public static bool GenerateIndexes <T>(out IndexKeysDefinition <T> value)
            where T : BaseEntity
            var properties = typeof(T).GetProperties();

            if (!properties.Any())
                value = null;
                value = Builders <T> .IndexKeys.Descending(x => x.Id);

                foreach (var property in properties)
                    if (property.HasAttribute <BsonPropertyAttribute>(out var attr))
                        if (attr.BsonDirection == BsonDirection.DESC)
                            value = value.Descending(property.Name.ToRegular());
                        else if (attr.BsonDirection == BsonDirection.ASC)
                            value = value.Ascending(property.Name.ToRegular());
Example #2
        /// <summary>
        /// Verify the provided <paramref name="mongoIndex"/> is defined and ready to go.
        /// </summary>
        protected virtual void VerifyIndex(MongoDbIndex <MongoDbEventData> mongoIndex)
            IndexKeysDefinitionBuilder <MongoDbEventData> indexKeysBuilder = Builders <MongoDbEventData> .IndexKeys;
            IndexKeysDefinition <MongoDbEventData>        indexKey         = null;

            IList <Expression <Func <MongoDbEventData, object> > > selectors = mongoIndex.Selectors.ToList();

            for (int i = 0; i < selectors.Count; i++)
                Expression <Func <MongoDbEventData, object> > expression = selectors[i];
                if (mongoIndex.IsAcending)
                    if (i == 0)
                        indexKey = indexKeysBuilder.Ascending(expression);
                        indexKey = indexKey.Ascending(expression);
                    if (i == 0)
                        indexKey = indexKeysBuilder.Descending(expression);
                        indexKey = indexKey.Descending(expression);

            bool throwExceptions;

            if (!bool.TryParse(ConfigurationManager.GetSetting("Cqrs.MongoDb.EventStore.ThrowExceptionsOnIndexPreparation"), out throwExceptions))
                throwExceptions = true;
                    new CreateIndexOptions
                    Unique = mongoIndex.IsUnique,
                    Name   = mongoIndex.Name
                if (throwExceptions)
Example #3
        /// <summary>
        /// Create unique index
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="context">work context</param>
        /// <param name="collectionIndex">collection index information</param>
        /// <returns>Task</returns>
        public async Task CreateIndex(IWorkContext context, CollectionIndex collectionIndex)
            Verify.IsNotNull(nameof(context), context);
            Verify.IsNotNull(nameof(collectionIndex), collectionIndex);
            Verify.IsNotEmpty(nameof(collectionIndex.Name), collectionIndex.Name);
            Verify.Assert(collectionIndex.Sparse == false || (collectionIndex?.Keys?.Count() == 0), "sparse index does not support compound indexes");
            Verify.Assert(collectionIndex.Keys?.Count > 0, "requires key definitions");
            context = context.WithTag(_tag);

            var options = new CreateIndexOptions
                Name    = collectionIndex.Name,
                Version = 1,
                Unique  = collectionIndex.Unique,
                Sparse  = collectionIndex.Sparse,

            IndexKeysDefinition <TDocument> keys = null;

            foreach (var key in collectionIndex.Keys)
                if (key.Descending)
                    keys = keys?.Descending(key.FieldName) ?? Builders <TDocument> .IndexKeys.Descending(key.FieldName);
                    keys = keys?.Ascending(key.FieldName) ?? Builders <TDocument> .IndexKeys.Ascending(key.FieldName);

            MongoDbEventSource.Log.Info(context, $"Creating index={collectionIndex.Name}");
            await Parent.MongoCollection.Indexes.CreateOneAsync(keys, options, context.CancellationToken);
Example #4
        private static IndexKeysDefinition <T> CreateIndexDefinition <T>(IndexKeysDefinition <T> index, IIndexField <T> field)
            switch (field.SortOrder)
            case IndexSortOrder.Desc:

            case IndexSortOrder.Asc:
        protected virtual void VerifyIndexes <TEntity>(IMongoCollection <TEntity> collection)
            Type entityType = typeof(TEntity);

            if (IndexTypesByEntityType.ContainsKey(entityType))
                foreach (object untypedIndexType in IndexTypesByEntityType[entityType])
                    var mongoIndex = (MongoDbIndex <TEntity>)untypedIndexType;

