Example #1
        public static void WrapBlockCoords(int bx, int by, int bz, IndexPosition chunkIndex,
                                           out IndexPosition newBlockIndex, out IndexPosition newChunkIndex)
            IndexPosition ipos = chunkIndex;

            if (bx < 0)
                bx = HSIZE + bx; ipos.X--;
            else if (bx >= HSIZE)
                bx = bx - HSIZE; ipos.X++;

            if (by < 0)
                by = VSIZE + by; ipos.Y--;
            else if (by >= VSIZE)
                by = by - VSIZE; ipos.Y++;

            if (bz < 0)
                bz = HSIZE + bz; ipos.Z--;
            else if (bz >= HSIZE)
                bz = bz - HSIZE; ipos.Z++;

            newBlockIndex = new IndexPosition(bx, by, bz);
            newChunkIndex = ipos;
Example #2
        public void ShouldResolePosition()
            IndexPosition position = new IndexPosition();
            long          index    = position.At(9);

            Assert.That(index, Is.EqualTo(72));
Example #3
        public void ShrinkToFit()
            IndexPosition newDim = Max - Min + new IndexPosition(1, 1, 1);

            Block[, ,] newData = new Block[newDim.Z, newDim.Y, newDim.X];

            for (int x = 0; x <= Max.X; x++)
                for (int y = 0; y <= Max.Y; y++)
                    for (int z = 0; z <= Max.Z; z++)
                        if (z < Min.Z || y < Min.Y || x < Min.X)

                        newData[z - Min.Z, y - Min.Y, x - Min.X] = Blocks[z, y, x];

            Blocks = newData;
            Width  = newDim.X;
            Height = newDim.Y;
            Depth  = newDim.Z;

Example #4
        public IndexPosition WrapBlockCoords(ref int bx, ref int by, ref int bz)
            IndexPosition ipos = IndexPosition;

            if (bx < 0)
                bx = Width + bx; ipos.X--;
            else if (bx >= Width)
                bx = bx - Width; ipos.X++;

            if (by < 0)
                by = Height + by; ipos.Y--;
            else if (by >= Height)
                by = by - Height; ipos.Y++;

            if (bz < 0)
                bz = Depth + bz; ipos.Z--;
            else if (bz >= Depth)
                bz = bz - Depth; ipos.Z++;

Example #5
        public IndexPosition Update(float cubeSize, Camera camera)
            if (!HasHold)

            Vector3       newPos = camera.MouseRay.Direction * 2;
            Vector3       delta  = (newPos - startPos) * 8 * cubeSize;
            IndexPosition iDelta = new IndexPosition(
                (int)(delta.X / cubeSize),
                (int)(delta.Y / cubeSize),
                (int)(delta.Z / cubeSize));

            if (iDelta != IndexPosition.Zero)
                if (Holding == Axis.X)
                    iDelta.Y = iDelta.Z = 0;
                if (Holding == Axis.Y)
                    iDelta.X = iDelta.Z = 0;
                if (Holding == Axis.Z)
                    iDelta.Y = iDelta.X = 0;

                startPos = newPos;

        public void TranslateTerrain(IndexPosition delta)
            for (int x = 0; x < Terrain.Width * Chunk.HSIZE; x++)
                for (int y = 0; y < Terrain.Height * Chunk.VSIZE; y++)
                    for (int z = 0; z < Terrain.Depth * Chunk.HSIZE; z++)
                        IndexPosition blockPos    = new IndexPosition(x, y, z);
                        IndexPosition newBlockPos = blockPos + delta;

                        IndexPosition originChunkPos, originBlockPos;
                        IndexPosition destChunkPos, destBlockPos;

                        AceOfSpades.Terrain.GetLocalBlockCoords(blockPos, out originChunkPos, out originBlockPos);
                        AceOfSpades.Terrain.GetLocalBlockCoords(newBlockPos, out destChunkPos, out destBlockPos);

                        Chunk originChunk, destChunk;

                        Terrain.Chunks.TryGetValue(originChunkPos, out originChunk);
                        Terrain.Chunks.TryGetValue(destChunkPos, out destChunk);

