Example #1
        public bool Show(InitStatus status)
            if (TryGetInfoBarHost(out var host))
                switch (status)
                case InitStatus.Upgraded:
                    return(ShowInfoBar(host, new InfoBarModel(
                                           new[] {
                        new InfoBarTextSpan(R.T_CodistUpdated.Replace("<VERSION>", Config.CurrentVersion)),
                        new InfoBarHyperlink(R.CMD_SeeWhatsNew, "New"),
                        new InfoBarTextSpan(R.T_Or),
                        new InfoBarHyperlink(R.CMD_DismissNotification, "Close")

                case InitStatus.FirstLoad:
                    return(ShowInfoBar(host, new InfoBarModel(
                                           new[] {
                        new InfoBarTextSpan(R.T_CodistFirstRun),
                        new InfoBarHyperlink(R.CMD_LearnMore, "More"),
                        new InfoBarTextSpan(R.T_Or),
                        new InfoBarHyperlink(R.CMD_DismissNotification, "Close")
        /// <summary>
        /// Method executes when smart control point notices that
        /// a upnp  media server has left the network.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="sender"></param>
        /// <param name="device"></param>
        private void RemoveServer(UPnPSmartControlPoint sender, UPnPDevice device)
            string udn = device.UniqueDeviceName;

            CpMediaServer removeThis = null;

            lock (LockHashes)
                if (UdnToInitStatus.Contains(udn))
                    InitStatus status = (InitStatus)UdnToInitStatus[udn];

                if (UdnToServer.Contains(udn))
                    removeThis = (CpMediaServer)UdnToServer[udn];

            if (this.OnServerGone != null)
                this.OnServerGone(this, device);

            if (removeThis != null)
                if (this.OnCpServerRemoved != null)
                    this.OnCpServerRemoved(this, removeThis);

        void IStoreListener.OnInitialized(IStoreController controller, IExtensionProvider extensions)
            DebugLog("IAP Manager successfully initialized");

            storeController = controller;
            googlePlay      = extensions.GetExtension <Google.Play.Billing.IGooglePlayStoreExtensions>();

            if (deferPurchaseCompatible)
                // enable deferred purchases
                IPurchasingModule googlePlayModule = Google.Play.Billing.GooglePlayStoreModule.Instance();
                var configurationBuilder           = ConfigurationBuilder.Instance(googlePlayModule);
                configurationBuilder.Configure <Google.Play.Billing.IGooglePlayConfiguration>().EnableDeferredPurchase();

                // Notify callback for when purchases are deferred to a parent.
                googlePlay.SetDeferredPurchaseListener(product => {
                    DebugLog("Purchase request deferred to parent.");

            initStatus = InitStatus.Ok;

            onInitDone = null;
        /// <summary>
        /// Initialization failed.
        /// This is NOT called when device is offline.
        /// Device will continuously try to init until device is online.
        /// </summary>
        void IStoreListener.OnInitializeFailed(InitializationFailureReason error)
            Debug.LogWarning($"IAP init error: {error}");

            switch (error)
            case InitializationFailureReason.AppNotKnown:
                initStatus = InitStatus.AppNotKnown;

            case InitializationFailureReason.NoProductsAvailable:
                initStatus = InitStatus.NoProductsAvailable;

            case InitializationFailureReason.PurchasingUnavailable:
                initStatus = InitStatus.PurchasingUnavailable;

                initStatus = InitStatus.PurchasingUnavailable;

            // GooglePlay may re-initialize automatically.
            // OnInitDone callback may be unavailable.
            onInitDone = null;
        /// <summary>
        /// Initializes coco launcher with specified configuration file.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="json_config_file">Configuration file with which to initialize coco</param>
        /// <param name="initialize_web_server">Specify weather to initialize stats web server.</param>
        public static void Start(string json_config_file, bool initialize_web_server)
            // -- Ensure mask exists

            // -- Initialize library
            InitStatus result = meta_init(json_config_file);

            if (result != InitStatus.NO_ERROR)
                Debug.LogError("Meta initialization result: " + result);

            // -- Initialize web server
            if (initialize_web_server && false) // TODO: Find source of crash.
                bool init = meta_start_web_server(7777);
                if (!init)
                    Debug.LogError("Failed to start web server");

