Example #1
        public LevelUI(Texture2D texture, List <Texture2D> lanterns)
            Lanterns = lanterns;

             * LowerUI = new Panel(new Vector2(700, 250), PanelSkin.Fancy, Anchor.BottomCenter, new Vector2(0, 125));
             * LowerUI.Opacity = 70;

            LowerUI         = new Image(texture, new Vector2(700, 250), ImageDrawMode.Stretch, Anchor.BottomCenter, new Vector2(0, 125));
            LowerUI.Opacity = 70;

            frame = new Panel(new Vector2(175, 250), PanelSkin.None, Anchor.BottomCenter, new Vector2(-250, -25));

            lantern = new Image(Lanterns[0]);

            TextBox = new Panel(new Vector2(500, 200), PanelSkin.None, Anchor.BottomCenter, new Vector2(frame.Size.X / 2, 0));


            text = new Paragraph();

            LowerUI.Visible = false;

        /// <summary>
        /// Add all of the information for the mission
        /// </summary>
        public override void Initialise()


            // Add the mission thumbnail image
            Image thumbnail = AddChild(new Image(new Vector2(0, -Size.Y * 0.25f), MissionData.MissionThumbnailTextureAsset), true, true);

            // Add the mission name label
            Label missionNameLabel = thumbnail.AddChild(new Label(MissionData.MissionName, Anchor.kTopCentre, 2), true, true);

            missionNameLabel.Colour = Color.White;

            // Add the mission description
            Label missionDescriptionLabel = thumbnail.AddChild(new Label(MissionData.MissionDescription, Anchor.kBottomCentre, 2), true, true);

            missionDescriptionLabel.Colour = Color.White;

            // Add the button to play the mission
            Button playMissionButton = missionDescriptionLabel.AddChild(new Button("Play Mission", Anchor.kBottomCentre, 2, AssetManager.DefaultNarrowButtonTextureAsset, AssetManager.DefaultNarrowButtonHighlightedTextureAsset), true, true);

            playMissionButton.LocalPosition = new Vector2(0, missionDescriptionLabel.Size.Y + playMissionButton.Size.Y);
            playMissionButton.ClickableModule.OnLeftClicked += PlayMissionCallback;
Example #3
        /// <summary>
        /// Create various pieces of UI for the card's info
        /// </summary>
        public override void LoadContent()

            Image cardImage = AddChild(new Image(Size * 0.8f, Vector2.Zero, CardData.TextureAsset));
            Label cardName  = cardImage.AddChild(new Label(CardData.DisplayName, Anchor.kTopCentre, 2));
            Label cardPrice = cardImage.AddChild(new Label("100 - Hard Coded", Anchor.kBottomCentre, 2));

        /// <summary>
        /// Set up all of the UI for this window from the RewardData
        /// </summary>
        public override void LoadContent()

            PreviousRewardButton = AddChild(new Button("Previous", Anchor.kCentreLeft, 1, AssetManager.DefaultNarrowButtonTextureAsset, AssetManager.DefaultNarrowButtonHighlightedTextureAsset));
            PreviousRewardButton.ClickableModule.OnLeftClicked += GoToPreviousRewardUI;

            NextRewardButton = AddChild(new Button("Next", Anchor.kCentreRight, 1, AssetManager.DefaultNarrowButtonTextureAsset, AssetManager.DefaultNarrowButtonHighlightedTextureAsset));
            NextRewardButton.ClickableModule.OnLeftClicked += GoToNextRewardUI;

            Button doneButton = AddChild(new Button("Done", Anchor.kBottomCentre, 0, AssetManager.DefaultNarrowButtonTextureAsset, AssetManager.DefaultNarrowButtonHighlightedTextureAsset));

            doneButton.ClickableModule.OnLeftClicked += AddRewards;

            // Create the reward UI here

            // Money earnt
            Image moneyImage            = AddChild(new Image(Vector2.Zero, "UI\\MoneyIcon"));
            Label moneyEarntExplanation = moneyImage.AddChild(new Label("Money Earnt", Anchor.kTopCentre, 4));

            moneyEarntExplanation.Colour = Color.White;
            Label moneyEarntValue = moneyImage.AddChild(new Label(RewardData.Money.ToString(), Anchor.kBottomCentre, 4));

            moneyEarntValue.Colour = Color.White;

            // Cards earnt
            foreach (string cardDataAsset in RewardData.CardDataAssets)
                CardData cardData           = AssetManager.GetData <CardData>("Cards\\" + cardDataAsset);
                Image    cardImage          = AddChild(new Image(Vector2.Zero, cardData.TextureAsset));
                Label    cardWonExplanation = cardImage.AddChild(new Label("Card Won", Anchor.kTopCentre, 2));
                cardWonExplanation.Colour = Color.White;
                Label cardWonName = cardImage.AddChild(new Label(cardData.DisplayName, Anchor.kBottomCentre, 2));
                cardWonName.Colour = Color.White;

            // Packs won
            Image packsWonImage       = AddChild(new Image(Vector2.Zero, Card.CardBackTextureAsset));
            Label packsWonExplanation = packsWonImage.AddChild(new Label("Packs Won", Anchor.kTopCentre, 2));

            packsWonExplanation.Colour = Color.White;
            Label packsWonValue = packsWonImage.AddChild(new Label(RewardData.CardPacks.ToString(), Anchor.kBottomCentre, 2));

            packsWonValue.Colour = Color.White;

            // We have set the current UI to be 0, so make sure the UI is updated to reflect this
