protected string GetNoImagesFound() { var json = new ImageJSONifier("records"); var loc = NoImagesLocation; json.Add(new ImageItem { Image = loc, Thumb = loc, Title = "No Images Found", Description = "Upload posters or pictures of your own so everyone can see what this show was like" }); return(json.GetFinalizedJSON()); }
public override void ProcessRequest(HttpContextBase context) { HttpRequestBase request = context.Request; var userIdStr = request.QueryString["u"]; HttpResponseBase response = context.Response; var final = string.Empty; if (EmptyNullUndefined(userIdStr)) { final = GetNoImagesFound(); response.ContentType = "application/json"; response.ContentEncoding = Encoding.UTF8; response.Write(final); response.End(); } var userId = new Guid(userIdStr); var artService = new ArtService(Ioc.GetInstance <IArtRepository>()); var posterService = new PosterService(Ioc.GetInstance <IPosterRepository>()); var art = artService.GetArtByUser(userId).Cast <Art>().Where(y => y.Show != null).ToList(); var posters = posterService.GetByUser(userId).Cast <Poster>().Where(z => z.ShowId != null).ToList(); //If there are no art or posters then return no images found if ((art == null && posters == null) || (art.Count <= 0 && posters.Count <= 0)) { final = GetNoImagesFound(); response.ContentType = "application/json"; response.ContentEncoding = Encoding.UTF8; response.Write(final); response.End(); } var allImages = (from a in art select new ImageItem { Image = ShowImagesFolder + a.Photo.FileName, Description = a.Photo.Notes, Title = a.Photo.NickName, ShowDate = a.Show.ShowDate.Value }).ToList(); allImages.AddRange((from p in posters select new ImageItem { Image = ShowImagesFolder + p.Photo.FileName, Description = p.Photo.Notes, Title = p.Photo.NickName, ShowDate = p.Show.ShowDate.Value }).ToList()); var json = new ImageJSONifier("records", allImages.OrderBy(y => y.ShowDate)); final = json.GetFinalizedJSON(); response.ContentType = "application/json"; response.ContentEncoding = Encoding.UTF8; response.Write(final); }
public override void ProcessRequest(HttpContextBase context) { HttpRequestBase request = context.Request; var showIdStr = request.QueryString["s"]; var showDateStr = request.QueryString["d"]; HttpResponseBase response = context.Response; var final = string.Empty; if (EmptyNullUndefined(showIdStr) && EmptyNullUndefined(showDateStr)) { final = GetNoImagesFound(); response.ContentType = "application/json"; response.ContentEncoding = Encoding.UTF8; response.Write(final); response.End(); } var showService = new ShowService(Ioc.GetInstance <IShowRepository>()); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(showIdStr)) { DateTime date; var success = DateTime.TryParse(showDateStr, out date); if (!success) { return; } var s = showService.GetShow(date); if (s == null) { return; } showIdStr = s.ShowId.ToString(); } var showId = new Guid(showIdStr); IPhotoRepository photoRepo = new PhotoRepository(new PhishDatabase(new ConnectionString(new AppConfigManager(), connKey))); PhotoService photoService = new PhotoService(photoRepo); var photos = photoService.GetPhotosByShow(showId).Where(x => x.Thumbnail == false).ToList(); if (photos == null || photos.Count <= 0) { final = GetNoImagesFound(); } if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(final)) { var json = new ImageJSONifier("records"); foreach (var photo in photos) { var path = (PhotoType)photo.Type != PhotoType.TicketStub ? ShowImagesFolder : TicketStubImagesFolder; json.Add(new ImageItem { Image = path + photo.FileName, Description = photo.Notes, Title = photo.NickName, //Thumb = //This is a consideration. If we want to go through the trouble of using the thumb or not }); } final = json.GetFinalizedJSON(); } response.ContentType = "application/json"; response.ContentEncoding = Encoding.UTF8; response.Write(final); }
public override void ProcessRequest(HttpContextBase context) { //System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(4000); HttpRequestBase request = context.Request; var showIdStr = request.QueryString["s"]; var userIdStr = request.QueryString["u"]; HttpResponseBase response = context.Response; var final = string.Empty; if (EmptyNullUndefined(showIdStr) || EmptyNullUndefined(userIdStr)) { final = GetNoImagesFound(); response.ContentType = "application/json"; response.ContentEncoding = Encoding.UTF8; response.Write(final); response.End(); } var showId = new Guid(showIdStr); var userId = new Guid(userIdStr); MyShowService myShowService = new MyShowService(Ioc.GetInstance <IMyShowRepository>()); MyShowArtService myShowArtService = new MyShowArtService(Ioc.GetInstance <IMyShowArtRepository>()); ArtService artService = new ArtService(Ioc.GetInstance <IArtRepository>()); var myShow = myShowService.GetMyShow(showId, userId); IList <KeyValuePair <Art, IMyShowArt> > art = new List <KeyValuePair <Art, IMyShowArt> >(); if (myShow != null) { var myShowArts = myShowArtService.GetMyShowArtByMyShow(myShow.MyShowId); myShowArts.ToList().ForEach(x => { art.Add(new KeyValuePair <Art, IMyShowArt>((Art)artService.GetArt(x.ArtId), x)); }); } if (art == null || art.Count <= 0) { final = GetNoImagesFound(); } //If there are images and no errors so far then process if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(final)) { var json = new ImageJSONifier("records"); foreach (var a in art) { if (a.Key == null || a.Key.Photo == null) { continue; } json.Add(new ImageItem { Image = "/images/Shows/" + a.Key.Photo.FileName, Description = a.Key.Notes, Title = a.Key.Photo.NickName, Link = string.Format("DeletePicture.aspx?picid={0}&showId={1}", a.Value.MyShowArtId.ToString(), showId.ToString()) }); } final = json.GetFinalizedJSON(); } response.ContentType = "application/json"; response.ContentEncoding = Encoding.UTF8; response.Write(final); }