            // -- Start Coco

            Application.runInBackground = true;
Example #6
        /// <summary>
        /// Initialization failed.
        /// This is NOT called when device is offline.
        /// Device will continuously try to init until device is online.
        /// </summary>
        void IStoreListener.OnInitializeFailed(InitializationFailureReason error)
            Debug.LogWarning($"IAP init error: {error}");

            switch (error)
            case InitializationFailureReason.AppNotKnown:
                initStatus = InitStatus.AppNotKnown;

            case InitializationFailureReason.NoProductsAvailable:
                initStatus = InitStatus.NoProductsAvailable;

            case InitializationFailureReason.PurchasingUnavailable:
                initStatus = InitStatus.PurchasingUnavailable;

                initStatus = InitStatus.Unknown;

            onInitDone = null;
Example #7
        void IStoreListener.OnInitialized(IStoreController controller, IExtensionProvider extensions)
            storeController = controller;
            apple           = extensions.GetExtension <IAppleExtensions>();
            initStatus      = InitStatus.Ok;

            // Notify callback for when purchases are deferred to a parent.
            if (deferPurchaseCompatible)
                apple.RegisterPurchaseDeferredListener(product => {
                    DebugLog("Purchase request deferred to parent.");

            if (promotionalPurchaseCompatible)
                foreach (var item in controller.products.all)
                    if (item.availableToPurchase)
                        // Set all these products to be visible in the user's App Store
                        apple.SetStorePromotionVisibility(item, AppleStorePromotionVisibility.Show);

            DebugLog("IAP Manager successfully initialized");

            onInitDone = null;
Example #8
    /// <summary>
    ///  Finds the current life bar object and stores it inside the player status
    /// </summary>
    public void Init(InitStatus initStatus)
        if (initStatus == InitStatus.UNKNOWN)

        this.lifeBar = this.InstantiateLifeBarForPlayer(initStatus);
        private void PerformInit()
            // get framework-specific project node
            XmlNode projectNode = _frameworkNode.SelectSingleNode("nant:project",

            if (projectNode == null)
                throw new ArgumentException("No <project> node is defined.");

            // create XmlDocument from project node
            XmlDocument projectDoc = new XmlDocument();


            // create and execute project
            Project frameworkProject = new Project(projectDoc);

            frameworkProject.BaseDirectory = AppDomain.CurrentDomain.BaseDirectory;

            XmlNode runtimeNode = _frameworkNode.SelectSingleNode("runtime",

            if (runtimeNode != null)
                _runtime                  = new Runtime();
                _runtime.Parent           = _runtime.Project = frameworkProject;
                _runtime.CallStack        = frameworkProject.RootTargetCallStack;
                _runtime.NamespaceManager = NamespaceManager;
                _runtime.Initialize(runtimeNode, this);

            string sdkDir = GetXmlAttributeValue(_frameworkNode, "sdkdirectory");

            try {
                sdkDir = new PropertyAccessor(frameworkProject, frameworkProject.RootTargetCallStack).ExpandProperties(sdkDir,
            } catch (BuildException) {
                // do nothing with this exception as a framework is still
                // considered valid if the sdk directory is not available
                // or not configured correctly

            // the sdk directory does not actually have to exist for a
            // framework to be considered valid
            if (sdkDir != null && Directory.Exists(sdkDir))
                _sdkDirectory = new DirectoryInfo(sdkDir);

            _project = frameworkProject;
            _status  = InitStatus.Initialized;
Example #10
 void EndInitStatus()
     lock (StaticCriticalSection) {
         if (InitStatus == null)
         InitStatus = null;
Example #11
        void IStoreListener.OnInitialized(IStoreController controller, IExtensionProvider extensions)
            Debug.Log("IAP Manager successfully initialized");

            storeController = controller;
            amazon          = extensions.GetExtension <IAmazonExtensions>();
            initStatus      = InitStatus.Ok;

            onInitDone = null;
Example #12
        internal void Validate()
            if (_status == InitStatus.Valid)


            // reset status to avoid status check in properties from getting
            // triggered
            _status = InitStatus.Initialized;

            try {
                // verify if framework directory is configured, and indirectly
                // check if it exists
                if (FrameworkDirectory == null)
                    throw new ArgumentException("The \"frameworkdirectory\" " +
                                                "attribute does not exist, or has no value.");

                // verify if framework assembly directory is configured, and
                // indirectly check if it exists
                if (FrameworkAssemblyDirectory == null)
                    throw new ArgumentException("The \"frameworkassemblydirectory\" " +
                                                "attribute does not exist, or has no value.");

                // verify if version is configured
                if (Version == null)
                    throw new ArgumentException("The \"version\" attribute " +
                                                "does not exist, or has no value.");

                // verify if clrversion is configured
                if (ClrVersion == null)
                    throw new ArgumentException("The \"clrversion\" attribute " +
                                                "does not exist, or has no value.");

