Example #1
     * Here we need to update the scale and positions of important vertices in our line
    void updateLine()
        int count = transform.childCount;

        //Debug.Log("Updated Line");
        for (int i = 0; i < count; i++)
            //GameObject bird = spawn_bird.spawned_individuals[i];

            GameObject         child = transform.GetChild(i).transform.gameObject;
            IndividualBehavior id    = reader.gp.individualBehaviors[i];
            int       trackCount     = id.Individualtracks.Count;//number of datapoints for each individual
            string[]  locations      = spawn_bird._LocationStrings[i];
            float[]   heights        = spawn_bird._HeightArray[i];
            Vector3[] vP             = new Vector3[trackCount];
            child.GetComponent <LineRenderer>().positionCount   = trackCount;
            child.GetComponent <LineRenderer>().widthMultiplier = process.lineScale;
            for (int j = 0; j < trackCount; j++)
                string  loc           = locations[j];
                float   height        = heights[j];
                var     location      = Conversions.StringToLatLon(loc);
                var     localPosition = _map.GeoToWorldPosition(location, true);
                Vector3 point         = new Vector3(localPosition.x, localPosition.y + height, localPosition.z);
                vP[j] = point;

            //bird.transform.position = new Vector3(vP[0].x, vP[0].y, vP[0].z);
            child.GetComponent <LineRenderer>().SetPositions(vP);
Example #2
     * After reading the data we want to understand:
     *  1.when does the first individual come,
     *  2.when does the last individual finish
     * so that we can calculate the timeline amount in percentage
    void GetMinMaxTime()
        IndividualBehavior firstId = reader.gp.individualBehaviors[0];
        int    firstlen            = firstId.Individualtracks.Count;
        string fFirst = firstId.Individualtracks[0].timestamp;
        string fLast  = firstId.Individualtracks[firstlen - 1].timestamp;

        curMin = fFirst;
        curMax = fLast;

        *  maxIndex=0;*/
        for (int i = 1; i < indiviudal_num; i++)
            IndividualBehavior id = reader.gp.individualBehaviors[i];
            int    len            = id.Individualtracks.Count;
            string localFirst     = id.Individualtracks[0].timestamp;
            string localLast      = id.Individualtracks[len - 1].timestamp;
            if (!compareTime(localFirst, curMin))
            { //local is ealier
                curMin = localFirst;
                //minIndex = i;
            if (!compareTime(curMax, localLast))
            { //local is later
                curMax = localLast;
                //maxIndex = i;
Example #3
    void initialize()
        //get the name of the object(correspond to the index of spawned_individuals)
        string objectName = transform.name;

        index = int.Parse(objectName);
        //this bird should be animated
        bird = spawned_individuals[index];
        //get the linerenderer from this obj
        birdpos = positions[0];
        nextpos = positions[1];
        bird.transform.position = new Vector3(birdpos.x, birdpos.y, birdpos.z);
        t = 0;

        /* check
         * if (num == lineRenderer.positionCount) {
         *   Debug.Log(positions[0]);
         * }
        //code below is to initialize a list information for each individual

        idb = reader.gp.individualBehaviors[index];
        Individual first  = idb.Individualtracks[0];
        Individual second = idb.Individualtracks[1];

        overallSpeed = spawn.speed;
        //Debug.Log("OverallSpeed " + overallSpeed);
        string   time1 = first.timestamp;
        string   time2 = second.timestamp;
        DateTime t1;

        DateTime.TryParse(time1, out t1);
        DateTime t2;

        DateTime.TryParse(time2, out t2);
        TimeSpan TimeDiff    = t2 - t1;
        double   timeDiffSec = TimeDiff.TotalSeconds;

