Example #1
    void Awake()
        if (clearPrefs) {
            PlayerPrefs.SetString("hasUsed", "");
        if (!firstStart)
            firstStart = true;
            Instance = this;
            ingredientsManager = new IngredientsManager(myIngredientsGrid);
            favoriteRecipes = new List<string>();

            favorites = PlayerPrefs.GetString("favorites").Split(',');
            foreach (string s in favorites)
                if (s != "")
                    string[] vals = s.Replace("{", "").Replace("}","").Split(';');
        if (PlayerPrefs.GetString("hasUsed") == "")
        PlayerPrefs.SetString("hasUsed", "hasUsed");
Example #2
    public static Recipe Random(int n, IngredientsManager mgr)
        Recipe recipe = new Recipe();

        recipe.Ingredients = mgr.GetRandomIngredients(n);
 private void Awake()
     if (instance != null)
         Debug.LogError("More than one Manager in scene!");
     instance = this;
 private void Awake()
     if (Instance != null && Instance != this)
         Instance = this;
Example #5
    private void Start()
        GameManager        gm        = FindObjectOfType <GameManager>();
        IngredientsManager ingredMgr = FindObjectOfType <IngredientsManager>();

        Ingredient[] spawns = ingredMgr.SpawnIngredients(gm.GoalRecipe.Ingredients);
        for (int i = 0; i < spawns.Length; ++i)
            int j = spawns.Length - 1 - i;
            spawns[j].transform.position = transform.position + Vector3.up * (4 * i + baseOffset);
            spawns[j].GetComponent <DraggableObject>().draggable = false;
            spawns[j].GetComponent <Rigidbody2D>().gravityScale  = 0;
Example #6
    private void Start()
        GameManager        gm        = FindObjectOfType <GameManager>();
        IngredientsManager ingredMgr = FindObjectOfType <IngredientsManager>();

        List <Ingredient> spawns = new List <Ingredient>();

        spawns.AddRange(ingredMgr.SpawnIngredients(ingredMgr.GetRandomIngredients(n - spawns.Count)));
        Ingredient[] shuffled = ShuffleArray(spawns.ToArray());

        for (int i = 0; i < n / 2; ++i)
            shuffled[i].transform.position             = spawnPointsLeft[0].position + Vector3.right * (3 * i);
            shuffled[i].GetComponent <Hover>().enabled = false;
        for (int i = 0; i < n / 2; ++i)
            shuffled[i + (n / 2)].transform.position             = spawnPointsLeft[1].position + Vector3.right * (3 * i);
            shuffled[i + (n / 2)].GetComponent <Hover>().enabled = false;
Example #7
        void IngEvalVote()
            //Print out the votes
            for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++)
                Debug.Log("Ingredient " + (i + 1) + " has " + ingVoteCounter[i] + " votes");
            //max voteCounter => spawnInfo
            int maxValue = ingVoteCounter.Max();
            int maxIndex = ingVoteCounter.ToList().IndexOf(maxValue);

            ingSpawnInfo result = choices[maxIndex];
            //Find the spawning script and spawn ingredients according to poll results
            GameObject         ingredientsManager       = GameObject.Find("IngredientsManager");
            IngredientsManager ingredientSpawningScript = ingredientsManager.GetComponent <IngredientsManager>();

            ingredientSpawningScript.SpawnIngredient(result.IngredientName, result.SpawnPoint);

            GetComponent <PlaySounds>().playSpawn();
            //     Debug.Log("Result: " + result.IngredientName + " " + result.SpawnPoint);
            //    Debug.Log("-------------------------");
    // Start is called before the first frame update
    void Start()
        ingredientsManager = IngredientsManager.instance;

        agua.state       = Ingredient.IngredientState.RAW;
        aguacate.state   = Ingredient.IngredientState.RAW;
        bolillo.state    = Ingredient.IngredientState.RAW;
        carne.state      = Ingredient.IngredientState.RAW;
        cebolla.state    = Ingredient.IngredientState.RAW;
        chileRojo.state  = Ingredient.IngredientState.RAW;
        chileVerde.state = Ingredient.IngredientState.RAW;
        chocolate.state  = Ingredient.IngredientState.RAW;
        cilantro.state   = Ingredient.IngredientState.RAW;
        elote.state      = Ingredient.IngredientState.RAW;
        frijoles.state   = Ingredient.IngredientState.RAW;
        jamon.state      = Ingredient.IngredientState.RAW;
        crema.state      = Ingredient.IngredientState.RAW;
        pollo.state      = Ingredient.IngredientState.RAW;
        queso.state      = Ingredient.IngredientState.RAW;
        tomate.state     = Ingredient.IngredientState.RAW;
        tortillas.state  = Ingredient.IngredientState.RAW;
        totopos.state    = Ingredient.IngredientState.RAW;
Example #9
    /// <summary>
    /// Iniciar nivel. Ningun cliente se ha desmayado, ninguno ha sido servido.
    /// Chef empieza cocinando, no serviendo. Usar el chef segĂșn lo que seleccionĂł el jugador.
    /// Initialize level. No clients have fainted, none have been served.
    /// Chef starts out cooking, not delivering. Use correct chef based on what player chose.
    /// </summary>
    protected void Init()
        FaintedClients   = 0;
        SatisfiedClients = 0;

        cubeSideIndex = 5;
        chefState     = ChefState.COOKING;

        chefIndex          = PlayerPrefs.GetInt("ChefSelected");
        ingredientsManager = IngredientsManager.instance;

        if (chefIndex == 0)
            anim = GameObject.Find("ChefMujer").GetComponent <Animator>();

        if (chefIndex == 1)
            anim = GameObject.Find("ChefHombre").GetComponent <Animator>();

        source = GameObject.Find("MainCamera").GetComponent <AudioSource>();
Example #10
 public IngredientsController(IngredientsManager ingredient)
     IngredientActions = ingredient;
Example #11
 public void Start()
     manager = GameObject.Find("IngredientsManager").GetComponent <IngredientsManager>();