Example #1
        [Fact] public void Update_ShouldCommitUnitOfWork()
            var stored = new IncomingBlogPost {
                BlogPostId = Guid.NewGuid(),
                Title      = "Hello, world!"

            _unitOfWork.Setup(u => u.Posts.Get(stored.BlogPostId))
            .Returns(() => Task.FromResult <IBlogPost>(stored));

            _unitOfWork.Setup(u => u.Commit()).Returns(() => Task.CompletedTask);

            var update = new BlogPost {
                BlogPostId = stored.BlogPostId,
                Title      = "Hello, xUnit!"

            Silo.CreateGrain <BlogPostGrain>(stored.BlogPostId)


            _unitOfWork.Verify(u => u.Posts.Get(stored.BlogPostId), Times.AtMostOnce(),
                               "because need for fetch it 0 or 1 times");

            _unitOfWork.Verify(u => u.Commit(), Times.Once(),
                               "because we need to commit our changes");

        public void ToDataModel_ShouldTransferAllFields()
            var original    = new BlogPost();
            var expectation = new IncomingBlogPost();

            original.BlogPostId = expectation.BlogPostId = Guid.NewGuid();
            original.Title      = expectation.Title = "Hello, world!";
            original.Content    = expectation.Content = "This is a blog post";
            expectation.Created = original.Created = DateTime.UtcNow;
            original.AuthorId   = expectation.AuthorId = Guid.NewGuid();

                                                           "because we need to be able to rely on having all fields transferred");
Example #3
        [Fact] public void Find_ShouldReturnGrainModel()
            var stored = new IncomingBlogPost {
                BlogPostId = Guid.NewGuid()

            _unitOfWork.Setup(u => u.Posts.Get(stored.BlogPostId))
            .Returns(() => Task.FromResult <IBlogPost>(stored));

            var grain = Silo.CreateGrain <BlogPostGrain>(stored.BlogPostId);

                                                                          "becuase that's what the UnitOfWork provided");

            _unitOfWork.Verify(u => u.Posts.Get(stored.BlogPostId), Times.Once(),
                               "because we need to call it just once");
