public async Task <List <Responses.Indicator> > GetAllIndicators(string userId, IndicatorType indicatorType) { // Get user var user = await _userRepository.GetSingle(userId); // Check if it exists if (user == null) { throw new NotFoundException(UserMessage.UserNotFound); } // Get all indicators var indicators = await _indicatorRepository.GetAll(IndicatorExpression.IndicatorFilter(indicatorType, null, userId)); // Get all indicator dependencies var indicatorDependencies = await _indicatorDependencyRepository.GetAll(); // Build indicator dependencies IndicatorBuilder.BuildDependencies(indicators, indicatorDependencies); // Response var response = _mapper.Map <List <Responses.Indicator> >(indicators); // Return return(response); }
public async Task <Responses.Indicator> AddIndicator(AddIndicator request) { // Get indicator var indicator = await _mainDbContext.Indicators .Include(x => x.Dependencies) .FirstOrDefaultAsync(x => x.IndicatorId == request.IndicatorId); // Throw ConflictException if it exists if (indicator != null) { throw new ConflictException(IndicatorMessage.IndicatorWithSameIdAlreadyExists); } // Check uniqueness indicator = await _mainDbContext.Indicators .Include(x => x.Dependencies) .FirstOrDefaultAsync(IndicatorExpression.IndicatorUnique(request.Name)); // Throw ConflictException if it exists if (indicator != null) { throw new ConflictException(IndicatorMessage.IndicatorWithSameNameAlreadyExists); } // Get dependencies var dependencies = await GetDependencies(request.Dependencies); // Build dependency level var dependencyLevel = IndicatorBuilder.BuildDependencyLevel(dependencies); // Build new indicator dependencies var indicatorDependencies = IndicatorDependencyBuilder.BuildIndicatorDependencies(request.IndicatorId, dependencies); // Create indicator = new Indicator( request.IndicatorId, request.IndicatorType, request.UserId, request.Name, request.Description, request.Formula, indicatorDependencies, dependencyLevel, DateTime.Now); // Add _mainDbContext.Indicators.Add(indicator); // Save await _mainDbContext.SaveChangesAsync(); // Log into Splunk _logger.LogSplunkInformation(request); // Response var response = _mapper.Map <Responses.Indicator>(indicator); // Return return(response); }
public async Task <List <Indicator> > UpdateDependencyLevels() { // Start watch var stopwatch = new Stopwatch(); stopwatch.Start(); // Get all indicators var indicators = await _mainDbContext.Indicators.ToListAsync(); // Get all indicators dependencies var indicatorDependencies = await _mainDbContext.IndicatorDependencies.ToListAsync(); // Build dependency levels IndicatorBuilder.BuildDependencyLevels(indicators, indicatorDependencies); // Update _mainDbContext.Indicators.UpdateRange(indicators); // Save await _mainDbContext.SaveChangesAsync(); // Build max dependency level var maxDependencyLevel = IndicatorBuilder.BuildMaxDependencyLevel(indicators); // Stop watch stopwatch.Stop(); // Log _logger.LogInformation("{@Event}, {@MaxLevel}, {@ExecutionTime}", "DependenciesLevelsUpdated", maxDependencyLevel, stopwatch.Elapsed.TotalSeconds); // Return return(indicators); }
public async Task <List <Indicator> > GetDependencies(List <string> dependencyIds) { var dependencies = new List <Indicator>(); foreach (var dependencyId in dependencyIds) { var userId = IndicatorBuilder.BuildUserId(dependencyId); var indicatorId = IndicatorBuilder.BuildIndicatorId(dependencyId); // Get indicator var dependency = await _mainDbContext.Indicators.FindAsync(userId, indicatorId); // Throw NotFound if it does not exist if (dependency == null) { throw new NotFoundException(string.Format(IndicatorDependencyMessage.IndicatorDependencyNotFound, dependencyId)); } // Add dependencies.Add(dependency); } // Return return(dependencies); }
