Example #1
        private static object DetectObjectLocalization(Image image)
            // [START vision_localize_objects]
            // [START vision_localize_objects_gcs]
            var client   = ImageAnnotatorClient.Create();
            var response = client.DetectLocalizedObjects(image);

            Console.WriteLine($"Number of objects found {response.Count}");
            foreach (var localizedObject in response)
                Console.WriteLine($" (confidence: {localizedObject.Score})");
                Console.WriteLine("Normalized bounding polygon vertices: ");

                foreach (var vertex
                         in localizedObject.BoundingPoly.NormalizedVertices)
                    Console.WriteLine($" - ({vertex.X}, {vertex.Y})");
            // [END vision_localize_objects_gcs]
            // [END vision_localize_objects]
        public void DetectFaces()
            Image image = LoadResourceImage("SchmidtBrinPage.jpg");
            // Snippet: DetectFaces
            ImageAnnotatorClient           client = ImageAnnotatorClient.Create();
            IReadOnlyList <FaceAnnotation> result = client.DetectFaces(image);

            foreach (FaceAnnotation face in result)
                Console.WriteLine($"Confidence: {(int)(face.DetectionConfidence * 100)}%; BoundingPoly: {face.BoundingPoly}");
            // End snippet

            Assert.Equal(3, result.Count);

            // Check the bounding boxes of the faces, with a tolerance of 5px on each edge.
            var rectangles = result.Select(x => Rectangle.FromBoundingPoly(x.BoundingPoly)).ToList();

            Assert.True(rectangles.All(x => x != null));
            rectangles = rectangles.OrderBy(r => r.Left).ToList();
            Assert.True(rectangles[0].Equals(new Rectangle(196, 64, 293, 177), 5.0));
            Assert.True(rectangles[1].Equals(new Rectangle(721, 162, 846, 308), 5.0));
            Assert.True(rectangles[2].Equals(new Rectangle(1009, 113, 1149, 276), 5.0));
Example #3
        /// <summary>Snippet for AsyncBatchAnnotateFilesAsync</summary>
        public async Task AsyncBatchAnnotateFilesAsync_RequestObject()
            // Snippet: AsyncBatchAnnotateFilesAsync(AsyncBatchAnnotateFilesRequest,CallSettings)
            // Create client
            ImageAnnotatorClient imageAnnotatorClient = await ImageAnnotatorClient.CreateAsync();

            // Initialize request argument(s)
            AsyncBatchAnnotateFilesRequest request = new AsyncBatchAnnotateFilesRequest
                Requests = { },
            // Make the request
            Operation <AsyncBatchAnnotateFilesResponse, OperationMetadata> response =
                await imageAnnotatorClient.AsyncBatchAnnotateFilesAsync(request);

            // Poll until the returned long-running operation is complete
            Operation <AsyncBatchAnnotateFilesResponse, OperationMetadata> completedResponse =
                await response.PollUntilCompletedAsync();

            // Retrieve the operation result
            AsyncBatchAnnotateFilesResponse result = completedResponse.Result;

            // Or get the name of the operation
            string operationName = response.Name;
            // This name can be stored, then the long-running operation retrieved later by name
            Operation <AsyncBatchAnnotateFilesResponse, OperationMetadata> retrievedResponse =
                await imageAnnotatorClient.PollOnceAsyncBatchAnnotateFilesAsync(operationName);

            // Check if the retrieved long-running operation has completed
            if (retrievedResponse.IsCompleted)
                // If it has completed, then access the result
                AsyncBatchAnnotateFilesResponse retrievedResult = retrievedResponse.Result;
            // End snippet
Example #4
        public void ThrowOnAnyError()
            // Snippet: ThrowOnAnyError
            // We create a request which passes simple validation, but isn't a valid image.
            Image image = Image.FromBytes(new byte[10]);
            // Just a single request in this example, but usually BatchAnnotateImages would be
            // used with multiple requests.
            var request = new AnnotateImageRequest
                Image    = image,
                Features = { new Feature {
                                 Type = Feature.Types.Type.SafeSearchDetection
                             } }
            ImageAnnotatorClient client = ImageAnnotatorClient.Create();

                BatchAnnotateImagesResponse response = client.BatchAnnotateImages(new[] { request });
                // ThrowOnAnyError will throw if any individual response in response.Responses
                // contains an error. Other responses may still have useful results.
                // Errors can be detected manually by checking the Error property in each
                // individual response.
            catch (AggregateException e)
                // Because a batch can have multiple errors, the exception thrown is AggregateException.
                // Each inner exception is an AnnotateImageException
                foreach (AnnotateImageException innerException in e.InnerExceptions)
            // End snippet
 public VisionClient()
     _client = ImageAnnotatorClient.Create();
Example #6
        // [START vision_text_detection_pdf_gcs]
        private static object DetectDocument(string gcsSourceUri,
                                             string gcsDestinationBucketName, string gcsDestinationPrefixName)
            var client = ImageAnnotatorClient.Create();

            var asyncRequest = new AsyncAnnotateFileRequest
                InputConfig = new InputConfig
                    GcsSource = new GcsSource
                        Uri = gcsSourceUri
                    // Supported mime_types are: 'application/pdf' and 'image/tiff'
                    MimeType = "application/pdf"
                OutputConfig = new OutputConfig
                    // How many pages should be grouped into each json output file.
                    BatchSize      = 2,
                    GcsDestination = new GcsDestination
                        Uri = $"gs://{gcsDestinationBucketName}/{gcsDestinationPrefixName}"

            asyncRequest.Features.Add(new Feature
                Type = Feature.Types.Type.DocumentTextDetection

            List <AsyncAnnotateFileRequest> requests =
                new List <AsyncAnnotateFileRequest>();


            var operation = client.AsyncBatchAnnotateFiles(requests);

            Console.WriteLine("Waiting for the operation to finish");


            // Once the rquest has completed and the output has been
            // written to GCS, we can list all the output files.
            var storageClient = StorageClient.Create();

            // List objects with the given prefix.
            var blobList = storageClient.ListObjects(gcsDestinationBucketName,

            Console.WriteLine("Output files:");
            foreach (var blob in blobList)

            // Process the first output file from GCS.
            // Select the first JSON file from the objects in the list.
            var output = blobList.Where(x => x.Name.Contains(".json")).First();

            var jsonString = "";

            using (var stream = new MemoryStream())
                storageClient.DownloadObject(output, stream);
                jsonString = System.Text.Encoding.UTF8.GetString(stream.ToArray());

            var response = JsonParser.Default
                           .Parse <AnnotateFileResponse>(jsonString);

            // The actual response for the first page of the input file.
            var firstPageResponses = response.Responses[0];
            var annotation         = firstPageResponses.FullTextAnnotation;

            // Here we print the full text from the first page.
            // The response contains more information:
            // annotation/pages/blocks/paragraphs/words/symbols
            // including confidence scores and bounding boxes
            Console.WriteLine($"Full text: \n {annotation.Text}");

Example #7
        public static async Task InitializeAsync(Credentials credentials)
            await Db.InitAsync("Sanara");