                    IndexKeysDefinitionBuilder <TEntity> indexKeysBuilder = Builders <TEntity> .IndexKeys;
                    IndexKeysDefinition <TEntity>        indexKey         = null;

                    IList <Expression <Func <TEntity, object> > > selectors = mongoIndex.Selectors.ToList();
                    for (int i = 0; i < selectors.Count; i++)
                        Expression <Func <TEntity, object> > expression = selectors[i];
                        if (mongoIndex.IsAcending)
                            if (i == 0)
                                indexKey = indexKeysBuilder.Ascending(expression);
                                indexKey = indexKey.Ascending(expression);
                            if (i == 0)
                                indexKey = indexKeysBuilder.Descending(expression);
                                indexKey = indexKey.Descending(expression);

                        new CreateIndexOptions
                        Unique = mongoIndex.IsUnique,
                        Name   = mongoIndex.Name
Example #6
        protected virtual void VerifyIndex(MongoDbIndex <EventData> mongoIndex)
            IndexKeysDefinitionBuilder <EventData> indexKeysBuilder = Builders <EventData> .IndexKeys;
            IndexKeysDefinition <EventData>        indexKey         = null;

            IList <Expression <Func <EventData, object> > > selectors = mongoIndex.Selectors.ToList();

            for (int i = 0; i < selectors.Count; i++)
                Expression <Func <EventData, object> > expression = selectors[i];
                if (mongoIndex.IsAcending)
                    if (i == 0)
                        indexKey = indexKeysBuilder.Ascending(expression);
                        indexKey = indexKey.Ascending(expression);
                    if (i == 0)
                        indexKey = indexKeysBuilder.Descending(expression);
                        indexKey = indexKey.Descending(expression);

                new CreateIndexOptions
                Unique = mongoIndex.IsUnique,
                Name   = mongoIndex.Name
Example #7
        /// <summary>
        /// Ensures that the desired indexes exist and creates them if they don't exist.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="keynames">The indexed fields.</param>
        /// <param name="descending">Set to true to make index descending, false for ascending.</param>
        /// <param name="unique">Set to true to ensure index enforces unique values.</param>
        /// <param name="sparse">Set to true to specify the index is sparse.</param>
        /// <param name="cancellationToken">Optional threading cancellation token</param>
        /// <remarks>
        /// This is a convenience method for EnsureIndexes(IMongoIndexKeys keys, IMongoIndexOptions options).
        /// </remarks>
        public async virtual Task <string> EnsureIndexAsync(IEnumerable <Expression <Func <T, object> > > keynames, bool descending = false, bool unique = false, bool sparse = false, CancellationToken cancellationToken = default(CancellationToken))
            Condition.Requires(keynames, "keynames").IsNotNull();

            var options = new CreateIndexOptions {
                Unique = unique, Sparse = sparse
            var builder = Builders <T> .IndexKeys;
            IndexKeysDefinition <T> indexKeysDefinition = null;

            foreach (var k in keynames)
                if (descending)
                    if (null == indexKeysDefinition)
                        indexKeysDefinition = builder.Descending(k);
                        indexKeysDefinition = indexKeysDefinition.Descending(k);
                if (null == indexKeysDefinition)
                    indexKeysDefinition = builder.Ascending(k);
                    indexKeysDefinition = indexKeysDefinition.Ascending(k);

            return(await this.collection.Indexes.CreateOneAsync(indexKeysDefinition, options, cancellationToken));
Example #8
        /// <summary> Reseeds a database using the given descriptor. </summary>
        /// <param name="reseedInfo"> JsonObject containing description of how to reseed the database. </param>
        public void Reseed(JsonObject reseedInfo, string topDir = null)
            if (reseedInfo.Has <JsonArray>("drop"))
                Drop(reseedInfo.Get <JsonArray>("drop"));
            if (reseedInfo.Has <JsonObject>("index"))
                Index(reseedInfo.Get <JsonObject>("index"));
            if (reseedInfo.Has <JsonObject>("insert"))
                Insert(reseedInfo.Get <JsonObject>("insert"), topDir);

            void Drop(JsonArray databases)
                foreach (var dbname in databases)
                    if (dbname.isString)

            void Index(JsonObject descriptor)
                string database   = descriptor.Pull("database", dbName);
                string collection = descriptor.Pull("collection", "Garbage");

                if (database == "$default")
                    database = dbName;