                // mark framework valid
                _status = InitStatus.Valid;
            } catch (Exception ex) {
                _status = InitStatus.Invalid;
                throw new BuildException(string.Format(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture,
                                                       "{0} ({1}) is not installed, or not correctly configured.",
                                                       Description, Name), Location.UnknownLocation, ex);
Example #13
        private static void ReleaseInitByte(ref InitStatus initByte, object mutex)
            lock (mutex)
                bool hasWaiting = initByte.HasFlag(InitStatus.Waiting);
                initByte = InitStatus.Complete;

                if (hasWaiting)
Example #14
    public static InitStatus operator +(InitStatus s1, InitStatus s2)
        InitStatus status = new InitStatus();

        status.armor         = s1.armor + s2.armor;
        status.attackDamage  = s1.attackDamage + s2.attackDamage;
        status.attackSpeed   = s1.attackSpeed * s2.attackSpeed;
        status.cost          = s1.cost + s2.cost;
        status.health        = s1.health + s2.health;
        status.magicResist   = s1.magicResist + s2.magicResist;
        status.movementSpeed = s1.movementSpeed + s2.movementSpeed;
        /// <summary>
        /// Executes when the ConnectionManager events for the first time.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="sender"></param>
        /// <param name="newVal"></param>
        private void Sink_OnCmEvented(CpConnectionManager sender, string newVal)
            sender.OnStateVariable_SourceProtocolInfo -= new CpConnectionManager.StateVariableModifiedHandler_SourceProtocolInfo(this.Sink_OnCmEvented);
            string udn = sender.GetUPnPService().ParentDevice.UniqueDeviceName;

            lock (LockHashes)
                InitStatus status = (InitStatus)UdnToInitStatus[udn];
                if (status != null)
                    status.EventedCM = true;
        /// <summary>
        /// Executes when the ConnectionManager service returns on the subscribe status.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="sender"></param>
        /// <param name="success"></param>
        private void Sink_OnCmServiceSubscribe(CpConnectionManager sender, bool success)
            sender.OnSubscribe -= new CpConnectionManager.SubscribeHandler(this.Sink_OnCmServiceSubscribe);
            string udn = sender.GetUPnPService().ParentDevice.UniqueDeviceName;

            lock (LockHashes)
                InitStatus status = (InitStatus)UdnToInitStatus[udn];
                if (status != null)
                    status.SubcribeCM = success;
        /// <summary>
        /// Executes when the ContentDirectory events for the first time.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="sender"></param>
        /// <param name="newVal"></param>
        private void Sink_OnCdEvented(CpContentDirectory sender, UInt32 newVal)
            sender.OnStateVariable_SystemUpdateID -= new CpContentDirectory.StateVariableModifiedHandler_SystemUpdateID(this.Sink_OnCdEvented);
            string udn = sender.GetUPnPService().ParentDevice.UniqueDeviceName;

            lock (LockHashes)
                InitStatus status = (InitStatus)UdnToInitStatus[udn];
                if (status != null)
                    status.EventedCD = true;
Example #18
        /// <summary>
        /// Initialize Hermes IAP.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="iapBuilder">Builder data used to create instance.</param>
        /// <param name="onDone">Callback when initialization is done.</param>
        public void Init(IAPBuilder iapBuilder, Action <InitStatus> onDone)
            if (IsInit)

            if (onInitDone != null)
                Debug.LogWarning("Hermes is already in the process of initializing.");

            appleTangleData = iapBuilder.AppleTangleData ?? null;
            var module  = iapBuilder.PurchasingModule ?? StandardPurchasingModule.Instance();
            var builder = ConfigurationBuilder.Instance(module);

            appleConfig = builder.Configure <IAppleConfiguration>();

            // Verify if purchases are possible on this iOS device.
            if (!appleConfig.canMakePayments)
                initStatus = InitStatus.PurchasingDisabled;

            // Add Products to store.
            foreach (var key in iapBuilder.Products.Keys)
                builder.AddProduct(key, iapBuilder.Products[key]);

            deferPurchaseCompatible       = iapBuilder.DeferredPurchaseCompatible;
            promotionalPurchaseCompatible = iapBuilder.PromotionalPurchaseCompatible;

            if (promotionalPurchaseCompatible)
                onPromotionalPurchase = iapBuilder.OnPromotionalPurchase;

            onInitDone = onDone;
            UnityPurchasing.Initialize(this, builder);
Example #19
    /// <summary>
    ///  Instanciates and returns the lifebar object for the corresponding player
    /// </summary>
    /// <returns></returns>
    private LifeBar InstantiateLifeBarForPlayer(InitStatus initStatus)
        switch (initStatus)
        case InitStatus.PLAYER_ONE:
            var lifeBar = Instantiate(this.lifeBarP1).gameObject.GetComponentInChildren <LifeBar>();

        case InitStatus.PLAYER_TWO:
            var lifeBar2 = Instantiate(this.lifeBarP2).gameObject.GetComponentInChildren <LifeBar>();
            lifeBar2.SetPlayerName(PlayerInformation.playerName + "Player Two");