            Environment.SetEnvironmentVariable("GOOGLE_APPLICATION_CREDENTIALS", AppDomain.CurrentDomain.BaseDirectory + "/Keys/GoogleAPI.json");

            if (credentials.RavenKey != null)
                RavenClient = new RavenClient(credentials.RavenKey);

            HttpClient.DefaultRequestHeaders.Add("User-Agent", "Mozilla/5.0 Sanara");

            Safebooru.HttpClient = HttpClient;
            Gelbooru.HttpClient  = HttpClient;
            E621.HttpClient      = HttpClient;
            E926.HttpClient      = HttpClient;
            Rule34.HttpClient    = HttpClient;
            Konachan.HttpClient  = HttpClient;

            RomajiToHiragana = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <Dictionary <string, string> >(File.ReadAllText("LanguageResource/Hiragana.json"));
            foreach (var elem in RomajiToHiragana)
                HiraganaToRomaji.Add(elem.Value, elem.Key);
            RomajiToKatakana = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <Dictionary <string, string> >(File.ReadAllText("LanguageResource/Katakana.json"));
            foreach (var elem in RomajiToKatakana)
                KatakanaToRomaji.Add(elem.Value, elem.Key);
            foreach (var elem in ISO639)
                ISO639Reverse.Add(elem.Value, elem.Key);

            await Utils.Log(new LogMessage(LogSeverity.Info, "Static Preload", "Loading game preload (might take several minutes if this is the first time)"));

            Preloads = new IPreload[]
                new ShiritoriPreload(),
                new ArknightsPreload(),
                new ArknightsAudioPreload(),
                new KancollePreload(),
                new KancolleAudioPreload(),
                new GirlsFrontlinePreload(),
                new AzurLanePreload(),
                new FateGOPreload(),
                new PokemonPreload(),
                new AnimePreload(),
                new BooruQuizzPreload(),
                new BooruFillPreload()
            await Utils.Log(new LogMessage(LogSeverity.Info, "Static Preload", "Game preload done"));

            await SM.InitAsync();


            if (File.Exists("Saves/Premium.txt"))
                AllowedPremium = File.ReadAllLines("Saves/Premium.txt");

            if (credentials.YouTubeKey != null)
                YouTube = new YouTubeService(new BaseClientService.Initializer
                    ApiKey = credentials.YouTubeKey

            if (credentials.KitsuEmail != null)
                KitsuAuth = new HttpRequestMessage(HttpMethod.Post, "https://kitsu.io/api/oauth/token")
                    Content = new FormUrlEncodedContent(new Dictionary <string, string>
                        { "grant_type", "password" },
                        { "username", credentials.KitsuEmail },
                        { "password", credentials.KitsuPassword }

            if (credentials.UploadWebsiteLocation != null)
                UploadWebsiteLocation = credentials.UploadWebsiteLocation;
                if (!UploadWebsiteLocation.EndsWith("/"))
                    UploadWebsiteLocation += "/";

                UploadWebsiteUrl = credentials.UploadWebsiteUrl;
                if (!UploadWebsiteUrl.EndsWith("/"))
                    UploadWebsiteUrl += "/";                                  // Makes sure the URL end with a /

            if (credentials.TopGgToken != null)
                DblToken = credentials.TopGgToken;

            if (credentials.GithubKey != null)
                GithubKey = credentials.GithubKey;

            if (File.Exists("Keys/GoogleAPI.json"))
                GoogleCredential googleCredentials = GoogleCredential.FromFile("Keys/GoogleAPI.json");
                TranslationClient = TranslationClient.Create();
                VisionClient      = ImageAnnotatorClient.Create();

            if (credentials.StatsWebsiteUrl != null)
                Website = new UploadManager(credentials.StatsWebsiteUrl, credentials.StatsWebsiteToken);

            if (credentials.MyDramaListApiKey != null)
                MyDramaListApiKey = credentials.MyDramaListApiKey;
Example #8
        static async Task Main(string[] args)
                if (args.Length != 1)
                    Console.WriteLine("Missing image");

                var imageFile = args[0];

                if (!File.Exists(imageFile))
                    Console.WriteLine("Image file doesn't exist");

                await CodAuthenticatorAsync();

                Console.WriteLine("Logged in");

                var users = new List <UserModel>();

                ImageAnnotatorClient client = ImageAnnotatorClient.Create();

                var            image = Image.FromFile(imageFile);
                TextAnnotation text  = client.DetectDocumentText(image);
                foreach (var page in text.Pages)
                    foreach (var block in page.Blocks)
                        foreach (var paragraph in block.Paragraphs)
                            // Realistically, if this block is actually one of the teams, you won't have less than 2 'words' here
                            // One word will always be the rank (or should be) and another would be the username.
                            // Clan tags would also show up here, but they're irrelevant and will be ignored.
                            if (paragraph.Words.Count < 2)

                            bool          inClanTag        = false;
                            DetectedBreak lastBreakingChar = default;
                            foreach (var word in paragraph.Words)
                                var fullWord = string.Join("", word.Symbols.Select(s => s.Text)).Trim();
                                var lastUser = users.LastOrDefault();
                                switch (fullWord)
                                case "[":
                                    if (inClanTag)
                                        throw new Exception("Found clan tag opening bracket before a previous clan tag was closed");
                                    inClanTag = true;

                                case "]":
                                    if (!inClanTag)
                                        throw new Exception("Found clan tag closing bracket while not in clan tag");
                                    inClanTag = false;

                                if (inClanTag)
                                    //Console.WriteLine($"Found {fullWord} in clan tag");

                                if (short.TryParse(fullWord, out var level))
                                    if (level < 1 || level > 155)
                                        Console.WriteLine($"Level {level} found but not in range.");

                                    if ((lastBreakingChar != default && lastBreakingChar.Type == DetectedBreak.Types.BreakType.EolSureSpace) || lastUser == default || lastUser.IsComplete())
                                        users.Add(new UserModel(level, block));
                                        Console.WriteLine($"Added new possible user with level {level} to list");
                                        Console.WriteLine($"Found possible level {level} but no EOL found and lastUser exists");
                                // This regex might need to be more strict.
                                // Your Activision ID is what is displayed in-game for Modern Warfare. Display names must be between 2 and 16 characters with no special characters. Unicode characters are supported.
                                else if (new Regex(@"^(\w{2,16})$").IsMatch(fullWord))
                                    if (lastUser != default && lastUser.IsComplete() && lastBreakingChar != default && lastBreakingChar.Type == DetectedBreak.Types.BreakType.Space && block == lastUser.Block)
                                        Console.WriteLine($"Found another part of username for {lastUser.Username} -> {fullWord}");
                                    else if (lastUser == default || lastUser.IsComplete())
                                        Console.WriteLine($"Found matching username pattern '{fullWord}' but no rank was found before");

                                        Console.WriteLine($"\tSet username to {fullWord}");