                JsonObject fields = descriptor.Pull <JsonObject>("fields");
                MDB        db     = dbClient.GetDatabase(database);

                List <CreateIndexModel <BDoc> > indexes = new List <CreateIndexModel <BDoc> >();
                IndexKeysDefinition <BDoc>      index   = null;

                foreach (var pair in fields)
                    string fieldName = pair.Key;
                    int    order     = pair.Value;

                    if (order > 0)
                        index = index?.Ascending(fieldName) ?? Builders <BDoc> .IndexKeys.Ascending(fieldName);
                        index = index?.Descending(fieldName) ?? Builders <BDoc> .IndexKeys.Descending(fieldName);

                var model = new CreateIndexModel <BDoc>(index);

                db.GetCollection <BDoc>(collection).Indexes.CreateOne(model);

            void Insert(JsonObject descriptor, string dir)
                string database   = descriptor.Pull("database", dbName);
                string collection = descriptor.Pull("collection", "Garbage");

                string[] files = descriptor.Pull <string[]>("files");
                if (files == null)
                    files = new string[] { collection };

                dir = ForwardSlashPath(dir);
                if (!dir.EndsWith("/"))
                    dir += "/";

                foreach (var file in files)
                    string json  = null;
                    string fpath = dir + file;

                    if (file.EndsWith("/**"))
                        string directory = fpath.Replace("/**", "");

                        Glob(database, collection, directory);
                        try { json = json ?? File.ReadAllText(fpath); } catch (Exception) { }
                        try { json = json ?? File.ReadAllText(fpath + ".json"); } catch (Exception) { }
                        try { json = json ?? File.ReadAllText(fpath + ".wtf"); } catch (Exception) { }

                        if (json == null)
                            Log.Warning($"Seeder could not find file {{{ForwardSlashPath(file)}}} under {{{dir}}}");

                        JsonValue data = Json.Parse(json);
                        if (data == null || !(data is JsonObject) && !(data is JsonArray))
                            Log.Warning($"Seeder cannot use {{{ForwardSlashPath(file)}}} under {{{dir}}}, it is not an object or array.");

                        if (data is JsonObject)
                            data["filename"] = UpToLast(FromLast(ForwardSlashPath(fpath), "/"), ".");
                            InsertData(database, collection, data as JsonObject);
                        else if (data is JsonArray)
                            InsertData(database, collection, data as JsonArray);

            void Glob(string database, string collection, string directory)
                List <string> files = AllFilesInDirectory(directory);

                foreach (string file in files)
                    string json = null;
                    try {
                        json = json ?? File.ReadAllText(file);
                    } catch (Exception e) {
                        Log.Warning($"Seeder could not find {{{file}}}.", e);

                    try {
                        JsonValue data = Json.Parse(json);

                        if (data == null || !(data is JsonObject) && !(data is JsonArray))
                            Log.Warning($"Seeder cannot use {{{ForwardSlashPath(file)}}}, it is not an object or array.");

                        if (data is JsonObject)
                            data["filename"] = UpToLast(FromLast(ForwardSlashPath(file), "/"), ".");
                            InsertData(database, collection, data as JsonObject);
                        else if (data is JsonArray)
                            InsertData(database, collection, data as JsonArray);
                    } catch (Exception e) {
                        Log.Warning($"Seeder could not parse {{{ForwardSlashPath(file)}}}.", e);
Example #9
        public static void Main(string[] args)
            // ***** START OF CONFIG