        /// <summary>
        /// When a MediaServer device is found, we add it to a temp list.
        /// Then we attempt to subscribe to its services.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="sender">the smart cp that found the device</param>
        /// <param name="device">the mediaserver device</param>
        private void Temporary_AddServer(UPnPSmartControlPoint sender, UPnPDevice device)
            if (this.OnServerSeen != null)
                this.OnServerSeen(this, device);

            UPnPService sCD = device.GetServices(CpContentDirectory.SERVICE_NAME)[0];
            UPnPService sCM = device.GetServices(CpConnectionManager.SERVICE_NAME)[0];

            CpMediaServer newServer;

                newServer = new CpMediaServer(device);
            catch (UPnPCustomException)
                newServer = null;

            if (newServer != null)
                InitStatus status = new InitStatus();
                status.SubcribeCD = false;
                status.SubcribeCM = false;
                status.EventedCD  = false;
                status.EventedCM  = false;
                status.Server     = newServer;

                lock (LockHashes)
                    UdnToInitStatus[device.UniqueDeviceName] = status;

                newServer.ConnectionManager.OnSubscribe += new CpConnectionManager.SubscribeHandler(this.Sink_OnCmServiceSubscribe);
                newServer.ContentDirectory.OnSubscribe  += new CpContentDirectory.SubscribeHandler(this.Sink_OnCdServiceSubscribe);

                newServer.ConnectionManager.OnStateVariable_SourceProtocolInfo += new CpConnectionManager.StateVariableModifiedHandler_SourceProtocolInfo(this.Sink_OnCmEvented);
                newServer.ContentDirectory.OnStateVariable_SystemUpdateID      += new CpContentDirectory.StateVariableModifiedHandler_SystemUpdateID(this.Sink_OnCdEvented);

Example #21
        private static bool AcquireInitByte(ref InitStatus initByte, object mutex)
            lock (mutex)
                while (initByte.HasFlag(InitStatus.Pending))
                    initByte |= InitStatus.Waiting;

                if (initByte == InitStatus.Complete)

                initByte = InitStatus.Pending;
Example #22
        protected FrameworkInfo(SerializationInfo info, StreamingContext context) {
            _name = info.GetString("Name");
            _family = info.GetString("Family");
            _description = info.GetString("Description");
            _status = (InitStatus) info.GetValue("Status", typeof(InitStatus));
            _clrType = (ClrType) info.GetValue("ClrType", typeof(ClrType));
            _version = (Version) info.GetValue("Version", typeof(Version));
            _clrVersion = (Version) info.GetValue("ClrVersion", typeof(Version));
            _vendor = (VendorType) info.GetValue("Vendor", typeof(VendorType));
            if (_status != InitStatus.Valid) {

            _frameworkDirectory = (DirectoryInfo) info.GetValue("FrameworkDirectory", typeof(DirectoryInfo));
            _sdkDirectory = (DirectoryInfo) info.GetValue("SdkDirectory", typeof(DirectoryInfo));
            _frameworkAssemblyDirectory = (DirectoryInfo) info.GetValue("FrameworkAssemblyDirectory", typeof(DirectoryInfo));
            _runtime = (Runtime) info.GetValue("Runtime", typeof(Runtime));
            _project = (Project) info.GetValue("Project", typeof(Project));
            _taskAssemblies = (FileSet) info.GetValue("TaskAssemblies", typeof(FileSet));
            _referenceAssemblies = (FileSet[]) info.GetValue("ReferenceAssemblies", typeof(FileSet[]));
            _toolPaths = (string[]) info.GetValue("ToolPaths", typeof(string[]));
Example #23
        /// <summary>
        /// 预处理,启动内部服务,构筑运行环境,仅调用一次
        /// </summary>
        public static void Init()
            if (InitStatus != InitStatus.None)

            lock (LockObj)
                if (InitStatus != InitStatus.None)

                InitStatus = InitStatus.Initing;




            catch (Exception ex)
                InitStatus = InitStatus.Fail;
                LogProxy.Fatal(ex, true);

            InitStatus = InitStatus.Complete;