/// <summary> /// Returns the metadata text from database /// </summary> /// <param name="elementNid"></param> /// <returns></returns> public override string GetMetadataTextFrmDB(int elementNid) { string RetVal = string.Empty; string ElementGID = string.Empty; IndicatorBuilder Indicators; DI7MetaDataBuilder MDBuilder = null; try { Indicators = new IndicatorBuilder(this.DBConnection, this.DBQueries); ElementGID = Indicators.GetIndicatorInfo(FilterFieldType.NId, elementNid.ToString(), FieldSelection.Light).GID; // get xml file from SDMX library RetVal = DevInfo.Lib.DI_LibSDMX.SDMXUtility.Get_MetadataReport(DI_LibSDMX.SDMXSchemaType.Two_One, ElementGID, DevInfo.Lib.DI_LibSDMX.MetadataTypes.Indicator, "MDAgency", this.DBQueries.LanguageCode.Replace("_", ""), this.DBConnection, this.DBQueries).InnerXml; MDBuilder = new DI7MetaDataBuilder(this.DBConnection, this.DBQueries); RetVal = MDBuilder.GetMetadataReportWCategoryName(RetVal, MetadataElementType.Indicator).InnerXml; } catch (Exception) { RetVal = string.Empty; } return(RetVal); }
public CenteredRefresher( List <Widget> children, IndicatorBuilder headerBuilder = null, IndicatorBuilder footerBuilder = null, Config headerConfig = null, Config footerConfig = null, bool enablePullUp = DefaultConstants.default_enablePullUp, bool enablePullDown = DefaultConstants.default_enablePullDown, bool enableOverScroll = DefaultConstants.default_enableOverScroll, OnRefresh onRefresh = null, OnOffsetChange onOffsetChange = null, RefreshController controller = null, NotificationListenerCallback <ScrollNotification> onNotification = null, Key key = null, int centerIndex = 0 ) : base(key) { this.children = children; this.headerBuilder = headerBuilder ?? ((context, mode) => new SmartRefreshHeader(mode, RefreshHeaderType.other)); this.footerBuilder = footerBuilder ?? ((context, mode) => new SmartRefreshFooter(mode)); this.headerConfig = headerConfig ?? new RefreshConfig(); this.footerConfig = footerConfig ?? new LoadConfig(triggerDistance: 0); this.enablePullUp = enablePullUp; this.enablePullDown = enablePullDown; this.enableOverScroll = enableOverScroll; this.onRefresh = onRefresh; this.onOffsetChange = onOffsetChange; this.controller = controller ?? new RefreshController(); this.onNotification = onNotification; this.centerIndex = centerIndex; }
public SmartRefresher( ScrollView child, float initialOffset = 0f, IndicatorBuilder headerBuilder = null, IndicatorBuilder footerBuilder = null, Config headerConfig = null, Config footerConfig = null, bool enablePullUp = DefaultConstants.default_enablePullUp, bool enablePullDown = DefaultConstants.default_enablePullDown, bool enableOverScroll = DefaultConstants.default_enableOverScroll, OnRefresh onRefresh = null, OnOffsetChange onOffsetChange = null, RefreshController controller = null, NotificationListenerCallback <ScrollNotification> onNotification = null, Key key = null ) : base(key) { this.child = child; this.initialOffset = initialOffset; this.headerBuilder = headerBuilder ?? ((context, mode) => new SmartRefreshHeader(mode, RefreshHeaderType.other)); this.footerBuilder = footerBuilder ?? ((context, mode) => new SmartRefreshFooter(mode)); this.headerConfig = headerConfig ?? new RefreshConfig(); this.footerConfig = footerConfig ?? new LoadConfig(triggerDistance: 0); this.enablePullUp = enablePullUp; this.enablePullDown = enablePullDown; this.enableOverScroll = enableOverScroll; this.onRefresh = onRefresh; this.onOffsetChange = onOffsetChange; this.controller = controller ?? new RefreshController(); this.onNotification = onNotification; }
