/// <summary>
        ///     This function handles unsupported features by <see cref="Regen.Flee"/> evaluator by creating temporary
        ///     variables or even changing the type of expression.
        /// </summary>
        /// <remarks>
        /// Because flee does not support arrays, we temporarly store any parsed array
        /// into a variable and then just pass the variable name, letting Regen just fetch it
        /// and pass it around.
        public Expression HandleUnsupported(Expression expr, List <TemporaryVariable> temps, Type caller = null)
            //todo after we support dictionaries, add support here
            switch (expr)
            case NullIdentity _:
            case CharLiteral _:
            case NumberLiteral _:
            case StringLiteral _:
            case BooleanLiteral _:
            case StringIdentity _:
            case ReferenceIdentity _:
            case EmptyExpression _:

            case ArgumentsExpression argumentsExpression: {
                for (var i = 0; i < argumentsExpression.Arguments.Length; i++)
                    argumentsExpression.Arguments[i] = HandleUnsupported(argumentsExpression.Arguments[i], temps, typeof(ArgumentsExpression));


            case ArrayExpression arrayExpression: {
                for (var i = 0; i < arrayExpression.Values.Length; i++)
                    arrayExpression.Values[i] = HandleUnsupported(arrayExpression.Values[i], temps, typeof(ArrayExpression));

                var parsedArray = Compute(arrayExpression, temps, typeof(ArrayExpression));
                var temp        = new TemporaryVariable(Context, parsedArray);
                //todo this might lead to memory leaks!
                //if (caller == typeof(RegenCompiler)) { //if this is the first expression that is being parsed
                //    temp.MarkPermanent();

            case IndexerCallExpression indexerCallExpression: {
                indexerCallExpression.Left      = HandleUnsupported(indexerCallExpression.Left, temps, typeof(IndexerCallExpression));
                indexerCallExpression.Arguments = (ArgumentsExpression)HandleUnsupported(indexerCallExpression.Arguments, temps, typeof(IndexerCallExpression));

            case CallExpression callExpression: {
                callExpression.FunctionName = HandleUnsupported(callExpression.FunctionName, temps, typeof(CallExpression));
                callExpression.Arguments    = (ArgumentsExpression)HandleUnsupported(callExpression.Arguments, temps, typeof(CallExpression));

            case IdentityExpression identityExpression: {
                //here we turn any string literal into a reference to a variable.
                //if theres no such variable, we assume it is for a functionname of property.
                if (identityExpression.Identity is StringIdentity sr)
                    if (Context.Variables.ContainsKey(sr.Name))
                        return(new IdentityExpression(ReferenceIdentity.Wrap(sr)));

                identityExpression.Identity = HandleUnsupported(identityExpression.Identity, temps, caller ?? typeof(IdentityExpression));

            case HashtagReferenceExpression hashtagReference: {
                var key = $"__{hashtagReference.Number}__";
                return(new IdentityExpression(new ReferenceIdentity(key, new RegexResult()
                        Value = key, Index = hashtagReference.Matches().First().Index, Length = 1 + hashtagReference.Number.Length

            case GroupExpression groupExpression:
                groupExpression.InnerExpression = HandleUnsupported(groupExpression.InnerExpression, temps, caller ?? typeof(GroupExpression));

            case PropertyIdentity propertyIdentity:
                //todo maybe here we parse Left, store and push? but first invalidate that it is not just a name.
                propertyIdentity.Left  = HandleUnsupported(propertyIdentity.Left, temps, caller ?? typeof(PropertyIdentity));
                propertyIdentity.Right = HandleUnsupported(propertyIdentity.Right, temps, caller ?? typeof(PropertyIdentity));

            case KeyValueExpression keyValueExpression:
                keyValueExpression.Key   = HandleUnsupported(keyValueExpression.Key, temps, typeof(KeyValueExpression));
                keyValueExpression.Value = HandleUnsupported(keyValueExpression.Value, temps, typeof(KeyValueExpression));

            case NewExpression newExpression:
                newExpression.Constructor = HandleUnsupported(newExpression.Constructor, temps, typeof(NewExpression));

            case LeftOperatorExpression leftOperatorExpression:
                leftOperatorExpression.Right = HandleUnsupported(leftOperatorExpression.Right, temps, typeof(LeftOperatorExpression));

            case OperatorExpression operatorExpression:
                operatorExpression.Left  = HandleUnsupported(operatorExpression.Left, temps, typeof(OperatorExpression));
                operatorExpression.Right = HandleUnsupported(operatorExpression.Right, temps, typeof(OperatorExpression));

            case RightOperatorExpression rightOperatorExpression:
                rightOperatorExpression.Left = HandleUnsupported(rightOperatorExpression.Left, temps, typeof(RightOperatorExpression));

            case ThrowExpression throwExpression:
                throwExpression.Right = HandleUnsupported(throwExpression.Right, temps, typeof(ThrowExpression));

            case ForeachExpression foreachExpression:
            case ImportExpression importExpression:
            case InteractableExpression interactableExpression:
            case VariableDeclarationExpression variableExpression:
                throw new NotSupportedException(); //todo support? this should be found in an expression. it is a higher level expression

            case Identity identity:                //this is an abstract class.
                throw new NotSupportedException();

                throw new NotImplementedException();
        /// <summary>
        ///     Perform the evaluation or translate <see cref="Expression"/> into a variable for later use in computation.
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns></returns>
        private Data Compute(Expression expression, List <TemporaryVariable> temps, Type _caller = null)
            return(_eval(expression, _caller));

