX3.I2CReadBytes(pre, 64, 1000); SecondRead = FX3.I2CReadBytes(pre, 64, 1000); for (int i = 0; i < InitialRead.Count(); i++) { Assert.AreEqual(InitialRead[i], SecondRead[i], "ERROR: Expected flash read data to match"); } }
protected override void OnReceive(object message) { if (message is FileWrite) { string text = fileStreamReader.ReadToEnd(); if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(text)) { reporterActor.Tell("Currently running thread: " + Thread.CurrentThread.ManagedThreadId + " --> " + text); reporterActor.Tell(text); } } else if (message is FileError) { FileError msg = message as FileError; reporterActor.Tell(string.Format("Tail error: {0}", msg.Reason)); } else if (message is InitialRead) { InitialRead msg = message as InitialRead; reporterActor.Tell(msg.Text); } }
public void Handle(InitialRead message) { _reporterActor.Tell(message.Text); }
public void I2CBitRateTest() { Console.WriteLine("Starting I2C bit rate test..."); Console.WriteLine("Testing input validation..."); uint startingBitRate; int numExpections = 0; startingBitRate = FX3.I2CBitRate; Assert.AreEqual(100000, startingBitRate, "ERROR: Invalid default I2C bit rate"); try { FX3.I2CBitRate = 99999; } catch (Exception e) { numExpections++; Console.WriteLine(e.Message); } Assert.AreEqual(1, numExpections, "ERROR: Expected exception to be thrown"); Assert.AreEqual(startingBitRate, FX3.I2CBitRate, "ERROR: Expected I2C bit rate setting to be rejected"); try { FX3.I2CBitRate = 1000001; } catch (Exception e) { numExpections++; Console.WriteLine(e.Message); } Assert.AreEqual(2, numExpections, "ERROR: Expected exception to be thrown"); Assert.AreEqual(startingBitRate, FX3.I2CBitRate, "ERROR: Expected I2C bit rate setting to be rejected"); Console.WriteLine("Testing reads across valid bit rate range..."); I2CPreamble pre = new I2CPreamble(); pre.DeviceAddress = 0xA0; pre.PreambleData.Add(0); pre.PreambleData.Add(0); pre.PreambleData.Add(0xA1); pre.StartMask = 4; byte[] InitialRead, SecondRead; Console.WriteLine("Performing initial flash read..."); const uint READ_LEN = 1024; InitialRead = FX3.I2CReadBytes(pre, READ_LEN, 2000); for (uint bitrate = 100000; bitrate <= 1000000; bitrate += 100000) { Console.WriteLine("Testing " + bitrate.ToString() + "bits/s..."); FX3.I2CBitRate = bitrate; Assert.AreEqual(bitrate, FX3.I2CBitRate, "ERROR: Setting bit rate failed"); SecondRead = FX3.I2CReadBytes(pre, READ_LEN, 2000); for (int i = 0; i < InitialRead.Count(); i++) { Assert.AreEqual(InitialRead[i], SecondRead[i], "ERROR: Expected flash read data to match"); } } }