Example #1
        private void ClickedSuitInTraversalMode(SuitBodyCollider clicked, RaycastHit hit)
            //None are currently selected
            if (ImpulseOrigin == null)
                //Select first
                ImpulseOrigin = clicked;

                //Mark it as selected
                ColorSuit(clicked, OriginColor);
            //First one is already selected
                //If we click back on the first node.
                if (ImpulseOrigin == clicked)
                    //Unselect First
                    ColorSuit(clicked, unselectedColor);
                    ImpulseOrigin = null;

                    //If we had a destination
                    if (ImpulseDestination != null)
                        //Clear it.
                        ColorSuit(ImpulseDestination, unselectedColor);
                        ImpulseDestination = null;
                    //If we had a destination (from last play)
                    if (ImpulseDestination != null)
                        //Clear it to avoid leaving unnecessary colored nodes
                        ColorSuit(ImpulseDestination, unselectedColor);
                        ImpulseDestination = null;

                    //Set our destination
                    ImpulseDestination = clicked;
                    ColorSuit(clicked, OriginColor);

                    //Leftover log to see that we're playing from the start to end.
                    //Debug.Log((int)TraversalOrigin.regionID + "\t " + (int)suit.regionID);

                    //Play Impulse from the origin to our brand new destination.
                    ImpulseGenerator.Impulse imp = ImpulseGenerator.BeginTraversingImpulse(ImpulseOrigin.regionID, clicked.regionID);

                    //Then play it
Example #2
        private void Start()
            Effect whichEffect          = Effect.Pulse;         //What's more electrical than pulses.
            float  totalImpulseDuration = .35f;                 //How long does the shock take to traverse to the heart.
            float  effectDuration       = 0.0f;                 //0.0 defaults to the natural duration of the pulse effect.
            float  effectStrength       = 1;                    //How strong is the pulse effect

            //Create the Impulse object (which can be told to play, which instantiates what it 'is')
            shockImpulse = ImpulseGenerator.BeginTraversingImpulse(AreaFlag.Forearm_Right, AreaFlag.Chest_Left);

            // This sets the duration to be .25 seconds

            //This defines the base effect (which needs an effect name, a strength and a duration)
            shockImpulse.WithEffect(whichEffect, effectDuration, effectStrength);
Example #3
        /// <summary>
        /// This is a simple handful of lines. This plays when Walter (the giant red scorpion of player murdering) lands on the ground.
        /// This sample DOES work.
        /// The intention is to give an effect that goes up the body.
        /// It has been slightly adapted to take different effect families (click, double-click, hum, etc)
        /// </summary>
        public static void GiantScorpionLanding(string effect = "buzz")
            //TWo different Impulses are used here even though the same one could be re-assigned. Two variables are more readable at neglible CPU cost.
            ImpulseGenerator.Impulse leftUp = ImpulseGenerator.BeginTraversingImpulse(AreaFlag.Lower_Ab_Left, AreaFlag.Forearm_Left)
                                              .WithEffect(effect, 0.1f, 1.0f);
            ImpulseGenerator.Impulse rightUp = ImpulseGenerator.BeginTraversingImpulse(AreaFlag.Lower_Ab_Right, AreaFlag.Forearm_Right)
                                               .WithEffect(effect, 0.1f, 1.0f);

            //Don't forget to play the effects

            //We could HapticHandle[] if we wanted to stop these prematurely - however they're very short effects, so it's unlikely that will be needed.
            //HapticHandle's can be Stopped or restarted until they (Finish playing AND go out of scope), after that they're gone.
Example #4
        /// <summary>
        /// This is the Impulse that was used for the Desert of Danger recoil effect.
        /// It is imperfect in the implementation because it doesn't allow for flexibility to pick the effect.
        /// It could also take a more flexible Duration component but the core here is to give you what we used.
        /// Use ImpulseGenerator.CreateImpulse() function instead of modifying this.
        /// This sample does work.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="StartLocation">Pick the location to begin. DO NOT PROVIDE MULTIPLE AREAS.</param>
        /// <param name="EndLocation">Pick the destination to reach. DO NOT PROVIDE MULTIPLE AREAS.</param>
        /// <returns>Don't forget to call .Play() on the returned Impulse to create an instance of the haptic effect it defines.</returns>
        public static ImpulseGenerator.Impulse DesertOfDangerRecoil(AreaFlag StartLocation = AreaFlag.Forearm_Left, AreaFlag EndLocation = AreaFlag.Upper_Arm_Left)
            //A simple code sequence
            CodeSequence seq = new CodeSequence();

            //The elements we will add
            CodeEffect eff  = new CodeEffect("buzz", 0.00f, 1.0f);
            CodeEffect eff2 = new CodeEffect("buzz", 0.15f, 0.5f);

            //The time stamps of the different effects.
            seq.AddEffect(0, eff);
            seq.AddEffect(.1, eff2);

            //In Desert of Danger, we used a duration of .1 seconds. This means the recoil effect took .1 seconds to hit ALL pads it aimed to. If you hand in different pads, it'll likely want a longer duration.
            //Since we only used the forearm and the upper arm, .1s is more than sufficient.
            //We could've used a file for this, but this was right as we were conceptualizing and beginning the usage of the ImpulseGenerator.
            return(ImpulseGenerator.BeginTraversingImpulse(StartLocation, EndLocation)