Example #1
        public PatientModel(string patientModelFilename,
                            string knotFilename,
                            string imputationFilename)
            // TODO: improve
            _inputMap = new Dictionary <string, List <string> >();
            _modelMap = ParseModelResults(patientModelFilename, _inputMap);

            _knotMap    = ParseSplines(knotFilename);
            _imputedMap = ParseImputedValues(imputationFilename);
Example #2
        ProcessInputs(HashSet <string> requiredInputs,
                      IDictionary <string, double> availableInputs,
                      ImputedMap imputedMap,
                      Dictionary <string, Dictionary <string, double> > knotMap)
            Dictionary <string, double> enhancedInputs = new Dictionary <string, double>();

            foreach (string s in requiredInputs)
                if (s.StartsWith("sp1") || s.StartsWith("sp2"))
                    // spline. find x in availableInputs given sp1x, and calc sp1x, sp2x
                    // add sp1x, sp2x to enhanced
                    string basename = s.Substring(3);

                    // TODO: clean me up!
                    if (s.StartsWith("sp1"))
                        enhancedInputs[s] = Spline1(basename, availableInputs[basename], knotMap);
                        enhancedInputs[s] = Spline2(basename, availableInputs[basename], knotMap);
                else if (!availableInputs.ContainsKey(s))
                    // impute
                    enhancedInputs[s] = Impute(s, availableInputs, imputedMap);
                    // pass through
                    enhancedInputs[s] = availableInputs[s];

Example #3
        // public for testing
        public static ImputedMap ParseImputedValues(string filename)
            DataTable dt = CSV.Read(filename);

            // todo: what about model type (function needs this)
            var query =
                from row in dt.AsEnumerable()
                let modelName = GetModelName(row["model.id"].ToString())
                                let modelType = row["model.type"].ToString()
                                                group row by new { ModelName = modelName, ModelType = modelType } into imputedvars
                select new
                ModelName        = imputedvars.Key.ModelName,
                ModelType        = imputedvars.Key.ModelType,
                ImputedFunctions =
                    from r in imputedvars
                    let id = r["model.id"].ToString()
                             group r by id into g
                             select new
                    ModelId      = g.Key,
                    Coefficients =
                        from c in g
                        let varname                     = c["coefficient.varname"].ToString()
                                                let val = double.Parse(c["value"].ToString())
                                                          select new
                        VarName = varname,
                        Value   = val

            // modelName -> { varnames } -> { varname: coefficient }
            // print things out

            #region debugging
            //foreach (var missingVariable in query)
            //    string varname = missingVariable.ModelName;
            //    string modeltype = missingVariable.ModelType;
            //    Console.Out.WriteLine("New Missing Variable: {0} ({1})", varname, modeltype);

            //    foreach (var imputedFunction in missingVariable.ImputedFunctions)
            //    {
            //        string modelid = imputedFunction.ModelId;
            //        Console.Out.WriteLine("New Model Id for {0}: {1}", varname, modelid);

            //        foreach (var coeff in imputedFunction.Coefficients)
            //        {
            //            Console.Out.WriteLine("{0}: {1} = {2}", modelid, coeff.VarName, coeff.Value);
            //        }

            //        Console.Out.WriteLine();
            //    }

            //    Console.Out.WriteLine();

            // build our map
            // missing var -> { { set of avail. inputs } -> imputation function }
            ImputedMap i = new ImputedMap();

            foreach (var missingVariable in query)
                string varname   = missingVariable.ModelName;
                string modeltype = missingVariable.ModelType;

                Dictionary <HashSet <string>, Func <IDictionary <string, double>, double> > models =
                    new Dictionary <HashSet <string>, Func <IDictionary <string, double>, double> >(HashSet <string> .CreateSetComparer());

                i[varname] = models;

                foreach (var imputedFunction in missingVariable.ImputedFunctions)
                    HashSet <string>            varset       = new HashSet <string>();
                    Dictionary <string, double> coefficients = new Dictionary <string, double>();

                    foreach (var c in imputedFunction.Coefficients)
                        string name = c.VarName;
                        coefficients[name] = c.Value;
                        if (name.StartsWith("covariate."))

