Example #1
    private void Start()
        _config          = ImmersifyCmdConfigMgr.Instance as ImmersifyCmdConfigMgr;
        _stereoVideoMode = _config.stereoMode;

        if (_stereoVideoMode == StereoVideoMode.MONO)
            // Just setup the first frame:
            // If the video is stereo, but the viewer is mono, just the left video is displayed.
    protected override void ParseArgument(string key, string value)
        key   = key.ToLower();
        value = value.ToLower();

        if (key.Equals("-videopathtype"))
            if (value.Equals("streamingassets"))
                videoPathType = ImmersifyPlugin.PathType.StreamingAssets;
            else if (value.Equals("absolutepath"))
                videoPathType = ImmersifyPlugin.PathType.AbsolutePath;
        else if (key.Equals("-audiopathtype"))
            if (value.Equals("streamingassets"))
                _audioPathType = ImmersifyPlugin.PathType.StreamingAssets;
                _audioPathTypeGotSetExplicitly = true;
            else if (value.Equals("absolutepath"))
                _audioPathType = ImmersifyPlugin.PathType.AbsolutePath;
                _audioPathTypeGotSetExplicitly = true;
        else if (key.Equals("-videofile"))
            videoFile = value;
            Debug.Log("Videofile got set: " + value);
        else if (key.Equals("-audiofile"))
            audioFile = value;
            Debug.Log("Audiofile got set: " + value);
        //else if (key.Equals("-videowidth"))
        //	int resultWidth;
        //	if (ValueToInt(value, out resultWidth))
        //	{
        //		videoWidth = resultWidth;
        //	}
        //else if (key.Equals("-videoheight"))
        //	int resultHeight;
        //	if (ValueToInt(value, out resultHeight))
        //	{
        //		videoHeight = resultHeight;
        //	}
        else if (key.Equals("-videoframerate"))
            float resultFramerate;
            if (ValueToFloat(value, out resultFramerate))
                videoFramerate = resultFramerate;
        //else if(key.Equals("-chromasubsampling"))
        //	int resultSubsampling;
        //	if (ValueToInt(value, out resultSubsampling))
        //	{
        //		switch (resultSubsampling)
        //		{
        //			case 444:
        //				chromaSubsampling = ImmersifyPlugin.ChromaSubsampling._444;
        //				break;
        //			case 422:
        //				chromaSubsampling = ImmersifyPlugin.ChromaSubsampling._422;
        //				break;
        //			case 420:
        //				chromaSubsampling = ImmersifyPlugin.ChromaSubsampling._420;
        //				break;
        //			default:
        //				Debug.LogWarning("Could not handle chroma subsampling " + resultSubsampling);
        //				break;
        //		}
        //	}
        else if (key.Equals("-maxqueue"))
            int resultMaxQueue;
            if (ValueToInt(value, out resultMaxQueue))
                maxQueue = Mathf.Max(1, resultMaxQueue);                 // maxQueue must not be 0 or negative.
        else if (key.Equals("-stereomode"))
            if (value.Equals("mono"))
                stereoMode = ImmersifyPlugin.StereoVideoMode.MONO;
            else if (value == "topbottom")
                stereoMode = ImmersifyPlugin.StereoVideoMode.TOP_BOTTOM;
            else if (value == "sidebyside")
                stereoMode = ImmersifyPlugin.StereoVideoMode.LEFT_RIGHT;
        else if (key.Equals("-invertleftright"))
            bool resultValue;
            if (ValueToBool(value, out resultValue))
                invertLeftRight = resultValue;
        else if (key.Equals("-videoisupsidedown"))
            bool resultValue;
            if (ValueToBool(value, out resultValue))
                videoIsUpsideDown = resultValue;
            base.ParseArgument(key, value);