public LoadWrapper( bool up, ValueNotifier <int> modeListener = null, bool autoLoad = true, IndicatorBuilder builder = null, float triggerDistance = 0, Key key = null ) : base(modeListener, up, builder, triggerDistance, key) { this.autoLoad = autoLoad; }
public void Test_PriceChange24Hrs() { // Arrange var indicatorId = "price-change-24hrs"; var allIndicatorDependencies = FakeIndicatorDependencies.GetFakeIndicatorDependencies(); // Act var dependencyLevel = IndicatorBuilder.BuildDependencyLevel(indicatorId, allIndicatorDependencies); // Assert Assert.AreEqual(1, dependencyLevel); }
public void Test_Hype() { // Arrange var indicatorId = "hype"; var allIndicatorDependencies = FakeIndicatorDependencies.GetFakeIndicatorDependencies(); // Act var dependencyLevel = IndicatorBuilder.BuildDependencyLevel(indicatorId, allIndicatorDependencies); // Assert Assert.AreEqual(2, dependencyLevel); }
public void Test_BuildDependencyLevel_Price() { // Arrange var indicatorId = "master.PRICE"; var allIndicatorDependencies = FakeIndicatorDependency.GetFakeIndicatorDependencies(); // Act var dependencyLevel = IndicatorBuilder.BuildDependencyLevel(indicatorId, allIndicatorDependencies); // Assert Assert.AreEqual(0, dependencyLevel); }
protected Wrapper( ValueNotifier <int> modeListener, bool up, IndicatorBuilder builder = null, float triggerDistance = 0, Key key = null ) : base(key) { this.modeListener = modeListener; this.up = up; this.builder = builder; this.triggerDistance = triggerDistance; }
//private int ImportIndicator(DataRow row) //{ // int RetVal = -1; // IndicatorInfo IndicatorRecord; // IndicatorBuilder IndicatorBuilderObj; // IndicatorRecord = this.GetIndicatorInfo(row); // IndicatorBuilderObj = new IndicatorBuilder(this._TargetDBConnection, this._TargetDBQueries); // RetVal = IndicatorBuilderObj.ImportIndicator(IndicatorRecord, IndicatorRecord.Nid, this.SourceDBQueries, this.SourceDBConnection); // return RetVal; //} //private int ImportUnit(DataRow row) //{ // int RetVal = -1; // UnitInfo UnitRecord; // UnitBuilder UnitBuilderObj; // UnitRecord = this.GetUnitInfo(row); // UnitBuilderObj = new UnitBuilder(this._TargetDBConnection, this._TargetDBQueries); // RetVal = UnitBuilderObj.ImportUnit(UnitRecord, UnitRecord.Nid, this.SourceDBQueries, this.SourceDBConnection); // return RetVal; //} //private int ImportSubgroupVal(DataRow row) //{ // int RetVal = -1; // DI6SubgroupValBuilder SubgroupValBuilderObj = new DI6SubgroupValBuilder(this._TargetDBConnection, this._TargetDBQueries); // //import into target database // RetVal = SubgroupValBuilderObj.ImportSubgroupVal(Convert.ToInt32(row[SubgroupVals.SubgroupValNId]), this.SourceDBQueries, this.SourceDBConnection); // return RetVal; //} //private void ImportIUS(List<string> selectedNids, bool allSelected) //{ // int ProgressBarValue = 1; // int IndicatorNId = -1; // int UnitNId = -1; // int SGValNId = -1; // int MinValue=0; // int MaxValue=0; // DataRow[] Rows; // DataTable TempTable; // List<string> ImportedIndicatorNIDs = new List<string>(); // List<string> ImportedUnitNIDs = new List<string>(); // List<string> ImportedSGNIDs = new List<string>(); // IUSBuilder IusBuilderObj ; // if (this.ShowIUS) // { // // Get selected rows // if (allSelected) // { // Rows = this.SourceTable.Select("1=1"); // } // else // { // Rows = this.SourceTable.Select(this.TagValueColumnName + " IN ( " + string.Join(",", selectedNids.ToArray()) + ")"); // } // foreach (DataRow Row in Rows) // { // try // { // //import Indicator // IndicatorNId = Convert.ToInt32(Row[Indicator.IndicatorNId]); // if (!ImportedIndicatorNIDs.Contains(IndicatorNId.ToString())) // { // ImportedIndicatorNIDs.Add(IndicatorNId.ToString()); // IndicatorNId = this.ImportIndicator(Row); // } // // import unit // UnitNId = Convert.ToInt32(Row[Unit.UnitNId]); // if (!ImportedIndicatorNIDs.Contains(UnitNId.ToString())) // { // ImportedUnitNIDs.Add(UnitNId.ToString()); // UnitNId = this.ImportUnit(Row); // } // // import subgroupval // SGValNId=Convert.ToInt32(Row[SubgroupVals.SubgroupValNId]); // if (!ImportedSGNIDs.Contains(SGValNId.ToString())) // { // ImportedSGNIDs.Add(SGValNId.ToString()); // SGValNId = this.ImportSubgroupVal(Row); // } // //import IUS // if (IndicatorNId > 0 && UnitNId > 0 && SGValNId > 0) // { // //if(Convert.ToString(Row[Indicator_Unit_Subgroup.MaxValue]).Length>0) // //{ // //MaxValue= Convert.ToInt32(Row[Indicator_Unit_Subgroup.MaxValue]); // //} // //else // //{ // // MaxValue=0; // //} // //if(Convert.ToString(Row[Indicator_Unit_Subgroup.MinValue]).Length>0) // //{ // // MinValue= Convert.ToInt32(Row[Indicator_Unit_Subgroup.MinValue]); // //} // //else // //{ // // MinValue=0; // //} // IusBuilderObj = new IUSBuilder( this._TargetDBConnection, this._TargetDBQueries); // IusBuilderObj.ImportIUS(IndicatorNId, UnitNId, SGValNId, MinValue, MaxValue , this.SourceDBQueries, this.SourceDBConnection); // } // if (this.ShowSector) // { // this.ImportSector(Row); // } // } // catch (Exception) // { // throw; // } // this.RaiseIncrementProgessBarEvent(ProgressBarValue); // ProgressBarValue++; // } // } //} /// <summary> /// Imports records from source database to target database/template /// </summary> /// <param name="selectedNids"></param> /// <param name="allSelected">Set true to import all records</param> public override void ImportValues(List <string> selectedNids, bool allSelected) { DataRow Row; IndicatorInfo IndicatorRecord = null; IndicatorBuilder IndicatorBuilderObj = null; DI7MetadataCategoryBuilder MetadataCategoryBuilderObj = null; int ProgressBarValue = 1; // import indicator metadata categories MetadataCategoryBuilderObj = new DI7MetadataCategoryBuilder(this._TargetDBConnection, this._TargetDBQueries); MetadataCategoryBuilderObj.ImportAllMetadataCategories(this.SourceDBConnection, this.SourceDBQueries, MetadataElementType.Indicator); // import IUS or indicator foreach (string Nid in selectedNids) { try { Row = this.SourceTable.Select(this.TagValueColumnName + "=" + Nid)[0]; if (this._ShowIUS) { this.ImportForIUS(Row); } else { //import indicator IndicatorRecord = this.GetIndicatorInfo(Row); IndicatorBuilderObj = new IndicatorBuilder(this._TargetDBConnection, this._TargetDBQueries); IndicatorBuilderObj.ImportIndicator(IndicatorRecord, Convert.ToInt32(Nid), this.SourceDBQueries, this.SourceDBConnection); if (this._ShowSector) { this.ImportSector(Row); } } } catch (Exception) { throw; } this.RaiseIncrementProgessBarEvent(ProgressBarValue); ProgressBarValue++; } if (this._ShowIUS && this._ShowSector) { this.ImportSectors(selectedNids, allSelected); } }
public void Test_2() { // Arrange var values = new decimal?[] { 5, 1, 1, 1, -5 }; // Act IndicatorBuilder.BuildHypes(values); // Assert Assert.AreEqual(true, values[0] >= 0); Assert.AreEqual(true, values[1] >= 0); Assert.AreEqual(true, values[2] >= 0); Assert.AreEqual(true, values[3] >= 0); Assert.AreEqual(true, values[4] == 0); }
public void Test_BuildHypes_3() { // Arrange var values = new decimal[] { 6, 1, 1, 1, 1 }; // Act IndicatorBuilder.BuildHypes(values); // Assert Assert.AreEqual(true, values[0] >= 0); Assert.AreEqual(true, values[1] == 0); Assert.AreEqual(true, values[2] == 0); Assert.AreEqual(true, values[3] == 0); Assert.AreEqual(true, values[4] == 0); }