                                lastBreakingChar = word.Symbols.LastOrDefault()?.Property?.DetectedBreak;
Example #9
 /// <summary>
 ///  Constructor accepting all our dependencies. The clients are configured in
 ///  Startup.cs.
 /// </summary>
 public Function(ImageAnnotatorClient visionClient, StorageClient storageClient, ILogger <Function> logger) =>
 (_visionClient, _storageClient, _logger) = (visionClient, storageClient, logger);
Example #10
 public override void ConfigureServices(WebHostBuilderContext context, IServiceCollection services) =>
Example #11
 private void Button6_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
     var client = ImageAnnotatorClient.Create();
     // var image = Image.FromFile("");
Example #12
        public static void RetornaImagemProduto(string CaminhoImagem)
            string retorno = String.Empty;
            ImageAnnotatorClient client;
            BatchAnnotateImagesResponse responseArray;

            var credential = GoogleCredential.FromFile(ArquivoCredencialGoogle)
            var channel = new Grpc.Core.Channel(

            List<AnnotateImageRequest> requestArray = new List<AnnotateImageRequest>();
            int i = 1;
            int j = 0;
            int countRequest = 0;

            foreach (NotaFiscalOCR nota in lstNota)
                    if (File.Exists(nota.Foto))
                        AnnotateImageRequest request = new AnnotateImageRequest
                            Image = Image.FromFile(produto.CaminhoImagemLocal),
                            Features = { new Feature { Type = Feature.Types.Type.DocumentTextDetection } }


                    if (i == 15)
                        countRequest += 15;
                        Console.Write("\tFazendo requests " + countRequest + "/" + lstProduto.Count + "...");

                        client = ImageAnnotatorClient.Create(channel);

                        responseArray = client.BatchAnnotateImages(requestArray.ToArray());

                        foreach (AnnotateImageResponse response in responseArray.Responses)

                        requestArray = new List<AnnotateImageRequest>();
                        i = 0;

                catch (Exception ex)


            client = ImageAnnotatorClient.Create(channel);

            responseArray = client.BatchAnnotateImages(requestArray.ToArray());

            foreach (AnnotateImageResponse response in responseArray.Responses)
                if (response.Error == null && response.FullTextAnnotation != null)

Example #13
        public void ExtractGoogleLabels(string filelistFilepath, string imageHostingBaseUrl, string outputPath)
            var client       = ImageAnnotatorClient.Create();
            var allfilenames = File.ReadAllLines(filelistFilepath);

            var requests = new List <BatchAnnotateImagesRequest> {
                new BatchAnnotateImagesRequest()

            foreach (var f in allfilenames)
                if (requests.Last().Requests.Count == 16)
                    requests.Add(new BatchAnnotateImagesRequest());

                requests.Last().Requests.Add(new AnnotateImageRequest
                    Image    = Image.FromUri(imageHostingBaseUrl + f),
                    Features =
                        new Feature {
                            Type = Feature.Types.Type.LabelDetection
                        new Feature {
                            Type = Feature.Types.Type.TextDetection
                        new Feature {
                            Type = Feature.Types.Type.ObjectLocalization
                        new Feature {
                            Type = Feature.Types.Type.FaceDetection

            var collected = requests
                            .Select((r, i) => client.BatchAnnotateImages(r))
                            .SelectMany(res => res.Responses)

            File.WriteAllText(outputPath, @"
<table border='1px solid black'>

            var outputLines = collected
                              .Zip(allfilenames, Tuple.Create)
                              .Select(l => $@"
    <td><a href='{imageHostingBaseUrl + l.Item2}'><img src='{imageHostingBaseUrl + l.Item2}' width='300px'/></a></td>
    <td><ol> {l.Item1.LabelAnnotations.Select(la => "<li>" + la.Description + "  (" + la.Score.ToString("0.00") + ")</li>" ).Tie()} </ol></td>
    <td><ol> {l.Item1.TextAnnotations.Select(ta => "<li>" + ta.Description + "</li>").Tie()} </ol></td>
    <td><ol> {l.Item1.FaceAnnotations.Select(fa => "<li>" + GetFaceAttributes(fa) +"  (" + fa.DetectionConfidence.ToString("0.00") + ")</li>").Tie()} </ol></td>
    <td><ol> {l.Item1.LocalizedObjectAnnotations.Select(loa => "<li>" + loa.Name + "  (" + loa.Score.ToString("0.00") + "  "+ loa.BoundingPoly.Vertices.Dump() +")</li>").Tie()} </ol></td>


            File.AppendAllLines(outputPath, outputLines);
            File.AppendAllText(outputPath, "</table></html>");

Example #14
        public List <TextBox> GoogleOcr(string file)
            var textBoxes = new List <TextBox>();

            // Instantiates a client
            logger.Info($"Googling {file}");
                var client = ImageAnnotatorClient.Create();
                // Load the image file into memory
                //  var file = @"F:\Dropbox\OCR\Single\data\13864584_3_ocr~20181130_page3pdf.png";
                var responseFile = file + ".google.response.json";
                int num          = 0;
                if (!File.Exists(responseFile))
                    var image = Google.Cloud.Vision.V1.Image.FromFile(file);

                    var response   = client.DetectDocumentText(image);
                    var serializer = new JsonSerializer {
                        NullValueHandling = NullValueHandling.Ignore

                    using (StreamWriter sw = new StreamWriter(responseFile))
                        using (JsonWriter writer = new JsonTextWriter(sw))
                            writer.Formatting = Newtonsoft.Json.Formatting.Indented;
                            serializer.Serialize(writer, response);

                var   json2      = File.ReadAllText(responseFile);
                var   response2  = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <TextAnnotation>(json2);
                int   index      = 0;
                float confidence = 1.01f;
                var   pageRange  = Enumerable.Range(0, response2.Pages.Count);

                foreach (var pnum in pageRange)
                    var page       = response2.Pages[pnum];
                    var blockRange = Enumerable.Range(0, page.Blocks.Count);
                    foreach (var bnum in blockRange)
                        var block = page.Blocks[bnum];
                        logger.Info($"block {bnum} {block.BoundingBox} paras={block.Paragraphs.Count}");
                        var paraRange = Enumerable.Range(0, block.Paragraphs.Count);
                        foreach (var paraNum in paraRange)
                            var paragraph = block.Paragraphs[paraNum];
                            logger.Info($"{paragraph.BoundingBox} {paragraph.CalculateSize()} {paragraph.Words.Count}");
                            var       sb   = new StringBuilder();
                            Rectangle rect = Rectangle.Empty;
                            var       line = new StringBuilder();

                            foreach (var word in paragraph.Words)
                                if (word.Confidence < confidence)
                                    confidence = word.Confidence;
                                foreach (var symbol in word.Symbols)
                                    if (rect == Rectangle.Empty)
                                        rect = RectFromVertices.Convert(symbol.BoundingBox);
                                        rect = RectFromVertices.Expand(rect, symbol.BoundingBox);

                                        if (symbol.Property?.DetectedBreak != null)
                                            switch (symbol.Property.DetectedBreak.Type)
                                            case BreakType.Space:
                                                line.Append(" ");

                                            case BreakType.EolSureSpace:
                                            case BreakType.LineBreak:
                                                index = AddTextBox(index, ref confidence, line, textBoxes, ref rect);

