/* public ObservableCollection<CUSTOMER> UpdateListview() * { * List<EMPLOYEE> listp = CustomerDao.Instance().getAll(); * * ObservableCollection<CUSTOMER> result = new ObservableCollection<CUSTOMER>(); * foreach (EMPLOYEE p in listp) * { * CUSTOMER pv = new CUSTOMER(p); * result.Add(pv); * } * return result; * * } */ private void SelectedItem(CUSTOMER p) { ResetView(); OFFICER of = OfficerDao.Instance().SelectbyCustId(p.CUST_ID); BUSINESS bu = BusinessDao.Instance().SelectbyId(p.CUST_ID); INDIVIDUAL ind = IndividualDao.Instance().SelectbyId(p.CUST_ID); if (ind != null) { In_lastname = ind.LAST_NAME; In_firstname = ind.FIRST_NAME; In_birthdate = ind.BIRTH_DATE.ToString(); } if (of != null) { Of_lastname = of.LAST_NAME; Of_firstname = of.FIRST_NAME; Of_title = of.TITLE; Of_startdate = of.START_DATE.ToString(); Of_enddate = of.END_DATE.ToString(); } if (bu != null) { Bu_name = bu.NAME; Bu_stateid = bu.STATE_ID; Bu_incorpdate = bu.INCORP_DATE.ToString(); } }
private void btnOK_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { if (txtCustID.Text.Equals("") || txtFirstname.Text.Equals("") || txtLastname.Text.Equals("")) { MessageBox.Show("Bạn không được để trống CustID hoặc Họ và Tên"); } else { INDIVIDUAL i = new INDIVIDUAL(); IndividualDao id = new IndividualDao(); i.CUST_ID = int.Parse(txtCustID.Text); i.LAST_NAME = txtLastname.Text; i.FIRST_NAME = txtFirstname.Text; if (Birthdate.Text.Equals("")) { i.BIRTH_DATE = null; } else { i.BIRTH_DATE = Convert.ToDateTime(Birthdate.Text); } if (cv == "insert") { id.Insert(i); } else { id.Update(i); } this.Close(); il.UpdateDatagrid(); } }
public List <INDIVIDUAL> Load() { List <INDIVIDUAL> list = new List <INDIVIDUAL>(); IndividualDao id = new IndividualDao(); list = id.getAll(); return(list); }
private void Find(FrameworkElement p) { string id = ""; if (p != null) { var fe = p as Grid; if (fe != null) { foreach (var item in fe.Children) { var tx = item as TextBox; if (tx != null) { if (tx.Name.Equals("txtSearch")) { id = tx.Text; } } } } } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(id)) { String key = id.ToLower(); ObservableCollection <CUSTOMER> result = new ObservableCollection <CUSTOMER>(); foreach (CUSTOMER c in CustomerLists) { OFFICER of = OfficerDao.Instance().SelectbyCustId(c.CUST_ID); BUSINESS bu = BusinessDao.Instance().SelectbyId(c.CUST_ID); INDIVIDUAL ind = IndividualDao.Instance().SelectbyId(c.CUST_ID); String temp = c.CUST_ID.ToString() + " " + c.ADDRESS + " " + c.CITY + " " + c.FED_ID + " " + c.POSTAL_CODE + " " + c.STATE + " "; if (of != null && bu != null) { temp += of.FIRST_NAME + " " + of.LAST_NAME + " " + of.OFFICER_ID + " " + of.TITLE + " " + of.START_DATE.ToString() + " " + of.END_DATE.ToString() + " " + bu.NAME + " " + bu.STATE_ID + " " + bu.INCORP_DATE.ToString() + " "; } if (ind != null) { temp += ind.LAST_NAME + " " + ind.FIRST_NAME + " " + ind.BIRTH_DATE.ToString(); } temp.ToLower(); if (temp.Contains(key)) { result.Add(c); } } CustomerLists = result; } else { CustomerLists = new ObservableCollection <CUSTOMER>(CustomerDao.Instance().getAll()); } }
private void btnDelete_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { INDIVIDUAL row = grindividual.SelectedItem as INDIVIDUAL; if (row == null) { MessageBox.Show("Bạn chưa chọn phòng nào", "Thông báo"); } else { IndividualDao In = new IndividualDao(); In.Delete(row.CUST_ID); UpdateDatagrid(); } }
public AccountView(ACCOUNT a) { this.id = a.ACCOUNT_ID; this.avail_balance = a.AVAIL_BALANCE; this.close_date = a.CLOSE_DATE; this.last_date = a.LAST_ACTIVITY_DATE; this.open_date = a.OPEN_DATE; this.pending_balance = a.PENDING_BALANCE; this.status = a.STATUS; this.branch = BranchDao.Instance().SelectbyId(a.OPEN_BRANCH_ID).NAME; this.employee = EmployeeDao.Instance().SelectbyId(a.OPEN_EMP_ID); this.NameEm = employee.FIRST_NAME + " " + employee.LAST_NAME; this.product = ProductDao.Instance().SelectbyId(a.PRODUCT_CD).NAME; this.customer = CustomerDao.Instance().SelectbyId(a.CUST_ID); if (customer.CUST_TYPE_CD == "I") { INDIVIDUAL ind = IndividualDao.Instance().SelectbyId(a.CUST_ID); if (ind == null) { this.NameCus = ""; } else { this.NameCus = ind.FIRST_NAME + " " + ind.LAST_NAME; } } else { OFFICER off = OfficerDao.Instance().SelectbyCustId(a.CUST_ID); if (off == null) { this.NameCus = ""; } else { this.NameCus = off.FIRST_NAME + " " + off.LAST_NAME; } } }
