         * Uses the Config system to get the specified configuraiton
         * The following method is the only accessors to the config system,
         * and it wraps config exceptions with an explanatory HTTP
         * exception with an error formatter. It also makes sure the client
         * is not impersonated while accessing the config system.
        private HttpConfigurationRecord GetCompleteConfigRecord(String reqpath, IHttpMapPath configmap)
            HttpConfigurationRecord configrecord = null;

            HttpContext.ImpersonationSuspendContext ictx = Impersonation.SuspendIfClient();

            try {
                try {
                    if (reqpath == null || reqpath.Length == 0 || HttpRuntime.IsPathWithinAppRoot(reqpath))
                        // lookup by path
                        using (new HttpContextWrapper(this)) {
                            configrecord = HttpConfigurationSystem.GetComplete(reqpath, _wr);
                        // if the path is outside of the application (and not site or machine)
                        // then use application config
                        configrecord = HttpConfigurationSystem.GetCompleteForApp();
                finally {
            catch { // Protect against exception filters

         * internal HttpConfigurationRecord GetInitDefaultConfig() {
         *  return GetCompleteConfigRecord(_request.ApplicationPath, _wr);
         * }

         * Uses the Config system to get the specified configuraiton
        /// <include file='doc\HttpContext.uex' path='docs/doc[@for="HttpContext.GetConfig"]/*' />
        /// <devdoc>
        /// </devdoc>
        public Object GetConfig(String name)
            Object config = null;

            HttpContext.ImpersonationSuspendContext ictx = Impersonation.SuspendIfClient();

            try {
                try {
                    config = GetCompleteConfig()[name];
                finally {
            catch { // Protect against exception filters