            Dictionary <String, String> connections = new Dictionary <String, String>();

            connections.Add("main", "mongodb://*****:*****@"C:\projects\cmd\github\Content-Store\src\Backoffice\configuration";

            Dictionary <String, IMongoDatabase> databases = new Dictionary <String, IMongoDatabase>();

            foreach (KeyValuePair <String, String> connection in connections)
                MongoUrl    url    = new MongoUrl(connection.Value);
                MongoClient client = new MongoClient(url);
                databases.Add(connection.Key, client.GetDatabase(url.DatabaseName));

            Boolean reinit = true;

            IContainerParser        parser = new ContentStore.JsonSettings.JsonContainerParser();
            IReadonlyContainerStore store  = new ContentStore.LocalFileSystem.ContainerStore(null, parser, solutionConfigurationRoot);

            // ***** END OF CONFIG

            String[] containerConfigurations = Directory.GetFiles(Path.Combine(solutionConfigurationRoot, "containers"), "*.json", SearchOption.AllDirectories);
            foreach (String path in containerConfigurations)
                IContainer container = store.Get(Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(path));

                IMongoDatabase db = databases[String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(container.Database) ? "main" : container.Database];

                List <BsonDocument> collections = db.ListCollections().ToList();

                Boolean createCollection = true;
                if (collections.Any(c => c["name"].AsString == container.Name) && reinit == false)
                    createCollection = false;

                if (createCollection)
                    db.CreateCollection(container.Name, new CreateCollectionOptions {
                        AutoIndexId = true

                    if (container.Indexes != null && container.Indexes.Any())
                        List <CreateIndexModel <BsonDocument> > indexes = new List <CreateIndexModel <BsonDocument> >();

                        foreach (IIndex index in container.Indexes)
                            IndexKeysDefinition <BsonDocument> idx = null;
                            CreateIndexOptions options             = null;
                            if (index.Fields != null && index.Fields.Any())
                                if (index.Order == Order.Ascending)
                                    idx = Builders <BsonDocument> .IndexKeys.Ascending(index.Fields.First());

                                    foreach (String field in index.Fields.Skip(1))
                                        idx = idx.Ascending(field);
                                    idx = Builders <BsonDocument> .IndexKeys.Descending(index.Fields.First());

                                    foreach (String field in index.Fields.Skip(1))
                                        idx = idx.Descending(field);
                                if (index.Unique.HasValue && index.Unique.Value == true)
                                    options = new CreateIndexOptions {
                                        Unique = true
                            else if (!String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(index.Field))
                                if (index.Order == Order.Ascending)
                                    idx = Builders <BsonDocument> .IndexKeys.Ascending(index.Field);
                                    idx = Builders <BsonDocument> .IndexKeys.Descending(index.Field);
                                if (index.Unique.HasValue && index.Unique.Value == true)
                                    options = new CreateIndexOptions {
                                        Unique = true
                                // TODO:
                                throw new Exception("");

                            indexes.Add(new CreateIndexModel <BsonDocument>(idx, options));

                        IMongoCollection <BsonDocument> collection = db.GetCollection <BsonDocument>(container.Name);

            String[] treeConfigurations = Directory.GetFiles(Path.Combine(solutionConfigurationRoot, "trees"), "*.json", SearchOption.AllDirectories);
            foreach (String path in containerConfigurations)
        //--- PRIVATE

        /// <summary>
        /// Returned object holds two collection references - one for the base
        /// type of all records and the other for the record type specified
        /// as generic parameter.
        /// The need to hold two collection arises from the requirement
        /// that query for a derived type takes into account that another
        /// record with the same key and later dataset or object timestamp
        /// may exist. For this reason, the typed collection is used for
        /// LINQ constraints and base collection is used to iterate over
        /// objects.
        /// This method also creates indices if they do not exist. The
        /// two default indices are always created:  one for optimizing
        /// loading by key and the other by query.
        /// Additional indices may be created using class attribute
        /// [IndexElements] for further performance optimization.
        /// </summary>
        private TemporalMongoCollection <TRecord> GetOrCreateCollection <TRecord>()
            where TRecord : Record
            // Check if collection object has already been cached
            // for this type and return cached result if found
            if (collectionDict_.TryGetValue(typeof(TRecord), out object collectionObj))
                var cachedResult = collectionObj.CastTo <TemporalMongoCollection <TRecord> >();