                    // models[{set of non-empty varnames}] = f(x)
                    if (modeltype == "LINEAR")
                        models[varset] = x => Linear(coefficients, x);
                    else if (modeltype == "LOGISTIC")
                        models[varset] = x => Logistic(coefficients, x);

Example #4
 // TODO: test! does the equality comparer work in .Net!
 private static double Impute(string missingVariableName,
                              IDictionary <string, double> inputs,
                              ImputedMap map)
     return(map[missingVariableName][new HashSet <string>(inputs.Keys)](inputs));
Example #5
        ParseModelResults(string filename, Dictionary <string, List <string> > inputMap)
            DataTable dt = CSV.Read(filename);

            var query =
                from row in dt.AsEnumerable()
                let modelId = row["model.id"].ToString()
                              let modelType = row["model.type"].ToString()
                                              group row by new { ModelId = modelId, ModelType = modelType } into coefficients
                select new
                ModelId   = coefficients.Key.ModelId,
                ModelType = coefficients.Key.ModelType,
                Variables =
                    from c in coefficients
                    let varname = c["coefficient.varname"].ToString()
                                  let coefficient = double.Parse(c["value"].ToString())
                                                    varname == "(Intercept)" ||
                                                    varname.StartsWith("covariate.") ||
                                                    select new
                    Name        = varname,
                    Coefficient = coefficient

            // so now we have coefficients categorized by modelid (type is 1-1 to modelid)
            // build functions!

            // modelid -> Func<IDictionary<string, double>, double>
            Dictionary <string, Func <IDictionary <string, double>, double> > modelMap =
                new Dictionary <string, Func <IDictionary <string, double>, double> >();

            foreach (var model in query)
                string modelId   = model.ModelId;
                string modelType = model.ModelType;

                // ? what variables are missing? we need to impute each one with
                // the (originally) available variables

                ImputedMap imputedMap = null; // TODO: fixme
                //Dictionary<string, Dictionary<string, double>> knotMap = null;

                var requiredInputQuery =
                    from c in model.Variables
                    where c.Name.StartsWith("covariate.")
                    select c.Name.Substring("covariate.".Length);

                HashSet <string> requiredInputs = new HashSet <string>(requiredInputQuery);

                if (modelId.StartsWith("P.BCR.CGEN"))
                    inputMap[modelId + ".0"]  = new List <string>(requiredInputs);
                    inputMap[modelId + ".2"]  = new List <string>(requiredInputs);
                    inputMap[modelId + ".5"]  = new List <string>(requiredInputs);
                    inputMap[modelId + ".7"]  = new List <string>(requiredInputs);
                    inputMap[modelId + ".10"] = new List <string>(requiredInputs);
                    inputMap[modelId] = new List <string>(requiredInputs);

                Func <IDictionary <string, double>, IDictionary <string, double> > frontend =
                    originalInputs => ProcessInputs(requiredInputs, originalInputs, imputedMap, _knotMap);

                // TODO: cleanup, coiterate with requiredInputQuery...
                Dictionary <string, double> coeffs = new Dictionary <string, double>();
                foreach (var v in model.Variables)
                    coeffs[v.Name] = v.Coefficient;

                // -> model type routing
                if (modelType == "LINEAR")
                    modelMap[modelId] = inputs => Linear(coeffs, frontend(inputs));
                else if (modelType == "LOGISTIC")
                    modelMap[modelId] = inputs => Logistic(coeffs, frontend(inputs));
                else if (modelType == "SURVIVAL")
                    // 0 = defaulting to baseline (0 months free)
                    if (modelId.StartsWith("P.BCR.CGEN"))
                        Func <IDictionary <string, double>, double> getYearsFree =
                            m =>
                            if (m.ContainsKey("ttbcr"))
                                // ttbcr is in years
                                // return m["ttbcr"] * 365.25 / 30.44;

                        modelMap[modelId + ".0"]  = inputs => Survival(coeffs, frontend(inputs), 0, 5);
                        modelMap[modelId + ".2"]  = inputs => Survival(coeffs, frontend(inputs), getYearsFree(inputs), 2);
                        modelMap[modelId + ".5"]  = inputs => Survival(coeffs, frontend(inputs), getYearsFree(inputs), 5);
                        modelMap[modelId + ".7"]  = inputs => Survival(coeffs, frontend(inputs), getYearsFree(inputs), 7);
                        modelMap[modelId + ".10"] = inputs => Survival(coeffs, frontend(inputs), getYearsFree(inputs), 10);
                        modelMap[modelId] = inputs => Survival(coeffs, frontend(inputs), 0, 5);

            // TODO: do something with model map in the future