Example #1
        public ActionResult GetImage([FromRoute] Image.ImageSource source, [FromRoute] Image.ImageType type, [FromRoute] string value)
            var sourceType = Image.GetImageTypeFromSourceAndType(source, type) ?? ImageEntityType.None;

            if (sourceType == ImageEntityType.None)
                return(NotFound("The requested resource does not exist."));

            if (sourceType == ImageEntityType.Static)

            if (!int.TryParse(value, out int id))
                return(NotFound("The requested resource does not exist."));

            string path = Image.GetImagePath(sourceType, id);

            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(path))
                return(NotFound("The requested resource does not exist."));
            return(File(System.IO.File.OpenRead(path), Mime.GetMimeMapping(path)));
Example #2
  * Dispatched when a image request cannot be fulfilled.
  * Provides the requested frame id and image type of the request that failed,
  * as well as the reason for the failure, and in the case of an insufficient
  * buffer, the required size of the image buffer.
  * @since 3.0
 public ImageRequestFailedEventArgs(Int64 frameId, Image.ImageType imageType,
                                    Image.RequestFailureReason reason,
                                    string message,
                                    Int64 requiredBufferSize
                                    ) : base(LeapEvent.EVENT_IMAGE_REQUEST_FAILED)
     this.frameId            = frameId;
     this.imageType          = imageType;
     this.reason             = reason;
     this.message            = message;
     this.requiredBufferSize = requiredBufferSize;
Example #3
        public Image RequestImages(Int64 frameId, Image.ImageType imageType, byte[] buffer)
            ImageData imageData = new ImageData();

            if (imageType == Image.ImageType.DEFAULT)
                imageData.type = eLeapImageType.eLeapImageType_Default;
                imageData.type = eLeapImageType.eLeapImageType_Raw;

            imageData.frame_id    = frameId;
            imageData.pixelBuffer = buffer;
Example #4
        public Image RequestImages(Int64 frameId, Image.ImageType imageType)
            ImageData imageData;
            int       bufferSize = 0;

