private void uxAddInjWell_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
                int id;
                if (!int.TryParse(uxId.Text, out id))
                    throw new Exception("ID can only be an integer value.");

                var    spudDate        = uxSpudDate.Value;
                string wellPadLocation = uxWellPads.Text;
                int    wellPadId       = (int)uxWellPads.SelectedValue;

                // Get relevant well pad
                var relevantWellPad = _wellPadHandler.WellPadsCollection
                                      .SingleOrDefault(wp => wp.Location == wellPadLocation && wp.Id == wellPadId);

                // Validate ID is unique
                IdValidator.ValidateInjectionWellId(relevantWellPad.Wells, id);

                // Create injection well object
                var injWell = (InjectionWell)WellFactory.Instance.InitializeWell(SubWellTypes.InjectionWell);
                injWell.Id        = id;
                injWell.SpudDate  = spudDate;
                injWell.WaterType = (WaterType)uxWaterType.SelectedValue;

                // Insert it to the IWell collection of the relevant well pad

                // This inj well is already added to the relevant well pad. So persist to file

                uxId.Text = "";
            catch (Exception Ex)