private ClaimsPrincipal ValidateSignature(string accessToken, IdentityModel.Jwk.JsonWebKey cnf, JwtSecurityTokenHandler handler, TokenValidationParameters parameters)
            if (parameters.RequireSignedTokens)
                // read keys from provider information
                var keys = new List <SecurityKey>();

                // todo: only supports RSA keys right now
                if (cnf.E.IsPresent() && cnf.N.IsPresent())
                    var e = Base64Url.Decode(cnf.E);
                    var n = Base64Url.Decode(cnf.N);

                    var key = new RsaSecurityKey(new RSAParameters {
                        Exponent = e, Modulus = n
                    key.KeyId = cnf.Kid;


                    _logger.LogDebug("Added signing key with kid: {kid}", key?.KeyId ?? "not set");
                    _logger.LogDebug("Signing key with kid: {kid} currently not supported", cnf.Kid ?? "not set");

                parameters.IssuerSigningKeys = keys;

            SecurityToken token;

            return(handler.ValidateToken(accessToken, parameters, out token));
        public async Task <JsonWebKey> GetAsync()
            if (_jwk == null)
                var keyBundle = await GetSigningKeyAsync();

                _keyBundle     = keyBundle;
                _keyIdentifier = keyBundle.KeyIdentifier;
                _jwk           = new JsonWebKey(keyBundle.Key.ToString());
        public async Task <IEnumerable <JsonWebKey> > GetAllAsync()
            if (_jwks == null)
                _jwks = new List <JsonWebKey>();
                var keyBundles = await GetKeyBundleVersionsAsync();

                var query = from item in keyBundles
                            where item.Attributes.Enabled != null && (bool)item.Attributes.Enabled
                            select item;
                keyBundles = query.ToList();
                foreach (var keyBundle in keyBundles)
                    var jwk = new JsonWebKey(keyBundle.Key.ToString());
Example #4
        public static IdentityModel.Jwk.JsonWebKeySet CreateKeySet(RsaSecurityKey key)
            var parameters = key.Rsa?.ExportParameters(false) ?? key.Parameters;
            var exponent   = Base64Url.Encode(parameters.Exponent);
            var modulus    = Base64Url.Encode(parameters.Modulus);

            var webKey = new IdentityModel.Jwk.JsonWebKey
                Kty = "RSA",
                Use = "sig",
                Kid = key.KeyId,
                E   = exponent,
                N   = modulus,

            var set = new IdentityModel.Jwk.JsonWebKeySet();