Example #24
        public static Status Initialize(InitStatus init)
            Status temp = new Status();

            temp.health      = init.health;
            temp.Maxhealth   = init.health;
            temp.healthRegen = init.healthRegen;

            temp.cost      = init.cost;
            temp.maxCost   = init.cost;
            temp.costRegen = init.costRegen;

            temp.attackDamage = init.attackDamage;
            temp.attackSpeed  = init.attackSpeed;

            temp.armor       = init.armor;
            temp.magicResist = init.magicResist;

            temp.movementSpeed = init.movementSpeed;

            temp.killGold       = init.killGold;
            temp.killExperience = 40;
Example #25
        protected FrameworkInfo(SerializationInfo info, StreamingContext context)
            _name = info.GetString("Name");
            _family = info.GetString("Family");
            _description = info.GetString("Description");
            _status = (InitStatus) info.GetValue("Status", typeof(InitStatus));
            _clrType = (ClrType) info.GetValue("ClrType", typeof(ClrType));
            _version = (Version) info.GetValue("Version", typeof(Version));
            _clrVersion = (Version) info.GetValue("ClrVersion", typeof(Version));
            _vendor = (VendorType) info.GetValue("Vendor", typeof(VendorType));
            if (_status != InitStatus.Valid) {

            _frameworkDirectory = (DirectoryInfo) info.GetValue("FrameworkDirectory", typeof(DirectoryInfo));
            _sdkDirectory = (DirectoryInfo) info.GetValue("SdkDirectory", typeof(DirectoryInfo));
            _frameworkAssemblyDirectory = (DirectoryInfo) info.GetValue("FrameworkAssemblyDirectory", typeof(DirectoryInfo));
            _runtime = (Runtime) info.GetValue("Runtime", typeof(Runtime));
            _project = (Project) info.GetValue("Project", typeof(Project));
            _taskAssemblies = (FileSet) info.GetValue("TaskAssemblies", typeof(FileSet));
            _referenceAssemblies = (FileSet[]) info.GetValue("ReferenceAssemblies", typeof(FileSet[]));
            _toolPaths = (string[]) info.GetValue("ToolPaths", typeof(string[]));
 /// <summary>
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="initStatus"></param>
 /// <returns></returns>
 public IPresenter.InitServerDelegate CheckStatusInitServer(InitStatus initStatus)
     return null;
Example #27
        /// <summary>
        /// total reinitialisation, check and fill quests to arrays
        /// </summary>
        public static void Init()
            // second initialisation exclude
            if ( status != InitStatus.None || World.Loading ) return;
            status = InitStatus.Started;

            bool haveExeption = false;
            bool haveWarns = false;

            try // strongly recomended to use (for exclude server crush if uncorrect scripts)
                BaseQuest[]		allQuests = GetAllQuestsInWorld();
                BaseCreature[]	allCreatures = GetAllCreaturesInWorld();

                //sort all Creatures by ID
                Hashtable SortedCreatures = new Hashtable();
                foreach ( BaseCreature bc in allCreatures )
                    if ( !SortedCreatures.ContainsKey( bc.Id ) )
                        SortedCreatures.Add( (int)bc.Id, bc );
                        if ( bc.Id>0 )
                            string text = string.Format( "* {0} is already have ( [{2}].Id = {1} )", bc.GetType().Name, bc.Id, ((BaseCreature)(SortedCreatures[bc.Id])).GetType().Name );
                            string data1 = string.Format( "\t> Check this creatureId \"{0}\" in each script", bc.Id );
                            AddErr( text, data1 );
                    if ( bc.Quests != null && ( bc.GetType().Name != "BaseNPC" ) && bc.Quests.Length > 0 )
                        string text = string.Format( "* {0} already have Quests line", bc.GetType().Name );
                        string data1 = string.Format( "\t> Need remove/remark this line \"Quests = new ...\"" );
                        string data2 = string.Format( "\t-> remark mean \"//Quests = new ...\"" );
                        AddErr( text, data1, data2 );
                // some text output
                if ( errors.Count > 0 )
                    errors.Insert( 0, "" );
                    errors.Insert( 0, "Start checking Creatures [Server.Creatures]" );
                    AddErrHeader( "" );
                    AddErrHeader( "Start checking Quests [Server.Quests]" );
                    AddErrHeader( "" );
                    haveWarns = true;
                // checking and fill quest arrays
                foreach ( BaseQuest bq in allQuests )

                    CheckQuest( SortedCreatures, bq.NPCId, bq, true, "NPCId" ); //checks NPC Id
                    CheckQuest( SortedCreatures, bq.NPCTargetId, bq, false, "NpcTargetId" ); //checks Target Id

                    if ( !bq.QuestIsBugged )