        //timeDiffSecDou = Convert.ToInt64(timeDiffSec);
        multipler = overallSpeed / timeDiffSec;
Example #4
     * Initialize, we want to draw different lines for different individuals
    void drawline()
        for (int i = 0; i < indiviudal_num; i++)
            //random bright color
            Color color = new Color(
                Random.Range(0.3f, 3f),
                Random.Range(0.3f, 3f),
                Random.Range(0.3f, 3f)

            string     childID = i.ToString();
            GameObject child   = new GameObject(childID);
            child.AddComponent <birdMovement>();
            child.transform.parent = this.transform;
            LineRenderer lineRenderer = child.AddComponent <LineRenderer>();
            //Color color = ;
            colors[i] = color;
            lineRenderer.widthMultiplier = 30f;
            lineRenderer.material        = new Material(Shader.Find("Standard"));
            lineRenderer.material.SetColor("_Color", color);

            IndividualBehavior id = reader.gp.individualBehaviors[i];
            int       trackCount  = id.Individualtracks.Count;//number of datapoints for each individual
            string[]  locations   = spawn_bird._LocationStrings[i];
            float[]   heights     = spawn_bird._HeightArray[i];
            Vector3[] vP          = new Vector3[trackCount];
            lineRenderer.positionCount = trackCount;
            child.GetComponent <birdMovement>().firstTimestamp = id.Individualtracks[0].timestamp;
            for (int j = 0; j < trackCount; j++)
                string  loc           = locations[j];
                float   height        = heights[j];
                var     location      = Conversions.StringToLatLon(loc);
                var     localPosition = _map.GeoToWorldPosition(location, true);
                Vector3 point         = new Vector3(localPosition.x, localPosition.y + height, localPosition.z);
                vP[j] = point;
Example #5
    void ReadCSVFile()
        //from Resources folder load data
        TextAsset Individual_data = Resources.Load <TextAsset>(id_name);

        string[] data = Individual_data.text.Split(new char[] { '\n' });//split for each line

        //initialize a list of tracks
        IndividualBehavior individualBehaviors = new IndividualBehavior();

        //for the whole dateset
        for (int i = 1; i <= data.Length - 1; i++)//when there is no header i=0
            string[] row = data[i].Split(new char[] { ',' });

            //int a = row.Length;
            string cur_id = row[0];
            // check if last id is equal this id

            if (last_id != null && cur_id != last_id)
                if (row.Length == 5)
                    //store the last individualBehavior
                    //create a new InidividualBehavior to store the data
                    individualBehaviors = new IndividualBehavior();
                    //store to individual typ
                    Individual individual = new Individual();
                    individual.id        = cur_id;
                    individual.timestamp = row[1];
                    individual.lng = row[2];
                    individual.lat = row[3];
                    float.TryParse(row[4], out individual.height);
                    //individual.height = individual.height - 1000;
                    if (individual.height < 0)
                        individual.height = 0;
                        Debug.LogError("there are height lower equal 0s");

                if (row.Length == 5)
                    //that include 2 possiblities: last id= null(initial) or the id doesn't change
                    //We just store the id into individualBehaviors
                    //store to individual typ
                    Individual individual = new Individual();
                    individual.id        = cur_id;
                    individual.timestamp = row[1];
                    individual.lng = row[2];
                    individual.lat = row[3];
                    float.TryParse(row[4], out individual.height);
                    //individual.height = individual.height - 1000;
                    if (individual.height < 0)
                        individual.height = 0;
                        Debug.LogError("there are height lower equal 0s");//warn the user
                    //get the last individualBehaviors to store data

                    //Debug.Log(individualBehaviors.Individualtracks.Count + " < " + individual.height);
            //update id
            last_id = cur_id;
            if (i == data.Length - 1)

        /*if (gp.individualBehaviors[2].Individualtracks != null)
         * {
         *  for (int i = 0; i < gp.individualBehaviors[2].Individualtracks.Count; i++)
         *  {
         *      Debug.Log(gp.individualBehaviors[2].Individualtracks[i].height);
         *  }
         * }
         * if (gp.individualBehaviors[2].Individualtracks == null)
         * {
         *  Debug.Log("null");
         * }*/