                        if (originChunk != null && destChunk != null && originChunk.IsBlockCoordInRange(originBlockPos))
                            screen.WorldEditor.TerrainEditor.SetBlock(destChunk, originChunk[originBlockPos], destBlockPos);
        public void Update(float deltaTime)

            if (Model != null)
                Ray           MouseRay = Camera.Active.MouseRay;
                IndexPosition blockNormalOffsetIndex = IndexPosition.Zero;
                IndexPosition MouseIndexPos          = IndexPosition.Zero;
                CubeSide      ModelSide     = CubeSide.Bottom;
                Vector3       normal        = Vector3.Zero;
                bool          intersections = false;
                Color         voxelColor    = new Color(236, 157, 196);

                if (intersections = Model.RayIntersects(MouseRay, out MouseIndexPos, out ModelSide))
                    normal = Maths.CubeSideToSurfaceNormal(ModelSide);
                    blockNormalOffsetIndex = new IndexPosition(
                        MouseIndexPos.X + (int)normal.X,
                        MouseIndexPos.Y + (int)normal.Y,
                        MouseIndexPos.Z + (int)normal.Z);
                if (Model.IsBlockCoordInRange(MouseIndexPos) && intersections)
                    if (Input.GetMouseButtonDown(MouseButton.Left))
                        Model.ChangeBlock(blockNormalOffsetIndex, new Block(1,
                                                                            voxelColor.R, voxelColor.G, voxelColor.B));
        void PopulateChunks()
            int i = 0;

            for (int x = 0; x < Width; x++)
                for (int y = 0; y < Height; y++)
                    for (int z = 0; z < Depth; z++)
                        IndexPosition ipos = new IndexPosition(x, y, z);

                        Chunk chunk = new Chunk(this, ipos, ChunkToWorldCoords(ipos));
                        Chunks.TryAdd(ipos, chunk);

                        workers[i].Enqueue(chunk, TerrainWorkerAction.Populate);

                        if (i == workers.Length)
                            i = 0;
        void ApplyActionToBrush(IndexPosition chunkIndex, IndexPosition blockIndex,
                                Action <Chunk, IndexPosition, int, int, int, float> action)
            IndexPosition globalBlock = GetGlobalBlockCoords(chunkIndex, blockIndex);

            for (int x = -halfBrush; x <= halfBrush; x++)
                for (int y = -halfBrush; y <= halfBrush; y++)
                    for (int z = -halfBrush; z <= halfBrush; z++)
                        float dist = (new Vector3(x, y, z)).Length;
                        if (dist > halfBrush)

                        IndexPosition globalPos = globalBlock + new IndexPosition(x, y, z);
                        IndexPosition cIndex, bIndex;
                        GetLocalBlockCoords(globalPos, out cIndex, out bIndex);

                        Chunk chunk;
                        if (Terrain.Chunks.TryGetValue(cIndex, out chunk))
                            action(chunk, bIndex, x, y, z, dist);
Example #10
        protected override void Update(float deltaTime)
            CharacterController.CanStep = !CharacterController.IsCrouching && !IsWalking;

            if (!GlobalNetwork.IsServer)

                Vector3 center = Transform.Position + Size / 2f;

                IndexPosition chunkIndex = new IndexPosition(
                    (int)(center.X / Chunk.UNIT_HSIZE),
                    (int)(center.Y / Chunk.UNIT_VSIZE),
                    (int)(center.Z / Chunk.UNIT_HSIZE)

                if (World.Terrain.TryGetChunk(chunkIndex, out Chunk chunk))
                    int blockX = (int)(center.X / Block.CUBE_SIZE) - (chunkIndex.X * Chunk.HSIZE);
                    int blockY = (int)(center.Y / Block.CUBE_SIZE) - (chunkIndex.Y * Chunk.VSIZE);
                    int blockZ = (int)(center.Z / Block.CUBE_SIZE) - (chunkIndex.Z * Chunk.HSIZE);

                    Lighting = chunk.Lighting.LightingAt(blockX, blockY, blockZ);

Example #11
        IndexPosition ShiftIPos(IndexPosition ipos, CubeSide normal)
            switch (normal)
            case CubeSide.Back:
                ipos.Z++; break;

            case CubeSide.Bottom:
                ipos.Y--; break;

            case CubeSide.Front:
                ipos.Z--; break;

            case CubeSide.Left:
                ipos.X--; break;

            case CubeSide.Right:
                ipos.X++; break;

            case CubeSide.Top:
                ipos.Y++; break;