                        if ( bq.PreviousQuest > 0 && !QuestExists( bq.PreviousQuest ) ) //checks PreviousQuest
                            string text = string.Format( "* {0} have bad link to PreviousQuest (prev quest is not exist)", bq.GetType().Name );
                            string data1 = string.Format( "\t> Try do quest by number {0}", bq.PreviousQuest );
                            string data2 = string.Format( "\t> Or comment this line \"previousQuest = {0};\"", bq.PreviousQuest );
                            AddErr( text, data1, data2 );
                        if ( bq.NextQuest > 0 && !QuestExists( bq.NextQuest )) //checks NextQuest
                            string text = string.Format( "* {0} have bad link to NextQuest (next quest is not exist)", bq.GetType().Name );
                            string data1 = string.Format( "\t> Try do quest by number {0}", bq.NextQuest );
                            string data2 = string.Format( "\t> Or comment this line \"nextQuest = {0};\"", bq.NextQuest );
                            AddErr( text, data1, data2 );
                        if ( bq.QuestFlags == 0 ) //checks for bad questflag
                            string text = string.Format( "* {0} have bad questFlags ( value is 0 )", bq.GetType().Name );
                            string data1 = string.Format( "\t> Try change value to \"questFlags = 0x20;\"" );
                            AddErr( text, data1 );
                // some text output
                if ( errors.Count > 0 && !haveWarns )
                    errors.Insert( 0, "" );
                    errors.Insert( 0, "Start checking Quests [Server.Quests]" );
                // optimisations (this operation allow use this code convertions only one time and then free some processor time )
                // int[] -> BaseQuest[] for each NPC
                Hashtable tmp = new Hashtable();
                foreach ( int cId in _NPCQuests.Keys )
                    ArrayList list = (ArrayList)_NPCQuests[ cId ];
                    ArrayList quests = new ArrayList();
                    foreach ( int qId in list )
                        BaseQuest bq = World.CreateQuestById( qId );
                        if ( bq != null ) quests.Add( bq );
                    tmp.Add( cId, (BaseQuest[])quests.ToArray( typeof( BaseQuest ) ) );
                _NPCQuests = tmp;
                //End Of Optimisations
            catch ( Exception e )
                haveExeption = true;
                AddErrHeader( "" );
                AddErrHeader( "Exeption: {0}", e );
                AddErrHeader( "" );
                AddErrHeader( "message: {0}", e.Message );
                AddErrHeader( "source: {0}", e.Source );
                AddErrHeader( "stack trace: {0}", e.StackTrace );
                AddErrHeader( "inner exeption: {0}", e.InnerException );
                AddErrHeader( "target site: {0}", e.TargetSite );
                AddErrHeader( "help link: {0}", e.HelpLink );

            // each NPC can use this section after initialisations
            if ( !haveExeption ) status = InitStatus.Done; // if have exeprion - not allow use quests
        /// <summary>
        /// total reinitialisation, check and fill quests to arrays
        /// </summary>
        public static void Init()
            // second initialisation exclude
            if (status != InitStatus.None || World.Loading)
            status = InitStatus.Started;

            bool haveExeption = false;
            bool haveWarns    = false;

            try             // strongly recomended to use (for exclude server crush if uncorrect scripts)
                BaseQuest[]    allQuests    = GetAllQuestsInWorld();
                BaseCreature[] allCreatures = GetAllCreaturesInWorld();

                //sort all Creatures by ID
                Hashtable SortedCreatures = new Hashtable();
                foreach (BaseCreature bc in allCreatures)
                    if (!SortedCreatures.ContainsKey(bc.Id))
                        SortedCreatures.Add((int)bc.Id, bc);
                        if (bc.Id > 0)
                            string text  = string.Format("* {0} is already have ( [{2}].Id = {1} )", bc.GetType().Name, bc.Id, ((BaseCreature)(SortedCreatures[bc.Id])).GetType().Name);
                            string data1 = string.Format("\t> Check this creatureId \"{0}\" in each script", bc.Id);
                            AddErr(text, data1);
                    if (bc.Quests != null && (bc.GetType().Name != "BaseNPC") && bc.Quests.Length > 0)
                        string text  = string.Format("* {0} already have Quests line", bc.GetType().Name);
                        string data1 = string.Format("\t> Need remove/remark this line \"Quests = new ...\"");
                        string data2 = string.Format("\t-> remark mean \"//Quests = new ...\"");
                        AddErr(text, data1, data2);
                // some text output
                if (errors.Count > 0)
                    errors.Insert(0, "");
                    errors.Insert(0, "Start checking Creatures [Server.Creatures]");
                    AddErrHeader("Start checking Quests [Server.Quests]");
                    haveWarns = true;
                // checking and fill quest arrays
                foreach (BaseQuest bq in allQuests)
                    CheckQuest(SortedCreatures, bq.NPCId, bq, true, "NPCId");                       //checks NPC Id
                    CheckQuest(SortedCreatures, bq.NPCTargetId, bq, false, "NpcTargetId");          //checks Target Id

