static void Main(string[] args) { // Create ByteScout.ImageFilters.ImageFilters object instance. ImageFilters imageFilters = new ImageFilters(); // Load document. imageFilters.LoadDocument(@".\fax.tif"); // APPLY FILTERS: // Fix orientation of rotated and flipped pages by analyzing text orientation. imageFilters.FixRotation(); // Unrotate skewed pages. imageFilters.Deskew(); // Remove speckles and noise. imageFilters.RemoveNoise(); // Remove lines. This can improve the quality of optical character recognition (OCR). imageFilters.RemoveHorizontalLines(); imageFilters.RemoveVerticalLines(); // You can get a preview image after each modification to display to a user. Image previewImage = imageFilters.GetPreview(); // Save improved image. imageFilters.SaveDocument(@".\fax.png"); // Cleanup. imageFilters.Dispose(); }