Example #12
        void CopySelection()
            EditorSelectionBox selectionBox = TerrainEditor.SelectionBox;

            copy = new Block[
                selectionBox.Max.Z - selectionBox.Min.Z + 1,
                selectionBox.Max.Y - selectionBox.Min.Y + 1,
                selectionBox.Max.X - selectionBox.Min.X + 1];

            for (int x = selectionBox.Min.X, _x = 0; x <= selectionBox.Max.X; x++, _x++)
                for (int y = selectionBox.Min.Y, _y = 0; y <= selectionBox.Max.Y; y++, _y++)
                    for (int z = selectionBox.Min.Z, _z = 0; z <= selectionBox.Max.Z; z++, _z++)
                        IndexPosition globalPos = new IndexPosition(x, y, z);
                        IndexPosition cIndex, bIndex;
                        GetLocalBlockCoords(globalPos, out cIndex, out bIndex);

                        Chunk chunk;
                        if (Terrain.Chunks.TryGetValue(cIndex, out chunk))
                            copy[_z, _y, _x] = chunk.GetBlockSafe(bIndex.X, bIndex.Y, bIndex.Z);
Example #13
        bool IsBlockPlacementSafe(IndexPosition blockPos, IndexPosition chunkPos)
            Vector3 pos                 = Chunk.ChunkBlockToWorldCoords(chunkPos, blockPos);
            Vector3 halfSize            = Block.CUBE_3D_SIZE / 2f;
            AxisAlignedBoundingBox aabb = new AxisAlignedBoundingBox(pos - halfSize, pos + halfSize);

Example #14
        public void PositionToEditorObject(VoxelEditorObject eo)
            Vector3 eo3DCubeSize = new Vector3(eo.CubeSize);

            xAxisPos = new IndexPosition(eo.Max.X + 1, eo.Min.Y, eo.Min.Z) * eo3DCubeSize + new Vector3(-cubeSize, 0, -cubeSize * 2);
            yAxisPos = new IndexPosition(eo.Min.X, eo.Max.Y + 1, eo.Min.Z) * eo3DCubeSize + new Vector3(-cubeSize * 2, -cubeSize, -cubeSize * 2);
            zAxisPos = new IndexPosition(eo.Min.X, eo.Min.Y, eo.Max.Z + 1) * eo3DCubeSize + new Vector3(-cubeSize * 2, 0, -cubeSize);
Example #15
        public void ShouldIncreasePosition()
            IndexPosition position = new IndexPosition();


            Assert.That(position.Value, Is.EqualTo(8));
Example #16
 public static IndexPosition GetGlobalBlockCoords(IndexPosition chunkPos, IndexPosition blockPos)
            + new IndexPosition(
                chunkPos.X * Chunk.HSIZE,
                chunkPos.Y * Chunk.VSIZE,
                chunkPos.Z * Chunk.HSIZE));
        public void SetBlock(Chunk chunk, Block block, IndexPosition blockPos)
            if (chunk == null || !chunk.IsBlockCoordInRange(blockPos))

            operationBatch.Add(new TerrainOperation(chunk, block, blockPos));
Example #18
        public void ShouldResolveCount()
            IndexPosition position = new IndexPosition();


            Assert.That(position.Size, Is.EqualTo(2));
 public bool Contains(IndexPosition pos)
     return(pos.X >= Min.X &&
            pos.Y >= Min.Y &&
            pos.Z >= Min.Z &&
            pos.X <= Max.X &&
            pos.Y <= Max.Y &&
            pos.Z <= Max.Z);
        public void BuildMesh()
            Color4 gridColor;
            Block  b = Block.AIR;

            for (int x = 0; x < Width; x++)
                for (int y = 0; y < Height; y++)
                    for (int z = 0; z < Depth; z++)
                        if (x != 0 && y != 0 && z != 0)

                        IndexPosition blockIndex = new IndexPosition(x, y, z);
                        Vector3       blockPos   = new Vector3(x, y, z);
                        Vector3       off        = blockPos * meshBuilder.CubeSize;

                        if (x == 0 && z == 0)
                            gridColor = Color4.Red;
                        else if (y == 0 && z == 0)
                            gridColor = Color4.Blue;
                        else if (x == 0 && y == 0)
                            gridColor = Color4.Green;
                            gridColor = Color4.Lavender;

                        if (x == 0)
                            meshBuilder.AddLeft(b, blockIndex, off, gridColor);
                        if (z == 0)
                            meshBuilder.AddBack(b, blockIndex, off, gridColor);
                        if (y == 0)
                            meshBuilder.AddBottom(b, blockIndex, off, gridColor);