                                                line.Append(" ");
                                    catch (Exception ex)
                                        logger.Error(ex, $"{index} of {file} {paragraph.ToString()}");
                            if (line.Length > 0)
                                index = AddTextBox(index, ref confidence, line, textBoxes, ref rect);


                 * boxesBySize = new SortedList<long, Box>(new DuplicateKeyComparer<long>());
                 * var json = File.ReadAllText(boxFile);
                 * var boxes = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<List<Box>>(json);
                 * foreach (var b in boxes)
                 * {
                 * num++;
                 * b.Index = num;
                 * logger.Info($"{b}");
                 * boxesBySize.Add(b.Size, b);
                 * }
                 * logger.Info("-----------------------------------------------------");
                 * foreach (var b in boxes)
                 * {
                 * b.FindParents(boxesBySize);
                 * logger.Info(
                 *    $"{b} cs:{b.Annotation.CalculateSize()} Parent:{b.Parent?.Index}");
                 * }
            catch (Exception ex)
                logger.Error(ex, $"error processing Google at ${file}");

            //return boxesBySize.Values.ToList<Box>();
Example #15
        private async Task DetectDocumentTextAsync(string path)
            vm.ImagePath = path;

            var image    = Image.FromFile(path);
            var client   = ImageAnnotatorClient.Create();
            var response = await client.DetectDocumentTextAsync(image);

            //var res = await client.DetectTextAsync(image);

            vm.Pages = response.Pages;

            Debug.WriteLine($"Text: {response.Text}");

            //var w = response.Pages.SelectMany(x => x.Blocks.SelectMany(x => x.Paragraphs.SelectMany(x => x.Words)));
            //var g = w.GroupBy(x => Math.Round(x.BoundingBox.Vertices[0].Y / 10.0)).OrderBy(x => x.Key);
            //var p = g.Select(x => string.Join(" ", x.Select(x => x.DebugString()))).ToList();

            var words = new List <Word>();

            foreach (var page in response.Pages)
                foreach (var block in page.Blocks)
                    vm.BoundingBoxes.Add(new BoundingBox(block));
                    foreach (var paragraph in block.Paragraphs)
                        vm.BoundingBoxes.Add(new BoundingBox(paragraph));
                        foreach (var word in paragraph.Words)
                            vm.BoundingBoxes.Add(new BoundingBox(word));

            var groups = new SortedDictionary <int, List <Word> >();

            foreach (var word in words)
                var round = (int)Math.Round(word.BoundingBox.Vertices[0].Y / 12.5
                if (groups.ContainsKey(round))
                    groups.Add(round, new List <Word> {

            var Paragraphs = new List <string>();

            foreach (var list in groups.Values)
                var s = "";
                foreach (var word in list)
                    s += word.DebugString() + " ";

            //Debug.WriteLine(string.Join("\n", Paragraphs));
Example #16
 public ImageAnalyser(ILoggerFactory loggerFactory)
     _annotator = ImageAnnotatorClient.Create();
     _logger    = loggerFactory.CreateLogger("ImageAnalyser");
Example #17
        public async Task <IActionResult> Create(FlyerReaderViewModel model)
            if (ModelState.IsValid)
                List <FlyerOffer> flyerOffers = new List <FlyerOffer>();
                FlyerReader       flyerReader = new FlyerReader
                    Img       = new List <ByteWraper>(),
                    DueDate   = model.DueDate,
                    StartDate = model.StartDate,
                    StoreID   = model.StoreID,
                    Data      = new String(String.Empty)

                if (model.photos.Count > 0)
                    var data      = String.Empty;
                    var flyerText = String.Empty;
                    foreach (IFormFile photo in model.photos)
                        var Stream = new MemoryStream();
                        await photo.CopyToAsync(Stream);

                        ByteWraper byteWraper = new ByteWraper();
                        byteWraper.photo = Stream.ToArray();

                        var Googleimage = Image.FromBytes(byteWraper.photo);
                        var client      = ImageAnnotatorClient.Create();
                        var response    = client.DetectText(Googleimage);
                        foreach (var annotation in response)
                            if (annotation.Description != null)
                                flyerText += " " + annotation.Description;
                        String text = String.Empty;
                        text = flyerText.Replace("\n", " ");

                        string   str = text.ToLower();
                        string[] arr = str.Split(" ");
                        var      a   =
                            from k in arr
                            orderby k
                            select k;
                        String Description          = String.Empty;
                        String ItemName             = String.Empty;
                        List <DoubleWraper> numbers = new List <DoubleWraper>();
                        foreach (string res in a.Distinct())
                            Description += " " + res.ToLower();
                            if (res != "")
                                Item x;
                                if (pluralizationService.IsPlural(res))
                                    x = _context.Item.FirstOrDefault(i => i.ItemName.ToLower() == pluralizationService.Singularize(res));
                                    x = _context.Item.FirstOrDefault(i => i.ItemName.ToLower() == res);

                                if (x != null)
                                    ItemName = x.ItemName;
                                if (res.IsInt() || res.IsDecimal())
                                    numbers.Add(new DoubleWraper {
                                        num = Double.Parse(res)

                        if (numbers.Count > 0 && ItemName != "")
                            flyerOffers.Add(new FlyerOffer
                                ItemName    = ItemName,
                                Description = Description,
                                Numbers     = numbers,
                                flyerphoto  = byteWraper.photo,
                                StoreID     = flyerReader.StoreID,
                                DueDate     = flyerReader.DueDate,
                                StartDate   = flyerReader.StartDate,
                                flyerReader = flyerReader,
                                recognized  = true
                        else if (ItemName == null || ItemName == "")
                            flyerOffers.Add(new FlyerOffer
                                Description = Description,
                                Numbers     = numbers,
                                flyerphoto  = byteWraper.photo,
                                StoreID     = flyerReader.StoreID,
                                DueDate     = flyerReader.DueDate,
                                StartDate   = flyerReader.StartDate,
                                flyerReader = flyerReader,
                                recognized  = false
                        flyerText = String.Empty;
                flyerReader.flyerOffers = flyerOffers;
            ViewData["StoreID"] = new SelectList(_context.Store, "StoreID", "StoreName", model.StoreID);
Example #18
        public async Task <string> CreateTalent(Talent talent, IFormFile talentImgFile)
            string imageName = "";

            //Save to images
            if (talentImgFile == null)
                //Do nothing
                    imageName = talentImgFile.FileName;
                    var    dir  = _env.WebRootPath;
                    string path = Path.Combine(dir, talentImgFile.FileName);
                    using (var fileStream = new FileStream(path, FileMode.Create, FileAccess.Write))
                    // Instantiates a client
                    var client = ImageAnnotatorClient.Create();
                    // Load the image file into memory
                    var image = Image.FromFile(path);
                    // Check for NSFW images
                    var response = client.DetectSafeSearch(image);
                    if (response.Adult.ToString().Equals("Likely") || response.Adult.ToString().Equals("VeryLikely"))
                    if (response.Racy.ToString().Equals("Likely") || response.Racy.ToString().Equals("VeryLikely"))
                    if (response.Violence.ToString().Equals("Likely") || response.Violence.ToString().Equals("VeryLikely"))
                    if (response.Medical.ToString().Equals("Likely") || response.Medical.ToString().Equals("VeryLikely"))
                    if (response.Spoof.ToString().Equals("Likely") || response.Spoof.ToString().Equals("VeryLikely"))

                    await _service.UploadFileAsync(path);

