public async Task <IActionResult> GetFile([FromBody] UploadedImg img, int id)
            // Create unique file name
            string photoId = Guid.NewGuid().ToString();
            //string filePath = @"ClientApp\src\assets\Post\" + photoId + ".jpg";
            string filePathDetail = "Photo/" + photoId + ".jpg";
            string filePath       = @"wwwroot\Photo\" + photoId + ".jpg";

            // Remove file type from base64 encoding, if any
            if (img.FileAsBase64.Contains(","))
                img.FileAsBase64 = img.FileAsBase64
                                   .Substring(img.FileAsBase64.IndexOf(",") + 1);

            // Convert base64 encoded string to binary
            img.FileAsByteArray = Convert.FromBase64String(img.FileAsBase64);

            // Write binary file to server path
            using (var fs = new FileStream(filePath, FileMode.CreateNew))
                fs.Write(img.FileAsByteArray, 0, img.FileAsByteArray.Length);
            ImgPath imgPath = new ImgPath();

            imgPath.Path    = filePathDetail;
            imgPath.AlbumID = id;
            await Task.CompletedTask;

            return(new OkObjectResult(filePathDetail));
Example #2
        public async Task <IActionResult> AddAlbumImg(ImgPath img)
            await Task.CompletedTask;

Example #3
        public async Task <IActionResult> RemoveImgFromAlbum(int id)
            ImgPath imgPath = _context.ImgPaths.FirstOrDefault(s => s.ID == id);
            Album   album   = _context.Album.FirstOrDefault(s => s.ID == imgPath.AlbumID);
            await Task.CompletedTask;

            await Task.CompletedTask;

Example #4
        private void upload_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
            string title    = caption.Text;
            string cs       = content.Text;
            string position = order.Text;
            string storyId  = styList.SelectedItem.ToString().Split('_').Last();
            string img      = ImgPath.Text;
            string blk      = storyId + "?" + title + "?" + cs + "?" + position + "?" + img;


        public IActionResult GetFile([FromBody] UploadedImg img, int id)
            // Create unique file name
            string photoId = Guid.NewGuid().ToString();
            //string filePath = @"ClientApp\src\assets\Post\" + photoId + ".jpg";
            string filePath = @"wwwroot\Photo\" + photoId + ".jpg";

            // Remove file type from base64 encoding, if any
            if (img.FileAsBase64.Contains(","))
                img.FileAsBase64 = img.FileAsBase64
                                   .Substring(img.FileAsBase64.IndexOf(",") + 1);

            // Convert base64 encoded string to binary
            img.FileAsByteArray = Convert.FromBase64String(img.FileAsBase64);

            // Write binary file to server path
            using (var fs = new FileStream(filePath, FileMode.CreateNew))
                fs.Write(img.FileAsByteArray, 0, img.FileAsByteArray.Length);
            var entity = _context.Album.FirstOrDefault(s => s.ID == id);

            if (entity == null)
                return(new BadRequestResult());
            ImgPath path = new ImgPath();

            path.Path = filePath;
            return(new OkObjectResult("Photo/" + photoId + ".jpg"));
Example #6
        private void Recurse(int FolderId, string CurrentDirectory)

            // Create Child Docs
            List<int> ChildDocs = dir.ChildDocumentIds(FolderId);
            foreach (int docId in ChildDocs)
                // Create a Folder
                if (!Directory.Exists(CurrentDirectory + doc.DocumentName(docId)) {Directory.CreateDirectory(CurrentDirectory + doc.DocumentName(docId));}

                // Get Image Paths
                List<string> ImgPaths = doc.ImagePaths(docId);

                // Move Images
                foreach (string ImgPath in ImgPaths)
                    File.Copy(ImgPath, CurrentDirectory + doc.DocumentName(docId) + "\\" + ImgPath.Substring(ImgPath.LastIndexOf("\\") + 1)); 