public void Hype_6() { // Arrange var values = new decimal?[] { 50, 0, 0, 0, -50 }; // Act IndicatorBuilder.BuildHypes(values); // Assert Assert.AreEqual(true, values[0] >= 0); Assert.AreEqual(true, values[1] == 0); Assert.AreEqual(true, values[2] == 0); Assert.AreEqual(true, values[3] == 0); Assert.AreEqual(true, values[4] == 0); }
public RefreshWrapper( bool up, ValueNotifier <int> modeListener = null, int completeDuration = DefaultConstants.default_completeDuration, OnOffsetChange onOffsetChange = null, float visibleRange = DefaultConstants.default_VisibleRange, IndicatorBuilder builder = null, float triggerDistance = 0, Key key = null ) : base(modeListener, up, builder, triggerDistance, key) { this.completeDuration = completeDuration; this.onOffsetChange = onOffsetChange; this.visibleRange = visibleRange; }
public SmartRefresher( ScrollView child, float initialOffset = 0f, IndicatorBuilder headerBuilder = null, IndicatorBuilder footerBuilder = null, Config headerConfig = null, Config footerConfig = null, bool enablePullUp = DefaultConstants.default_enablePullUp, bool enablePullDown = DefaultConstants.default_enablePullDown, bool enableOverScroll = DefaultConstants.default_enableOverScroll, bool reverse = false, OnRefresh onRefresh = null, OnOffsetChange onOffsetChange = null, RefreshController controller = null, NotificationListenerCallback <ScrollNotification> onNotification = null, bool hasBottomMargin = false, Key key = null ) : base(key) { this.child = child; this.initialOffset = initialOffset; this.headerBuilder = headerBuilder ?? ((context, mode) => new SmartRefreshHeader(mode, RefreshHeaderType.other)); this.footerBuilder = footerBuilder ?? ((context, mode) => new SmartRefreshFooter( mode: mode, hasBottomMargin ? EdgeInsets.only(0, 16, 0, 16 + CConstant.TabBarHeight + MediaQuery.of(context: context).padding.bottom) : null )); this.headerConfig = headerConfig ?? new RefreshConfig(); this.footerConfig = footerConfig ?? new LoadConfig(triggerDistance: 0); this.enablePullUp = enablePullUp; this.enablePullDown = enablePullDown; this.enableOverScroll = enableOverScroll; this.onRefresh = onRefresh; this.onOffsetChange = onOffsetChange; this.controller = controller ?? new RefreshController(); this.onNotification = onNotification; this.reverse = reverse; }
public async Task <List <Indicator> > UpdateIndicatorDependencies() { // Start watch var stopwatch = new Stopwatch(); stopwatch.Start(); // Get all indicators var indicators = await _indicatorRepository.GetAll(); // Get all indicator dependencies var indicatorDependencies = await _indicatorDependencyRepository.GetAll(); // Build indicator dependencies IndicatorBuilder.BuildDependencies(indicators, indicatorDependencies); // Build dependency levels IndicatorBuilder.BuildDependencyLevels(indicators, indicatorDependencies); // Update _indicatorRepository.UpdateRange(indicators); // Save await _dbContext.SaveChangesAsync(); // Build max dependency level var maxDependencyLevel = IndicatorBuilder.BuildMaxDependencyLevel(indicators); // Stop watch stopwatch.Stop(); // Log into Splunk _logger.LogSplunkInformation("UpdateIndicatorDependencies", new { MaxLevel = maxDependencyLevel, ExecutionTime = stopwatch.Elapsed.TotalSeconds }); // Return return(indicators); }
protected virtual void initialize_point(ControlPoint pt) { SphereIndicator indicator = IndicatorBuilder.MakeSphereIndicator(,, fDimension.Scene(pt.sizeS / 2), () => { return(pt.currentFrameS); }, () => { return(pt.color); }, () => { return(true); } ); Indicators.AddIndicator(indicator); indicator.RootGameObject.SetName(; pt.indicator = indicator; if (pt.layer != -1) { Indicators.SetLayer(indicator, pt.layer); } pt.initialized = true; OnPointInitialized(pt); }
