public void initialise(ASPTextureEdit textureEdit, int count) { _windowID = _nextID; ++_nextID; _textureEdit = textureEdit; _windowPosition = new Rect(700, 200 -((count) * 100), 400, 400); _locked = false; _remakePreview = true; _imageModifiers = _textureEdit.cloneImageModifiers(); _baseTexture = _textureEdit.cloneBaseTexture(); _baseTexture.gui().initialise(this); _imageModifiers.guiInit(this); _boundingBox = _textureEdit.cloneBoundingBox(); _bbXselector = new ValueSelector<int, IntField>(_boundingBox.x, 0, 999999, 1, "Bottom Left X", Color.white); _bbYselector = new ValueSelector<int, IntField>(_boundingBox.y, 0, 999999, 1, "Bottom Left Y", Color.white); _bbWselector = new ValueSelector<int, IntField>(_boundingBox.w, 0, 999999, 1, "Width", Color.white); _bbHselector = new ValueSelector<int, IntField>(_boundingBox.h, 0, 999999, 1, "Height", Color.white); _selectedModifier = -2; Global.LastButtonPress = 0f; Global.AutoRepeatGap = 0.4f; }
public void setImageModifiers(ImageModifiers imageModifiers) { _imageModifiers = imageModifiers.clone(); }
private void loadConfig(ConfigNode node) { if (Global.Debug3) Utils.Log("loadConfig start"); _ok = false; _transformNames = null; _transforms = null; kspTextureInfo = null; if (_gui != null) Destroy(_gui); _gui = null; _boundingBox = null; _transformsOption = TransformOption.USE_ALL; if (_baseTexture != null) _baseTexture.cleanUp(); _baseTexture = null; if (_imageModifiers != null) _imageModifiers.cleanUp(); _imageModifiers = null; if (node.HasNode("ASP_BOUNDINGBOX")) { if (_boundingBox == null) _boundingBox = new BoundingBox(); ConfigNode n = node.GetNode("ASP_BOUNDINGBOX"); _boundingBox.load(n); } if (node.HasValue("transformsOption")) _transformsOption = (TransformOption)ConfigNode.ParseEnum(typeof(TransformOption), node.GetValue("transformsOption")); if (node.HasNode("ASP_BASETEXTURE")) { ConfigNode n = node.GetNode("ASP_BASETEXTURE"); _baseTexture = IM.BaseTexture.CreateBaseTexture(n); _baseTexture.load(n); } if (node.HasNode("ASP_IMAGEMODIFIERS")) { _imageModifiers = new ImageModifiers(); ConfigNode n = node.GetNode("ASP_IMAGEMODIFIERS"); _imageModifiers.load(n); } if (label != string.Empty) Events["editTextureEvent"].guiName = label; }
public override void OnStart(StartState state) { if (Global.Debug2) Utils.Log("state {0}", state.ToString()); base.OnStart(state); // side step serialization issues and use the saved config _startState = state; if (state == StartState.Editor) { if (originalConfig == null) { if (Global.Debug1) Utils.Log("originalConfig is null"); } else loadConfig(originalConfig); } if (label != string.Empty) Events["editTextureEvent"].guiName = label; _ok = false; try { if (Global.Debug1) Utils.Log("part {0}",; fillTransformNamesList(); fillTransformsList(); if (_transforms == null || _transforms[0] == null) { Utils.LogError("No useable transforms, disabling plugin"); return; } findTextures(); if (_imageModifiers == null) _imageModifiers = new ImageModifiers(); if (_boundingBox == null) _boundingBox = new BoundingBox(); if (_baseTexture == null) _baseTexture = new IM.AutoBaseTexture(); _baseTexture.set(kspTextureInfo); if (!_baseTexture.valid) { Utils.LogError("invalid base texture trying auto"); _baseTexture = new IM.AutoBaseTexture(); _baseTexture.set(kspTextureInfo); } if (_baseTexture.valid) { if (_imageModifiers.modifiers.Count > 0) writeTexture(); _ok = true; } } catch { Utils.LogError("Something went wrong in OnStart disabling plugin"); } }