                } catch (Exception ex)

            TalentDb talentDb = new TalentDb(configuration);

            talent.ImageURL = imageName;
            return("Successfully added");
Example #19
        private void btAnalisar_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            using (openFileDialog = new OpenFileDialog())
                openFileDialog.Filter     = "Imagens (*.jpg)|*.jpg";
                openFileDialog.DefaultExt = "*.jpg";
                if (openFileDialog.ShowDialog() == DialogResult.OK)
                        lock (this)
                            //Variável setada no código devido erro ao reconhecer variável setada no ambiente
                            System.Environment.SetEnvironmentVariable("GOOGLE_APPLICATION_CREDENTIALS", @"C:\ApiKeys\googleKey.json");
                            string Pathsave = System.Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("GOOGLE_APPLICATION_CREDENTIALS");

                            //Cliente da requisição
                            var client = ImageAnnotatorClient.Create();

                            //Carregar a imagem na memória
                            var imagem = Google.Cloud.Vision.V1.Image.FromFile(openFileDialog.FileName);

                            //Executa a análise da imagem
                            var resposta = client.DetectFaces(imagem);

                            foreach (var face in resposta)
                                MessageBox.Show("Imagem analisada com sucesso:\n\n\n"
                                                + "Nome: " + openFileDialog.SafeFileName + ":\n"
                                                + "Alegria: " + face.JoyLikelihood + "\n"
                                                + "Raiva: " + face.AngerLikelihood + "\n"
                                                + "Tristeza: " + face.SorrowLikelihood + "\n"
                                                + "Surpresa: " + face.SurpriseLikelihood + "\n"
                                                + "Subexposição: " + face.UnderExposedLikelihood + "\n"
                                                + "Borrado: " + face.BlurredLikelihood + "\n"
                                                + "Chapéu: " + face.HeadwearLikelihood + "\n"
                                                + "Confiança da análise: " + face.DetectionConfidence + "\n"
                                                + "delimitador: " + face.BoundingPoly + "\n"
                                                + "FdBoundingPoly: " + face.FdBoundingPoly + "\n"
                                                //+ "Landmarks: " + face.Landmarks + "\n"
                                                //+ "LandmarkingConfidence: " + face.LandmarkingConfidence + "\n"
                                                + "PanAngle: " + face.PanAngle + "\n"
                                                + "RollAngle: " + face.RollAngle + "\n"
                                                + "TiltAngle: " + face.TiltAngle + "\n"

                                                + ".", "Sucesso", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Information);
                            //MessageBox.Show("Imagem analisada com sucesso!", "Sucesso", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Information);
                    catch (Exception ex)
                        MessageBox.Show("Falha ao analisar imagem!\n" + ex.Message, "Erro!", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error);
                    MessageBox.Show("Operação cancelada!", "Cancelado", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Information);
Example #20
 public DetectionAccess(ImageAnnotatorClient imageAnnotatorClient)
     _imageAnnotatorClient = imageAnnotatorClient ?? throw new ArgumentNullException();
Example #21
        public string DetectText(params object[] parames)
            string plate = "";

                List <Truck> trucks    = sqlCommandApiMobil.GetTruck();
                byte[]       photo     = (byte[])parames[1];
                string       idDriver  = (string)parames[0];
                var          client    = ImageAnnotatorClient.Create();
                var          image     = Google.Cloud.Vision.V1.Image.FromBytes(photo);
                var          response  = client.DetectText(image);
                var          response3 = client.DetectLocalizedObjects(image);

                foreach (var localizedObject in response3)
                    string numPlateTmp = "";
                    Truck  truck       = null;
                    foreach (EntityAnnotation text in response)
                        if (trucks.FirstOrDefault(t => t.PlateTruk == text.Description) != null)
                            truck = trucks.FirstOrDefault(t => t.PlateTruk == text.Description);
                            //sqlCommandApiMobil.SetPlateTruck(truck.Id, idDriver);
                            plate = truck.PlateTruk;
                        else if (truck != null && truck.PlateTruk.Contains(text.Description))
                            numPlateTmp += " " + text.Description;
                        else if (truck == null && trucks.FirstOrDefault(t => t.PlateTruk.Contains(text.Description)) != null)
                            numPlateTmp += text.Description;
                            truck        = trucks.FirstOrDefault(t => t.PlateTruk.Contains(text.Description));
                        if (numPlateTmp.Length >= 6)
                            if (truck != null && truck.PlateTruk == numPlateTmp)
                                //sqlCommandApiMobil.SetPlateTruck(truck.Id, idDriver);
                                plate       = truck.PlateTruk;
                                numPlateTmp = "";
                            else if (truck.PlateTruk.Remove(truck.PlateTruk.Length - 3) == numPlateTmp || truck.PlateTruk.Remove(truck.PlateTruk.Length - 2) == numPlateTmp || truck.PlateTruk.Remove(truck.PlateTruk.Length - 1) == numPlateTmp)
                                //sqlCommandApiMobil.SetPlateTruck(truck.Id, idDriver);
                                plate       = truck.PlateTruk;
                                numPlateTmp = "";
                            else if (numPlateTmp.Length > 7)
                                truck       = null;
                                numPlateTmp = "";
                    if (plate == "")
                        plate = numPlateTmp;
            catch (Exception e)

Example #22
 public CloudVisionDetector(ImageAnnotatorClient client)
     _client = client;
 public override void Configure(IFunctionsHostBuilder builder)
Example #24
 public async Task ShutdownApp()
     await ImageAnnotatorClient.ShutdownDefaultChannelsAsync();
Example #25
 /// <summary>
 ///  Constructor accepting all our dependencies. The clients are configured in
 ///  Startup.cs.
 /// </summary>
 public Function(ImageAnnotatorClient visionClient, FirestoreDb firestoreDb, ILogger <Function> logger) =>
 (_visionClient, _firestoreDb, _logger) = (visionClient, firestoreDb, logger);
        public async Task <IHttpActionResult> describeImageWithVoice([FromBody] ImageToVoice imageToVoice)
                var user = await UserManager.FindByIdAsync(imageToVoice.userId);

                var faceDescription = new FaceDescription();
                var googleClient    = await ImageAnnotatorClient.CreateAsync();

                var byteImage = Convert.FromBase64String(imageToVoice.base64Image);
                var image     = Image.FromBytes(byteImage);

                var responseForFacesGoogle = await googleClient.DetectFacesAsync(image);

                var responseForLabels = await googleClient.DetectLabelsAsync(image);

                var responseForLandmark = await googleClient.DetectLandmarksAsync(image);

                var responseForLogo = await googleClient.DetectLogosAsync(image);

                var analyzeImage = new AnalyzeImage();
                analyzeImage.responseFaceGoogle     = responseForFacesGoogle;
                analyzeImage.responseForLabels      = responseForLabels;
                analyzeImage.responseForLogoGoogle  = responseForLogo;
                analyzeImage.responseLandMarkGoogle = responseForLandmark;