                    if (!bq.QuestIsBugged)
                        if (bq.PreviousQuest > 0 && !QuestExists(bq.PreviousQuest))                             //checks PreviousQuest
                            string text  = string.Format("* {0} have bad link to PreviousQuest (prev quest is not exist)", bq.GetType().Name);
                            string data1 = string.Format("\t> Try do quest by number {0}", bq.PreviousQuest);
                            string data2 = string.Format("\t> Or comment this line \"previousQuest = {0};\"", bq.PreviousQuest);
                            AddErr(text, data1, data2);
                        if (bq.NextQuest > 0 && !QuestExists(bq.NextQuest))                            //checks NextQuest
                            string text  = string.Format("* {0} have bad link to NextQuest (next quest is not exist)", bq.GetType().Name);
                            string data1 = string.Format("\t> Try do quest by number {0}", bq.NextQuest);
                            string data2 = string.Format("\t> Or comment this line \"nextQuest = {0};\"", bq.NextQuest);
                            AddErr(text, data1, data2);
                        if (bq.QuestFlags == 0)                           //checks for bad questflag
                            string text  = string.Format("* {0} have bad questFlags ( value is 0 )", bq.GetType().Name);
                            string data1 = string.Format("\t> Try change value to \"questFlags = 0x20;\"");
                            AddErr(text, data1);
                // some text output
                if (errors.Count > 0 && !haveWarns)
                    errors.Insert(0, "");
                    errors.Insert(0, "Start checking Quests [Server.Quests]");
                // optimisations (this operation allow use this code convertions only one time and then free some processor time )
                // int[] -> BaseQuest[] for each NPC
                Hashtable tmp = new Hashtable();
                foreach (int cId in _NPCQuests.Keys)
                    ArrayList list   = (ArrayList)_NPCQuests[cId];
                    ArrayList quests = new ArrayList();
                    foreach (int qId in list)
                        BaseQuest bq = World.CreateQuestById(qId);
                        if (bq != null)
                    tmp.Add(cId, (BaseQuest[])quests.ToArray(typeof(BaseQuest)));
                _NPCQuests = tmp;
                //End Of Optimisations
            catch (Exception e)
                haveExeption = true;
                AddErrHeader("Exeption: {0}", e);
                AddErrHeader("message: {0}", e.Message);
                AddErrHeader("source: {0}", e.Source);
                AddErrHeader("stack trace: {0}", e.StackTrace);
                AddErrHeader("inner exeption: {0}", e.InnerException);
                AddErrHeader("target site: {0}", e.TargetSite);
                AddErrHeader("help link: {0}", e.HelpLink);

            // each NPC can use this section after initialisations
            if (!haveExeption)
                status = InitStatus.Done;                              // if have exeprion - not allow use quests
Example #29
        private void PerformInit()
            // get framework-specific project node
            XmlNode projectNode = _frameworkNode.SelectSingleNode("nant:project",

            if (projectNode == null)
                throw new ArgumentException("No <project> node is defined.");

            // create XmlDocument from project node
            XmlDocument projectDoc = new XmlDocument();

            // create and execute project
            Project frameworkProject = new Project(projectDoc);
            frameworkProject.BaseDirectory = AppDomain.CurrentDomain.BaseDirectory;

            XmlNode runtimeNode = _frameworkNode.SelectSingleNode ("runtime",
            if (runtimeNode != null) {
                _runtime = new Runtime ();
                _runtime.Parent = _runtime.Project = frameworkProject;
                _runtime.NamespaceManager = NamespaceManager;
                _runtime.Initialize(runtimeNode, frameworkProject.Properties, this);

            string sdkDir = GetXmlAttributeValue(_frameworkNode, "sdkdirectory");
            try {
                sdkDir = frameworkProject.ExpandProperties(sdkDir,
            } catch (BuildException) {
                // do nothing with this exception as a framework is still
                // considered valid if the sdk directory is not available
                // or not configured correctly