            Mesh.BeginMode = BeginMode.Lines;
Example #21
        public override Block SetBlock(IndexPosition chunkIndex, IndexPosition blockPos, Block block, bool placement)
            channel.FireEvent("Server_SetBlock", client.ServerConnection,
                              (short)chunkIndex.X, (short)chunkIndex.Y, (short)chunkIndex.Z,
                              (ushort)blockPos.X, (ushort)blockPos.Y, (ushort)blockPos.Z,
                              block.R, block.G, block.B, block.Data.Value,

        public TerrainOperation(Chunk chunk, Block block, IndexPosition blockPos)
            if (!chunk.IsBlockCoordInRange(blockPos))
                throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("blockPos", "Cannot create operation, block position is out of range!");

            this.chunk    = chunk;
            this.block    = block;
            this.blockPos = blockPos;
        public static TerrainOperation CreateUndoFor(Chunk chunk, IndexPosition blockPos)
            if (!chunk.IsBlockCoordInRange(blockPos))
                throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("blockPos", "Cannot create undo operation, block position is out of range!");

            Block existing = chunk.GetBlockSafe(blockPos.X, blockPos.Y, blockPos.Z);

            return(new TerrainOperation(chunk, existing, blockPos));
Example #24
 public bool IsChunkShaped(IndexPosition pos, out Chunk chunk)
     if (Chunks.TryGetValue(pos, out chunk))
         return(chunk.State > ChunkState.Unshaped);
Example #25
 public Block GetBlockInChunk(IndexPosition chunkIndex, int bx, int by, int bz, out Chunk chunk)
     if (Chunks.TryGetValue(chunkIndex, out chunk) && chunk.State > ChunkState.Unshaped)
         return(chunk.GetBlockSafe(bx, by, bz));
Example #26
        public void PositionToMinMax(IndexPosition min, IndexPosition max, float cubeSize, Vector3 offset)
            Vector3 eo3DCubeSize = new Vector3(cubeSize);

            xAxisPos = new IndexPosition(max.X + 1, min.Y, min.Z) * eo3DCubeSize
                       + new Vector3(-cubeSize, 0, -cubeSize * 2) + offset;
            yAxisPos = new IndexPosition(min.X, max.Y + 1, min.Z) * eo3DCubeSize
                       + new Vector3(-cubeSize * 2, -cubeSize, -cubeSize * 2) + offset;
            zAxisPos = new IndexPosition(min.X, min.Y, max.Z + 1) * eo3DCubeSize
                       + new Vector3(-cubeSize * 2, 0, -cubeSize) + offset;
Example #27
        void PickColor()
            TerrainRaycastResult result = World.TerrainPhysics.Raycast(
                new Ray(Camera.Position, Camera.ViewMatrix.Forward()), true, PLACE_RANGE);

            if (result.Intersects)
                IndexPosition blockIndex = result.BlockIndex.Value;
                BlockColor = result.Chunk[blockIndex].GetColor();
        void CalculateMinMax()
            Min = new IndexPosition(
                Math.Min(Primary.X, Secondary.X),
                Math.Min(Primary.Y, Secondary.Y),
                Math.Min(Primary.Z, Secondary.Z));

            Max = new IndexPosition(
                Math.Max(Primary.X, Secondary.X),
                Math.Max(Primary.Y, Secondary.Y),
                Math.Max(Primary.Z, Secondary.Z));
Example #29
        public static CueFile TOCtoCUE(List <TOCEntry> tocEntries, string dataPath)
            var cueFile = new CueFileEntry()
                FileName = dataPath,
                Tracks   = new List <CueTrack>(),
                FileType = "BINARY"

            var audioLeadin = new IndexPosition {
                Seconds = 2

            foreach (var track in tocEntries)
                var position = new IndexPosition
                    Minutes = track.Minutes,
                    Seconds = track.Seconds,
                    Frames  = track.Frames,

                var indexes = new List <CueIndex>();

                if (track.TrackType == TrackTypeEnum.Audio)
                    indexes.Add(new CueIndex()
                        Number   = 0,
                        Position = position - audioLeadin,

                indexes.Add(new CueIndex()
                    Number   = 1,
                    Position = position,

                var cueTrack = new CueTrack()
                    DataType = GetDataType(track.TrackType),
                    Indexes  = indexes,
                    Number   = track.TrackNo


            return(new CueFile(new[] { cueFile }));
Example #30
        public void AddChange(Chunk chunk, Block block, IndexPosition ipos)
            if (TrackChanges)
                BlockChange change = new BlockChange(chunk, block, ipos);

                if (OnModified != null)
                    OnModified(this, change);