internal static string RenderListWithContext(DynamicEntity parent, string fieldName, IInPageEditingSystem edit = null) { var innerBuilder = new StringBuilder(); var found = parent.TryGetMember(fieldName, out var objFound); if (found) { if (objFound is IList <DynamicEntity> itms) { foreach (var cb in itms) { innerBuilder.Append(Render(cb.SxcInstance.ContentBlock, cb.Entity, parent.SxcInstance.Log)); } } } // create edit object if re-use in the wh if (edit == null) { edit = new InPageEditingHelper(parent.SxcInstance, parent.SxcInstance.Log); } return(string.Format(WrapperTemplate, new object[] { edit.Enabled?WrapperMultiItems: "", edit.ContextAttributes(parent, field: fieldName), innerBuilder })); }
public AppAndDataHelpers(SxcInstance sexy, ModuleInfo module, Log parentLog) : base("Sxc.AppHlp", parentLog ?? sexy?.Log) { // ModuleInfo module = sexy.ModuleInfo; // Init things than require module-info or similar, but not 2sxc Dnn = new DnnHelper(module); Link = new DnnLinkHelper(Dnn); // todo: maybe init App & App.Data, as they don't really require a working 2sxc if (sexy == null) { return; } ViewDataSource data = sexy.Data; _sxcInstance = sexy; App = sexy.App; // app; Data = sexy.Data; // data; Sxc = new SxcHelper(sexy); Edit = new InPageEditingHelper(sexy); // If PortalSettings is null - for example, while search index runs - HasEditPermission would fail // But in search mode, it shouldn't show drafts, so this is ok. // Note that app could be null, if a user is in admin-ui of a module which hasn't actually be configured yet App?.InitData(PortalSettings.Current != null && sexy.Environment.Permissions.UserMayEditContent, sexy.Environment.PagePublishing /*new Environment.Dnn7.PagePublishing(Log)*/.IsEnabled(module.ModuleID), data.ConfigurationProvider); #region Assemble the mapping of the data-stream "default"/Presentation to the List object and the "ListContent" too List = new List <Element>(); if (data != null && sexy.Template != null) { if (data.Out.ContainsKey("Default")) { var entities = data.List.Select(e => e.Value); var elements = entities.Select(GetElementFromEntity).ToList(); List = elements; if (elements.Any()) { Content = elements.First().Content; //Presentation = elements.First().Presentation; } } if (data.Out.ContainsKey(AppConstants.ListContent)) { var listEntity = data[AppConstants.ListContent].List.Select(e => e.Value).FirstOrDefault(); var listElement = listEntity != null?GetElementFromEntity(listEntity) : null; if (listElement != null) { ListContent = listElement.Content; // ListPresentation = listElement.Presentation; } } } #endregion }
private const string WrapperSingleItem = WrapperMultiItems + " show-placeholder single-item"; // enables a placeholder when empty, and limits one entry internal static string RenderWithEditContext(DynamicEntity dynParent, IDynamicEntity subItem, string cbFieldName, Guid? newGuid = null, IInPageEditingSystem edit = null) { if (edit == null) edit = new InPageEditingHelper(dynParent.Block); var attribs = edit.ContextAttributes(dynParent, field: cbFieldName, newGuid: newGuid); var inner = subItem == null ? "": Render(dynParent.Block, subItem.Entity).ToString(); var cbClasses = edit.Enabled ? WrapperSingleItem : ""; return string.Format(WrapperTemplate, new object[] { cbClasses, attribs, inner}); }
protected AppAndDataHelpersBase(SxcInstance sxcInstance, ITenant tenant, Log parentLog) : base("Sxc.AppHlp", parentLog ?? sxcInstance?.Log) { if (sxcInstance == null) { return; } SxcInstance = sxcInstance; _tenant = tenant; App = sxcInstance.App; Data = sxcInstance.Data; Sxc = new SxcHelper(sxcInstance); Edit = new InPageEditingHelper(sxcInstance, Log); }
protected DynamicCodeRoot(IBlockBuilder blockBuilder, ITenant tenant, int compatibility, ILog parentLog) : base("Sxc.AppHlp", parentLog ?? blockBuilder?.Log) { if (blockBuilder == null) { return; } BlockBuilder = blockBuilder; _tenant = tenant; CompatibilityLevel = compatibility; App = blockBuilder.App; Data = blockBuilder.Block.Data; Edit = new InPageEditingHelper(blockBuilder, Log); }
public DynamicCodeRoot Init(IBlock block, int compatibility, ILog parentLog) { Log.LinkTo(parentLog ?? block?.Log); if (block == null) { return(this); } CompatibilityLevel = compatibility; Block = block; App = Block.App; Data = Block.Data; Edit = new InPageEditingHelper(Block, Log); return(this); }