/// <summary> /// called on click-down /// </summary> override public void Begin(SceneObject so, Vector2d downPos, Ray3f downRay) { SORayHit hit; if (TargetSO.FindRayIntersection(downRay, out hit) == false) { return; } Vector3d scenePos = SceneTransforms.WorldToSceneP(this.Scene, hit.hitPos); CurrentHitPosS = new Frame3f(scenePos); float fObjectT = (CurrentHitPosS.Origin - ObjectFrameS.Origin).Dot(ObjectFrameS.Y); CurrentPlaneFrameS = ObjectFrameS.Translated(fObjectT, 1); if (have_set_plane == false) { sphereIndicator = IndicatorBuilder.MakeSphereIndicator(0, "hit_point", fDimension.Scene(sphere_indicator_size * 0.5), () => { return(CurrentHitPosS); }, () => { return(Colorf.Orange); }, () => { return(true); }); Indicators.AddIndicator(sphereIndicator); sphereIndicator.RootGameObject.SetName("hit_point"); planeIndicator = IndicatorBuilder.MakeSectionPlaneIndicator(1, "section_plane", fDimension.Scene(plane_indicator_width), () => { return(CurrentPlaneFrameS); }, () => { return(new Colorf(Colorf.LightGreen, 0.5f)); }, () => { return(true); }); Indicators.AddIndicator(planeIndicator); planeIndicator.RootGameObject.SetName("section_plane"); have_set_plane = true; } }
public override void Setup() { StartPointID = AppendSurfacePoint("StartPoint", Colorf.Blue); EndPointID = AppendSurfacePoint("EndPoint", Colorf.Green); //LineIndicator line = new LineIndicator() { // LineWidth = fDimension.Scene(1.0f), // SceneStartF = () => { return GizmoPoints[StartPointID].currentFrameS.Origin; }, // SceneEndF = () => { return GizmoPoints[EndPointID].currentFrameS.Origin; }, //}; //indicators.AddIndicator(line); //indicators.SetLayer(line, FPlatform.HUDOverlay); // has to be hud overlay or it will be clipped by depth render Frame3f TargetFrameS = TargetSO.GetLocalFrame(CoordSpace.SceneCoords); TargetAxis = new Line3d(TargetFrameS.Origin, Vector3d.AxisY); SectionPlaneIndicator startPlane = IndicatorBuilder.MakeSectionPlaneIndicator( 100, "startPlane", fDimension.Scene(plane_indicator_width), () => { return(new Frame3f(TargetAxis.ClosestPoint(GizmoPoints[StartPointID].currentFrameS.Origin))); }, () => { return(new Colorf(Colorf.LightGreen, 0.5f)); }, () => { return(true); } ); Indicators.AddIndicator(startPlane); SectionPlaneIndicator endPlane = IndicatorBuilder.MakeSectionPlaneIndicator( 101, "endPlane", fDimension.Scene(plane_indicator_width), () => { return(new Frame3f(TargetAxis.ClosestPoint(GizmoPoints[EndPointID].currentFrameS.Origin))); }, () => { return(new Colorf(Colorf.LightGreen, 0.5f)); }, () => { return(true); } ); Indicators.AddIndicator(endPlane); }
public override void Import(string selectedGIds) { int ProgressCounter = 0; DataTable Table = null; string selectedNids = string.Empty; selectedNids = selectedGIds; // Initialize progress bar this.RaiseProgressBarInitialize(selectedGIds.Split(',').GetUpperBound(0) + 1); IndicatorBuilder TrgIndicatorBuilderObj = null; IndicatorBuilder SourceIndicatorBuilder = null; IndicatorInfo IndicatorInfoObj = null; Dictionary <string, DataRow> FileWithNids = new Dictionary <string, DataRow>(); DIConnection SourceDBConnection = null; DIQueries SourceDBQueries = null; //-- Step 1: Get TempTable with Sorted SourceFileName Table = this._TargetDBConnection.ExecuteDataTable(this.ImportQueries.GetImportIndicator(selectedNids)); //-- Step 2:Initialise Indicator Builder with Target DBConnection TrgIndicatorBuilderObj = new IndicatorBuilder(this.TargetDBConnection, this.TargetDBQueries); //-- Step 3: Import Nids for each SourceFile foreach (DataRow Row in Table.Copy().Rows) { try { string SourceFileWPath = Convert.ToString(Row[MergetTemplateConstants.Columns.COLUMN_SOURCEFILENAME]); SourceDBConnection = new DIConnection(DIServerType.MsAccess, String.Empty, String.Empty, SourceFileWPath, String.Empty, MergetTemplateConstants.DBPassword); SourceDBQueries = DataExchange.GetDBQueries(SourceDBConnection); // Get Source Indicator Info SourceIndicatorBuilder = new IndicatorBuilder(SourceDBConnection, SourceDBQueries); IndicatorInfoObj = SourceIndicatorBuilder.GetIndicatorInfo(FilterFieldType.NId, Convert.ToString(Row[MergetTemplateConstants.Columns.COLUMN_SRCNID]), FieldSelection.Light); // Import INdicator By Nid TrgIndicatorBuilderObj.ImportIndicator(IndicatorInfoObj, Convert.ToInt32(Row[MergetTemplateConstants.Columns.COLUMN_SRCNID]), SourceDBQueries, SourceDBConnection); ProgressCounter += 1; this.RaiseProgressBarIncrement(ProgressCounter); } catch (Exception ex) { ExceptionFacade.ThrowException(ex); } finally { if (SourceDBConnection != null) { SourceDBConnection.Dispose(); } if (SourceDBQueries != null) { SourceDBQueries.Dispose(); } } } this._AvailableTable = this.GetAvailableTable(); this._UnmatchedTable = this.GetUnmatchedTable(); // Close ProgressBar this.RaiseProgressBarClose(); }
/// <summary> /// Imports mapped values into database and returns unmatched elements info /// </summary> /// <param name="mappedValues"></param> /// <param name="dataValue"></param> /// <param name="denominator"></param> /// <returns></returns> public UnMatchedElementInfo ImportMappedValuesIntoDB(DIConnection dbConnection, DIQueries dbQueries, string dataValue, string denominator) { UnMatchedElementInfo RetVal = new UnMatchedElementInfo(); int IndicatorNId = -1; int UnitNId = -1; int SGNId = -1; int IUSNId = -1; int AreaNId = -1; int SourceNId = -1; int TimeperiodNId = -1; int DataNId = -1; Dictionary <string, int> IUSNIds = new Dictionary <string, int>(); Dictionary <string, int> AreaNIds = new Dictionary <string, int>(); Dictionary <string, int> SourceNIds = new Dictionary <string, int>(); Dictionary <string, int> TimeperiodNIds = new Dictionary <string, int>(); IndicatorBuilder IndicatorBuilderObj; UnitBuilder UnitBuilderObj; DI6SubgroupValBuilder SGValBuilderObj; IUSBuilder IUSBuilderObj; AreaBuilder AreaBuilderObj; SourceBuilder SourceBuilderObj; TimeperiodBuilder TimeperiodBuilderObj; DIDatabase TargetDatabase; try { IndicatorBuilderObj = new IndicatorBuilder(dbConnection, dbQueries); UnitBuilderObj = new UnitBuilder(dbConnection, dbQueries); SGValBuilderObj = new DI6SubgroupValBuilder(dbConnection, dbQueries); IUSBuilderObj = new IUSBuilder(dbConnection, dbQueries); AreaBuilderObj = new AreaBuilder(dbConnection, dbQueries); SourceBuilderObj = new SourceBuilder(dbConnection, dbQueries); TimeperiodBuilderObj = new TimeperiodBuilder(dbConnection, dbQueries); TargetDatabase = new DIDatabase(dbConnection, dbQueries); // import value if (this.IsVaildMappedValues()) { // check IUSNId in IUSNIDs list if (IUSNIds.ContainsKey(this._IndicatorGID + this._UnitGID + this._SubgroupValGID)) { IUSNId = IUSNIds[this._IndicatorGID + this._UnitGID + this._SubgroupValGID]; } else { // indicator Nid IndicatorNId = IndicatorBuilderObj.GetIndicatorNid(this._IndicatorGID, this._IndicatorName); // UnitNId UnitNId = UnitBuilderObj.GetUnitNid(this._UnitGID, this._UnitName); // SG Val NID SGNId = SGValBuilderObj.GetSubgroupValNid(this._SubgroupValGID, this._SubgroupVal); //IUSNID IUSNId = IUSBuilderObj.GetIUSNid(IndicatorNId, UnitNId, SGNId); // if IUSNID <=0 then create the given IUS combinator into database if (IUSNId <= 0) { IUSNId = IUSBuilderObj.InsertIUSIntoDB(this._IndicatorGID, this._UnitGID, this._SubgroupValGID); } IUSNIds.Add((this._IndicatorGID + this._UnitGID + this._SubgroupValGID), IUSNId); } if (IUSNId > 0) { // get AREANID if (AreaNIds.ContainsKey(this._AreaID)) { AreaNId = AreaNIds[this._AreaID]; } else { AreaNId = AreaBuilderObj.GetAreaNidByAreaID(this._AreaID); AreaNIds.Add(this._AreaID, AreaNId); } // get sourcenid if (SourceNIds.ContainsKey(this._Source)) { SourceNId = SourceNIds[this._Source]; } else { SourceNId = SourceBuilderObj.CheckNCreateSource(this._Source); SourceNIds.Add(this._Source, SourceNId); } // get timeperiodNId if (TimeperiodNIds.ContainsKey(this._Timeperiod)) { TimeperiodNId = TimeperiodNIds[this._Timeperiod]; } else { TimeperiodNId = TimeperiodBuilderObj.CheckNCreateTimeperiod(this._Timeperiod); TimeperiodNIds.Add(this._Timeperiod, TimeperiodNId); } if (AreaNId > 0 && IUSNId > 0 && SourceNId > 0 && TimeperiodNId > 0 && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(dataValue)) { DataNId = TargetDatabase.CheckNCreateData(AreaNId, IUSNId, SourceNId, TimeperiodNId, dataValue); } // denominator value if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(denominator) && DataNId > 0) { try { TargetDatabase.UpdateDenominatorValue(DataNId, Convert.ToInt32(Convert.ToDecimal(denominator))); } catch (Exception ex) { throw new ApplicationException(ex.ToString()); } } } } // for log file if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(dataValue)) { if (AreaNId <= 0 || IUSNId <= 0 || SourceNId <= 0 || TimeperiodNId <= 0) { // for log file if (AreaNId <= 0) { RetVal.Areas.Add(this._AreaID, this._Area); } if (IndicatorNId <= 0) { RetVal.Indicators.Add(this._IndicatorGID, this._IndicatorName); } if (UnitNId <= 0) { RetVal.Units.Add(this._UnitGID, this._UnitName); } if (SGNId <= 0) { RetVal.Subgroups.Add(this._SubgroupValGID, this._SubgroupVal); } } } } catch (Exception ex) { throw new ApplicationException(ex.ToString()); } return(RetVal); }
public async Task <Responses.Indicator> AddIndicator(AddIndicator request) { // Get user var user = await _mainDbContext.Users.FindAsync(request.UserId); // User not found if (user == null) { throw new NotFoundException(UserMessage.UserNotFound); } // Get indicator var indicator = await _mainDbContext.Indicators .Include(x => x.Dependencies) .FirstOrDefaultAsync(IndicatorExpression.Unique(request.UserId, request.Abbreviation)); // Throw ConflictException if it exists if (indicator != null) { throw new ConflictException(new Conflict <AddIndicatorConflictReason>(AddIndicatorConflictReason.INDICATOR_ALREADY_EXISTS, IndicatorMessage.IndicatorWithSameIdAlreadyExists)); } // Get dependencies var dependencies = await GetIndicators(request.Dependencies); // Build dependency level var dependencyLevel = IndicatorBuilder.BuildDependencyLevel(dependencies); // Build indicator dependencies var indicatorDependencies = IndicatorDependencyBuilder.BuildIndicatorDependencies(request.IndicatorId, dependencies); // Create indicator = new Indicator( request.UserId, request.Abbreviation, request.Name, request.Description, request.Formula, indicatorDependencies, dependencyLevel, DateTime.UtcNow.StripSeconds()); // Add _mainDbContext.Indicators.Add(indicator); // Save await _mainDbContext.SaveChangesAsync(); // Get indicator indicator = await _mainDbContext.Indicators .Include(x => x.Dependencies) .ThenInclude(x => x.Dependency) .FirstOrDefaultAsync(x => x.IndicatorId == indicator.IndicatorId); // Response var response = _mapper.Map <Responses.Indicator>(indicator); // Log _logger.LogInformation("{@Event}, {@UserId}, {@Request}, {@Response}", "IndicatorAdded", request.UserId, request, response); // Return return(response); }