Example #1
        private void cmdVerify_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            string retval = ",";                                                     //Prepare return value
            long   cRaw   = Countword(tCols.Text, "\r\n");                           //Count ubound of raw-array

            string[] aryTmp, Raw = aSplit(tCols.Text, "\r\n");                       //Define and assign raw-array
            long[]   aryColor    = new long[cRaw + 1], aryMtch = new long[cRaw + 1], //Define holders of long values
            aryMinV = new long[cRaw + 1], aryMaxV = new long[cRaw + 1],
            aryThr  = new long[cRaw + 1];
            Color thisCol, findCol;                                                 //Define holders of temp. colors

            for (int a = 0; a <= cRaw; a++)                                         //Loop to parse raw-array
                aryTmp      = aSplit(Raw[a], "p");                                  //Split raw-array %a
                aryColor[a] = Convert.ToInt32(aryTmp[0]);                           //Assign target color of %a
                aryMinV[a]  = Convert.ToInt32(aryTmp[1]);                           //Assign minimum value of %a
                aryMaxV[a]  = Convert.ToInt32(aryTmp[2]);                           //Assign maximum value of %a
                aryThr[a]   = Convert.ToInt32(aryTmp[3]);                           //Assign color threshold of %a

            pBox.Load(imgPath); Application.DoEvents();                             //Load picture to picturebox
            Image.FastBitmap img = new Image.FastBitmap(pBox.Image as Bitmap);      //Load picture as FastBitmap
            for (int X = 0; X < 90; X++)                                            //Start X loop
                for (int Y = 0; Y < 65; Y++)                                        //Start Y loop
                    thisCol = img.GetPixel(X, Y);                                   //Read color of current pixel
                    for (int a = 0; a <= cRaw; a++)                                 //Scan for supplied targets
                        findCol = Long2Col(aryColor[a]);                            //Convert target color from long
                        if (CompareColors(thisCol, findCol, aryThr[a]))             //If colors match, add +1 found
                            aryMtch[a]++;                                           //Add +1 to found pixels
            for (int a = 0; a <= cRaw; a++)                                         //Loop to sum up results
                MessageBox.Show("Total found on col #" + a + ": " + aryMtch[a]);    //  *debug* Display matchcount
                if (aryMtch[a] >= aryMinV[a] && aryMtch[a] <= aryMaxV[a])           //If correct number of matches
                    retval += Convert.ToString(a) + ",";                            //Add target-ID to result list
            MessageBox.Show("Found colors: " + retval);                             //  *debug* Display retval
Example #2
        private void pBox_MouseUp(object sender, MouseEventArgs e)
            long Matches = 0;                                                       //Define value to hold matchcount

            pBox.Load(imgPath); Application.DoEvents();                             //Load picture to picturebox
            bool[,] matches = new bool[90, 65];                                     //Define 2d array to hold results
            Color col = (pBox.Image as Bitmap).GetPixel(e.X, e.Y);                  //Get color of the pixel clicked

            Image.FastBitmap img = new Image.FastBitmap(pBox.Image as Bitmap);      //Load picture as FastBitmap
            for (int y = 0; y < 65; y++)                                            //Start Y-loop
                for (int x = 0; x < 90; x++)                                        //Start X-loop
                    Color tcol = img.GetPixel(x, y);                                //Get current color
                    if (CompareColors(tcol, col, 20))                               //If current and selected match
                        Matches++;                                                  //Increase match count
                        matches[x, y] = true;                                       //Indicate a match
                    else                                                            //else...
                        matches[x, y] = false;                                      //Indicate a mismatch
            img.Release();                                                          //Dispose of the FastBitmap
            Image.FastBitmap rmg = new Image.FastBitmap(pBox.Image as Bitmap);      //Load picture as FastBitmap
            for (int y = 0; y < 65; y++)                                            //Start comparative Y-loop
                for (int x = 0; x < 90; x++)                                        //Start comparative X-loop
                    if (matches[x, y])                                              //If there's a stored match
                        rmg.SetPixel(x, y, Color.White);                            //Indicate with a white spot
            rmg.Release();                                                          //Dispose of the FastBitmap
            pBox.Refresh();                                                         //Force the box to refresh image
            MessageBox.Show(Matches + "\r\n" + Col2Long(col));                      //Display results of scan
            Clipboard.SetText(Col2Long(col) + "-" +                                 //Clipboard results of scan
                              (Matches - 20) + "-" + (Matches + 20) + "-20");
Example #3
        private void cmdIdent_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            long Tick01 = Tick();                                                   //  *debug* performance timer

            Color[,] col    = new Color[90, 65];                                    //Define color array (speedh4x)
            bool[,] matches = new bool[90, 65];                                     //Define bool array for matches
            pBox.Load(imgPath); Application.DoEvents();                             //Load picture to picturebox
            Image.FastBitmap img    = new Image.FastBitmap(pBox.Image as Bitmap);   //Load picture as FastBitmap
            long             Tick02 = Tick();                                       //  *debug* performance timer

            for (int y = 0; y < 65; y++)                                            //Start first Y-loop
                for (int x = 0; x < 90; x++)                                        //Start first X-loop
                    col[x, y] = img.GetPixel(x, y);                                 //Get pixelcolor to color array
            Color MaxCol = Color.Black; long CurNum, MaxNum = 0;                    //Define initial values

            for (int cY = 0; cY < 65; cY++)                                         //Start main Y-loop
                for (int cX = 0; cX < 65; cX++)                                     //Start main X-loop
                    CurNum = 0;                                                     //Reset current matches to zero
                    for (int Y = 0; Y < 65; Y++)                                    //Start comparative Y-loop
                        for (int X = 0; X < 90; X++)                                //Start comparative X-loop
                            if (CompareColors(col[X, Y], col[cX, cY], 10))          //If match
                                CurNum++;                                           //Increase matches
                                matches[X, Y] = true;                               //Add match to bool array
                            else                                                    //else...
                                matches[X, Y] = false;                              //Add mismatch to bool array
                    if (CurNum > MaxNum)                                            //If this scan exceeds record
                        MaxNum         = CurNum; MaxCol = col[cX, cY];              //Set new record count and color
                        this.Text      = MaxNum + " / " + Col2Long(MaxCol);         //  *debug* display record values
                        this.BackColor = MaxCol;                                    //  *debug* set form background
            img.Release();                                                          //Dispose the FastBitmap
            long Tick03 = Tick();                                                   //  *debug* performance timer

            ////  From here on, (improved) code from KeyUp sub  ////

            Image.FastBitmap rmg = new Image.FastBitmap(pBox.Image as Bitmap);      //Load picture as FastBitmap
            for (int y = 0; y < 65; y++)                                            //Start comparative Y-loop
                for (int x = 0; x < 90; x++)                                        //Start comparative X-loop
                    if (matches[x, y])                                              //If there's a stored match
                        rmg.SetPixel(x, y, Color.White);                            //Indicate with a white spot
                    else                                                            //else...
                        rmg.SetPixel(x, y, Color.Black);                            //Indicate with a black spot
            rmg.Release();                                                          //Dispose of the FastBitmap
            pBox.Refresh();                                                         //Force the box to refresh image

            MessageBox.Show("" + (Tick02 - Tick01) + "\n" + (Tick03 - Tick02) +
                            "\n" + (Tick() - Tick03));                                //  *debug* display timer result