Example #1
        public async void ChangeVote(int?id)
            IdeaVote ideaVote = await db.IdeaVotes.FindAsync(id);

            ideaVote.upVote          = !ideaVote.upVote;
            db.Entry(ideaVote).State = EntityState.Modified;
            await db.SaveChangesAsync();
        public async Task <ActionResult> DeleteConfirmed(int id)
            IdeaVote ideaVote = await db.IdeaVotes.FindAsync(id);

            await db.SaveChangesAsync();

        public async Task <ActionResult> Edit([Bind(Include = "VoteID,UserID,upVote,CreationDate,SolutionID")] IdeaVote ideaVote)
            if (ModelState.IsValid)
                db.Entry(ideaVote).State = EntityState.Modified;
                await db.SaveChangesAsync();

            ViewBag.SolutionID = new SelectList(db.Ideas, "IdeaID", "UserID", ideaVote.SolutionID);
Example #4
        //Void call to the server, validation of unique user will be done on the front end
        public async void UserVoteWithoutReload(Idea theIdea, bool theVote)
            IdeaVote newIdeaVote = new IdeaVote();

            newIdeaVote.UserID       = User.Identity.Name;
            newIdeaVote.upVote       = theVote;
            newIdeaVote.CreationDate = DateTime.Now;
            newIdeaVote.Idea         = theIdea;
            newIdeaVote.SolutionID   = theIdea.ChannelID;
            newIdeaVote.VoteID       = db.IdeaVotes.Count() + 1;
            await db.SaveChangesAsync();
        // GET: IdeaVotes/Details/5
        public async Task <ActionResult> Details(int?id)
            if (id == null)
                return(new HttpStatusCodeResult(HttpStatusCode.BadRequest));
            IdeaVote ideaVote = await db.IdeaVotes.FindAsync(id);

            if (ideaVote == null)
        // GET: IdeaVotes/Edit/5
        public async Task <ActionResult> Edit(int?id)
            if (id == null)
                return(new HttpStatusCodeResult(HttpStatusCode.BadRequest));
            IdeaVote ideaVote = await db.IdeaVotes.FindAsync(id);

            if (ideaVote == null)
            ViewBag.SolutionID = new SelectList(db.Ideas, "IdeaID", "UserID", ideaVote.SolutionID);
Example #7
        /// <summary>
        /// Cast a vote on the specified idea, replacing any previous vote by the included voter. The incoming JSON
        /// must include a boolean "promote" field and an int "id" field within a People object named "voter" that
        /// is true if the voter is promoting this idea, or false if the voter is demoting it. This requires elevated
        /// permissions if the requester does not match the voter.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="contentID">The ID of the content object for which to cast an idea vote</param>
        /// <param name="idea_vote">The vote entity containing the promote field where true is promoting and false is demoting (assumed to be false if not present), and the voter's id within the voter field</param>
        public void CreateVote(int contentID, IdeaVote idea_vote)
            string url = ideaVotesUrl;

            url += "/" + contentID.ToString();

            // Jive only looks at the authorization when creating the vote, not the voter passed in the json.
            // Because of this, we use RunAs() and forget about most of the json.
            // This entire function couldn't be run in a RunAs because it doesn't return anything and Func<T>
            // must have a return type.
            string json = "{\"promote\":" + (idea_vote.promote ? "true" : "false") + "}";

                RunAs(idea_vote.voter.id, () => PostAbsolute(url, json));
            catch (HttpException e)
                switch (e.GetHttpCode())
                case 400:
                    throw new HttpException(e.WebEventCode, "If any input field is malformed, or the ID does not specify an idea", e);

                case 403:
                    throw new HttpException(e.WebEventCode, "If you are not allowed to access the specified content object", e);

                case 404:
                    throw new HttpException(e.WebEventCode, "If the specified content object does not exist", e);

                case 409:
                    throw new HttpException(e.WebEventCode, "You attempted to vote on an issue for which voting has been disabled", e);

                case 410:
                    throw new HttpException(e.WebEventCode, "If this Jive instance is not licensed for the Ideation module", e);

                case 500:
                    throw new HttpException(e.WebEventCode, "If there was an internal server error", e);