            if (imageType == Image.ImageType.DEFAULT)
                imageData      = _imageDataCache.CheckOut();
                imageData.type = eLeapImageType.eLeapImageType_Default;
                bufferSize     = (int)_standardImageBufferSize;
                imageData      = _imageRawDataCache.CheckOut();
                imageData.type = eLeapImageType.eLeapImageType_Raw;
                bufferSize     = (int)_standardRawBufferSize;
            if (imageData.pixelBuffer == null || imageData.pixelBuffer.Length != bufferSize)
                imageData.pixelBuffer = new byte[bufferSize];
            imageData.frame_id = frameId;
Example #5
  * Requests an image from the service. The pixels of the image are written to the specified byte array.
  * If the specified byte array is too small, an ImageRequestFailed event is dispatched. The arguments of this event
  * include the required buffer size. For the publically available Leap device, the buffer size must be:
  * width * height * bytes-per-pixel * #cameras, i.e: 640 * 240 * 1 * 2 = 307,200 bytes.
  * The Image object returned by this function contains a reference to the supplied buffer. When the service sets
  * the IsComplete property to true when the buffer is filled in. An ImageReady event is also dispatched.
  * @param frameId The Id value of the tracking frame.
  * @param type The type of image desired. A member of the Image.ImageType enumeration.
  * @param imageBuffer A byte array large enough to hold the requested image pair.
  * @returns An incomplete Image object that will contain the image data when the request is fulfilled.
  * If the request call itself fails, an invalid image is returned.
  * @since 3.0
 public Image RequestImages(Int64 frameId, Image.ImageType type, byte[] imageBuffer)
     return(_connection.RequestImages(frameId, type, imageBuffer));
Example #6
  * Requests an image pair from the service.
  * Image data is stacked in a single byte array, with the left camera image first, followed by the right camera image.
  * Two types of image are supported. ImageType.TYPE_DEFAULT is the normal, IR format image.
  * ImageType.RAW is the unmodified, raw sensor pixels. The format of this image type depends on the device. For
  * the publically available Leap Motion devices, the raw image type is also IR and is identical to the default image type
  * except when in robust mode. In robust mode, the default image type is processed to subtract the unilluminated background;
  * the raw image is not.
  * Images are not sent automatically. You must request each image. This function returns an Image
  * object. However, that object does not contain image data until its IsComplete property
  * becomes true.
  * Image requests will fail if the request is made after the image has been disposed by the service. The service only
  * keeps images for a few frames, so applications that use images must make the image request as soon as possible
  * after a tracking frame is received.
  * The controller dispatches an ImageReady event when a requested image is recevied from the service
  * and is ready for use. The controller dispatches an ImageRequestFailed event if the request does not succeed.
  * Image requests can fail for the following reasons:
  * * The requested image is no longer available.
  * * The frame id does not match an actual tracking frame.
  * * Images are disabled by the client's configuration settings.
  * * The buffer supplied for the image was too small.
  * * An internal service error occurs.
  * In addition, if the returned image is invalid, then the request call itself failed. Typically this
  * will occur when the connection itself is not running. Such errors are reported in a LogEvent event.
  * @param frameId The Id value of the tracking frame.
  * @param type The type of image desired. A member of the Image.ImageType enumeration.
  * @returns An incomplete Image object that will contain the image data when the request is fulfilled.
  * If the request call itself fails, an invalid image is returned.
  * @since 3.0
 public Image RequestImages(Int64 frameId, Image.ImageType type)
     return(_connection.RequestImages(frameId, type));
Example #7
 public ImageRequestFailedEventArgs(Int64 frameId, Image.ImageType imageType) : base(LeapEvent.EVENT_IMAGE_REQUEST_FAILED)
     this.frameId   = frameId;
     this.imageType = imageType;
Example #8
  * Requests an image pair from the service.
  * Image data is stacked in a single byte array, with the left camera image first, followed by the right camera image.
  * Two types of image are supported. ImageType.TYPE_DEFAULT is the normal, IR format image.
  * ImageType.RAW is the unmodified, raw sensor pixels. The format of this image type depends on the device. For
  * the publically available Leap Motion devices, the raw image type is also IR and is identical to the default image type
  * except when in robust mode. In robust mode, the default image type is processed to subtract the unilluminated background;
  * the raw image is not.
  * Images are not sent automatically. You must request each image. This function returns an Image
  * object. However, that object does not contain image data until its IsComplete property
  * becomes true.
  * Image requests will fail if the request is made after the image has been disposed by the service. The service only
  * keeps images for a few frames, so applications that use images must make the image request as soon as possible
  * after a tracking frame is received.
  * The controller dispatches an ImageReady event when a requested image is recevied from the service
  * and is ready for use. The controller dispatches an ImageRequestFailed event if the request does not succeed.
  * Image requests can fail for the following reasons:
  * * The requested image is no longer available.
  * * The frame id does not match an actual tracking frame.
  * * Images are disabled by the client's configuration settings.
  * * The buffer supplied for the image was too small.
  * * An internal service error occurs.
  * In addition, if the returned image is invalid, then the request call itself failed. Typically this
  * will occur when the connection itself is not running. Such errors are reported in a LogEvent event.
  * @param frameId The Id value of the tracking frame.
  * @param type The type of image desired. A member of the Image.ImageType enumeration.
  * @returns An incomplete Image object that will contain the image data when the request is fulfilled.
  * If the request call itself fails, an invalid image is returned.
  * @since 3.0
 public Image RequestImages(Int64 frameId, Image.ImageType type)
     //return _connection.RequestImages(frameId, type);
Example #9
 // same problem as above
 public new Image RequestImages(Int64 frameID, Image.ImageType type, byte[] imageBuffer)
     return(_localController.RequestImages(frameID, type, imageBuffer));
Example #10
 // is an invalid image, maybe need to handle it at some point
 public new Image RequestImages(Int64 frameID, Image.ImageType type)
     return(_localController.RequestImages(frameID, type));
Example #11
 // same problem as above
 public new Image RequestImages(Int64 frameID, Image.ImageType type, byte[] imageBuffer)
     return(new Image());
Example #12
 // is an invalid image, maybe need to handle it at some point
 public new Image RequestImages(Int64 frameID, Image.ImageType type)
     return(new Image());