                var responseFormMicrosoftFace = new List <CognitiveMicrosoft>();
                if (responseForFacesGoogle.Count > 0)
                    responseFormMicrosoftFace = await faceDescription.MakeAnalysisRequestAsync(byteImage);

                    analyzeImage.responseForFacesMicrosft = responseFormMicrosoftFace;

                string base64Voice = analyzeImage.describeImageWithVoice();

                rela.ImagesProceseds.Add(new ImagesProcesed {
                    UserId = user.Id, date = DateTime.Now, image = imageToVoice.base64Image
                await rela.SaveChangesAsync();

                int imageId = rela.ImagesProceseds.OrderByDescending(img => img.date).ToList()[0].imageId;

                if (responseForFacesGoogle.Count > 0)
                    rela.GoogleFaces.Add(new GoogleFace {
                        GoogleFace1 = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(responseForFacesGoogle), imageId = imageId

                if (responseForLabels.Count > 0)
                    rela.GoogleLabels.Add(new GoogleLabel {
                        GoogleLabel1 = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(responseForLabels), imageId = imageId

                if (responseForLandmark.Count > 0)
                    rela.GoogleLandmarks.Add(new GoogleLandmark {
                        GoogleLandamark = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(responseForLandmark), imageId = imageId

                if (responseForLogo.Count > 0)
                    rela.GoogleLogoes.Add(new GoogleLogo {
                        GoogleLogo1 = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(responseForLogo), imageId = imageId

                if (responseFormMicrosoftFace.Count > 0)
                    rela.MicrosoftFaces.Add(new MicrosoftFace {
                        imageId = imageId, MicrosoftFace1 = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(responseFormMicrosoftFace)

                rela.Voices.Add(new Voice {
                    imageId = imageId, GoogleVoice = base64Voice

                await rela.SaveChangesAsync();

                DescribeImage describeImage = new DescribeImage()
                    googleFace    = responseForFacesGoogle,
                    label         = responseForLabels,
                    landmark      = responseForLandmark,
                    logo          = responseForLogo,
                    voiceBase64   = base64Voice,
                    microsoftFace = responseFormMicrosoftFace

            catch (Exception ex) {
Example #27
        public static async Task GetTextAsync(string uri)
            var path   = Path.GetDirectoryName(Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().Location);
            var image  = Image.FromUri(uri);
            var client = ImageAnnotatorClient.Create();
            var text   = await client.DetectDocumentTextAsync(image);

            var searchTerms = new string[] { "Lead", "1978", "Protection", "EPA's", "Phoenix" };

            Console.WriteLine($"Text: {text.Text}");
            Console.WriteLine(text.Pages.Select(p => p.Confidence.ToString()));

            var symbolsText = text.Pages
                              .SelectMany(p => p.Blocks
                                          .SelectMany(b => b.Paragraphs
                                                      .SelectMany(p => p.Words
                                                                  .SelectMany(w => string.Join("", w.Symbols
                                                                                               .Select(s => s.Text))))))

            Console.WriteLine($"symbolsText: {symbolsText}");

            //var tenantBlcok = new Block();
            var sorted = symbolsText.GroupBy(x => x)
                         .Select(g => new { Value = g.Key, Found = g.Count() })
                         .OrderByDescending(x => x.Found);

            foreach (var page in text.Pages)
                foreach (var block in page.Blocks)
                    string box = string.Join(" - ", block.BoundingBox.Vertices.Select(v => $"({v.X}, {v.Y})"));
                    Console.WriteLine($"Block {block.BlockType} at {box}");
                    foreach (var paragraph in block.Paragraphs)
                        box = string.Join(" - ", paragraph.BoundingBox.Vertices.Select(v => $"({v.X}, {v.Y})"));
                        Console.WriteLine($"  Paragraph at {box}");
                        foreach (var word in paragraph.Words)
                            Console.WriteLine($"    Word: {string.Join("", word.Symbols.Select(s => s.Text))}");
            using (var fs = File.Create(Path.Combine(path, $@"output\Text{DateTime.Now.Ticks}.txt")))
                Utilities.AddText(fs, $"Text: {text.Text}");
                foreach (var thing in sorted)
                    Utilities.AddText(fs, $"{thing.Value} appeared {thing.Found}\n");
                Utilities.AddText(fs, "\n\n\n *******************End of symbols********************\n\n\n");

                Utilities.AddText(fs, $"texas appeared {Utilities.SearchWordCount(text, "texas")} times \n\n\n");

                var keywords = Utilities.SearchWordCollection(text, searchTerms);

                Utilities.AddText(fs, $"*************Sensitive keywords found*********\n\n");
                foreach (var item in keywords)
                    Utilities.AddText(fs, $"{item.Item1} found {item.Item2} times\n");
                var keywordsExp = Utilities.SearchWordCollectionExp(text, searchTerms);

                Utilities.AddText(fs, $"*************Experiment keywords found*********\n\n");
                foreach (var item in keywordsExp)
                    Utilities.AddText(fs, $"{item.Item1} found {item.Item3} times with {item.Item2} confidence\n");

            using (var fs = File.Create(Path.Combine(path, $@"output\Paragraphs{DateTime.Now.Ticks}.txt")))
                foreach (var page in text.Pages)
                    foreach (var block in page.Blocks)
                        string box = string.Join(" - ", block.BoundingBox.Vertices.Select(v => $"({v.X}, {v.Y})"));
                        Utilities.AddText(fs, $"Block {block.BlockType} at {box}");
                        Utilities.AddText(fs, "\n");
                        foreach (var paragraph in block.Paragraphs)
                            box = string.Join(" - ", paragraph.BoundingBox.Vertices.Select(v => $"({v.X}, {v.Y})"));
                            Utilities.AddText(fs, $"  Paragraph at {box}");
                            Utilities.AddText(fs, "\n");
                            foreach (var word in paragraph.Words)
                                Utilities.AddText(fs, $"    Word: {string.Join("", word.Symbols.Select(s => s.Text))}");
                                Utilities.AddText(fs, "\n");

Example #28
        public async Task <AnalysisResult> AnalyzeAsync(Image image, ICollection <string> categories)
            var client = await ImageAnnotatorClient.CreateAsync().ConfigureAwait(false);

            var labels = await client.DetectLabelsAsync(image).ConfigureAwait(false);

            var suggestions    = new List <string>();
            var category       = Constants.NoValueString;
            var categoryFound  = false;
            var bestLabel      = Constants.NoValueString;
            var bestLabelFound = false;

            foreach (var label in labels)
                if (!bestLabelFound)
                    var invalid = false;

                    foreach (var word in Constants.InvalidSuggestions)
                        if (label.Description.ToLower().Equals(word.ToLower()))
                            invalid = true;

                    if (!invalid)
                        bestLabel      = label.Description;
                        bestLabelFound = true;


                if (!categoryFound)
                    foreach (var cat in categories)
                        if (!Constants.AllCategoriesToKeywords.ContainsKey(cat))
                            throw new ArgumentException(Constants.InvalidCategories);
                            foreach (var keyword in Constants.AllCategoriesToKeywords[cat])
                                if (label.Description.ToLower().Contains(keyword.ToLower()) && !categoryFound)
                                    category      = cat;
                                    categoryFound = true;

            if (!categoryFound)
                category = Constants.NoCategory;