private void OKevent(Window p) { if (validate_customer() == true) { CUSTOMER cus = new CUSTOMER(); cus.ADDRESS = Cus_address; cus.CITY = Cus_city; cus.CUST_TYPE_CD = Cus_custype; cus.FED_ID = Cus_fedid; cus.POSTAL_CODE = Cus_postalcode; cus.STATE = Cus_state; if (cv == "insert") { CustomerDao.Instance().Insert(cus); off = new OFFICER(); ind = new INDIVIDUAL(); bus = new BUSINESS(); int last_cus = CustomerDao.Instance().LastCUST().CUST_ID; off.CUST_ID = last_cus; ind.CUST_ID = last_cus; bus.CUST_ID = last_cus; if (Cus_custype == "I") { if (validate_individual() == true) { if (In_birthdate.Equals("")) { ind.BIRTH_DATE = null; } else { ind.BIRTH_DATE = Convert.ToDateTime(In_birthdate); } ind.FIRST_NAME = In_firstname; ind.LAST_NAME = In_lastname; IndividualDao.Instance().Insert(ind); } else { MessageBox.Show("Bạn điền thiếu thông tin Individual!", "Thông báo"); } } else { if (validate_officer() == true && validate_business() == true) { bus.NAME = Bu_name; bus.STATE_ID = Bu_stateid; if (Bu_incorpdate.Equals("")) { bus.INCORP_DATE = null; } else { bus.INCORP_DATE = Convert.ToDateTime(Bu_incorpdate); } off.LAST_NAME = Of_lastname; off.FIRST_NAME = Of_firstname; off.TITLE = Of_title; off.START_DATE = Convert.ToDateTime(Of_startdate); if (Of_enddate.Equals("")) { bus.INCORP_DATE = null; } else { off.END_DATE = Convert.ToDateTime(Of_enddate); } OfficerDao.Instance().Insert(off); BusinessDao.Instance().Insert(bus); } else { MessageBox.Show("Bạn điền thiếu thông tin Officer và Business!", "Thông báo"); } } } else { cus.CUST_ID = custid; if (Cus_custype == "I") { if (validate_individual() == true) { if (In_birthdate.Equals("")) { ind.BIRTH_DATE = null; } else { ind.BIRTH_DATE = Convert.ToDateTime(In_birthdate); } ind.FIRST_NAME = In_firstname; ind.LAST_NAME = In_lastname; CustomerDao.Instance().Update(cus); IndividualDao.Instance().Update(ind); } else { MessageBox.Show("Bạn điền thiếu thông tin Individual!", "Thông báo"); } } else { if (validate_officer() == true && validate_business() == true) { bus.NAME = Bu_name; bus.STATE_ID = Bu_stateid; if (Bu_incorpdate.Equals("")) { bus.INCORP_DATE = null; } else { bus.INCORP_DATE = Convert.ToDateTime(Bu_incorpdate); } off.LAST_NAME = Of_lastname; off.FIRST_NAME = Of_firstname; off.TITLE = Of_title; off.START_DATE = Convert.ToDateTime(Of_startdate); if (Of_enddate.Equals("")) { bus.INCORP_DATE = null; } else { off.END_DATE = Convert.ToDateTime(Of_enddate); } CustomerDao.Instance().Update(cus); OfficerDao.Instance().Update(off); BusinessDao.Instance().Update(bus); } else { MessageBox.Show("Bạn điền thiếu thông tin Officer và Business!", "Thông báo"); } } } p.Close(); vm.CustomerLists = new ObservableCollection <CUSTOMER>(CustomerDao.Instance().getAll()); } else { MessageBox.Show("Customer:Bạn điền thiếu thông tin!", "Thông báo"); } }
public CustomerEditVM(CUSTOMER c, CustomerVM vm) { if (c == null) { this.In_firstname = ""; this.In_lastname = ""; this.In_birthdate = ""; this.Bu_name = ""; this.Bu_stateid = ""; this.Bu_incorpdate = ""; this.Of_enddate = ""; this.Of_firstname = ""; this.Of_startdate = ""; this.Of_title = ""; this.Of_lastname = ""; this.Cus_address = ""; this.Cus_city = ""; this.Cus_custype = ""; this.Cus_postalcode = ""; this.Cus_fedid = ""; this.Cus_state = ""; this.cv = "insert"; } else { ind = IndividualDao.Instance().SelectbyId(c.CUST_ID); bus = BusinessDao.Instance().SelectbyId(c.CUST_ID); off = OfficerDao.Instance().SelectbyCustId(c.CUST_ID); if (ind != null) { In_lastname = ind.LAST_NAME; In_firstname = ind.FIRST_NAME; In_birthdate = ind.BIRTH_DATE.ToString(); } if (off != null && bus != null) { Of_lastname = off.LAST_NAME; Of_firstname = off.FIRST_NAME; Of_title = off.TITLE; Of_startdate = off.START_DATE.ToString(); Of_enddate = off.END_DATE.ToString(); Bu_name = bus.NAME; Bu_stateid = bus.STATE_ID; Bu_incorpdate = bus.INCORP_DATE.ToString(); } this.Cus_address = c.ADDRESS; this.Cus_city = c.CITY; this.Cus_custype = c.CUST_TYPE_CD; this.Cus_postalcode = c.POSTAL_CODE; this.Cus_fedid = c.FED_ID; this.Cus_state = c.STATE; this.cv = "update"; this.custid = c.CUST_ID; } this.vm = vm; OKCommand = new RelayCommand <Window>((p) => { return(p != null ? true : false); }, (p) => { OKevent(p); }); CancelCommand = new RelayCommand <Window>((p) => true, (p) => { p.Close(); }); }