        /// <summary>
        /// Cast a vote on the specified idea, replacing any previous vote by the requesting person. The incoming JSON must include a boolean "promote" field
        /// that is true if the requestor is promoting this idea, or false if the requestor is demoting it.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="contentID">The ID of the content object for which to cast a "promote" vote</param>
        /// <param name="idea_vote">The vote entity containing the promote field (assumed to be true if not present)</param>
        public void CreateVote(int contentID, IdeaVote idea_vote)
            string url = ideaVotesUrl;

            url += "/" + contentID.ToString();

            string json = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(idea_vote, new JsonSerializerSettings {
                NullValueHandling = NullValueHandling.Ignore

                PostAbsolute(url, json);
            catch (HttpException e)
                switch (e.GetHttpCode())
                case 400:
                    throw new HttpException(e.WebEventCode, "If any input field is malformed, or the ID does not specify an idea", e);

                case 403:
                    throw new HttpException(e.WebEventCode, "If you are not allowed to access the specified content object", e);

                case 404:
                    throw new HttpException(e.WebEventCode, "If the specified content object does not exist", e);

                case 409:
                    throw new HttpException(e.WebEventCode, "You attempted to vote on an issue for which voting has been disabled", e);

                case 410:
                    throw new HttpException(e.WebEventCode, "If this Jive instance is not licensed for the Ideation module", e);

Example #9
        private void SeedIdeas(ApplicationDbContext context)
            if (context.Ideas.Any())

            var ideaTitles = new string[]
                "XNA 5",
                "Allow .NET games on Xbox One",
                "Support web.config style Transforms on any file in any project type",
                "Bring back Macros",
                "Open source Silverlight",
                "Native DirectX 11 support for WPF",
                "Make WPF open-source and accept pull-requests from the community",
                "Fix 260 character file name length limitation",
                "Support for ES6 modules",
                "Create a remove all remnants of Visual Studio from your system program.",
                "Support .NET Builds without requiring Visual Studio on the server",
                "VS IDE should support file patterns in project files",
                "Improve WPF performance",
                "T4 editing",
                "Visual Studio for Mac Os x"

            var ideaDescriptions = new string[]
                "Please continue to work on XNA. It's a great way for indie game developers like myself to make games and give them to the world. XNA gave us the ability to put our games, easily, on the most popular platforms, and to just dump XNA would be therefor heartbreaking... I implore you to keep working on XNA so we C# developers can still make amazing games!",
                @"Yesterday was announced that Xbox One will allow indie developer to easily publish games on Xbox One.

Lots of indie developers and small game company are using .NET to develop games.Today, we are able to easily target several Windows platforms(Windows Desktop, Windows RT and Windows Phone 8) as well as other platforms thanks to Mono from Xamarin.

As we don't know yet the details about this indie developer program for Xbox One, we would love to use .NET on this platform - with everything accessible, from latest 4.5 with async, to unsafe code and native code access through DLLImport (and not only through WinRT components)

Please make .NET a compelling game development alternative on Xbox One!",
                @"Web.config Transforms offer a great way to handle environment-specific settings. XML and other files frequently warrant similar changes when building for development (Debug), SIT, UAT, and production (Release). It is easy to create additional build configurations to support multiple environments via transforms. Unfortunately, not everything can be handled in web.config files many settings need to be changed in xml or other config files.

Also, this functionality is needed in other project types - most notably SharePoint 2010 projects.",
                @"I am amazed you've decided to remove Macros from Visual Studio. Not only are they useful for general programming, but they're a great way to be introduced to the Visual Studio APIs.

If you are unwilling to put in the development time towards them, please release the source code and let the community maintain it as an extension.",
                @"Blog post at http://davidburela.wordpress.com/2013/11/22/is-it-time-to-open-source-silverlight/

For all intents and purposes Microsoft now views Silverlight as “Done”. While it is no longer in active development it is still being “supported” through to 2021 (source).