            // Refactor: apply logic to read labels
            if (category.Equals(Constants.NoCategory) || category.Equals(Constants.ManufacturedCategory))
                bestLabel = "";


            var name = bestLabel;

            AnalysisResult result = new AnalysisResult(suggestions, category, name);

Example #29
        public async Task <ActionResult> TransformFromImage(IFormFile fileImage)
            ImagesPageViewModel model = new ImagesPageViewModel();
            var filePath = configuration["AppSettings:ImagesPath"] + "/" + "temp" + ".jpg";

            using (var stream = new FileStream(filePath, FileMode.Create))
                await fileImage.CopyToAsync(stream);

            string       text         = "";
            var          image        = Image.FromFile(filePath);
            var          client       = ImageAnnotatorClient.Create();
            ImageContext imageContext = new ImageContext();

            var response = client.DetectText(image, imageContext);

            foreach (var annotation in response)
                if (annotation.Description != null)
                    text = annotation.Description;
            text = text.Replace("o", "о").Replace("j", "ј").Replace("k", "к").Replace("a", "а").Replace("e", "е");
            text = text.Replace("O", "О").Replace("J", "Ј").Replace("K", "К").Replace("A", "А").Replace("E", "Е");

            var simplifiedText = Simplify(text);
            var sentencePart   = new List <string>();

            foreach (KeyValuePair <string, string> entry in simplifiedText)

            var finalText = string.Join(" ", sentencePart);

            text = finalText;

            var words = text.Split(" ");

            string[] files =
                Directory.GetFiles(configuration["AppSettings:ImagesPath"], "*.jpg", SearchOption.AllDirectories);
            _logger.LogInformation("Config {config}", configuration["AppSettings:ImagesPath"]);
            string webRootPath = _hostingEnvironment.WebRootPath;

            model.Images = new List <ImageMeaningModel>();
            //int i = 0;
            for (var i = 0; i < words.Count(); i++)
                var word = words[i];
                if (word.Trim() == "")
                var flag = 0;
                if (words.Count() > i + 1)
                    var modifiedWord1 = word.Trim() + "-" + words[i + 1];
                    var fileExists    = System.IO.File.Exists(configuration["AppSettings:ImagesPath"] +
                                                              configuration["AppSettings:PathSeparator"] + modifiedWord1.Trim().ToLower() + ".jpg");

                    if (fileExists)
                        var file = configuration["AppSettings:ImagesPath"] +
                                   configuration["AppSettings:PathSeparator"] + modifiedWord1.Trim().ToLower() + ".jpg";

                        var idx = file.LastIndexOf(configuration["AppSettings:PathSeparator"]);
                        _logger.LogInformation("Idx {idx}", idx);
                        var fileName = file.Substring(idx + 1);

                        System.IO.File.Copy(file.Substring(0, file.LastIndexOf(configuration["AppSettings:PathSeparator"]) + 1) + fileName,
                                            webRootPath + "/images/" + fileName, true);
                        var imageModel = new ImageMeaningModel();
                        imageModel.Image   = "/images/" + fileName;
                        imageModel.Meaning = fileName.Split(".")[0];
                        flag = 1;
                        i   += 1;
                if (flag != 1)
                    if (words.Count() > i + 2)
                        var modifiedWord1 = word.Trim() + "-" + words[i + 1] + "-" + words[i + 2];
                        var fileExists    = System.IO.File.Exists(configuration["AppSettings:ImagesPath"] +
                                                                  configuration["AppSettings:PathSeparator"] + modifiedWord1.Trim().ToLower() + ".jpg");

                        if (fileExists)
                            var file = configuration["AppSettings:ImagesPath"] +
                                       configuration["AppSettings:PathSeparator"] + modifiedWord1.Trim().ToLower() + ".jpg";

                            var idx = file.LastIndexOf(configuration["AppSettings:PathSeparator"]);
                            _logger.LogInformation("Idx {idx}", idx);
                            var fileName = file.Substring(idx + 1);

                            if (modifiedWord1.Trim().ToLower() == fileName.Split(".")[0])
                                System.IO.File.Copy(file.Substring(0, file.LastIndexOf(configuration["AppSettings:PathSeparator"]) + 1) + fileName,
                                                    webRootPath + "/images/" + fileName, true);
                                var imageModel = new ImageMeaningModel();
                                imageModel.Image   = "/images/" + fileName;
                                imageModel.Meaning = fileName.Split(".")[0];
                                flag = 1;
                                i   += 2;
                    if (flag != 1)
                        if (System.IO.File.Exists(configuration["AppSettings:ImagesPath"] +
                                                  configuration["AppSettings:PathSeparator"] + word.Trim().ToLower() + ".jpg"))
                            var fileBasic = configuration["AppSettings:ImagesPath"] +
                                            configuration["AppSettings:PathSeparator"] + word.Trim().ToLower() + ".jpg";

                            var idx = fileBasic.LastIndexOf(configuration["AppSettings:PathSeparator"]);
                            _logger.LogInformation("Idx {idx}", idx);
                            var fileName = fileBasic.Substring(idx + 1);

                            System.IO.File.Copy(fileBasic.Substring(0, fileBasic.LastIndexOf(configuration["AppSettings:PathSeparator"]) + 1) + fileName,
                                                webRootPath + "/images/" + fileName, true);
                            var imageModel = new ImageMeaningModel();
                            imageModel.Image   = "/images/" + fileName;
                            imageModel.Meaning = fileName.Split(".")[0];
                            flag = 1;

                        if (flag != 1)
                            var modifiedWord = word.Trim() + "ње";
                            if (word.EndsWith("и"))
                                modifiedWord = word.TrimEnd('и') + "ење";

                            var fileModExists = System.IO.File.Exists(configuration["AppSettings:ImagesPath"] +
                                                                      configuration["AppSettings:PathSeparator"] + modifiedWord.ToLower() + ".jpg");

                            if (fileModExists)
                                var fileMod = configuration["AppSettings:ImagesPath"] +
                                              configuration["AppSettings:PathSeparator"] + modifiedWord.ToLower() + ".jpg";
                                var idx = fileMod.LastIndexOf(configuration["AppSettings:PathSeparator"]);
                                _logger.LogInformation("Idx {idx}", idx);
                                var fileName = fileMod.Substring(idx + 1);