            // Check that hierarchical discriminator convention is set for TRecord
            var discriminatorConvention = BsonSerializer.LookupDiscriminatorConvention(typeof(TRecord));

            if (!discriminatorConvention.Is <HierarchicalDiscriminatorConvention>())
                throw new Exception(
                          $"Hierarchical discriminator convention is not set for type {typeof(TRecord).Name}. " +
                          $"The convention should have been set set in the static constructor of " +

            // Collection name is root class name of the record without prefix
            string collectionName = DataTypeInfo.GetOrCreate <TRecord>().GetCollectionName();

            // Get interfaces to base and typed collections for the same name
            var baseCollection  = Db.GetCollection <Record>(collectionName);
            var typedCollection = Db.GetCollection <TRecord>(collectionName);

            //--- Load standard index types

            // Each data type has an index for optimized loading by key.
            // This index consists of Key in ascending order, followed by
            // DataSet and ID in descending order.
            var loadIndexKeys = Builders <TRecord> .IndexKeys
                                .Ascending(new StringFieldDefinition <TRecord>("_key"))      // .Key
                                .Descending(new StringFieldDefinition <TRecord>("_dataset")) // .DataSet
                                .Descending(new StringFieldDefinition <TRecord>("_id"));     // .Id

            // Use index definition convention to specify the index name
            var loadIndexName  = "Key-DataSet-Id";
            var loadIndexModel = new CreateIndexModel <TRecord>(loadIndexKeys, new CreateIndexOptions {
                Name = loadIndexName


            //--- Load custom index types

            // Additional indices are provided using IndexAttribute for the class.
            // Get a sorted dictionary of (definition, name) pairs
            // for the inheritance chain of the specified type.
            var indexDict = IndexElementsAttribute.GetAttributesDict <TRecord>();

            // Iterate over the dictionary to define the index
            foreach (var indexInfo in indexDict)
                string indexDefinition = indexInfo.Key;
                string indexName       = indexInfo.Value;

                // Parse index definition to get a list of (ElementName,SortOrder) tuples
                List <(string, int)> indexTokens = IndexElementsAttribute.ParseDefinition <TRecord>(indexDefinition);

                var indexKeysBuilder = Builders <TRecord> .IndexKeys;
                IndexKeysDefinition <TRecord> indexKeys = null;

                // Iterate over (ElementName,SortOrder) tuples
                foreach (var indexToken in indexTokens)
                    (string elementName, int sortOrder) = indexToken;

                    if (indexKeys == null)
                        // Create from builder for the first element
                        if (sortOrder == 1)
                            indexKeys = indexKeysBuilder.Ascending(new StringFieldDefinition <TRecord>(elementName));
                        else if (sortOrder == -1)
                            indexKeys = indexKeysBuilder.Descending(new StringFieldDefinition <TRecord>(elementName));
                            throw new Exception("Sort order must be 1 or -1.");
                        // Chain to the previous list of index keys for the remaining elements
                        if (sortOrder == 1)
                            indexKeys = indexKeys.Ascending(new StringFieldDefinition <TRecord>(elementName));
                        else if (sortOrder == -1)
                            indexKeys = indexKeys.Descending(new StringFieldDefinition <TRecord>(elementName));
                            throw new Exception("Sort order must be 1 or -1.");

                if (indexName == null)
                    throw new Exception("Index name cannot be null.");
                var indexModel = new CreateIndexModel <TRecord>(indexKeys, new CreateIndexOptions {
                    Name = indexName

                // Add to indexes for the collection

            // Create result that holds both base and typed collections
            TemporalMongoCollection <TRecord> result = new TemporalMongoCollection <TRecord>(this, baseCollection, typedCollection);

            // Add the result to the collection dictionary and return
            collectionDict_.TryAdd(typeof(TRecord), result);