However there is still a section of the .Net community that would like to see further development done on the Silverlight framework. A quick look at some common request lists brings up the following stats:

* 5,720+ votes to release Silverlight 6 https://visualstudio.uservoice.com/forums/121579-visual-studio/suggestions/3556619-silverlight-6
* Feature requests for Silverlight http://dotnet.uservoice.com/forums/4325-silverlight-feature-suggestions
* Microsoft connect list of active Silverlight feature requests: http://connect.microsoft.com/VisualStudio/SearchResults.aspx?KeywordSearchIn=2&SearchQuery=%22silverlight%22&FeedbackType=2&Status=1&Scope=0&SortOrder=10&TabView=1
Rather than letting Silverlight decay in a locked up source control in the Microsoft vaults, I call on them to instead release it into the hands of the community to see what they can build with it. Microsoft may no longer have a long term vision for it, but the community itself may find ways to extend it in ways Microsoft didn’t envision.
Earlier this year Microsoft open sourced RIA Services on Outer Curve http://www.outercurve.org/Galleries/ASPNETOpenSourceGallery/OpenRIAServices, it would be great to see this extended to the entire Silverlight framework.",
                @"in 2013 WPF still work on DX9, and this have a lot of inconvenience. First of all it is almost impossible to make interaction with native DX11 C++ and WPF. Axisting D3DImage class support only DX 9, but not higher and for now it is a lot of pain to attach DX 11 engine to WPF.

Please, make nativa support for DX 11 in WOF by default and update D3DImage class to have possibility to work with nativa C++ DX 11 engine and make render directly to WPF control (controls) without pain with C++ dll.",
                @"Please follow the footsteps of the ASP .NET team and make WPF open-source with the source code on GitHub, and accept pull-requests from the community.",
                @"Same description as here:

                @"Add support for the new JavaScript ES6 module syntax, including module definition and imports.",
                @"I'm writing this on behalf of the thousands of other Visual Studio users out there who have had nightmares trying to uninstall previous versions of VS. Thus cumulatively losing hundreds of thousands of productive work hours.",
                @"To build certain PCL libraries and libraries for Windows 8 RT requires having Visual Studio on the server.

Nick Berardi writes about a workaround that allows running a build server without VS, but it's really just a workaround for functionality that should be easy.

Not to mention there's probably licensing considerations we're just ignoring by doing that.


Please make it easy (and legal) to build .NET projects on a server without requiring a Visual Studio installation (or license) on that server.",
                @"Patterns should be preserved and unmodified when working with *proj files. If I specify a pattern with something like **/*.cs for my code files. If I add a new .cs file that fits that pattern the .csproj file should not be modified.

MSBuild already respects this, but the IDE will always modify the project file.

For numerous scenarios this could simplify the diff / merge process.",
                @"I have a high end PC and still WPF is not always fluent. Just compare it with QT 4.6 QML (Declarative UI) it is sooo FAST!",
                @"T4 is no longer just a tool used internally by VS, but is being increasingly used by developers for code generation. It would be great to have syntax highlighting, intellisense etc. out of the box.

I appreciate this is probably more of a Visual Studio feature request than an ASP.NET one, but as T4 is used a lot within ASP.NET projects, particularly MVC ones, I figure it's worth a mention.",
                @"Dear Madam and sir;

We need Full Version of Visual Studio for Mac Os x.
And language of programming such as:



            var ideas = new List <Idea>();

            for (int i = 0; i < 15; i++)
                var idea = new Idea()
                    Description = ideaDescriptions[i],
                    Title       = ideaTitles[i],
                    UserIp      = GetRandomIp()

                for (int j = 0; j < 10; j++)
                    var comment = new Comment()
                        Content = $"comment{j}",
                        Email   = $"anonymous{j}@site.com",
                        UserIp  = GetRandomIp(),


                for (int k = 0; k < 100; k++)
                    var vote = new IdeaVote()
                        VotePoints = rand.Next(1, 4),
                        UserIp     = GetRandomIp(),