                                System.IO.File.Copy(fileMod.Substring(0, fileMod.LastIndexOf(configuration["AppSettings:PathSeparator"]) + 1) + fileName,
                                                    webRootPath + "/images/" + fileName, true);
                                var imageModel = new ImageMeaningModel();
                                imageModel.Image   = "/images/" + fileName;
                                imageModel.Meaning = fileName.Split(".")[0];
                                flag = 1;
                            if (flag != 1)
                                if (char.IsUpper(word[0]))
                                    var charArray = word.ToCharArray();
                                    foreach (var c in charArray)
                                        System.IO.File.Copy(configuration["AppSettings:ImagesPath"] + configuration["AppSettings:PathSeparator"] + "букви" +
                                                            configuration["AppSettings:PathSeparator"] + char.ToUpper(c) + ".jpg",
                                                            webRootPath + "/images/" + char.ToUpper(c) + ".jpg", true);
                                        var imageModel = new ImageMeaningModel();
                                        imageModel.Image   = "/images/" + char.ToUpper(c) + ".jpg";
                                        imageModel.Meaning = char.ToUpper(c).ToString();
                                        flag = 1;
                                if (flag != 1)
                                    if (word.EndsWith("a"))
                                        var modifiedWord1 = word.Substring(0, word.LastIndexOf("а"));
                                        modifiedWord1 += "ува";
                                        var fileModExists1 = System.IO.File.Exists(configuration["AppSettings:ImagesPath"] +
                                                                                   configuration["AppSettings:PathSeparator"] + modifiedWord1.ToLower() + ".jpg");
                                        if (fileModExists1)
                                            var fileMod = configuration["AppSettings:ImagesPath"] +
                                                          configuration["AppSettings:PathSeparator"] + modifiedWord1.ToLower() + ".jpg";
                                            var idx = fileMod.LastIndexOf(configuration["AppSettings:PathSeparator"]);
                                            _logger.LogInformation("Idx {idx}", idx);
                                            var fileName = fileMod.Substring(idx + 1);

                                            System.IO.File.Copy(fileMod.Substring(0, fileMod.LastIndexOf(configuration["AppSettings:PathSeparator"]) + 1) + fileName,
                                                                webRootPath + "/images/" + fileName, true);
                                            var imageModel = new ImageMeaningModel();
                                            imageModel.Image   = "/images/" + fileName;
                                            imageModel.Meaning = fileName.Split(".")[0];
                                            flag = 1;

                                    if (flag != 1)
                                        if (word.EndsWith("и"))
                                            var modifiedWord1 = word.Substring(0, word.LastIndexOf("и"));
                                            modifiedWord1 += "ува";
                                            var fileModExists1 = System.IO.File.Exists(configuration["AppSettings:ImagesPath"] +
                                                                                       configuration["AppSettings:PathSeparator"] + modifiedWord1.ToLower() + ".jpg");
                                            if (fileModExists1)
                                                var fileMod = configuration["AppSettings:ImagesPath"] +
                                                              configuration["AppSettings:PathSeparator"] + modifiedWord1.ToLower() + ".jpg";
                                                var idx = fileMod.LastIndexOf(configuration["AppSettings:PathSeparator"]);
                                                _logger.LogInformation("Idx {idx}", idx);
                                                var fileName = fileMod.Substring(idx + 1);

                                                System.IO.File.Copy(fileMod.Substring(0, fileMod.LastIndexOf(configuration["AppSettings:PathSeparator"]) + 1) + fileName,
                                                                    webRootPath + "/images/" + fileName, true);
                                                var imageModel = new ImageMeaningModel();
                                                imageModel.Image   = "/images/" + fileName;
                                                imageModel.Meaning = fileName.Split(".")[0];
                                                flag = 1;

                                        if (flag != 1)
                                            if (word.EndsWith("е"))
                                                var modifiedWord1 = word.Substring(0, word.LastIndexOf("е"));
                                                modifiedWord1 += "ува";
                                                var fileModExists1 = System.IO.File.Exists(configuration["AppSettings:ImagesPath"] +
                                                                                           configuration["AppSettings:PathSeparator"] + modifiedWord1.ToLower() + ".jpg");
                                                if (fileModExists1)
                                                    var fileMod = configuration["AppSettings:ImagesPath"] +
                                                                  configuration["AppSettings:PathSeparator"] + modifiedWord1.ToLower() + ".jpg";
                                                    var idx = fileMod.LastIndexOf(configuration["AppSettings:PathSeparator"]);
                                                    _logger.LogInformation("Idx {idx}", idx);
                                                    var fileName = fileMod.Substring(idx + 1);

                                                    System.IO.File.Copy(fileMod.Substring(0, fileMod.LastIndexOf(configuration["AppSettings:PathSeparator"]) + 1) + fileName,
                                                                        webRootPath + "/images/" + fileName, true);
                                                    var imageModel = new ImageMeaningModel();
                                                    imageModel.Image   = "/images/" + fileName;
                                                    imageModel.Meaning = fileName.Split(".")[0];
                                                    flag = 1;

                if (flag == 0)
                    var imageModel = new ImageMeaningModel();
                    imageModel.Image   = "/images/noimage.jpg";
                    imageModel.Meaning = word.Trim();


            if (model.Images.Count == 0)
                var imageModel = new ImageMeaningModel();
                imageModel.Image = "/images/noimage.jpg";
                imageModel.Image = "нема слика";
                model.Images     = new List <ImageMeaningModel> {
                return(Json(new { images = model.Images }));

            if (System.IO.File.Exists(filePath))
                // If file found, delete it

            return(Json(new { images = model.Images }));
Example #30
        public static async System.Threading.Tasks.Task Run(
            [BlobTrigger("pending/{name}")] Stream image,
            [Queue(Constants.QUEUE_NAME)] IAsyncCollector <string> applicationQueue,
            string name,
            ILogger log,
            ExecutionContext executionContext)
            var sourceStream = new MemoryStream();
            await image.CopyToAsync(sourceStream);

            var bitmap = new Bitmap(sourceStream);

            var customVisionPredictionClient = new CustomVisionPredictionClient
                ApiKey   = Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("CustomVisionPredictionClient_ApiKey"),
                Endpoint = Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("CustomVisionPredictionClient_Endpoint")

            sourceStream.Position = 0;

            var response = await customVisionPredictionClient.DetectImageAsync(Guid.Parse(Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("CustomVisionPredictionClient_ProjectId")), "Completed Route",

            var routes = new List <string>();

            foreach (var predictionModel in response.Predictions)
                if (predictionModel.TagName == "Completed Route" && predictionModel.Probability > 0.85)
                    var cropped = CropBitmap(bitmap,

                    var memoryStream = new MemoryStream();
                    //ONLY FOR DEBUG
                    cropped.Save(memoryStream, System.Drawing.Imaging.ImageFormat.Jpeg);
                    memoryStream.Position = 0;

                    var path = Path.Combine(executionContext.FunctionAppDirectory, "Zwift-5c2367dfe003.json");

                    Environment.SetEnvironmentVariable("GOOGLE_APPLICATION_CREDENTIALS", path);

                    Image tmpImage = await Image.FromStreamAsync(memoryStream);

                    var client = await ImageAnnotatorClient.CreateAsync();

                    var tmp = await client.DetectTextAsync(tmpImage);

                    var annotation = tmp.FirstOrDefault();

                    if (annotation?.Description != null)
                        routes.Add(annotation.Description.Replace("\n", " ").Trim());

            if (routes.Count > 0)
                var user = name.Split("_").First();
                await applicationQueue.AddAsync(JsonConvert.SerializeObject(new MultipleRoutesCompletedModel
                    UserId = user,
                    Routes = routes

                await applicationQueue.FlushAsync();