Example #1
 public ImageFrame(ImageFormat.Format format, int width, int height, int widthStep, NativeArray <byte> pixelData)
     unsafe {
             format, width, height, widthStep,
             out var ptr
         this.ptr = ptr;
Example #2
        public static Color32[] FromBytePtr(IntPtr ptr, ImageFormat.Format format, int width, int height, int widthStep, bool isFlipped = false)
            switch (format)
            case ImageFormat.Format.SRGB:
            case ImageFormat.Format.SRGBA: {
                return(FromSRGBOrSRGBA(ptr, format, width, height, widthStep, isFlipped));

            default: {
                throw new NotSupportedException();
        public ImageFrame(ImageFormat.Format format, int width, int height, int widthStep, NativeArray <byte> pixelData)
            Deleter deleter = (IntPtr ptr) => { /** Do nothing (pixelData will be moved) */ };

            deleterHandle = GCHandle.Alloc(deleter, GCHandleType.Pinned);

            unsafe {
                    format, width, height, widthStep,
                    out var ptr
                this.ptr = ptr;
Example #4
        /// <summary>
        ///   Copy byte array that <paramref name="ptr" /> points to a Color32 array.
        /// </summary>
        /// <remarks>
        ///   In the source array, pixels are laid out left to right, top to bottom,
        ///   but in the returned array, left to right, top to bottom.
        /// </remarks>
        private static Color32[] FromSRGBOrSRGBA(IntPtr ptr, ImageFormat.Format format, int width, int height, int widthStep, bool isFlipped)
            var colors  = new Color32[width * height];
            var padding = format == ImageFormat.Format.SRGB ? (widthStep - 3 * width) : (widthStep - 4 * width);

                fixed(Color32 *dest = colors)
                    byte *pSrc = (byte *)ptr.ToPointer();

                    if (isFlipped)
                        Color32 *pDest = dest + colors.Length - 1;

                        for (var i = 0; i < colors.Length; i++)
                            byte r       = *pSrc++;
                            byte g       = *pSrc++;
                            byte b       = *pSrc++;
                            byte a       = format == ImageFormat.Format.SRGB ? (byte)255 : (*pSrc++);
                            *    pDest-- = new Color32(r, g, b, a);
                        for (var i = 0; i < height; i++)
                            Color32 *pRowDest = dest + width * (height - 1 - i);

                            for (var j = 0; j < width; j++)
                                byte r          = *pSrc++;
                                byte g          = *pSrc++;
                                byte b          = *pSrc++;
                                byte a          = format == ImageFormat.Format.SRGB ? (byte)255 : (*pSrc++);
                                *    pRowDest++ = new Color32(r, g, b, a);
                            pSrc += padding;

Example #5
 public static extern MpReturnCode mp_ImageFrame__ui_i_i_ui(
     ImageFormat.Format format, int width, int height, UInt32 alignmentBoundary, out IntPtr imageFrame);
Example #6
 public static extern MpReturnCode mp_ImageFrame__ui_i_i_i_Pui8_PF(
     ImageFormat.Format format, int width, int height, int widthStep, IntPtr pixelData,
     [MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.FunctionPtr)] ImageFrame.Deleter deleter, out IntPtr imageFrame);
Example #7
 public ImageFrame(ImageFormat.Format format, int width, int height, uint alignmentBoundary) : base()
     UnsafeNativeMethods.mp_ImageFrame__ui_i_i_ui(format, width, height, alignmentBoundary, out var ptr).Assert();
     this.ptr = ptr;
Example #8
 public ImageFrame(ImageFormat.Format format, int width, int height) : this(format, width, height, kDefaultAlignmentBoundary)
Example #9
 public static extern ImageFormat.Format mp__GpuBufferFormatForImageFormat__ui(ImageFormat.Format format);