Example #1
        protected void Page_Load(object sender, System.EventArgs e)
            Response.CacheControl = "private";
            Response.Expires      = 0;
            Response.AddHeader("pragma", "no-cache");

            ProductID = CommonLogic.QueryStringUSInt("ProductID");
            VariantID = CommonLogic.QueryStringUSInt("VariantID");
            TheSize   = CommonLogic.QueryStringCanBeDangerousContent("Size");

            if (TheSize.Length == 0)
                TheSize = "medium";
            if (VariantID == 0)
                VariantID = AppLogic.GetDefaultProductVariant(ProductID);

            if (CommonLogic.FormBool("IsSubmit"))
                var FN = ProductID.ToString();
                if (AppLogic.AppConfigBool("UseSKUForProductImageName"))
                    using (var dbconn = new SqlConnection(DB.GetDBConn()))
                        using (var rs = DB.GetRS("select SKU from product   with (NOLOCK)  where productid=" + ProductID.ToString(), dbconn))
                            if (rs.Read())
                                var SKU = DB.RSField(rs, "SKU").Trim();
                                if (SKU.Length != 0)
                                    FN = SKU;
                    for (int i = 0; i <= Request.Form.Count - 1; i++)
                        String FieldName = Request.Form.Keys[i];
                        if (FieldName.IndexOf("Key_") != -1)
                            String KeyVal = CommonLogic.FormCanBeDangerousContent(FieldName);
                            // this field should be processed
                            String[] KeyValSplit  = KeyVal.Split('|');
                            int      TheFieldID   = Localization.ParseUSInt(KeyValSplit[0]);
                            int      TheProductID = Localization.ParseUSInt(KeyValSplit[1]);
                            int      TheVariantID = Localization.ParseUSInt(KeyValSplit[2]);
                            String   ImageNumber  = AppLogic.CleanSizeColorOption(KeyValSplit[3]);
                            String   Color        = AppLogic.CleanSizeColorOption(HttpContext.Current.Server.UrlDecode(KeyValSplit[4]));
                            String   SafeColor    = CommonLogic.MakeSafeFilesystemName(Color);
                            bool     DeleteIt     = (CommonLogic.FormCanBeDangerousContent("Delete_" + TheFieldID.ToString()).Length != 0);
                            if (DeleteIt)
                                System.IO.File.Delete(AppLogic.GetImagePath("Product", TheSize, true) + FN + "_" + ImageNumber.ToLowerInvariant() + "_" + SafeColor + ".jpg");
                                System.IO.File.Delete(AppLogic.GetImagePath("Product", TheSize, true) + FN + "_" + ImageNumber.ToLowerInvariant() + "_" + SafeColor + ".gif");
                                System.IO.File.Delete(AppLogic.GetImagePath("Product", TheSize, true) + FN + "_" + ImageNumber.ToLowerInvariant() + "_" + SafeColor + ".png");
                                System.IO.File.Delete(AppLogic.GetImagePath("Product", "micro", true) + FN + "_" + ImageNumber.ToLowerInvariant() + ".jpg");

                            String         Image2      = String.Empty;
                            String         TempImage2  = String.Empty;
                            String         ContentType = String.Empty;
                            HttpPostedFile Image2File  = Request.Files["Image" + TheFieldID.ToString()];
                            if (Image2File.ContentLength != 0)
                                // delete any current image file first
                                    System.IO.File.Delete(AppLogic.GetImagePath("Product", TheSize, true) + FN + "_" + ImageNumber.ToLowerInvariant() + "_" + SafeColor + ".jpg");
                                    System.IO.File.Delete(AppLogic.GetImagePath("Product", TheSize, true) + FN + "_" + ImageNumber.ToLowerInvariant() + "_" + SafeColor + ".gif");
                                    System.IO.File.Delete(AppLogic.GetImagePath("Product", TheSize, true) + FN + "_" + ImageNumber.ToLowerInvariant() + "_" + SafeColor + ".png");
                                { }

                                String s = Image2File.ContentType;
                                switch (Image2File.ContentType)
                                case "image/gif":
                                    TempImage2 = AppLogic.GetImagePath("Product", TheSize, true) + "tmp_" + FN + "_" + ImageNumber.ToLowerInvariant() + "_" + SafeColor + ".gif";
                                    Image2     = AppLogic.GetImagePath("Product", TheSize, true) + FN + "_" + ImageNumber.ToLowerInvariant() + "_" + SafeColor + ".gif";
                                    ImageResize.ResizeEntityOrObject("Product", TempImage2, Image2, TheSize, "image/gif");
                                    ContentType = "image/gif";

                                case "image/x-png":
                                case "image/png":
                                    TempImage2 = AppLogic.GetImagePath("Product", TheSize, true) + "tmp_" + FN + "_" + ImageNumber.ToLowerInvariant() + "_" + SafeColor + ".png";
                                    Image2     = AppLogic.GetImagePath("Product", TheSize, true) + FN + "_" + ImageNumber.ToLowerInvariant() + "_" + SafeColor + ".png";
                                    ImageResize.ResizeEntityOrObject("Product", TempImage2, Image2, TheSize, "image/png");
                                    ContentType = "image/png";

                                case "image/jpg":
                                case "image/jpeg":
                                case "image/pjpeg":
                                    TempImage2 = AppLogic.GetImagePath("Product", TheSize, true) + "tmp_" + FN + "_" + ImageNumber.ToLowerInvariant() + "_" + SafeColor + ".jpg";
                                    Image2     = AppLogic.GetImagePath("Product", TheSize, true) + FN + "_" + ImageNumber.ToLowerInvariant() + "_" + SafeColor + ".jpg";
                                    ImageResize.ResizeEntityOrObject("Product", TempImage2, Image2, TheSize, "image/jpeg");
                                    ContentType = "image/jpeg";

                                // lets try and create the other multi images if using the large multi image manager
                                if (TheSize == "large")
                                    ImageResize.MakeOtherMultis(FN, ImageNumber, SafeColor, TempImage2, ContentType);
                                else if (AppLogic.AppConfigBool("MultiMakesMicros") && TheSize == "medium" && SafeColor == "")
                                    // lets create micro images if using the medium multi image manager
                                    // since the medium icons are what show on the product pages
                                    ImageResize.MakeMicroPic(FN, TempImage2, ImageNumber);

                                // delete the temp image
                    ctrlAlertMessage.PushAlertMessage(AppLogic.GetString("admin.common.ItemUpdated", SkinID, LocaleSetting), AlertMessage.AlertType.Success);
                catch (Exception ex)
                    ctrlAlertMessage.PushAlertMessage(CommonLogic.GetExceptionDetail(ex, "<br/>"), AlertMessage.AlertType.Error);
                String variantColors = String.Empty;

                using (var dbconn = new SqlConnection(DB.GetDBConn()))
                    using (var rsColors = DB.GetRS("select Colors from productvariant   with (NOLOCK)  where VariantID=" + VariantID.ToString(), dbconn))
                        if (rsColors.Read())
                            variantColors = DB.RSFieldByLocale(rsColors, "Colors", Localization.GetDefaultLocale());