public AppAndDataHelpers(SxcInstance sexy) { ModuleInfo module = sexy.ModuleInfo; ViewDataSource data = sexy.Data; _sxcInstance = sexy; App = sexy.App; // app; Data = sexy.Data; // data; Dnn = new DnnHelper(module); Link = new DnnLinkHelper(Dnn); Sxc = new SxcHelper(sexy); Edit = new InPageEditingHelper(sexy); // If PortalSettings is null - for example, while search index runs - HasEditPermission would fail // But in search mode, it shouldn't show drafts, so this is ok. App.InitData(PortalSettings.Current != null && sexy.Environment.Permissions.UserMayEditContent /*SecurityHelpers.HasEditPermission(module)*/, data.ConfigurationProvider); #region Assemble the mapping of the data-stream "default"/Presentation to the List object and the "ListContent" too List = new List <Element>(); if (data != null && sexy.Template != null) { if (data.Out.ContainsKey("Default")) { var entities = data.List.Select(e => e.Value); var elements = entities.Select(GetElementFromEntity).ToList(); List = elements; if (elements.Any()) { Content = elements.First().Content; Presentation = elements.First().Presentation; } } if (data.Out.ContainsKey("ListContent")) { var listEntity = data["ListContent"].List.Select(e => e.Value).FirstOrDefault(); var listElement = listEntity != null?GetElementFromEntity(listEntity) : null; if (listElement != null) { ListContent = listElement.Content; ListPresentation = listElement.Presentation; } } } #endregion }
internal static string RenderListWithContext(DynamicEntity dynParent, string fieldName, string apps = null, int max = 100) { var innerBuilder = new StringBuilder(); var found = dynParent.TryGetMember(fieldName, out var objFound); if (found && objFound is IList<DynamicEntity> items) foreach (var cb in items) innerBuilder.Append(Render(cb.Block, cb.Entity)); // create edit object if re-use of the parent //if (edit == null) IInPageEditingSystem edit = new InPageEditingHelper(dynParent.Block); return string.Format(WrapperTemplate, new object[] { edit.Enabled ? WrapperMultiItems : "", edit.ContextAttributes(dynParent, field: fieldName, apps: apps, max: max), innerBuilder }); }
public AppAndDataHelpers(SxcInstance sexy, ModuleInfo module, Log parentLog) : base("Sxc.AppHlp", parentLog ?? sexy?.Log) { // Init things than require module-info or similar, but not 2sxc Dnn = new DnnHelper(module); Link = new DnnLinkHelper(Dnn); if (sexy == null) { return; } _sxcInstance = sexy; App = sexy.App; Data = sexy.Data; Sxc = new SxcHelper(sexy); Edit = new InPageEditingHelper(sexy); // If PortalSettings is null - for example, while search index runs - HasEditPermission would fail // But in search mode, it shouldn't show drafts, so this is ok. // Note that app could be null, if a user is in admin-ui of a module which hasn't actually be configured yet App?.InitData(PortalSettings.Current != null && sexy.Environment.Permissions.UserMayEditContent, PortalSettings.Current != null && sexy.Environment.PagePublishing.IsEnabled(module.ModuleID), Data.ConfigurationProvider); }
internal static string Render(DynamicEntity parent, string entityField, string textTemplate) { // do basic checking if (!InlineCbDetector.IsMatch(textTemplate)) { return(textTemplate); } var result = new StringBuilder(); var charProgress = 0; var matches = InlineCbDetector.Matches(textTemplate); if (matches.Count == 0) { return(textTemplate); } // create edit-object which is necessary for context attributes var edit = new InPageEditingHelper(parent.SxcInstance); foreach (Match curMatch in matches) { // Get characters before the first match if (curMatch.Index > charProgress) { result.Append(textTemplate.Substring(charProgress, curMatch.Index - charProgress)); } charProgress = curMatch.Index + curMatch.Length; // get the infos we need to retrieve the value, get it. var marker = curMatch.Value.Replace("\'", "\""); if (marker.IndexOf("sxc=\"sxc-content-block\"", StringComparison.Ordinal) == 0) { continue; } var guidMatch = GuidExtractor.Match(marker); var likelyGuid = guidMatch.Groups[1].Value; // check if guid is valid Guid guid; if (!Guid.TryParse(likelyGuid, out guid)) { continue; } object objFound; DynamicEntity subitem = null; var found = parent.TryGetMember(entityField, out objFound); if (found) { var itms = (IList <DynamicEntity>)objFound; if (itms?.Count > 0) { subitem = itms.FirstOrDefault(i => i.EntityGuid == guid); } } result.Append(Simple.RenderWithEditContext(parent, subitem, entityField, guid, edit)); } // attach the rest of the text (after the last match) result.Append(textTemplate.Substring(charProgress)); // Ready to finish, but first, ensure repeating if desired var finalResult = result.ToString(); return(finalResult); }