            // the sdk directory does not actually have to exist for a
            // framework to be considered valid
            if (sdkDir != null && Directory.Exists(sdkDir))
                _sdkDirectory = new DirectoryInfo(sdkDir);

            _project = frameworkProject;
            _status = InitStatus.Initialized;
        /// <summary>
        /// Whenever Sink_Onxxx method executes, it calls this method to
        /// determine whether a server has been upgraded from non-good
        /// to good status.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="udn"></param>
        private void ProcessInitStatusChange(string udn)
            CpMediaServer addedThis = null;

            InitStatus status = null;

            lock (LockHashes)
                status = (InitStatus)UdnToInitStatus[udn];

                if (status != null)
                    if (status.ZeroMeansDone == 0)
                        if (
                            (status.EventedCD) &&
                            (status.EventedCM) &&
                            (status.SubcribeCD) &&
                            // We were evented for both services
                            // and we subscribed successfully,
                            // so we're good to go.
                            UdnToServer[udn] = status.Server;
                            addedThis        = status.Server;
                            // we didn't subscribe successfully
                            // or we never got evented after
                            // we subscribed... but this
                            // code should never execute because
                            // we will have never decremented
                            // ZeroMeansDone==0

                    if (addedThis == null)
                        if (BadServersAreGoodServersToo)
                            // but since we're configured to be
                            // nice to crappy servers that
                            // don't event properly... we'll
                            // promote the server to full status
                            UdnToServer[udn] = status.Server;
                            addedThis        = status.Server;

            if (addedThis != null)
                if (this.OnCpServerAdded != null)
                    this.OnCpServerAdded(this, addedThis);
        /// <summary>
        /// When a MediaServer device is found, we add it to a temp list.
        /// Then we attempt to subscribe to its services.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="sender">the smart cp that found the device</param>
        /// <param name="device">the mediaserver device</param>
        private void Temporary_AddServer(UPnPSmartControlPoint sender, UPnPDevice device)
            if (this.OnServerSeen != null)
                this.OnServerSeen(this, device);

            UPnPService sCD = device.GetServices(CpContentDirectory.SERVICE_NAME)[0];
            UPnPService sCM = device.GetServices(CpConnectionManager.SERVICE_NAME)[0];

            CpMediaServer newServer;
                newServer = new CpMediaServer(device);
            catch (UPnPCustomException)
                newServer = null;

            if (newServer != null)
                InitStatus status = new InitStatus();
                status.SubcribeCD = false;
                status.SubcribeCM = false;
                status.EventedCD = false;
                status.EventedCM = false;
                status.Server = newServer;

                lock (LockHashes)
                    UdnToInitStatus[device.UniqueDeviceName] = status;

                newServer.ConnectionManager.OnSubscribe += new CpConnectionManager.SubscribeHandler(this.Sink_OnCmServiceSubscribe);
                newServer.ContentDirectory.OnSubscribe += new CpContentDirectory.SubscribeHandler(this.Sink_OnCdServiceSubscribe);

                newServer.ConnectionManager.OnStateVariable_SourceProtocolInfo += new CpConnectionManager.StateVariableModifiedHandler_SourceProtocolInfo(this.Sink_OnCmEvented);
                newServer.ContentDirectory.OnStateVariable_SystemUpdateID += new CpContentDirectory.StateVariableModifiedHandler_SystemUpdateID(this.Sink_OnCdEvented);

Example #32
        internal void Validate()
            if (_status == InitStatus.Valid) {


            // reset status to avoid status check in properties from getting
            // triggered
            _status = InitStatus.Initialized;

            try {
                // verify if framework directory is configured, and indirectly
                // check if it exists
                if (FrameworkDirectory == null) {
                    throw new ArgumentException("The \"frameworkdirectory\" " +
                        "attribute does not exist, or has no value.");

                // verify if framework assembly directory is configured, and
                // indirectly check if it exists
                if (FrameworkAssemblyDirectory == null) {
                    throw new ArgumentException("The \"frameworkassemblydirectory\" " +
                        "attribute does not exist, or has no value.");

                // verify if version is configured
                if (Version == null) {
                    throw new ArgumentException("The \"version\" attribute " +
                        "does not exist, or has no value.");

                // verify if clrversion is configured
                if (ClrVersion == null) {
                    throw new ArgumentException("The \"clrversion\" attribute " +
                        "does not exist, or has no value.");

                // mark framework valid
                _status = InitStatus.Valid;
            } catch (Exception ex) {
                _status = InitStatus.Invalid;
                throw new BuildException(string.Format(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture,
                    "{0} ({1}) is not installed, or not correctly configured.",
                    Description, Name), Location.UnknownLocation, ex);