Example #1
        public void AddSameDocumentTwiceToIndexWithDifferentKey()
            var index = new Index();
            Dictionary <String, String> stringsToStore = new Dictionary <string, string>();

            stringsToStore.Add("Name", "Intel i7-6600k");
            stringsToStore.Add("Sku", "6600k");

            var result = index.AddDoc("0", "Carrots should be orange and bananas should be yellow", stringsToStore);

            Assert.AreEqual(true, result);
            result = index.AddDoc("1", "Carrots should be orange and bananas should be yellow", stringsToStore);
            Assert.AreEqual(true, result);
Example #2
        public void DeleteDocument()
            var index = new Index();
            Dictionary <String, String> stringsToStore = new Dictionary <string, string>();

            stringsToStore.Add("Name", "Intel i7-6600k");
            stringsToStore.Add("Sku", "6600k");

            index.AddDoc(index.GetNoOfDocuments().ToString(), "Carrots should be orange and bananas should be yellow", stringsToStore);
            index.AddDoc(index.GetNoOfDocuments().ToString(), "Testing the index should work", stringsToStore);
            var result = index.Search(new MultiTermQuery("testing", ' ', 5));

            Assert.AreEqual(1, result.Count);
            result = index.Search(new MultiTermQuery("testing", ' ', 5));
            Assert.AreEqual(0, result.Count);
Example #3
        public void AddDocumentToIndex()
            var index = new Index();
            Dictionary <String, String> stringsToStore = new Dictionary <string, string>();

            stringsToStore.Add("Name", "Intel i7-6600k");
            stringsToStore.Add("Sku", "6600k");

            var result = index.AddDoc(index.GetNoOfDocuments().ToString(), "Carrots should be orange and bananas should be yellow", stringsToStore);

            Assert.AreEqual(true, result);
Example #4
        public void TestInit()
            index = new Inverted_Index.Index();
            Dictionary <String, String> stringsToStore = new Dictionary <string, string>();

            stringsToStore.Add("Name", "Intel i7-6600k");
            stringsToStore.Add("Sku", "6600k");

            index.AddDoc(index.GetNoOfDocuments().ToString(), "Carrots should be orange and bananas should be yellow", stringsToStore);
            index.AddDoc(index.GetNoOfDocuments().ToString(), "Testing the index should work", stringsToStore);
            index.AddDoc(index.GetNoOfDocuments().ToString(), "Lots of testing just testing", stringsToStore);
            index.AddDoc(index.GetNoOfDocuments().ToString(), "Need more bananas", stringsToStore);
            index.AddDoc(index.GetNoOfDocuments().ToString(), "Too many carrots", stringsToStore);
            index.AddDoc(index.GetNoOfDocuments().ToString(), "Do not mix carrots and bananas", stringsToStore);
            index.AddDoc(index.GetNoOfDocuments().ToString(), "The index should be quick", stringsToStore);
            index.AddDoc(index.GetNoOfDocuments().ToString(), "But maybe not as quick as light", stringsToStore);
            index.AddDoc(index.GetNoOfDocuments().ToString(), "But way faster than the Bolt", stringsToStore);
            index.AddDoc(index.GetNoOfDocuments().ToString(), "So we should strive for a 100m world record", stringsToStore);

            //Random random = new Random();
            const string chars         = "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ0123456789 ";
            int          textLength    = 20;
            int          noOfDocuments = 100000;

            for (int i = 0; i < noOfDocuments; i++)
                stringsToStore = new Dictionary <string, string>();
                StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();

                String name             = RandomString(5, chars) + " " + RandomString(5, chars); // Name
                String sku              = RandomString(5, chars);                                // Sku
                String Price            = StaticRandom.Rand(1000).ToString();
                String ShortDescription = RandomString(30, chars);
                String FullDescription  = RandomString(100, chars);

                stringsToStore.Add("Id", i.ToString());
                stringsToStore.Add("Price", Price);
                stringsToStore.Add("Name", name);
                stringsToStore.Add("Sku", sku);
                stringsToStore.Add("ShortDescription", ShortDescription);

                .Append(" ")
                .Append(" ")
                .Append(" ")
                .Append(" ")
                .Append(" ");

                index.AddDoc(i.ToString(), sb.ToString(), stringsToStore);

                //index.AddDoc(index.GetNoOfDocuments().ToString(), new string(Enumerable.Repeat(chars, textLength)
                //.Select(s => s[random.Next(s.Length)]).ToArray()), stringsToStore);


            //index = Index.LoadIndexFromFile("D:\\IndexTest\\TestOneHundredThousand\\");