            // Create Child Folders
            List<int> ChildFolders = dir.ChildFolderIds(FolderId);
            foreach (int fid in ChildFolders)
                if (!Directory.Exists(CurrentDirectory + dir.FolderName(fid))) { Directory.CreateDirectory(CurrentDirectory + dir.FolderName(fid)); }
                Recurse(fid, CurrentDirectory + dir.FolderName(fid) + "\\");

Example #7
        private void Export()
            string DestinationRootDir = tbxDestinationRoot.Text;
            // Make sure last char is a backslash
            if (DestinationRootDir.Substring(DestinationRootDir.Length - 1) != "\\") { DestinationRootDir = DestinationRootDir + '\\';  }

            // Get name of root folder    
            string RootFolderName = dir.FolderName(1);

            // Create root folder inside location provided by user
            if (!Directory.Exists(DestinationRootDir + RootFolderName)) { Directory.CreateDirectory(DestinationRootDir + RootFolderName); }

            // Create Child Docs
            List<int> ChildDocs = dir.ChildDocumentIds(1);
            foreach (int docId in ChildDocs)
                // Create a Folder
                if (!Directory.Exists(DestinationRootDir + RootFolderName + "\\" + doc.DocumentName(docId)) {Directory.CreateDirectory(DestinationRootDir + RootFolderName + "\\" + doc.DocumentName(docId));}

                // Get Image Paths
                List<string> ImgPaths = doc.ImagePaths(docId);

                // Move Images
                foreach (string ImgPath in ImgPaths)
                    File.Copy(ImgPath, DestinationRootDir + RootFolderName + "\\" + doc.DocumentName(docId) + "\\" + ImgPath.Substring(ImgPath.LastIndexOf("\\") + 1));
            // Create Child Folders
            List<int> ChildFolders = dir.ChildFolderIds(1);
            foreach (int fid in ChildFolders)
                if (!Directory.Exists(DestinationRootDir + RootFolderName + "\\" + dir.FolderName(fid))) { Directory.CreateDirectory(DestinationRootDir + RootFolderName + "\\" + dir.FolderName(fid)); }
                Recurse(0, DestinationRootDir + RootFolderName + "\\" + dir.FolderName(fid) + "\\");

Example #8
        public void Save()
            Image    image    = Image.FromFile(@ImgPath);
            Bitmap   bitmap   = new Bitmap(image.Width, image.Height);
            Graphics graphics = Graphics.FromImage(bitmap);

            graphics.DrawImage(image, 0, 0, image.Width, image.Height);
            float stringHeight = image.Height - float.Parse(Top) - float.Parse(Bottom);
            float stringWidth  = image.Width - 2 * float.Parse(BothSides);
            float x1 = float.Parse(BothSides);
            float y1 = float.Parse(Top);
            float xSpace = stringWidth / float.Parse(Column);
            float ySpace = stringHeight / float.Parse(Row);

            ListName = Names.Split(new string[] { "\r\n" }, StringSplitOptions.None);
            for (int i = 0; i < int.Parse(Row); i++) //按行打印
                float y = i * ySpace + y1;           //计算当前行的纵坐标

                for (int j = 0; j < int.Parse(Column); j++)
                    int num = i * int.Parse(Column) + j + 1;//第n个元素
                    float x = j * xSpace + x1;
                    Point p = new Point((int)x, (int)y);//坐标

                    if (num > ListName.Length)
                        graphics.DrawString(ListName[num - 1], new Font(FontName, float.Parse(Scale) * 0.2f * stringHeight / int.Parse(Row), FontStyle.Bold), new SolidBrush(Color.Black), p);
            string output = ImgPath.Replace(@".png", @"副本.png");


            //Random random = new Random();
            //string str = "";
            //for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++)
            //    int x = random.Next(0, 10);
            //    str += x;

            //string[] myfont = { "宋体", "仿宋", "微软雅黑", "楷书", "黑体" };
            //Color[] colors = { Color.Red, Color.Green, Color.Black, Color.Blue, Color.Yellow };
            //for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++)
            //    Point p = new Point(i * 20, 0);

            //    graphics.DrawString(str[i].ToString(), new Font(myfont[i], 16, FontStyle.Bold), new SolidBrush(colors[i]), p);