            Data _eval(Expression express, Type caller = null)
                switch (express)
                case null:
                    throw new NullReferenceException();

                case ArgumentsExpression argumentsExpression: {
                    var arr = new Array();
                    foreach (var expr in argumentsExpression.Arguments)


                case ArrayExpression arrayExpression: {
                    var arr = new Array();
                    foreach (var expr in arrayExpression.Values)


                case NumberLiteral numberLiteral: {
                    return(new NumberScalar(_evaluate(numberLiteral.Value)));

                case BooleanLiteral booleanLiteral: {
                    return(new BoolScalar(booleanLiteral.Value));

                case CharLiteral charLiteral: {
                    return(new StringScalar(charLiteral.Value.ToString()));

                case NullIdentity nullIdentity: {

                case StringLiteral stringLiteral: {
                    return(new StringScalar(stringLiteral.Value));

                case KeyValueExpression keyValueExpression: {
                    //todo create a KeyValue regen data type.
                    return(new NetObject(new KeyValuePair <object, object>(_eval(keyValueExpression.Key), _eval(keyValueExpression.Value))));

                case EmptyExpression emptyExpression: {

                case ForeachExpression foreachExpression: {

                case GroupExpression groupExpression: {

                case ReferenceIdentity referenceIdentity: {
                    if (!Context.Variables.ContainsKey(referenceIdentity.Name))
                        return(new ReferenceData(referenceIdentity.Name));

                    if (!Context.Variables.TryGetValue(referenceIdentity.Name, out var value, true))
                        throw new Exception("This should never occur.");

                    //if it is not a reference, make one.
                    if (!(value is ReferenceData))
                        return(new ReferenceData(referenceIdentity.Name));


                case PropertyIdentity propertyIdentity: {
                    TemporaryVariable tmp = null;
                    var left = _eval(propertyIdentity.Left);

                    if (left is ReferenceData rf)
                        var right = new PropertyIdentity(IdentityExpression.WrapVariable(rf.EmitExpressive()), propertyIdentity.Right).AsString();


                    //not reference
                    using (tmp = new TemporaryVariable(Context, left is NetObject no ? no.Value : left)) {

                    using (var var = new TemporaryVariable(Context, left is NetObject no ? no.Value : left)) {
                        var right = new PropertyIdentity(IdentityExpression.WrapVariable(var.Name), propertyIdentity.Right).AsString();


                case StringIdentity stringIdentity: {
                    return(new ReferenceData(stringIdentity.Name));

                case IdentityExpression identityExpression: {
                    return(_eval(identityExpression.Identity, caller));    //todo test

                case Identity identity: {
                    throw new NotSupportedException();

                case CallExpression callExpression: {
                    var left = _eval(callExpression.FunctionName, typeof(CallExpression));
                    var args = (Array)_eval(callExpression.Arguments);

                    if (left is NetObject || left is Array || left is Dictionary)
                        goto _storing;
                    //try regular parsing:

                    try {
                        var parsed = $"{left.Emit()}({args.Select(arg => arg.EmitExpressive()).StringJoin(", ")})";
                    } catch (ExpressionCompileException e) when(e.InnerException?.Message.Contains("FunctionCallElement: Could find not function") ?? false)
                    } catch (ExpressionCompileException) { }

_storing:           //try storing left as variable
                    using (var var = new TemporaryVariable(Context, left is NetObject no ? no.Value : left)) {
                        var parsed = $"{var.Name}({args.Select(arg => arg.EmitExpressive()).StringJoin(", ")})";

                case IndexerCallExpression indexerCallExpression: {
                    var left = Data.Create(_eval(indexerCallExpression.Left, typeof(IndexerCallExpression)));
                    var args = (Array)_eval(indexerCallExpression.Arguments);

                    if (left is NetObject || left is Array || left is Dictionary)
                        goto _storing;
                    //try regular parsing:
                    try {
                        var parsed = $"{left.Emit()}[{args.Select(arg => arg.EmitExpressive()).StringJoin(", ")}]";
                    } catch (ExpressionCompileException) { }

_storing:           //try storing left as variable
                    using (var var = new TemporaryVariable(Context, left is NetObject no ? no.Value : left)) {
                        var parsed = $"{var.Name}[{args.Select(arg => arg.EmitExpressive()).StringJoin(", ")}]";

                case NewExpression newExpression: {
                    //todo new

                case LeftOperatorExpression leftOperatorExpression: {
                    foreach (var e in leftOperatorExpression.Iterate())
                        if (e is ArrayExpression)
                            throw new NotSupportedException("Unable to compile a nested array, please define it in a variable first.");

                    //todo BuiltinTests.len fails here because we do not expand left or right. we should.

                case OperatorExpression operatorExpression: {
                    foreach (var e in operatorExpression.Iterate())
                        if (e is ArrayExpression)
                            throw new NotSupportedException("Unable to compile a nested array, please define it in a variable first.");

                    //todo BuiltinTests.len fails here because we do not expand left or right. we should.


                case RightOperatorExpression rightOperatorExpression: {
                    foreach (var e in rightOperatorExpression.Iterate())
                        if (e is ArrayExpression)
                            throw new NotSupportedException("Unable to compile a nested array, please define it in a variable first.");

                    //todo BuiltinTests.len fails here because we do not expand left or right. we should.

                case ThrowExpression throwExpression: {

                case VariableDeclarationExpression variableExpression: {
                    var name = Data.Create(_eval(variableExpression.Name));
                    if (name.GetType() != typeof(StringScalar))
                        throw new NotSupportedException("Variable names can contain only _azAZ0-9");
                    var value = Data.Create(_eval(variableExpression.Right));
                    Context.Variables[name.ToString()] = value;
